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J. HOLMES &, CO., WHOLESALE AND RETA1L DEALERS IN STAPLE AND KANCY DIIY GO O DS, ön Groccries, Carpclingr 'and paper JBInigingsy !Vo. 63 Wood&ard Avenue, Lamed' Btock, Detroit. j hoi.mks. New York. ï s . holmes, Detroit, y WE tnke thismethod of i nforming our fricndsand ciisioiners throughoui the State, ve nre mili purauing tho even tenor ol our vt.ys, endenvoring to do O Ui business upon hü? md honoral)le principies. We would nlo tenIer our ncknowlcdgments for the patronage CX' ended to us by our customers, nnd would bcg euve to cali the nttention of the public to a veiy well fo'.cctel npsortment of stosonnblc Gooda whieh nre oflered nt wholesale or retail nt ver Ij iv prices. Onr Inciüiies lor pvrchasing Goods nre unsurpnssed by ony concern in tin1 State - Onft of tlic lirm. Mr. J. Holmes resides in the tc;y of New York, ond from hi long experienco in the Johbing tmde in ihnt ci:y. nnd (rom hií ihoroiigh knowlcdie of the mnrket, he is enQ" blod 10 ovnil hiniself of tho ntictiona nnJi any decline in priers. We also purchnse from ttio' ttoponárt', Mnnufacturer's Agente, nnd ftom the microns, by t!io (sékagfli the same ns N. Y. Johlier? purchiipe. thue euvihg their profits. - Wiili these fncilitieawe can saíely sny thnl onr Goods oid chwp for the evidence of which we invite the atieniion of the public toom tock. V.: bo!d t llie C'eat cnrdinn! principio of "ire greaUtt ?nd '" 'e "-hok numler7" bo if yoi want to biiv Gnods chejip, nnd buy a large piantity or q lUt'e monoy give us a triol. Our stock una exiensive ns any in the city, and we nro constnnlly leccivnig new nnd freeh Uooda froit New York. 50,009 Ibs. Weol. Wantcd, thonbove nantity ol tood merclinnf' no. Woul for wliich the highent tnorket pricewill be paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit. 1845. 214-tf FARM FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE mn lthkr PROPERTY. TUK siilscriii(!r oiTcrs his farm of 60'' Ácreif wiih 12 Ai-res iniprovcd. and n frame honse, sixieen by twen'y fix, wild an addiiion of eight feet on óne sido. Snid farm ís eituiüed in tho town of Concord, Jackson Co., thrce miles north ol Concord villagc. fivo east of AJbion, twelve wral of Jackaon. There n ncvcr.filingtrem ,f water running acroes it. nnd abont 15 Aeree ot f.rst qnality of natural n.eadow. For fnrlhef rmrticulars rnqnire of Bei.j H ivilnnd. or J. N. Swnin of Corfford. or tho subsenber at the Thrashtng Mwliine Shop, Lower Towrt, Anti A'rbor. Term to suit Aa purehaiwr. AnnArbor. T. A. HAVÍLAND. Januarv 19, IB4R. 247 -tf An Apology Í HAVE been fnformeil t!iai it is indufllnouiljr circulaied ir. the hennn of pundry individunla daily, in this villigf. thnt I lmd, in numcroua ïrïstancee, in open dny, irt prwertce of my custohiers nnd othots. in opposiiion to on old etablished custcmi nnd daily continued practfee by other in tho trade. been in the liabit of "sr.txirto; , BooKS too crfr.Ar.' Nw if this is a crime, ï alone must bear it. for the likc cannot bo-ehd intruth ngain8t nny others -n the book trade iW tm villaao. And my apology is. I bought rny boök oheap, conscnuently I enn sell chenp, for réatfy enfih. which I sball continue to do, so long as purchnsprs nre willing tn eave twenty per the line of BooUs and Sthiionery. WM. R. PERRY, Ann Arbor. Upper Village, Jan. 12, 1345. __ Itlank Iceds and IJIort&agre. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.tor wie by KFTKLEY.FOSTER&Co. Marcli20, 1844.