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BEECHEK& ABBT No 13. Jefln Aven.. m l0 W!Eht' gnn Suie Buik. lu!i Uavc on hand Btai-k of DRY GOODS nol nftjblintíng t 5,000,000 Dollars „„itr-but Bfsure iheir oíd cwtonierj. nnd ihosc Hng .o buy, that thy havo a well eloc.ed ■ 'WHOLESALE & RETMLTKADK Lovcr Reíaü Store nnd Brpement.] which fhey wil! boII un na favorable icrma as any esmblishment west of New York. WAÑTED- Pot nnd Penrl Ashcs, for w.ncn thchitilicsic.iíh advaners will bo mnde. Mcrch mis nii'l o'.'iicis wiil piense drojí n. ' Jnn. 18-10. 248- 3mo . ""TírCHANCERY-FJRST CJRCUÍT. D.inicl O.klry. dmplninnnt f. David Pogcnnc) Cülcb N. Ornibby, Delendiuuo. 'OY viriuo o!' a decreta' order issuod out of tlic _O Courtof Clnncery oí iho Stati-. of I shull expoae lo ealo to the fighc! bidiler. 1 tíio Court Mouse:n :!ie vülago of Ann Arborr W.Tshteniv.' Cminiv. nnd Suteof Michiiron, on thc 24ihdav of l'ebritnry next, al nuc o'clock ín tha aíiernoón oí thnt rlny thc followinx dcscribed prenní9i to wit: "All that certain tract or parcel of l:md símate, lying and being in Rrown & Füllej-'e aililiiion to tíie villngo of Ann Arbor. on lot nuinber onc. in blocU ntimbor círIu. nnn ÜjBJnc all that part oí the snid lot on which stands tho three northenst corner buildings of the Huron Block, together with said building and the npptmemnras tliereto bclorgiri)?, being in thc County of Washtoiiinv, nnd State of Michigan." GEO. DANFORTH, Mostcr in Ch'y. Joy fc PoJitkr. Sol'rs. Dmcil January fitb, 1846. 2,6- 7w Thc nbove sale is postponed until the tcntii day ofMurch next, ai t!c saine time nnd plato. GEO. DANFORTFI, Musterin CUancery. Dated, Fob. 24ih, 134B.IN CUAiNCERY- FIRST CIKCL1T. Danic! Oukley, Complainant ts. Paul iUinnis, JVIarcin Mianis and Williaui R. Thoinpsou. De ffndnnls. BY virtuo of n decretal order issued oui o. the Cuurt of Chnncery of tho Sinie of Michigan, I shall exposo to sale to the highcsi bidder, at ilie Conrt Houso, in tho village of Arjrt Arbor, Wnshtonaw County, Michigan, on the 21il tl iy ol" Febniiiry ncxt, nt one o'clock j tlte DUernoon of ihnt dny. thu fullowing dep-ribed pre:nises, to wit: "All ihac cerluin piece ur parecí of land situatu in the villago of Ann Arbor. County of Wuahsenuw, nnd State ol Michigan, known, boundod nnd described ns lullowd, to wit: Cu.-nmcncing on Tnckrird street. twolve nnd cigbty-foiir one-hundretli percliee south of thu northcast corntír of land convryeci by Elisha W. Ruinsey to Benjimin H. Pnekord. and running norih twolvo and dgluy-four oneliundrodth percliea t.i the ncrthcnsi corner, tlience we?t on the BOUlh lino of tho villngc plat fivr and onc-twenticth perches, thence south nine and throe-tenths perches to Packrd mecí, thencc with snid Pockard btreetsouih to the placeof boeinning, containing lil'iy-six perches, bo the same more or lcs. GEO. DANFORTH, Mastcr in Cliancciy. J.iv vt Poktku, Sol'ra. Dated J-anuury tth, 1846. 216- 7w The above eale is postponed nnlil the tenth day of Marcli next, oí tho snnio timo nnd phiee. GEO. DANFORTH, Maeter in Chancery. _D_a((?.1, Fcb. 24th, 18-16. '__ mcfiica'l Wotice. TH!", undereigaedj in offerinj; his services to iahiena- ond.the nlj.iiiing Countic-s. aslloinoQupatlnc physician. would eay. tliat alter liaring praoiicod medicine va iltc prèiicipiec .t taugiu in the old school, and treatod disease for tholast two yeors nccording to the law of Homccjpathy, - (Similia siniilibits nirnvtur.) lanL?ht in the new school of modirine ; nnd havingeórnparod the successof the two sysicms, he unhesitatingly bclieves Homceopathy to bc thcinoat safe. certnin and snccessful rnethod ol cure. Diseases, hilherlo incurable, nrc now in mosi crises, nernianently eradicated by Homa-opaihv. Afoctiona of thespine, head. uterus, stomnch. &c. &c. have no.v their cennin remedies. Kp ilöp'sy, nift'nia', pnrnlysis, neuralgia, bronchitis, liverand !u:ig discaees; scarlei lever, choleto. blacli measles, niallgnant sore erysipelas or biock tongue, croup. inílainmníions of the brni, eioinach, bowels. &c. &c. nreonly u few of iho many ills, that have been etii,n ol their terrors by the timely npplication of hoincnopathic medicanicnis. , . t u Withpnt furthcr essay, the nndersigned would leavc il tt the alHicted to say , on trial of the remedies, whether Ilomceopathy is whatit claim to beorii"!. ... jHe wúuWI nlso etnte tlmt lie has jiisi returneo from New York and Philadëlphia, wilh n eomntete Rtaortment of MEDICAMENTS, jnst imnortedfrom Lcipsic. tothisplnce, where bc will fittend to all calis, nnd lurnish inedioaments. books, &c. at tbc lowcst prices. From the closr und exclusivo attonübn he is ivmg to tbc stutly nd prttCtiee oí" Homceopaihy to lieable to give ■atisfostion to thosc who nffcy favor bun wit h tboir patronage. Communications, post p.d, from patients at a distance, will receivc prompt altcntion. , Those wbo may wisb to place ibomsclvcs under bis treaimont for nny chrortic discosc, can obtain loilings cither ot bis bousc, or in oiher p,accs, '-P-ackwooD, M. ). HomcBopathíít. TogilnntKSnth Nov. 1845 g.ffl-1v FARM FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE ron otiikk PROPBRTY THE subscribcr offers bis farm of GO Acres, witli 12 Acres improved, nnd n fjaraéhouso, ixtcen by twen-y-six, witb an ndd.t.on of eighl Jcet on one side. Saíd farm is sm.n.ted in the town of Concord, Jackson Co., thrce tn.les north of Cuncnrtl village. five east 01 Albiop, twelve west of Jackson. Tbere is a ncvcr-fai ingstrcani ofwate running ncross it, and about lo Aerea ol f,rst quality of natural meado. For f.irtbor narticulars enquire of Bcnj. Haviland. or J. W. Swain of Concord. or the subscriber at tbc Thrashlnp Machine Shop, Lower Town, Ann Arbor. torms to suit the PUWhaèèr. Ann Arbor. T. A. HA tLAND. J a n narv 19, 1816 TLÍ _ "Steam Fouiidi'y. THÉ undursiijncd having bought the entire interest of H. & R. Partridge and Geo. F. Kent in the "Stonin Koundry," Ann Arbor, will manufacture uil kinds of Castincs to order, nnd willbe happy to furnisb any kind of Cnstings to the old customera ol Horris, Pattridge & Co., H. & II. Partridge, & Co., und Partridgo. Kent & Co., and to all othcre who may favor tbem wilk a cali. I!. B, riARRIS. E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 20, 1846. 