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Michigan State Antislavery Society

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Antisiavery Society was held nt jeclJJ r all, Feb. 4, 184G. Tho President, yery e Hallock, took the chai r, and J.N. the re ley and S. J. M. tlammond were rencQ Ud Secretarles. ort , yer by Rev. O. P. Htfyt. Becj.j Gallup, J. M. Trcodwell, S. J. M. Gurr)( nond were oppointed a Cominitlce mend enibershi[. They a-nnourrced that llowiiiij gentlemen woro entitled to , , , , duced nsMembers: icnccc Counly - J1. W. Barrow, , berty eebec, J. F. Dalbearne. 'Jsdalc-W. W. Cram?r A. S. Ro. SOme cietv Wm. W. Jackson, Fsrmc Chase, E. ns, W. D. Moore. anch-J. W.Clarke, Le Roy Judd, OUr P Lincoln, L. II. Siminons, Amasa ( ;rs, Brownson Hawley, L. S. HonPI10 .luim D. Zimmennan, Juslus B. Bu'"'v a Saunders, A bram Young. Publ' . Jusrph - (Jhesicr Gurney, Jamos ' ishop, R. Whitney, Peter VVhhney, ted a M. Hammond. Hnl1 rayne- Morace Hallock, C. H. Stewand rashlcnaio- Guy Beckley, Theodore venE 2r, Á. A. Copeland, J. Sherman. milsi ckson-E. W. Sliaw, D. Smally, A. Co11 air, S. Wilcox, J. M. Trendwell, S. 'readwell, D. Goold, J. Whitmorejr. g [ïnmmond, Daniel Irisli, Chas. GalAbram Mnxon, Samuel Higgins, Li. Iiggins, A. L. Payson, Aüstin PomeDaniel Mann, William Bradford, ielBradTord, Hiram Clowes. unP( alhown- E. A. At Lee, S. S. so 1 James Winter, J. S. Twiss, Alonzo ert ns, John N. Stickney, Wm. Brace, ther rge Ingersoll, Louis Mills, A. Adams, mea ioardwell, S. B. Keep, H. C. Hurd, dou Ui Clark, Ilenry üeane, John Marris, cou {. Thomas, Gaylord L. Prindlo, P. E. Wells, Rev. II. II. Norlhop, Eli hon se, - Spaulding, L. D, Moore. la lamazoo - N. Rf Thomas, A. C. 10r iland, Ö. P. Hoyt, A. H. Flill, Isaac Pnr ;on, A. R. Brown, Henry Montague. ran Uuren - Horace Stimpson. Iacomb-J. II. Green. npi Avingslon - Charles Cowlam. Caíon - AmorDrcsser, William l I, Johi) B. Barnes, C. Jonnfson, Orvil "? nes, William Wilder, C. M. Cady, hm ?ph W. Bancrofi, A. Burrough, CUI I Mills, Eben Curtiss, Newton L. ' , Daniel Bordwcll, W. Dwight uei ' Willard Chnnin James W. Curtiss, w" 1 _ . , evi nes Cunnmghom. jfarryS. S. Blairdell, X. B. Knnpp. int rJcnc8ce- J. W. King, J. C. Gallup. 'n Dn motion of H. C. Stewart all persons e' o subscribe to the principies of the Soiv, as exhibited in its constitution, he t ï P ited to act with us, as delegates to this Li eting. JI B. Trcadwell, C. II. Stewart, C. wl n-ney, A. Dresser, J. W. King, N. M. P jomasandH. Montague wereappointed ' Business Committee. The report of the Executive Committee islhen read and accop'.ed. and the mon to adopt was discussed by Messrs. 13 urney. Stewart, Beckley, Treadwell, ammond.Twiss, Northrop, Dresser and a allup, and was referred to a select ir itte, consisting of C. Gurney, G. Beeky, C. H. Stewart, J. C. Gallup and S. a te . Treadwell. A letter from James G. Birney was n jad to the Convention, and ordered lo be Sl rinted. Messrs. At Lee, Green, Cowlan, l lond and Gallup were appointed n Comliltce on Noininations. EvKMNG SeSSION. The Society listcned to an ablo address f roni the President, Horace Hallock, on he present aspects of the antblavery :ausc. Rev. Amos Dresser, ogreeably to I juest, addressed the Society at considerajle length, stating the outrages perpetra;ed on him by Slaveholders in Nashville n 1835. During tho remainder of the evcning, rcsolutionsreported by the Business Cummittee were discussed.Thürsday, Fkb. 5, 1846. Pnxver by Uev. G. Bcckley. The Coinmittee on Nominations ' led thnt the next Annual Meeting of the Society bc held nt Knlamazoo, ' ately after the adjournment of the State Temperance Society, which is to meet on the iirst Tuesday of Febrimry next, and that tho following gentlemen be ofiiccrs ' the Society for the ensuing y'ear. President. CHKSTER GURNEY, oí St. Joscph. . Vick Presidents. N. M. Thomas, of Knlamazoo County. E. Hussey, Calhoun " VV. Canfield, Mncomb u R. L. II ll, Lenawee " EXKCUTIVE COMMITTKE. George Híll and M. H. Cowles, ot Ann Arbor, F. Denmson, of Kalamazoo, and S. S. Nichols, of Battle Creek. Skcretary. T. Fostkr, of Ann Arbor. Treasurer. S. 3. Noni.E, of Ann Arbor. Severnl resolutions were reported and adopted. Tfho Specinl Commiiteo to whom wasittee, reportcd that so much of that Preside ent as indieates the present and for pul licy of the Liberty party on 15. ot directly connecied with ofthis principie be expunged, and that of Mai nainder meets their hearty tality i On the motion to ndopt this ofthis i debate oceurred, in wliieh