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In our paper of to day Will be found i comiïiunication from Mr. Aloxandcr, of Ni'es rcspecting the Kidnapping of Bowles; ant p.leo ah crrücle from the Missouri Repórter, giving the pro slavery version of the case. The decisión of tho magistrale of Niles v .'pgard ns most e.xtraordinary. It places the pertonal liberty of evcry citizen at the mercj of every villain who may visnto assiult him Tlie worda of uhe Slatute. (p. 6LS) makes il State Prison offciice to ''forcibly or secre'ly coi.fine or imprisoii a.-:y othci, irithin tliKs Sialo, a;ainst líisvvill,.iilürítc.nt ' to cause sucli per's-jn to be sent out of lliis Siatt agat'nsl his wilt, or tó b& sold as a blnve, or in any waylulil to service a%atnst his will.'1 Tho Stalule is hroad enough and only net'ds to be enforeed t& bring every ofibnder t. ju tice. Had Jiidge Fêlch or Gen. Cass been ubductcd in themanner thul Boules the mulatto was, the plea of na bad intentiun would have nvailed the offenders but little. The circumelances of the íñjured peiton tnule a world of difference in obtüining justice. The Tocsin, a I)emocratjc paper of Indinnn, has publishcd tfie narrative of Ule trans-actiori, with c .mments ivhich do honor to the editor as an independent mm. We hope the requisite letl etrps wil! bo taken for the surre)der of Gunn, as a fugjtive from justice. The SJnveholders should be taught thai our laws are nol to be trampled on vvüii impuni'v. itA fire broko ont on the evening of the 30 lh uit. in tlie dwelling of Judge Thompson. Aè the w'ind was stil), the fire cotupamcs an citlzena were enabled to subduo the f5re in short time. We undertstand tDat the fnmi ture and windows were considerabiy damngec in the tliempt lo remove them.