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Universalists And Slavery

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Tin: (jiK'stio!) ofslavery is now being discussetl n the M:ignziuo anti Advocate oi' ihis city. The di.scus.sion arosc on the quesllon of tho "Protest" which is being circulated lor signalures among l ni versal isls. Parsou Skinner, the principie editor, think.s the instilulion safar lfl and so sustnined by laws as lo render u's thunder powerloss, and eflbrts in ihat dircclion a wíisle oflabor, and threatons lo sluit down the gate of discussion. W'v suggest that American slavery i.-i nol hall' wny across t lic universo, andas lir. Skinner's love is, it must necessarily cross ihat 'jjliigue .-spot' in ils widc range throughout tho universe of God! Don'f, Br. S., becomo a rank 'parlialist,' living only lor iho white nan'á portion oí' God's people! tíurely ou liave loo much moral courage to wjnk at iniquity bccause it is 'framcd into i law,' lf youcnn't volc it down, Ilias it down! 'Protest' it down! If Presbyteinnism werc a law establishment in the District of Columbio, and throughout the South, we suspect' your votes and 'protest' vould go out 'thick and fasf,' and in quick jccession ngainst 1 he outrage on human rights; but stül such an establishment is tot quile as bad as slavcry. - Ulica hibcriy Press.U Rcv. J. Blanehard wriics Iroui Missouri: ' Iike all hoary vkcs. slavuholdins produce.1noulJering and premature decay in every de mrlmcul oi' socieiy. Wo were tlircc weoks, nnd iraveled fil'iy mücs 'm Missouri, stopping ut tinjesi Hil)!i(; houses we ouild llnd , iind nut om' louse (wiili asinclc exccption) had wöod enóó'gll cut nt nilit to keep tires ihrough llye oext ili - not exceptipg ihc Sobbalh. I suppose lh wood WOU ld bc stolen il cut and diy in ndvrmcf. Oxeii Ofü nlinost txcliisivcly sed in w.jons, ns a prominent vijlager oforiTied me. as lt botter snitrd :o tlir. péiptè trliom me liut " Mld tin innniluld uiis-eiii's wliich picsn ipon ilio inlinliiinnt.e, growina dircc:ly oat of slavery. nre so m'crly i iit.ileniU'c, ihnt .Invery woiild he rejecied upori ts 6wn dement il" it wero not a vico. Ye in the Conven; ion ilien in session to reform tlu Stnte Constituiion. n piMition lo .-iboiish slavci ;is K'lused a receptio1 without a diíM-ntin; vo'c. Blavery rules Missouri, and it goyerni U8." "From Kuig-contiijuod and cl se oï-servition wc hcüeve thnt tho moud and religious cnndiyoi of the slaven is such, iliat they tnay justly bi considered the ïiK.UHr.N of thia Chrisiiar. coun iry, a'iid will Ijetir c mparison witli bë.fthèn ii ny country in the world. The negrucsare des titute of the yosjiel. and t-vor will be undur tin 1 resent si.r.c of ihings." - Rcwii pvbli hd In, l'iei Stfiiotf of iS't.('i Carolina cnl Georgia. Decim'cr : ih:v. The Ilev. C. C. Jones, ifl a srrnion prncht; bcforc two usaoctations of Planters in Georgia, tlius writes : " Generally tpetktpg ihey. (tlu slavey) njipear to ti to bo witln ui God and with out hope in tlic world ; a nat;os pv m xvut:in our vcry tnidst."(tAccprding to a Jale Lggisktive Report, the Slale has lost by Banks as Ibllows:I his is equal to an average of nine dollars lo eacirvotcr. OCTIie Liberty party of Detroit have made the following nominalions for the city el eet ion: For Mayor- SILAS M. HOLMES. For Alderman - lst Word Wm. Barnum, 2d " C. M. Iioward, 3d John Sabine, Jr. 4th " Jamos G. Crane, 5th ö F. IT. Hopkïns, 6th c F. Raymond. CCTie Dciuocrats of Detroit have clcc.ed tJieir caiulidate for AJayorUen. Williams, iy four votes, over Duvid Smart, Wliig.ttS" The United Stuit'b Journal, the organ ol iIk; Young Democracy at Washington, has chnn2cJ propriütors and editor, and now appcars at tlic 'Tinied." The Editora announce ihni jt. course will nlso bc cliangcd, to tliut that purtion of the Democracy whicli hns refused to it counlennncc and support shall hnve no reason to cotniliin ol it in future. Reforma of uny v.-ilue in ihe I7ómocrttic party scin to he impossiblc.