2-14-lfCOUNTY ORDERS. THE higliest pricc pnid in cashby G. F. Lewíf, BxehangO Broker, oppo9te the Instirnnco Hank, Detroit, for ordcra on nny of the countio9 in the State of Michigan; alsofor Stnto senritiea of all kinds and uncurrentfunds Cali and iet.. Dcc 1 , T845. 241-tf CLOVER MACHINES. T11RASU1NG MACHINES and Seperators mndo and sokl by thcir Ma chine Shop, near the Paper Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor. KNAPP & I1AV1LAND, Jan. 10, 184C. 247 if Xo Sportsincn. A OENERA L aasortment of Costee! and Iron Barrel Rifles, doublo and single barrel Shot ft una, Pistola, Gun Locks, Game Bngs, Shot Pouches. Powder Flasks. forealeby WM. R. NOYES, 2-18-1 y 76, Woodward Avenue. Detroit. ANNUALS. - A larc and valuablc osiortmohtof Annnnls for 1846. together wtth uviny otlie1 splondidly bounJ books, suuablc for pre:ií. tor ai PKRRr'R B00K8TORK. Doe. 3. 24fc - tfLEATHEIl! LEATHER! LEATHER!EI DRED & 60., 123, .Teficrson Avenue, "Jvldred's lilock," Detroit, takc this oppoptunitg inform tlieir cuslomers, arid the public gonerally, that ihoy still continue to keep on hand a full aasorlmeiït of Spanisí. Soïo Lc,.her, Mg & frin' TooIs' llemloöh wnhcd Vpper Loalhw, j CIllcv;1" , . do Frénchtanned Calí Skin.. &. „ , ' 4 Hembek nnned llari.cfis an.l ffrïdle Lcmncr, l eer nml -Lnoih do .. ,. (i ' V luie and Coloieu L:nings. ftngaiidTrtpLeáther, . Pnntcd jo Skirtiii". Philndeip'iiin Und Oliio; Sime 1 Rös do it'SfS - ,1-i, - tUer, .l.oy „o ,,re,arod oup stock befbre vurchasing clsewhefe. OTCfliA and exchangod for Hides and SkUis. 0 & f.'O. 248-1 y Detroit, Jan. 1846. rrt+o S,A 1-Thirty Thousand Persons ANNÜALLY lull victime 10 GonBöinpMMn i ,ho irnitcd 8WW Tue causo ol U.e cv.l ,. eenernlly overlookcl. A .barí dry ,f ?;L'.L tcver, and hifo swcats io low, and dcuih tehds ihe Bccnc. VVouW yon tnul n HVMfPV FÖIt 1HF. EVÏI. I tij it is Tlie esneriopce of more thnn 20 yonrs in private práctrcp íifta provéU ïtè cifcacy, ond "„cite inlroduction to public nOtice, ulihoug nífB'bow been ofTcr.d bm a lew mon.hs. il. sáíeKnsbbin unpreccdcnled. and ns success 1 o clnred to bc the gTeat8jrméay .n ihe world. too ttíat fenrfu'. nnd ditircseing malady. toelj rondom We lnmher.?ome dúring ns continuuT-. .ssubdue.l without clitTuHiUy by tbisgrpat .cnuly, and ihe snllorcr is pnabled by ,ts bsó ö -b :, n nuiet repose; the éhortne oi brenth sovetiSL the cough is nlloyed, nnd hcnUh nnd v lako tlie place of dcBpondencj and suiit-ring. Dr. FülgCr'8 OLOSAONIAN,or Ari HnAtc. Bai.sam, i ihe remedy whwb haabeéaso eminendy euccessful m allevini.níí and Cifríífi 'lic abo'ye complainie ; pnd ii has bècn usod bv the first pliysiciahá n ihe cuy. whb dteclaro it to be muivalled, innsniuch ns M does not d.sturb ihcbowds in (he least ly producmg cosiVvenen. Hitó nïl oi!,or rènied.cs reèSrffhcrtdfed fot the abovë dfsensc'a iiivnriably sluit up (be i Is, Ihaa rendoring it ncccssary to rcrort to ', llTarthcWKnvinacaBCs, wUioh hnvcbecnreliovcd and ciuel wiihin iow weeks : DAVID UENDF.RSON 00 L,.Sht Ktrec. „U,U a sevcre cuM on the 4:h y ol July. ai d wasbrought very low by a dístrcssn.g cough, S Xied in f.rqucnt att.ckH of f o.n the tungs. Ahhough l,e ir.od cvory i hmg in the oliape of rc.iu-d.c6 wind could be foi nd, . ., he ml net bcnutuud. a„d ,y tho .uo.uu oí Ocober wad bo much reducud by ,lliSfW ,hnt he de.pai.ed of lifc. One botile ol } olgcr s Olosnoninn restored hm tohonltb. GEORGEW. BUJBLNEXJVqI ÜW ; J.. has MHVered under U.c vfleo.s ol "vewcold Tor more ihanaycar. He vi-as red.ccd to the brink of the -grave alios , bv nacouiili and o gbl swWts He cómméuced nÍ6ih bloud in Uie ttioifth of Octobcr Mc co.nmcnced the OIosaonian. nnd bv tl e muidle of ;W,m ,,, ho wns 9o ftr restored tliat hc lcü fer I'iu .ryh with cvery prospect ol recovennp bra lic a lili. Mra. BBËfc. tbc w rol Roben P, Be, of; Morris.own. N. J. was dre.u i-.lly oilhcted w.lh fpr mnny y.ars. her php.e.ans had deepnirid of relieving her One botilc of he Olosaonian so far restorcd her thm 8hc was able logetout Ol her bed and dros icm-U , W..:l. slio had not done befoTC in montlw, and she is now in a lair wáy to he rrht-vcd. Mr F. LABAN. 52 Piko street, was sobad With osihma thal he had not slep in lus bed o. ter. weeks, when be commenccd the use ol ihis irreal remcdy. One bottlc cnred hun, and he has not had a return oihis complaint now more lh'lSríVtMeGnÁNN. SO Walker s:reet, was nl.o cured of'sevetc asthma by tbo OlosaOiilán, and staten that he never knew medicine givo such immedinto nnd permnnent rol.ef.GEOROK W. IIAYS, oi this city. wosgivcn np by lus phvsician u mctiruble. His dieeflse was conHi.pml.on mul wl.en lic cmnmcnced-usiny the OIosaonian. WK so wea ; .nat hc could no walk without boing assisted by a fricnd. l strici itléhtion he was tolftr restoren in n.fcw wóe aa to be al-le 10 piirsuo hw busmess. JAiMFÖ . CROMBSD, 120 Nassau streel; J J. ParséllB, 11 Teaib street ; C. S-T-Bansons 1J Blecckor strect ; Janscs Davis. 58 Orrceno - sirect; and Mrs. .Mallen, O Morton street ; bnve nll e.xpcrienoe.l the goodeifecièol ilic incougl.sof long M.mling and afljeu.ins oí l hc luns, and pronoiincc it, witl. onu accord to bo the greatcs! remcily. and the most specdy and cffcciual, that they have ever known. R.