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Frohatc lotice. [N t'ic matter of ihc cátale of Lurenzo ter, deoenscd. In pnrsuance of en order iadc by Hun. Samuel P. Fuller, Judge of , ate for tho county of W'ashtenaw, the following escrihed .rcmifles will l so!d nt llio publ'C ' miso kepi by Moses H. Eggkston, in thevilJjgo f Dexter in said county, on t!m 31st day of anuary next at 1 1 o'clock in the forenoon of jut d-iy. for ihe puriwse of pnving debts doe e om sii'l esiu:c, td ttit : " All thnt ccrinin picco r prcel of lnnd situatcd in tlie village of Di'Xter i the county of Washicnuw and suite of n. knowii nnd described na follows. to wit. l eginninfj nt the southenst corner of lol thincen c i biock onc, iu ihü village of Dexter. and corer of B street, thenco nonh si.xty four degree? c vut tniriy nine feet, ihence n.rth tweiuy s x s rees cast ninoty fcet. ihenco a.nuh tweniy five j egrees cast ighty ciglit fel !ú R street. tlienco ( outli sixiy five dogrecs west to the plflCa of inninü. exci'piins n sninll piece ol' sni'l 1-ind ii:ded to G. W. Gibbs un ih tliirtieth d.iv of" iTnrcli eigliiL-cn hnndrrd nnd iliirty eiuht." The nid iirptnises will lip nff.-rod for snle in parcela. )ued Aun AVbor. Dec. S2. 1845. 4w245 GKO. MÏLES. j Adntinistrator of snid estaic. ILTThe niove snle is poatponcd uniil ihe 9 h l.iy of p'ebmury nc.Tt, at the Ui e lime of iiuy c nd place. , Duted JnnuorySj. ]8iC. GF.O. Mi LES, v Adminislrnior. FLAXSERS). Important lo Farmer, THUE ul)scril)er lina now etceted u Mili for _. ninnufacturing Iinketd Oir.. The lonation if the Milt ie 5 miles norh of Fentonvillc. Gensec Co.. IVlx'li. Thi locálión will occummo ' liitüiho farmers in Gencsec, Lnpeur, Shinsvnssec nd purt of Livngaton nnd Onklnud Couniies. The iJill i.i cnpaMe of griinlin? IO.O0O Lushels if Sced. Anil l hopu to h nble to get thni lahlïiy nnother year. TheFhx Crop is bcev] to be the best ihnt tho fornier enn rniae. - n the State of New York, in Home sectiotvs ( tiich ccknowledged lo bo eíqiñl to nny otlier r inising wlimt. the fi r.ners huve proven by un xperiencc of 3 or 4 yenrs. thnt ilioy enn inüke lote inöoey nt raiuing flax teed ut cue dollar per ushel than tliey can al raising uheat at tho piiea il O'dintríly btinge. 1 t h:ili hnve a qutintitity ol secd renly clenned ir aowing to lurniah those wlio cannot procute leewht-re.i nui tiiii.iaui sten ai une uui nr per iiusiiüi, be delivered nt the Mili next fall or winter. A good assortment of Dry Goods, Groi.erics, rockery, nnd Hardware, and olí the mntcnals rpViniing kept constanily on hnnd. Cnsh paid ni all times lor Flox Seed. D. L. La TOURF.TTE. Lonií Lnke, Dec. 22. 1845. ?4S-8m ITIanlinttan Store. Córner of Jtjf'er son Arenue aud Bates stree', Lttroit. BE sure nnd visit tlie Mnnlinunn Storp when are ninking purchr.seb. The go(ds w'nii-h nu will find thuro are exccllrnt ni quality and cnsonnblc n price. We liac Jood Heavy Shcctingu, Alnpaons, 3i!lng8, MciinaD, Pickings, Rluslin Delaines, 'Jnseys. Cashmuics, Red and white Flannela, Calicds. áaiinciis, Lncc Veils, Pull Cloihs, Grcn Barreijc, 2assnieres, - Gloves, l'c8tnL'8, Hosiery, lirón loloths. Ginphaui8, Shawls. Hibbun9, Linen Caniluic Ildkls. Laces, Scc. &c. .Ve íiatiing. Cotton Ynin, Wickinc, White Carict VVárp', Coloreo1 do. do., Straw Tickinij, Blciiclied Coitors of nll qii.ilitips. Fine unbleach sd Coitons. Burred Muslins, &c. &c. AIbo, FEATHERS and PAPER HANGINGS, Borderinfr. WlnddW paper. Fire board papers, Travsling Baskets. Firs'. rate TEA and COFFEE, &c &c. And oiher nicle: 100 ntimerous to mention. Farmers cnnn't fail of findins iho ManhattHn Store a dosirable place to do their trading. No poins will be 6j)ared in waiting on ctistonicrs and nll are iuvited to cali and examine nur gouds bcfore rñbking their purchnses. While wc nrc confidunt that all wlio e.xnmine our stock will buy, yet we will take no ufience, if a tor showiug uur goods. people chnose lo trade elsewhere. VV. A. RAYMOND. Detroit. Dcc. 25, 1845. 244- CmISOOT9 AND SHOES, AT WHOLESALE. A. C. M'GÏÏAW & CO., WHOLKSALR AND RKTAIL DF.ALF.RS IN I00TS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINOINGS, lornzr of Jejferaon and Waodtcaid Avenues, Detroit. C M'GRAW & CO. would rcspcctfully LX. nfurm ihe Mgrchnnis of Michigan, ilmi i Ucy have opened a WJ1OLESALE IJOOT ND SMOE S TURE, in ihe rorfms over iheir letnil Sure. Smart's Corner. Thcir Ion? ociu;iintnnce witl) the Slioe husmoss, nnd ttie kinds if shoes tliat ure neciled in tlii öinlc. will cnaite liiem to furnish incrchants wilb such slioc; J3 ilioy ncod. on better termft tlian 'hey enn buy in ihö New Yorit niarket, as :ill their goods are !ouht trom fi st hnnds, nnd particular ntUintion is p 1 1 cl 10 tlie selección oi eizes. Detroit, 1CÍ46. 24S-1v