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Great Fire At Vergennes

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By the ar rival óf Virgil & Co.'s ' iress last cvening from the north, we are nformed tli:it a terrible conflngrntiou was rnging at Vergen nes, as the Express ' ■asseed through that cily. The firo i caught on Tue.sday morning nbout 3 i clock, in the extensive jewelry ' ment of Holcomb & Co., and had tlien ' consumed betweon forty and h'fty buildings. The Messrs. Holcomb had, the day previous, mnde urrangements for going to Boston, and had packed into a trunk the large amount of between fifty and sixty thousand dollars - eleven thousand of which was in Vergennes money ; and so sudden was the alarm, that the gentlemen had barely time to escape with their lives, leaving the above large amount of money in the (lames ! Important krom IlAYTi.-By the arrival of the brig Smyrna at Boston, we have intelligence from Ilayti to the 4th inst. A letter of that date in the Boston Post, says: - "Every manhere is a soldier and the whole time is taken up in learning military tactics, in preparation for the march of the whole army against the Spanish part of the Island, that will move on or before the lst of March. Of the tiaylien fleet that left here some two weeks since, for an attack on Port au Platt, four of the five were wrecked in the harbor of ihat place, the other, n very small vessel, escaped. It issupposed tha a great portion of their crews were lost This was a great loss for the Haytiens hut notwithstanding, they are now fitting out a fleet of five or six vessels for the same port. The Warsaw Signal says: - "Two Catholic priests passed through-this plac on Monilay last, on their wny to Nanvoo Their objeüt is to ascertoin tlie parliculn nnturc and amount of property which th Mormons wish to dispose of to their churcl and on what terms it can be bought."Sad Sfate of Society. - The New Or leans Picayune states that the receipts o the bar at the St. Charles Hotel, in tha city, pay the expenses of the entire estac lishment - being in the niiddle of the day at the rate of one hundred dollars nn hour and from six io eight hundred dollurs pc day. Prince Albert, weeee, lias been distrilnting among the poople of Engiimd a pempbjet con tajntüg extracts ofa sprech delivcred bv Dr Bnckland, Professor of Genlogy, at the Tovvi IlalIjBinninglinm, wborrin the proper trent inent o( liie poiüto, undcr existincr circuni -innces=, is set fith. 'Puncli' thinks t woiil hnve been a great deal bet ter, "niiiier existin circumstnncef!,'' to bnve distiibuted the puta loes instead üf the pnmpliluts. We undersland that the d.uighter ofa res pectahie citizen ot Sonthlield, Oakland Cou" ty, hos been inveiIod awny by the Mormon and atiempied to bo conveyed out of tb State, to Nqdvoo and thence to Califojnia.- It amountB to kidnapping, nccording o fiicts wbich have been cunnnunicnted to lis Tbe father has sued out a wnt uf habrás coi pus to recover his clüld, and a criminal war ralil for iho arrest of the princip:;l otlender. - Detroit Dailu Mv.The census of Illinois for 1845 mnkps the populación of that State G4:i,4l!i!- four coiinties to be lienrd frorn. The incrense n tlie last h've years is abmit 200,000, or nearly 50 per cent. Reform. - The Senate of New York havo pas.-ed a bilí throwing open Slie print ing for ihe Lcgislatiire and for the dopirlments and the advertis.og in the St,re paper to contract and to the lowest responsible bidder. The office of Stute printer is nbolislied. The vote stood 20 to 11. 1 he Argus thinka that the Assembly will concur A place for a Schoolmaster. - The two Vice Presidenta whose nnmes are ntlnchcd to the Oregon Memorial, could not writo, nnd therefore ware obüged to 'make their marks' on the document. It looks rnliier odd taspe his mark' attached to u communication sent to Congress. Mississippi.- The Governor has appointed Joseph VV. Chalmers to the seat in the U. S. Senate made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Walker. A heart dead to the claims of man, cannot bc alive to the claims of God: and religión cannot Qoilrish on thoground wherc humanity withers. The Baptist Board of Foreign Missions have officially announced that the ] scriptions necessary to extinguís!) the debt of $40,000 have been completed.A farmer who all along supposcd he wns n citizenof Canada, but who was turncd over to Vertnont by the lato running of the boundary Üue, declnred himself highly sotitficd with the chango, bccause Canada was nhvays a sickly place. ♦ A Good ff'ifi! - Amirrw JohnFon, a mem ber of the IJmise óf Reprerentadvèw Fmtn 'IVnnessee, wns tilUht hy hit" wïfis to vixtd after I s mnrnaire)! He is n tnilor by trade, and said to be un csúinable and intelligent m?n.