-ader, are you suflering trom the nbovo diseaee'? Try this remedy. You will not. pcrhaiHK regret t. lt may arrest all tho3e d.wftrec ablo symptoms Wlilch strike such terror to the mind, and prolonfi yourdays. Forsalcat 1 06 Nassau et, one door vhove Ann, and at IVIrs Hays. 180 Fultoa t., lirookíyn. Agentó tor Ann Arbor. W. S. & J. W. Maynardl E Sampson. Ypsilanii: D.C. Vhjtwod, Dcxtcr; Pickford & Crnip. Saline: SmiilnSE I yrol. Clinton; II. Bovyer, Mnnchcster; P. tarllc &Co., Plymouth: D. Gregory and A. Urant, Vorthville. 244-Gmo ESTRAY. CA ME into the enclosurc of the snbscribor on or nliout the20ih of November last. n large BRINDLE COW, witb white back and beliy, siippc8cd to be nine or ten ycars old. Said cow had on n large bell. The owner is requestad to provo property. pay chartres and tke her away. i or he will be disposod ot nrcordinu to law. Webster, Mich. C. B. SEYMOUR. Jonuary 25, 13 46. 250- 9wPcrsian Pilis. Vut not the Úght vadera BushiL" hut raid and ponder . TUK TIME IS COME, n-id now ia, thnt (lic pn :it masa of ih: pcopic o' this and the üld world, have decided ilii ilic rr.'SIAX AND INDlWr.XTTiACTZ. :,,, thé most cff.-cfjal combinatio of medicinal in-jredicnts thai ever liue, or ever ca compose a PllThe RKSlWiKCTION or PERSIAN PIJ ],s. being madfl ol r-uib]o extract, nrc euiih1 digesmv. Ixyonujig a juica ij) tlic human stomncl.. 'J'liii lifui(] ioiibily inkcn upB} ! ,l,s,,!rnt vessdd. ;i!)d coincycd iRrjongttbut all naris of ili.-s.vMan. diwenwng 1"-' :md anininlioji in oli ilic qcgaba. By beihg nsfimilatcd wiili the blóod", il eniicre imo iro conibinnnon, punlying ilic {.trcan.s olhfc. You si-o il would nnturally nnd rendily coir.hine wi:li ihe blood and nl ihc eecretioiw, luis bUiipiinc tlsêlf toihe icinovn! af a pistases of'lMptffe tffoodi tHici1 dög .the argañs, c'ausWig pain. distresr, flWd J :itli. I! tne im'puritics Fctilc upo.n he oirun ..I i'ue btonincli. i causea bad iaéto iïi ilie mouili, a furred louguc. bad.brèulfi,, asenso rif fuliriesk orLrönrofic68.'-&lc. 11 opon; tne lüngfi oriUro.-:-. ■ ; CTir-9 n oouh ii ■■'"- wenkness. andan unensy ?■ nsntion in the tlironi. irrltatiiyi.' ñroncliiup, nnd conÉninïf-lion. Il tlu-y settle upon ihe livci. thcy wilt hver com;];iint. JMndice. or snü-iw skin. h-ver and nf,nie, l.iiiouü Uiscasesof aii 'kinds, and irrcgulnruy oi tho bowels-diarrahoa, ,c. h upon tho nerves, they will ciiiise nervous woaklïess, pnin in ihe, sickheadnehe. general dcbiüiy. low spin'.s. heat in the back, side. or head. li in the systéin gcnerally, ii caiise gcneral emncüilion. scioiuia. Tumors, "tighi hard skin, pimples, blotulics, irritatiöri. Are. iVc. : "- . Yon know if anv tliinfr clöga liio engnif. all the machmery liccome.s reinrdd in ns motion, and ris it di'cr?nss in strcnRth, the moiions I ccomc phralyzed more nnd rtiovö: unfil iinaliyii ceueea to niove. So wrrfi the rfnmrtn bj 8(emj ns the blood beo. mies iinpnrc with liuinorp, (He organssufi'prcr:niinT. miscry. and if not removf-d, d.;rnh. A coustftni üse oflness PfHs m a f.imily, will ndd yeors ro each rndifidóiii life. Fór bing made of v i ' ■ ■x'.'is, lh. rhay ne taken fromyrtvth ro ótó.-Bge'WftHoiït i.tjniy, hut wuh dooidüd öeriHi' W.:ikly. pnny cl,.l.!r.n. will bccomn henithv n'ntl StroiVg wilfi a slow of tlirnc PHls; '1 Iwy sooilie wo;.k noryes. Itrengthen tin; wenk. uiid'cleanc r.ll ilir oi -pans in a innn ner abovo deoribéd Béing compound o( juiccs tlicy P8fl Ihrouch hc s:na!lest vessel. ttiui teaching .1 himsc ulierrcvor pent up in tho systcm. eviMi in i!ip êVée nnd liiiun. ..... Wo know that ihoy arn the hrst 1 til in the world. for ofvkmftanás ilmt have tüko.n cvery otlier pill. h;ive Jecided po. nnd nolhingeouli hinder tlicm Irom kcepinn; hem on hand.- Take thoío pille fredy, and you will Beldojj wnnt a piivsiouin. Wlio rvnr h.-ard oí mud ükneSJS in'a fnnnly wherc iheeé PiHa were tnkci fraelj Í 'l'hen Bfnin lhy cause no pain or wenk nfisi 'in!: ihey sooihe. ilic bowelsniel aro ;i kuiu uní - ■' ülARItIHr.A OR Sf.MMFR CO.MPLAÏNT í lifieesíion. coaliveaes" nnd ;.l! dif casos nfcinp from nn iuipuvc Moñiacíi or b!oud. Hiere i nothingbiïti.êr fur feypr atid ngúej oí biliousdis cose 'im! ni! otheVa nicmíonod nbovc. N. B.. Pnce, rcduccd to 2s per box ror ■ ['íls. IlcnienbtT eai-h box CQiiUÜns 31 Pilis- ihcrclbie. iüéy tire líié cheapest aá wl'll ns th best. lkuvarcof Pilis made ol' pnim. c.loine uní (M.-üse powílers, Cor tlicy 11 destrpy tli coala of (lie touimli in lime, ñnd cnusc de;itli - Hewnre, for the must f ihom epntaia oalomel o sonieiliinp as (lotrúcuye o lixníinn cxtsíencri. Rememlior the Réiurrëctton or l'ertiinn Pille are m'nde of Vt'íTf.-table extrncfs. Forsaie in nll ilie principal plncos in tbc Un ion- Wholesale nnd retail by S: Co. Detróu; C. Eh'erbach, S. I'. Jewcu. Lund V M'CulIuni, Ana Arbor. OÖ7-Cm "I8ÏO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL A. 1WFAKREN, BOOKSELLER AKD STATIONER SMART'S ÜLOCK, 1S7 j r. r y R u s o a y r. : de, rtuoii KEEÍ'S tónstaiitly for salea complete assor nient oí MiHcelInneous. Scliooi nnd Cln'síi cnl BóokY, Letter nnd Cnp I'npcr. aiu) ni o,l, Qttills, InU. eéáííng Wax, Cuilery. Wrnp ping I'nper. PFifU'ng Pnpor. of ill cizes; an Bo'%, Nrwsand C'nnnisier Ink. of vnrions kinds 15LANK JiOOKS. full nnd hall boíind. of e ery varir-ty of Ruling, Meriiörnndum Hooks. &c To Merehoms, Teiclier'í, nnd otliers, buyin in (i'jrtniiiios. a Unjie discount made. Subbalh School and Biblo Society Deposito 247-tí ffoKVEIt wishes to buy iheir gpods t good odvnntnge, must nol liiink of makin tlieir puichnecs til! tlicy have lookod over th eoods and pricoH at thc Manhattan St.kk Detroit. W. A. 11 VYMOND. Dee. 25, I-S45. . 2U-Gm WÏtw A liTSÖYES, JK DEALER IN F0REI6N ANO DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlery, Nails. Glass. Carpcnters, Cooper's and Blacksmith'a Tools. Also, Manufncmrer of Copper Tin Ware. No. 70, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. g4tf-1y_ WHOLESALE AND HKTAIL.I'or nnle by BKCKLEY, FOSTEH & Co. March20, 1845.OU rOIT.HS, COM)S, CONSITMPTION &C. .JOhTAT TO ALJ. T1IOSK AFKMCTBn WlTH ÖtSBASKfl ÓV TI1B LTJNOS AND BRHAST. U'i'l Mirwlrs rrrr tVUtkf More r.r.idnuc Ofltt tYftinsing hntilth nstonHirc vlrtiirsü! q ? q ? ? 