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A;"'iitnie:iis dí S. i. r.cidwcll.Stulc li .1:1 ni Imt-wiesd Agcnt. TheogtfUI will : .mínente I113 duties 11 Jnekon C'iunty, as Ibllow? : Al J kW ViILl'c, Apn! 7. ítfÍG, at G o'c!ook M. ;it II.irrvMi Acidemy. At Lkom. Ajiri! 8,'rti ( o'clock 1. M. nt tiio iingrcsrntittnnl meeting lioüsc. Ai Ouv Lakt. April '.), ;it G I'. M. ai thé ïórtri'gntionni Cl u cl, At'oi.i o.v, A.ri! Vi, " " ;' clmot lioiisc. Ai Con m :iv. April IH, " 'chopl liourc in Ji'fferson. AtCoNrrmí). Ajinl -JI), " ' [blióó! hmiso. Al SstrrasF., April 23, ;' 4' " Villnuo School house. At IlivK., April '27, " " ' téd.Fchftol Iiuii3e. C. II. Stkwaut, oí Del ruit, will nttenj nt hekwn', Lcnni,niid Grage Lnkc, nnd nd'lroáá he friènds, ai ihc time of ilie abovo appóiútnents. Ftitnild in tlie seveal focnliifoè above mention(I. aro p;irticulnrly r q ifístcil to makc arrnujrcuentH fur thc re npcciivc meetings, nnd cspccall o assomblc ilie Liberty voters oí tlio CoWns asi Qceht lo tlie place of meeling, so tliat town oránixatioha and otlicr arratjgèincnU) tháy b) nado. Tliey are nls requeeted to peritse thc addrese f tlie Central Cüinniiltoc. nnd mako what nr angetiicnls tliey best can in their reapective oivn.s :o íicili talo thc objeels oí ihc Conunittoc nul of the iiusincs3 of tlic Agent. Aftcr Jackson, the Agent will visir tho cunt; if Wnshienaw, and liien üakland. Il is deeign ■;d to makc his appointmcnts at ihc ecnter of tv :ry íour towns, and remain there or in the vi inity iliree days: fur disposalof the businoEs o huso towns. Mis lirst appuintnient in Washtchiw, wül be at or ncar thc ernter of LyrtiJon ■ De.xtcr Sylvan Lima'lis riext at Mamlics'er: thcn nt Saline, nnil po ori Untas lio ór iho Central Cominitfee 1 rió u8dt.s3 i.'ic informatioii requisito Tor nn cconom icnl nndlfficiciJt (Jisj)osnl of liis lime, tlie fiicnd u c.iüli county aro fCqttMtcd to nmkc the jiropc ;rrniinncntí!ovvítiT ti r;e tluys for four towns md to comimmicatc thu saine to llic conuniítcc u Detroit.