Messrs. cv, Stewart, Treadwell, Fostcrand v nnrticipnted. The report as a" j j . j have 1 :d, was adopted. . grieve 3 following resolutions we re intro byC II. Stewart: Vsolved, Thnt the enlargement of na(s views liávihg been suggesled by (tjj friends, it is the opinión of this yOun that it is neither consistent with our Durii nt objects, nor oxpedient to add to sever resent political principies. t 1)U.1 solved, Thnt n Committee of five be objec nted by nomination to express more lor fi Ftheée our views, and to address the VVItn went cto hi ie following gentlemen were nnj c rud Committee s C. II. Stewart, II. by a ock. S. B. Treadwell, C. Gurney sippi. N M. Thomas. [ re ie meetings of the Society were een d greally by antislavery songs and of c by Messrs. Cady, Bancroft and redm ns. & H. HALLOCK, Pres. UP " N. St.cknkv, 7 Secretarles. regi, J. M. Hammond, $ mn RESOLUTIONS. fa Resolved, That we would express lign'ëd gratitude to Almighty God that pi irge a number of the friends of Libnre 1 , sur vive to greet each other at anoprad annual meeting, to devise wnys and I" ns to roll on the Liberty Ball, with reL've )led power, till the Slave and our l'ic ' r A itry are Iree. . Resolved, That we appeal to the ra est abohtionist, wljo still votes the ig ticket, to say whether emancipa is probable from a party comp'ised 'pell ily of Slaveholders, Sc fellowshipping Mmi k'ery. Iiku . Resolved, Thnt on reflcctien, we AW rove the Liberty nction in 1844, and I' ild deern it a violation of our princi_ F ? had we voted for Slaveholders, or .lvi , . . clise ported the avowed anexationist ; or i who would have been, under any prj( istances, "glad to see it " ] i. That Liberty professions from ab0 ; or persons, honoring slaveholder, h the highest ofiices, if honest, are denens of a feeblo and inconsiderate sllect; if dishonest, aredisgusting, and neither case, are entitled to our q ice. 3. That the haughty demand of what s wrong from wenk Mexico, and the of lid demand of what is nght of strong fro igland, are acts worthy only of the Bo lippers ofwomen and children, and the fec rtv which bears upon such héroes, as n= nght arm ot power. 6. Resolved, That the anncxation of ïxas to these United States, with a d( tution guaranteeing perpetual Slavery, nv out the continuation from the memora0 compromise of the triumplmnt and nrming career of Slavery over freedom our country. bl 7. Resolved, That however desirablo tu ld interesting it may be, for the friends it: 1 meet occasionally in lnrgeconventions, B nd listen to eloquent andstirring bi 5S, our causo will not bc furtherpd on to si spendy consumtnation, without much g idividual sacrifice and untiring efibrts d disseminntc our principies in all p al ways, throughout the community. ii 8. Resolved, That as the great cause o i which we are engnged, is like every p ther moral and benevolent enterprisc, it a t'ill progress no faster than the truth hall clearly bo developed, and perseverngly enforced upon the minds of the le: . Resolved, Therefore, That instead of , lespairing of final and triumphant ( :ess, and settling down in'.o consequent f .upineneis and inactivity, wc most l ?stly recommend to all the friends of ' jerty in the State, that they at once take I :he note of alarm, and awake from their lethargy to redoubled dilligence and activity. 10. That we nre greatful to a kindfyqyidenee thnt the Liberty party, by its jorrect principies and consis:ent nction, ias been permittod, within the lost few rears, to bring ihe country to a partial :onsideration of the gieat wickedness of Slavery, and its imminent danger to all 3ur liberties; and we have every reason to believe that should its consistent eObrts :ease, the further considaration ofthesubeect of Slavery and the means of its aboliiion woulcl cease with it. 11. Resolved, That we feel it rastly important that the Executive Commiitee employ lecturersái colporteurs to scatter light and truth, showing the connexion of the Church and State with Slavery, and our consequent responsibilities and guilt. 12. Resolved, That it is my especial business for the year 1846, by all means in my power, to convcrt my friends and neighbors into consistent anti-slavory men. 13. Resolved, That I will obey the injunction of Henry Clay - "Go home and mind your business." 14. Resolved, That this Society highlynt, and respectfully requcst a copy At a ilication. ofAic Resolved, That the cordial thanks . Gu Society be tenderedto the eitizen6 shall for the kindness and hospiglnte( nanifesled by them to the delegatcs c Society. j. o. MR. RLUR...