3 [Krom Dr. Jïakcr. Sprinefirld, Va-h. Co. Ky.] Sr-uiNom.i.n Ky., Moy 14, 1S45. Msrs. Snnfortl fc Park:- Gknts- I táke ibis oppornir.iiy of infornnnc you of n most retnarkable cure períornied upon u,o ly the use of ','Dn Wlslars lialsam of ) ÏV..ÏI C'ltcrry." In iho j'ónT 1610 I was mken witli an InflimBtiön oí (lie BowüIs whicli I laborcd uiuler fot X VícefcH-wlien ifglwlUftily mfCmii Inthefnl! of' I f:41 I vvas aitacked Wjjh a sovcre cold. wiiich fCMcd itself 'liponmy lungs. lid for the .krc of three yenrs 1 wns éóirfin'efl 10 my bed. I tried all kinds of mrdi.-Hirs "i"l pry varicty of medical ni.l nr.d witliout bi.-iuiV: nnci llms I wearied along untij ilie winter of IS41. when 1 hcard of '-Wis(;!]'.= Bulsafh óf Wild Clierry." My fiicii:ls persuoded me to givc it n inal. t!iotili 1 had givonup nll hopes af á recove ry, and had prepared niyself for the cli-.mye d an:hi:r world. Through iheir solicit.ition I was indücod lo make nsè ol" the Genuine Wis-tar e Bnharri of Wild Cheny." The effect was irulv asionishiriR. After five.yenrs oí nffliction. pain nnd suffeiins: nnd oftcr having spen fovr or fitri huvdicd dollars to no purposc. and tho best nnd most i espectable pliysicians had proved uniivailiug, I teas .-on rcftncl lo cutiré ftcalth by t'ic Idss'mg of God nnd the vsc of Dr. U"htar's Uu ham of Wild Chefry. 1 nni now or.joying good licallh. nnd 8i:c!i is j my nhoi'fd ppc.ii.-incc that I am no lonyer know when I meoi my lormcr ncqunintances. I have KMinocf rnpidly in wciclil; and my flesh is flrm and ulid; 1 c;in now cal nsmuch asnny persin. nnd my food seomsto a.'ree wilh me -- I hnve eaien more dúríng Ihe Inst sis nionths than ' I hnd ooien for five yeors beforo. Considering my case nlmopt a mir.icic. I deern it messary for i lic good of tbo nfiücied und a duiy I pwe !o the proprietors and my fcllow men. (who should know whero reliof niay be liad) to inakc thisstatemont public. .Muy the blcasfrjg ot God rest upon thejiropnetors of so viiiiinblc b medicino as Wistar's Baliam of WildClmriy.Yours rospecifiilly, . WILLIAM 11. BAKER. ' TJte folhidwrliasjnnlbccnreccvfidfromMr. l Edicard Strattpn. of Lexi'iü'on, Mo., rcUich . s'ioirs Consimption in i's wdrït fotin cnnbccurcd hy "Wisturs littlsam of nnJ', Mo., Jan. 2!, 1845. Btnjnmin Phelps - Dear Sir: 1 i:ik(.' grcnt pleasure in communicaling to you whdt I consiHer an exiraordmary cure, ellected on my AiirglifÖ", nhóul 14 ycirsof ngc. hy 'Wia tar's BalHam of Wild Clieny. Aboin (lie lstol Srp'.cmbcr last. my dauchfer.wns i:.ken?ick. nnd wns aitcfided lv envera! physicians. whose piecnptions provecí naflecnial. or sce.ned tocio no ood. She wnsntlcndcd with a constant cougl. nd pniti in the breast. Her physicians and Jill lio snw her. c.imc to tlie couclusion tliat slir as in n confirmed stage of Coiibumption. 1 indo no ollicr ciilculation tlian for her to die. - int ris soon oeffho coninicnced t.nking the Balim s!k.' lit'ynn to iniprovc, and continiicd so to o mui! her n'eolih was rVstóred, nnd if iiow cnrcly wcli. Witli a view of licnefiltin thosc lio ni.iy bc similarly afilicted, I takc plrasuro in ncomni'iiciing this remcdy to the confi lence of nc public. Vouis, v.i-.ii reapjet, F.DWARD STItATTON. VISTAR'F BALSAM Ol' WILDCHEURY .;ii nót only relieves but cures! OTriccél per bottle, or six boules Tor S-rFor sale 'u Cincinnati only by SANFORD& PARK, and in Ann Arbor by Maynards, eo!e i'enis for this Couniy. 23t "CANTlËlËlT T'l THE subscribers wouldinforni the Public, that r'hcV continue to supply the State of Michigan with L. B, WALKER'S PATENTS.ISUT ?MÊCUIJrJB8. The largo numbere ol iheso Machines thnt hnvc enn soM. und the steadily incrensing demand for hem. is he best evidence of ihcir real value, md oïthcir estimation with those who have become íntniliar wHl) their me:i:s. Waikkr's Smut Machine is superior to other? n the following purticulars: 1. Ah it combines the Benting. S'-ouring, and Bloiriug Principies, it clenns the smuitiest .f jroin ín the best ninnner, retaining all the fnc non of the wheat, und discliargmg the smut und dustapfnstas srpnratcd fiom the whcai. 2. It ft simpte in and ie tlicrcfore lees Hable to becomc deranged, und costa lesa for repairs.i 3. It runs very Uglit, and is peifcctly secure froin jire. . 4. Jt isas durable as any other Machine in use. f. It costs considerably than otlicr kmd. These impniinm points o'diflcrence Iwivc giv en this Machine tiic p referen cc with thoee who liave fairiy (ried it. Am oog n Inrae numberof Gentlemen in the Milling JRusiness who miht bc named, tbe following have used the Macliines, anlccrtifledto ihcir e.xccllency andsuperiorily: 11. N. flowAun. I'ontiiic. Mich. K. F. Cook. Rochester, do E. B. Damoiith. Mason, do M. F. Fuink, Branch. do M. IJ. Comstock. Comstock, do Rcferenpes niny also bc h.ul to JmiN Bacon, Auburn, Mich. V. llvo.v, do do I). C. Vitri.vND. Rock, do Joiis Piups, Monroc, do H. Dots.Mis, do do A. Bka(h. VVatciloo. do (ir. Ketcmi'm. Marshall, do N. IJkmenway, Oakland, do All orders for Machines will be promptly nttended to. Address L. O. & A. CR1TTRNTON. Ann Arbor. (f.ower Town) Co. Mich. Au::. 