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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Kidnapping A Free...

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[The fbllowing statement of a gross outrage upon a colored man, perpet rated in thi? Statr, hos been forvvarded to us for publication. Our only knowledge of the fncfa is frotn this nnrrative of onr correspondent. - Shoold it prove inaccurate in any respect, we will make the requitsite corrections. As we understand that a judicial nvcsiigation of the circumstancea has been nced, we forbenr comment for llie present .] On the 5th November ñwtant, Samuel Bowles, a free colored mm, ngeá bout Iwen tv-five years, a üyht colort-d mulatto, wüs Kidnapped at Liertien, iti ns coumy. The acts are as follows:- owles wi Hu' icook 011 board the Sieam Boal Aliimn, which runsbetween St. J.isèph and Nife. While the boni was at Si. Josepli, one Samuel S. duw, formerly of Niles, but now of St. J.ouis, Missouri, come on board MiJ feil into coveration with Bowles, inquired li is n;ime, Sec. nn(] drew fjom him suc'j lacts us lie wi.hi;d. üf the the 4 h instant, Gunü, wl.o had come te liirrifiJ, applied to Jucob SatlT, a Justice ol the Peace at tint place, privately, fur u war rant for Bowles, stiitinj thai he wns a runaïvay sluis. Stal Ier benig ihen etigagod, coul( not attfiid to the nppllcoiion till tlie i.ext day On the nevt diiv, the &tl instunt. CJunn ti,'ancalled o Stotler, with wliut he called n blank warrant . Il wus in fact o mere frand, and intended only as a cover for Gunn lo kidnap bis victim. VVegive belcm a copy of this preipnded warrant, in order to set thid imqilïty in its truc lighL The icarrant s a followe: - Sta e of, ? g Cötiiity of Berrien, $ To tlie Sheriff or any Constable of sa d CouiU y G reet ing. In the name if the I'iople ÖF thoStntc of Michigan: Yn are lieroby coininuuded to tukt: the body ol" Samuel líiwlcs, a nitilatlo and fiiilive Iruin jiiátiec, f lie is to bo tonnd in yyif( county, mul liim snfely keep ll"''l ''e ,!i:ill b! íehiandoíJ by Samuel S. GuViiiJ aeni lor Samuel Black: and dn wh ilcfháñd you ure te delivor the ud lnrtive u ilie aiil iSiiimiel S. Gunn, in hi yi.injr ou liis icccipt for lid fnnritive, Givfin unilc?r mv liüiid the Oth tl y of j temberj A. D. I8'l.r. JACOB SPATLKR, J nst ice oí t lie l'c-acc. Tpn coniec the followipg nccipt on tlic warrant: - Rcceived the body of the above nnmed Snm iel frotn tlie hand of J. W iMcnmyer, Sheriff. SAMUEL S. GUNN. Kdv. 0 A. D. 18 10. It ivill be nolicod tliat tbis receipt i in tho hand writingot' J. JFillcninyer, the iSkerij}'- but signed by Gunn. On tlie back óf the (varront is this pnnrnntv, also in the hand writirig of Wiiten.nyer: 1, Samuel S. Gunn, do herchy b ml myself to indemnify and keep hnim ss fnun all riauin ges and coste v Inch ShcritT Wittenmyer niav};iy himsell jniule to, hy t lic s.ervinr tliis vviui ín wnt as commaiidcd witliin. SAMUHL S. GUNiW Bcrricn, November 5, 1845. Tliis return is also on the back of the writ : I do liereby eeriify that 1 Imve duly fcer'viïd the witliin writ npon the body of' llie wïthin nnmed Samuel Bowlen, and have hini now bc fore the cou rt. J . W ITTEN M YER, Nov. 0, 13 ïr. Sheriff. Tlie Sheriff, urrwed with tliis waarrnnt, went to the boat whore Bowles was, and sta' cd lo him that he tvisliüd him "ff go to the office" - thnl he hnd a waríant for hir,- but had no yet rend it and Jid not know what it wns for furtlier than it had some relation to som'' goods 6t a matter that concerned some of the boatftien. That he, Bowles, could come back in a shorl time. Bowles wnnt with the Sheriff wil Jinjly - no?, however, to the Sheriff'e office tut to the jaü. On their arrival there, th Sherifl, handed Bowles oVer to tlie jailer. - Gunn, being eitlier in attendance, or veryeoo aftcrwards coming to tho juil, 6tated thntjli "icanled a room,1' lo confine Uowles in for th night; and nsked Bowles where liis cloMic were. Bowles at tliis time began to sho eome reluetance ns to bcing locked up for th night, at the same time attempting to tri him up. the Sheriff, interposec and told Bowlen not to strike Gunn, sayin fiIhave the diargc of you." Gunn at thsame time saying lo the Jailer, "lake him alone; - thcre is no use of talking to him." - Bowles waa tlicn locked up in o cell. On leaving the jai), after