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Embezzlement By Attorneys

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We find the following net in a Vermunt aper, approed by the Goverpor of that late, October 29, 1315. Read it, nd judje hei her its provisions aro too eevert, mtd heihcr a similar act would nol bo ppropri te in oor State. "Sec. 1. If in itny nction brought ngaint ny atiorney of the cunty or supremo court, t sliall, nfter judgn ent for thn plaintiffthtrn, bc proved t hr court, befojc wlioin the uit HJiálJ bo trirtl, iliut the dninnges in said tidfinenl werc tbr inoncy liereaftfi rollectd i) the capnciijr )f nu nttorney, it shall be the lufy of the cóUit to ncljndpe that the cau of iClioii arse irom ihe wilful and inalicions tct tr regiect cf tltu deft-ndunt, and thaf the debndnni onglit to be conflned in close jil; ind i.-suc fxccuiion ngainetthe body of the lèfendntit, vvith a cortificaie thereof, stnted in, nr r-ndor-rd uptui etcli fxrcntif n, nnlrM the court sliall bc üatiífied thnt tbr faihireof tich nttorney to pny over the money fo collcctcd, tliall havn been ocensjoned by nccident ani vvithcut the fault of said attoriicy. And such ixeouium. with f-uch endorsement therpon, shall Iwivp the same force and efiect aa in c tions fonndd on tor). Sac. 2. If the plnintiff, prayin? out a writ in ony nction agninst au nUorny, ihall 61e with '.lienuthority ispuing such writ, an affidavit, stnting tliat, the defendant is the receirer of inoiiey collectcd by him, fr the plaintifT, n tho capacity of an attorni'y, which the defendant bas neplected or rcfused to pay over on (Iemand, and tliai liis eaidaciion is instilatea lo recover ihe same- such writ may isuo as nn nttachmnit ojrainst, and ba eerved upon tlie budy of the defendnnt."


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