24; 1S4"22G-1y"Crockery at Wholesale." FKEDICKICK YVETMORE. has constanily en hand, the Inrgest stock n the Wesi of Crockvri, China, Glassware, Looking GÍasses and Piales, Britannia iVarc Tra is, Lamps and Wicking) PI (Ued Ware, China Toys, 4'c. Sfc. Jlis stock incltuluü nll ilie varieties of Crockery nml UHïna, frnm the finest Chinn Dinncr and Ten Setts to tho most cominon and Jow priced ware - from the richest cut glass to the plainest glnss worc. Hritannin Cnstorsofevery kind. Brita finia Tea Setts. Coílcc Pote, Tea l'ois, Lamps. Candlesticks, &c. Solar Lahd LAMisofevery description from the most costly ent PorlorLamp to the cheapest Store la:np. All the above arricies ore importedfhimseli diViJctiy from the mnnufucturers and vill be sold at Wholcsalo, as low as at any VVholeeine House, expenses from scaboard addcd only. A liberal discount given for cash. Merchants oud othors are invited to cnll and xamine tho abovc n'ticlts nt ihe oíd stand, No. 125, Joflerson Avenue (Eldred's Block.) Detroit. HÜ-iL. TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. IUPLEY would say to his friends and the Iricnds of Tempercnce, that he has taken the Tcmpcrnnce House, latoly kept by Wm. G. Wheaton, wherc ho would bc glnd to wnit upon them. Hny nnd Oats nnd Stobbling to accommodate teams. Detroit, January 1, 1S46. 245tf 1 Wood' Wöodtf. A FEV Cords of Wood wonted immcdiatehj J. in payment for the Signal of Liberty.rpHE prccedmjj ng'ire s sivcn to represent X the Insensible Perspiration. It is ihc greni evacimtion tot the iinpumifts of ;hc body. If.fl11 bc noticcd tbata thicli cloudy mist iséfies fryni all points of ilic surfteO, wlifóli inaicnies ihai ihifl pcrspiv.-nion flmve uniniern.ptrclly when wc are in lie;.hl). but censes we are sicU. J.i e cannot bc ausniincd wilhcul il. It is thrown pH from the blood nnd oihcr jüiccs ol ilie body. nritl disposes by inonns. of nearly nll tho mipuritics witbin us. 'J'hc blootl. by ibis meniw only. worUs iiscll pure Tbc langungo of Scnpmre is, "in tbc Blood is :hc Life." II ü ever becomes inipure. il mny betrnced dircctly to Mie sioppago of tbc Insensible l'crspiraiion. It never requires any intcrnnl inrdicincs to clcanee ir, ns italwnys purifica iiself by iis own beat nnd aclion. aiul tbrows ofï n!J lbo oileiuling linmors. ihroueh ihc Insensible IVrspir.Mion. Tima wc seo nlï tbal is necessniy wlien the blood is stugnnnt, or inlected. is to open the pores, nndit relieves itself froin uil impurity instnntly. lis own hat and vilblitv nrc sutlicient, without onft pnrticlc of nudicine. exeept tó open the porc? upon the sui face. we sce tbc follv oí taking w I mncli internal remedies. All prociiuoners. how-ver direct tbeir cfforts to restore the Insensible perspiration, but it se'ems to bc not alwnys the proper ono. 'Ilie TJiompsoninn, for instance. stcains. ibeHydropathistelirouds nsm wetblnnkets. the Honiopath si deals out inijniussi mnls, the Alíopnihist bleedsnnd doses ub wit!) mercury.and the bluatering Quock gurges us wiih pille, puls. ui lis. 1 . wTo givc eomcideaof thenmnunt of tbc - 5blc l'erspiration. we wil! stnicthnt th learned Dr l cwenhock. and the preat Boerhaave, ascertnincd il:-'" flvc cï-hthsof dll we rrccivc iñfó the stomach. passed ofl'by thismeans In otner words ïf we D8I niid drink ei-rht poimds per dny. . we ev;cuate five pounds of H by tbc Insensible Perspirniidn. -il This is none othcr tUèfi tlic uscd up partidos o( the Mood. nnd othcr juico giving place to the m-w and rresh ones. To check ihis, iherelorc, is to ictain in die system fiv .cighilis of II nö vinilcnt matter thal nnture demnnds sliould lenvc the Dody. And even when tliifl is the case, the bl)od ] of so active a principie, ihat it determines t' ose partióles to the ski i. wlicre thcy forni Bc:ibs, pimples, ulcere, and otlur spots. By n sudden trnn6ition ironi lient to cola. the poros are etopped. ibe perspiration ceases. and digense hegina ut once to dcvelope itself. llcnce. a stoppnge oL tbis ilow of the juices, originales so niimy c'ompinTnla. It is'by stopping the pores, Hint ovcrwhelmf mankind with cmighs. euliis. and oonsumptions. Nine-teiuhs or the world die trom dise.ises induced by a stoppagc ot the Insensible Pcrspir; - tton. It is cnsily secn. therefore, liow necessary is the ilow f this subtle humor to the snrlnce. to preserve hcnltli. It cannot bc atopped; it cannot bc even chrekcd. without inducing disease. Let nVe bek now, every enndid mind. wHnt coutsc soems the most rcnsomdilc to pursue. 10 unstop the pores. alter ihuy ore eloyed? Would you gjyo physic to nnstop tlie pbrei Or would von ftAjitj göintïihtlTg thnt would do tliis npon the surfocc'. wherc tbc clopging actuidly is? WouM not this be, common sense? And yet I know ol no physician who makes any exteinal npplicasion to efleM it. The reason I assign is. that no medicine within tbeir knowlcdge. is ciip'abteof doing it. Under thfFe circumstances, I presni to physicians, and to all others. a prcparation tbnt bas this power in ih fullest r.xtent. It is mcAL1STE1VS ALL IIEALING OINTMENT. or t!ie WORLD' S SALVEI U has power to restore perspmition on the feot, on the bead, a round oíd sores, upon lbo chest, in sliort. upon any part ol the body, whether discased t-liglitly or severcly. It hns power to cause all externa! sores, surofuloushumors. skin disearcs, ppisonoua wounds, io dischatgè their putr.d matter, and then lica-s them. " " , It ís a remedy that swecps oíT (he whole catalogue of cutaneous disordcrs: and restores tlueñtíro cuticle to iishealihy lunctions. It is a remedy that forbids the necessity of so many and deletenous drugs lukcn into the stomach. . It is a remedy that neither sickens. gives inconvcn:ence. or is dangerous to the intesiincs. ]t preserves 'and defends the turface from al! deran"cment of its lunctions. wlnlc it keeps open the channeis for the blood to void all its impuvities and dispose of all its useless paineles The snrlacc is the outlct of fivé-ciihtha oí thc bile and tised up matter within. It is picrcedwi-.h millions ol opemngs to relieve tl; e intestinos. Stop up these pores, nnd donili knockf at your door. It is rightly térmcd AlUIealing. lor there is scnrcely .1 disease, extcrnal or intcrnal, thatit will not bcucfit. i havo uscJ iofoi the last fourtetn years, lor nll discases of the chest. cbpsümption, liver, inyolving the utmost danger and responsibifity, and 1 declare hcfore Henven and man, thatnotin onc