Bowles was locked inthe ccll, Gunn rcquested the jailer "o say nnthing of the maller f or f car it would be noised ct Iroad.'' The jailer, fenring all was aot right, made the matter known to counsel, who come and eaw the Jailer and Bowlrs about midnight. -The counsel stipposed the wholc matter vvould be investigared the ne.vt mornin. Previous to leaving the jail, Gunn informed the jtiiler thalhc would cali lor Bowles at 3 o'clock in the morning. Gunn wiih Wittenmj'er then went to the Boatand demnnded and took oway ihe Inmk of Bowle. Gunn nfierwards offered to sell the trunk to VVittenmyer, who offered him $2 for it. Gunn replied, tliat s too little, ond the negotintion ended. On the morning of llie Gth Novenjber, nt ubout 5 o'clock, Gunn came to the jail, obtnined hand cujfs and fetters, from ihe jiiler, and put them ou the wrists and ancles of, Bowles, who was then plnced in a wagon, closely covered, nnd driven off. At the time of leaving1 the jail, Gunn spoke in a loud voice intended to be heard by the Jailer nnd nl! present, that he would return that night from St. Joseph. fhe wagon witii Gunn, Bowles nnd the tenmater Defield, was then driven off in the dircction of St. Joseph. The couree was eoon changed nml thenearest rood for the Indiana line was taken, passing by M'Coy's creek fo IIniilton in the State nf Indiana, tlience to Lnporle, and Door vilhge. It was near noon of the Gth November, before the newd of tho kidnapping was brought tn Niles. A writ of Ilubeas Corpus was at once obtained, and also a warrant for Gum Ihe kidnnpper, nnd nn ofïïcor deppalcbed to St. Jo eeph, where it vvns yet supposed Gunn had laken Uowles. This mistak? was notknown at Nileti, until the officer rettimed from Berrien, where he learned the true direction Gunn tiud tnkon. VVhcn this was known at Niles, it was about 7 o'clock in the evening. Mr. John Orr, of Niles, a young and energetic man, was niounfed on a good lio'reë, and sent in pursuit of the kidnapper. U was now near 8 o'clock. In order to niüke more efficiënt pursuit, VViliiütn P. Rcese, ilsoof Niles, was de.spatched, with the iiitenti.m of ovrrtaking Orr, nnd apfisliflg him. Altliough Mr. Orr bad (iiily three quartcrs of an hour llietatart of e, yct so wpll did Ue S.eed bis way that he h wl rodo about 20 miles on the road to Ló porte, before hc yoa overtnken by Reese. Tho two pti4r uiers now rude on together, mak'nor inquiries lor the furitive, but, geiting no intclligenre of him. Stil! tliey rode forwnrd vigoriMii-ly. Thoy pnssed Ln porte, lite in the ïiicrht, scpíhjj no one of whom to inq'iiie. Knowiiitr tiiat Gunn must have passe(by t lie Door Miloze on liuswoyio juiieuii) tho State of Illinois, lly rode tnere. and actuilly pnssei) Gvinn und Bowles at Daor vil- Incr1. The piirsuer.s rode nbout fout milea bevond thé village, una ut ihe da:vn of d;iy halled to rr-fresli t lieír horeei, afier ridii:g thirtynine miles, fiere tlioy óbtained tlioir first intPlKge'rice of Gunn ond B.mvícp, from tvvo pedtllers, who luid sl;id all t'ÏL'lit nt the samp house. The vvnrin witn Gun nnd Bowlrs snap oaine in i-iglit, ppd werc met by Orr nncl Reeso, vl;o stojiped lliem. on the road. The threats and comi)Iaints of Gunn were unheedet', ürr lelt R'jese to detain thcni, wlulc he went 10 a nejjrhbnring Jnstice ol" the Peace, and obtaimul a wnrrunl for Gur.n. On inis worran1 Gimn was taken back lo Lnporte, lor exniniriMlioi). On iv.-iching Laporte, a groat cxcitpinent rnsned. Tne pro-slavery msn rallied fbr Giinn. The sluvery mon, quiet, but delormincd, r;illicl for Bolles. It was now tliouo-ht advisable for Mr. Roese to return to NHaS for iissitunce. Counsel and fiiendí, loft Nilee on the morirng of ihe O'h. ant .-starled for Liporte. A new wjarVant wasimw ubtamed for G mn, ond )Kced in the lmnd-s o ;i Coiistab,Ie wlio n-fuscd or ncglectcd to servo it. Ii i.s Onnéicéíisüry to fiirthor clstail tlisc oc currfiicps. It will fuflïce to sny, ihat Gunn iihscunded, in the cpurse of tie night, secre Hup: himsdf, is is reporttd, in the garrrt oj a huuse. Uowles, on the morning of the 9tl was ser ai large, and on the samo day return■ ed to Nilcs. 'l'oo much praise can not bc awarded t ? Mt-H-rs. Orr and Ueese, whose generoussym pathy nnd love of justice constrained them make the successful exeriion which Uiey did


Signal of Liberty
Old News