single case Klis it fdiled to benf ííi. when the patiënt as wi:hin the roach of moital dipods. I have had physicians, lenrned in the profession; 1 have had ministers of the Gospel. Judgeson the Bench. Aldennen and Lawyers. gen tlemen of the highost erudiiion and multitudes oí the poor, uee it in every variety of way, and ihere hnsbeen but one voice, one united, universal voicc, saying, "McAlistcf, your Ointnient is goodi" CONSCMl'TIOX. Tt can hardly bc credited ihat o salve can have any cfleel upon the lungs, yeated ns thcy are within the system. Bat we say once Cor al!, hni this Ointment will reach the lungs quicker than any medicine thatcan bc given intcrnally. Thus. if placed upon the chest, it penetrales directly to the lungs, eeparatc8 tho poisonous partidos thnt are consuming them, and cxpels them from tbc System. I need not say that it is curing persons of Lonsumption con'iituaüy, nlthnugh we are fold it is (ooliehncss. I care not what is eaid, so long as I can cure several thuusand persons ycarly. HKAl) ACHK. This Salve has cured persons of tho Ilcad Ache ot ]2 yeais standing, aml who had it regularly evcry weel?, so thnt vomiting ofen took place. Deafns nnd Enr Aclie ara helped with the like 8uccss. os also Ague in the Face. COI.D 'LKTConsumption, Liver complain:, pains in the chestorsido, fallin? of the hnir. oneor the other nlwavsaccomnanies cold fcet. It is a sure sign of disease in the system to have cold feet. The Salve will restore the Insensible Perspiration and tlius cure every caso. In Scrofula, Krysipclus and Snit Uheuni, and other disensos of this nature, no internal remedy hasyetbctn diecovercd that is so good. The snmc may be snid of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sote Throat, Piles, Spinal Diaeases, Brokcn or Soie Breast, Ac. And as for the Chest Discases, s:ich ns Asthina, Pain. Oppression nnd the like, it is the most wonderful antidote in the World. For Liver Ccmplaint it is cqually efficneious: for Bnrns it has not has itsequal in the World: nl80. Excresences of every kind, such as Warts, Tumors, Pimples, &c, it makes clean work of them all. SORE F.YF.S. The inflammation nnd disense ahvays liesback of the ball of the cve in the socket. Henee the virtue of any medicine must reach tbc Ecnt of the intlamntion or it will do littlc good. The Salve, if 1 ubbed on the temples, wil! penétrate directly into the socket. The pores will be open ed, n proper perspiration will becrented and the disenso will ccon p::rs olFto the sur'nco. o.v thk face, frkcki.f.9, tan, mascclive skin, cross surface. ïte flrat nctfen isto cxoel aU humor. It willlot erase dratfing till the face ir frcc irom nny natter that niay bc lodgcd undcr tho skin and requcmly breaking out 10 lbo suríace. lt tlicn lè'altf. When ihcre ia notlnng but groesncss, r,r Juli fep'tflsive surfacc, it begins to eofien and lofien until ifiè Skin becomcs assmooth and ;alc ns a ehild's. It throws a frcshness and jliishing color upon íhfi dow white, transporent I ikin. that is porcctly enchanjing. Somc times n case of Freek les tJlKÜI first start out tliosc - ilint linvc lain hiddon ana scen butscldom. Pursiiu the Salvo anti all will soon disnppear. ( WUVMS. Ifpnrcntp knew how (hm! most medicines werc to cliildtcn takiMi inwardly. tlny would be slow to rnsort to ihem. ESpecially "mercurial ' X s." called "mediented lozenges," pills, S:c. The truth is. no one cm teil, invariably, wlion worins ato present. Now let niö scy lo p;irents. thut this Salve willalvviys teil if a rhild lias worms. ítví'ill (?rivc evory vesiige of them away. This isa simple and safe cure. Thcre is probably no medicino on tlic fnceof ihc earih at once so surcand so safe in the ex pu'sion of worms)t would be cruel, nny wickcd. to pive ihlernal. doubtl'ul, so long as a harmlcsa, exiernal one could be )md. T01I.KT ; Ahhough I liave snid titile about it as a liair r.torniiveí yet I will siííko it ariinst ihe World! They may bring their Oi3 far nnd near, nnd mine will rectoro t'ic hairtwo caöes to thcir onc. Ol.n SOKKS, MOIITIFICATIOSS. J. Í.CKRS. KTC. TKnt sonie Sores are on otitíet to thc impinitie= of tho syátem, is becausc they cannot pass ofl' throunh 'the nam ni channels of the Insensible Per?prntion. If such sores are heulcd up the impurities must have somc other outlet. or it will endanger lifc. This is (he roason why it íh irrtpolitic to use the romnion Salvo oí the day in such cuses. For ihey havo no power to open other avenues, to let ofTthi moibid matter, and dio consr.qucnces are always fatal. This Salve will always próvido for such cmcrRencics. ntsFASKS or flow many thousands are swept ofF by Rivinc interno) medicines, whon thcir young bodies and tender frames are unable to bear up against thcm? Wholo a-rnies are thus sent to thcir grave, merely fmii pourinp into thcir wenk stomaclis )overfi:l druc8 ond physics! It is lo sticb that the All-Healing Oinunent tenders so safe, plcasant. and harmless a cure Such cases as Oroup. Cholic. Cholera Jnfantum, Worms, and nll Summcr Totnplaints. by which so m;mv cliillren dic, tho Ointment willnove so speedily nnd surcly. iliat a physician i i-ill nevor bo necded. Mothcrs! throushout II tliis land. we now solemnly nnH sncredly 1 :lnrc to yon ihnt llie All-Healing Oinunpnt will mve your childrcn liom nu eurly grave if yon vill tisc ii. Wc are not now ncusated by the cast desiie to nnin: luit khowing ns we do tliat ;ast bodies of inlants and ch'ldren die early: ■vhich is 8iipposed to he inevitable nnd impuss-ile to prevent, we hold up our WO min e voice. ! md declare in the fuce ol the whole woi li. i CHILDREN NRED NOT DIE MORE THAN OTHERSÜ Hut it is from ihe want cf proper nnurisl-meni and the constnnt dnigging they UftderfO wbich mmvs Uiem down us the rank graas Calis btjfore ihc scyibe. Mothcrs! we repeat aain. and il ihcy werc the last words wo were ever to uitcr. nnd of courae past tbc reóch of all interest, wc would soy, "ust;tlie All-Hcaling Onitmeiu fo sickncís nniong childrcn." nnfeOMífíSM. It removes al :nost imniediatcly the inilnmntion and swclling, wlien the pain of coursc centes. FI.VKRS. Tn enses of fcver. the difticnlty lies in the pores being locUed up. so tliat the heat and perspirnlion cannot pnse o(F. Il" the lenst moisturr could bc started. the criéis a pnssed nnd the dan-rcr over. The All-IIcaüns Omtment will in all casps of fevers nltnost insiantly utilock the skin and bring fonh the perspiration. FF.MAt.E COMPIAINTS. Tiiibrnntion of the kidneys. of the womb. and i'siiillintr town, wcaktieps. nnd rrepiilaiity; 'n short, uil thoso dilliculties whirh are freqiirni ith feninles, find ready nnd permanent iclief. yVe have had agcd ladies teil us they could net live six months without it. Hm to females aboiit tobecomc mothers, if used forsomc weeks ante cedent to their confinement. very few ofthöse piins and convnlsions hich ntiend iherji n: thn: period will be feit. Thisfact ought to be known the world over. s:i.u iikd. We have curcd cases tliat nctunily defied everything known, as woll ns the ability of fifl'een or twenty docors. One man told us he had spent $500 on bis chtldren without any benefit, wheii a few boxes of tbc Ointmcnt curcd [hem. con ns. People nocd never bc troublcd with ïhcm ifthey will uso it. As o FAMILY MEDICINE, no man can mensure its valué. So long na the stars roll alone over the Heavcns- so long ns mnn trem!.ihe enrth. subject to uil ihc infirmitifcs of' the jlcsh - go long 6 disenso and sickness is known just so long will thifi Ointment be üsé'd and estcemed. WÏien tnnn oc;iscs from offtheearth. then ihedemaiul will cense, and not lili then. To allay all apprehensions on account of il? ingredieuts, in possessing sucti powerfulproperj j es. we wiÜstaie tltnt it is Composed of some of the most eomman nnd harmless herbs in existence Thcrc is no tnercury in it. ns can bc seen froni the fact thnt i t does ïtot injurc ihe skinone partiële, whilc it wili pass ihrouch f nd physic ihc bowels. JAMES McALÍSTER & CO. 1G8 South street. N. York. Solo propricfor of ílie nbove Medicine, to whom all communidiiorts muBt be addicseed (poat paid}. Pi ice '5 cents and óO cents. KTCAUTION.xll As the AH Ilealing Ointment has been greatly counterfeited, we have given this caution to thepubhe, thnt "no Ointment will be genuine unless the nomes of James NicAlister. or James McAlisxer &, Co., are written with n pen tipon every lahcl." The label is n steel engmving. with the figuro of "Insensible Perspiration" on the face Now ve hereby offer a raward of $500. to bc paid on conviction. in nny of the constiuitcd cours of the Uniled States, of any individual counterfeitinc oir nnme and Ointment. MAYNARD'S. Ann Arhor, "VVholcyalc ACPiits; S ml til & Tyrell. Clinton: Ke'tchum .V Smith, Tecumseh: Ö. C. Whitwood. Dcxler: fi. Bower, Manchesier: John .Owen &■ Co., Detroit; Ilarmnn &, Cook, Brooklyn. Dec 18, 1H45. 244- Iy_ wootTwooí" CLOTH! CLOTHÜ rpHE subscribers will continue to mnnufacFulleil Cloth, for37 ets. per yard. and white flanncl for 20 cent? per yard; or they will manufacture the wool lor halt the cloth il will make. Their l nctory is 2 miles West of Ann Arbor, on the iuron River. Wool willalso be received at Scio. V.'hen sent by Railroad il will be attendcd to in the sime manner as n mcowners were to come with it. Wool will bc manufaciured in turn as it comesin as ncarly as it can be done wiih reference to the different qualitii-s of wool. WOOL CAR DING, will bedone at Scio, by Thomas Moshins. S. W. FOSTER &.CO. Scio, May 1, 1845. 210 DEUiTISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Dentisl, HAS removed his office to Crane & Jewett's RIock, first room on the Second Floor, where being weil prepared to altend lo evcry branch of his profession, would rospectfully say to all who have not had those necessary oruans. THE TEETH, properly attended to. delny nn longer, bnt cali upon him and expeience the easc and durability of hisoperations. Term? accommodating and charges inno case unreasonablc. Ann Arbor, March fi. 1845. 47-t SABBATH SCHOOL. BOOKS for sale ai FERRY'S BOOKSTORK. Dcc 23. tfï Try- Try Agáiu A FTER you have tried onothousnnd and one . Kinds of Pilis: then try Dr. Halstcad'a Brisk Filis nd you wii! bc lully saiibfied tbnt thcy nrfc ne nuc-li preferablc to cvery other kind as the tvn'e ght and hent is preferable. lo bring foiword nd ,roinote a heallliy growth in vegetables 10 thal i-hich emanuies l'rotii tlie moon. Thcy arejust what is wnntcd in tliip country -n pül that opera'.es quiek. ihorough ond easy, " arrying all inipiniiies wilh them; lenving the toniach nnd bowcle clenn md elf ar. Awny with -our SLOW P1LLS. that act fcLOW- cleonsfr ?LOW, and leavc the systcm in a írLOW ttate. Qilious maller and oiher ini] edinientscolleci yc y mpid in'tlic syMetn wlicn once ihey legin c icciimuiate- and will increase ns fast ns Slow Pilis will remove tliem. 1 1 is neecssary thercfore. o liavea brisk operation- thai will akoOsï; am' rjtr okgans Troni tV.cir lorpii? Etate. pive a nw inipetus to the blood and secretinns. Thrn food will digesi - theatoninch gnin strengtl:- the sys icin btrong- tlie fin clcor- the ajpetitc goo(', nnd you are well- :whon your 6low doses woulc keep you lingeripg nlong for monlhs- and tlicn pcrhnps you will send or n Doctor, and whnt will hc do? He will give you n powerful cnjhnWÍO one that will do yon somc goorl. Now be your own dcctoip, and tuke Ualsted's Vegetable Jírisk Pilis, nnd gradúate ilieni to uit iliepatient. To wcak pniients givc mall do8eg_nlío to clnldicn. They are harmleM and enn bcgivcn to the most delicate - but then thcy give lifc and niotion to the systcm. DISEASE is a slow morbid actiën, clogging up all tho small vcspels - and calis níoud lor n remedy that will arouse them into oction hefore thcy hecome too wenk to bo kept in inoiion. - Pcople die for the want of iiciion - and fenring ihey shnll obtain a hoalthy. natural action- thcy prefer tnkina n slow medicine - thnt they may doctor slowly for ycars- and at lust die with a slow, linffTing diFeaee- the namra) efiVct o( tnking low Pilis. Away then with this thcory. - Ifnoiure wishes to purify ihe aii. Fhe calis npin a hurry n thundrr showcr. and with-il her ílghtnings (nir phyaic) o pnrify., nnd give o new motion to the atmospherc. and nll is wdl. Shc does not lightcn pently the yenr round to produce thL motion. Then follow nature, whfn ynu are out of hoalth - hnve a bad taste in your IDOiith - indigesiion ■- costivencss - fevrr - colk c,iHs - fever and ngue - dYspepsia-pnin in bacd orlimbs - faken cold - or in f.ict out of orricr in nny ytny - relieve yourfelf immediately bytokinj the Hrisk Pilis. Trv them once you wilrise no otlif r. 2R Pille for 95 cents. Sold wholesnle nnd reinil hy J. Owcn A Co., Detroit; C. Rbcrboch S. P. Jewctt. Lu-d &. McColltim, Ann Arbor. 237-6m "SICKNESS IN CHILDKEN. AND the PufTcring which iho} undergn from "wokms" oftcn tend 10 a Inta! ltrmmntiit, while tho cAfss is neyer sutpected. OfTcnsive Ineaih, piking nt the nose. grinding the ;eeth durijtir sloep, statting in sleep with friphf nná acreainidg, troiiblesomccongh. nnd feverishncsa, are among some of the Prominent 8yinptms of tlic presencc of wornis. A li niel y use of SHERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES Will immcdi-ilcly remove nll these unplen'ant syinpforris. o.nd restore to perfect lieahh. Sistor hnialius, Superior of tlic Cniholic Wulf Orphnn Asylum hftfi uddcd her tcsiimony in their invor, to the ihou.'-iinds which have gone befare; Sh stntre that therc are Over 100 chiidren in tho Apylum. nnd 'Jint thoy hiivo been in the hnbit of using Sherltjnn'sLozenges. andshe hns nlwnys found them to he 0Wehd;d with the most tencfi cinl cfleits. They hnve been proved to ba infallibio in over 4t!0,Ü()0 cases. CONSÜMPTION, InfíuenJÍo, Coligue, Colds. "Whoopm Cotighy Tightnoss of the Lungsor Chest may be eurcd. Ilev. Darius Anthony was very low froni Consutnpi iMi. Jpnathnn Noword, the cclcbrntcd leiiiperaiice leomrer, waeredneea to the vergeof ihè gravé ïïyrnieing'blood. llav. Mr. Dutibar of New York, tho Rcv. Mr. De Forett. Evangelist in the Western nart of this state. Hcv. SoD.Ts'ian St ree ter, ol l5ipion, the wifeofOinïmus DibWe. E8q. in Monrovia, nnd liundreds oioihei8. have been relicved and cured by a proper 's'lIERMAN'S COUGM L02ENGES, And no medicine ha? ever boen more effcctunl ín the relief oí thosc disensos, or which can Le reconimcndod with more lence. 'fcj nl iay all iicliing or irritation. render tliocoiigh cney, pronioie expectorntion, remove the ciuse, and produce the niosj happy and lasting cíFtíctSj HEADACIIE.Pnlpiintion of tlie Henrt, Lowncss of Spirittf, Sea sickiH'ss, Despontleiicv, Fnintncss Cholic Spn?in.. CranipS of the Stomnch. Suimncr or Bowe! Complaints. LÜ80 nll ihe distressing symptoms arising frojn (ree living, or n nilit of cliieijntion are quickly and cntirely rclicvcd by using SflERMAWS CAMPÍIOR LOZKNGF.S. Thcy act spcedily nnd relie'vc in a very short spáceof tinje. gíving tone and vigor lo the syatem. nnd on;ible :i pc: son usiwg them to undorgo great meiiir.l or budiiy fatigue. rheuáiatísm, Wcak Bnck. pnin nnd weakness in the Brensf T)ack. Limbs and o:her paus of the body nre speedily and eflectunlly relirVed by S HERMA N'S POOR MAN S PLASTEK, whieh costsonly 124 cents, and is wilhin the rench of all. Ho great has breóme tbc rcput.ition of tliis nrticle. tbat one ntillion wil! not bepin to supply ihc annunl deninndi Ii is ncknowledgcc! to bi tho bestsircngtliening Piasier in tbc world. BEWARE Of IMPOSITION. Dr. Slierman's Poor Mnn's Pluster hns hie name with diroc!ins printed on the bnek of the Plnster. and a ÏÏ3"ac iimUejjft ot the Doctcr's written name under the dircc:ions. None othors are eenuine. or lo be relied on. Dr Shcrnian's Wnrenouse is No. 106 Nrssau st. New York. W. S. & J. W, MAYNAkD, Agcnts for Ann Arbor. 246 IN CHANCERY- FIRST CJRCU1T. " Joscpli C'ark, Complainant vs. Peter JMcGivnnv. Dolendant. BY virme of a decreta! order ssued out of the Court of Chancery, ot' the State ol Michigan. I shail expose to salo to the highest bidder, at the Court House, in thï villnge of Ann Arbor, Wnshtennw County. Michigan, on t!ie 24th dny of Fiibruary next, at onc o'clock in tho afternoon ol' th.M dny. the following describcd premisos, to wit: 'The northeast quarter of Scction thirty, townehip nuniber one south. f Range thrce cast." GKO. DAiNFORTIl Master in Chancery. Doücr,As3 & Walker. Comp'a Sol'rs. Dated Januarv (5th, 1846, 246- 7w Theabove sale is postponed until the tenthday ol March next. at the same time and place. GEO. ÜANFORTIÍ, Master in Chancery. Dated, Feb. 24th: 1846. Flax Sccd ! " npHE snbEcriber wishes to buy a quantity of J. Flax Seep, íorwhich he will pny the highest inarket pricc, in Goods or Cash, delivered at his Millüt Mount Pléasnnt. Genessee County, Michigan, five miles north ol Fenionville. D. L. La TOURETTE. Dec. 15, 1845. 243- 5m LiveGeese Feathers. 2OOO LBS Pure Live GccscFenthers tor ISi Jefferson Avenue. Detroit, by BEECIIER .fe ABBOT. Jan. 23. 1846. 24S-3mo SHAWLS, Dress stuffa of nll kinds, Lace Vcils, Cravnts. Ribbon, &c &c. At tha Manhattan Stokb, Detroit. RAyMOND# Dec. 25. 1S45. 244- Cw FEATHERS and PAPER HANGINGS may bo found at all times at the My"""11 Store, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dec. 25, 1844. 244- 6m WAN TE. rpWO young men about 18 or 19 yearsof opc, JL as npprentices to the Snsi) and Blind making business. Also, one JOURNEYMAN, at the above business. „v H. GREGORY Ann Arbor, Lower-Town, Dec. 4, I8p 24-Jï-