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The War!!

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A corespondenl of the Newark Adverliser wrües respecting ihe country about Mntamoras, Api il 25: 'Tliis Mexican State, Tamaulipas, in lohickwe encavipcd, in ;i benutiful, a mos! delightful región. Far as the eyc can reheb, one level surfaoe presents itself te view, dottod with lovely gardens alter the Spanisli fashiöh; the whole cut up and (livided in all sorls of way., by groves oí the finesllrees, among wlilcb, f'ho Lignum Vilae figures ínrgeJy; and the enlire piclure is cm Up in tunin by the muddjest, crookedpst, swiftèsl river in North Aniericra. Neitlier mountain, iiül, or elcvntion of any soit varíes the eveJnsting level of the country arciund. The scène is rich and peaceful, with n'othing to rnar iisapprepriaie cliarac'er, lul the armies of wo nations, ioorsiipping Hifi samé eternul God, slrengtheniug lic'r hands to slay cach oiier like beasts (.' ! ! ) Our nig'ils hero are for ihe most part remarkahje for their serenily. The bt:irs stand Ibrlh in nuiiierious crowds with rare hrilliancy,: not a leaf is inovei!, nut a cloud is soen, whüe over and ftnoD, a tneteoroTsiirpassingbrJghUiefö sbools across the azurc vault. Uut 1 ain suinnioneci to sterner duties." A letter f rom Charleston givcs the following account of the cause that led to the capture of Lieul Deas: 'It appears thal Lieut. Deas was ofiicer of the day, and il wns cuslomarv lor the American band lo perfocm tlie Ratíonaí airs, when tlie '-Star S)nng!ed IJuniiPi" uas losvcred in ihe evcning. This concetl ol'sweet sounds altr&eléd ihe atten;ion of ilo Méxicans bn theopposiie side. and cyówdk asein!)led on ihe Ininks of the river to lisien to the struin.-. of iimsu: ; amoiig liieni jvore innny iadiesLieut. Doas becaine erin mu red with a certain Mexicnn benuty, and signs and tokeus of nffecljon possed belween thein; on the same evejiiug, üke unother Leander, he plunged into the Mexican Hcltgspant afler hw heft), and nosoonerhad lie hindod on the other side tlian he was secured as a prisoner. Loye, nol valor or l'rieiidsliip, prompted lijm to swim across ihe river." We porceive that Gen. Taylor, in makingexchanges of prisoners of War, refused to redeem Lieut. Deas, ns thatwould bc virlually a;knowledging that he lad bcencaplurcd n the discharge oftii duly. Anofficerin the army writes tl', at the ra had been 30 or 40 deserlions, and adds: 'lSome four or five liave beendrowned" in ihe a'lternpt, and I think fivu shot. - Ono man succeeded in gaining the oppnsitc l:mk, and as he crawled out the .-ïCiit iüc-1 ivred, and he feil. He crawled U)on the bank, tfie Mexicans rein' tp his. tisislcince, but husinggered and feil dead.. They covertd liim wiih a sheet mid hu ried hun.' Il was a capital sholfor a Musbü, íeing about 200 yards, and must givo then ñu contemplible notion of our skill. Since that, desertion has ccased.J Co.-respondence of ihe Jcw Orlc'and Tropic. L:;azds Santiago, May W. Since my lat (not receivñd) we havo j had iwo anivnls, the New York and brigMilïaudon. The last brouglit the newa that six sleamboais wiih ibur thousand vol unieera were about starting when she left. This nevvs rnadé us most' cheerful, as wo could not have ihea expecled tho result that has siuce taken place with our troops. Despatchés had been sent to Vera Cruz hy Gen. T. contenis lo us subs unknowu but i-uinor would' havo il that the afo'resaiil era Cru was to have been botnbarded. Judge of our surprise,; then, when at daylight on the morning after, lbo whole squadron (Pulinouth excepled) uppeared p{T ou"r' harbo'r. The Commodore had not receive;' the despatchés, from hor', btit was inforrried at Fëra Cruz that tha Mexicana had márched 0,000 or 7,000 troops ncross hy land to assist Gen. Arisiu in wlfipping Goti. T.iylor. Commodore Conner, therefore, thought veiy wisely thut lus pYesence here would do some good in the way of reiuforcements Gladjy was he welcomed, is 6e'n$rá'l Taylor h-ul marched out tho evèuing previous to meet and conquer the eneniy, taking with him twenty-lwo hundred men, leamsters iucluded, with two hundred and fifty tfiams loaded with añnrtiumtions, provisiotis, &c, which the Mexicana were no douht apprized of, ts ihe teams had been loadud ever sinca Monday last, awaiting the orders3 ibr a march at a moajent's warning General T. lel't Poin; label with little over fuiir hundred men to defend it. - Major Muuroe, commanding here sent a requisitiou to Commodore Conner lor as many men as he could spare, as wo heard 6 ring 1 p. in. of tiip 8th, which contiuued with but Iiule itilermission unlil dark. Com. C. sent nshore 250 men, and on the 9íli 1U0 or 500 more, which makes this place strong euough to wilh stand an attack against 20,000 men. Delievo me when I say there wns tho greatest excitement here all the afteriioon of the 8th, as wo could plainly hear the cannonading from the field of báttle. On tho evening of the 8th, Mr. Murray and Mr. Bacon volunteered to go and fuid out the result. On ihe morning of the 9th, a black boy cirae iuto camp, gave n h story o the fight, which was nbout true, butashe had run away a::d left his team, he was nol believed. At 3 p. rn. of the 9th, Messrs. M. Breturned, and stated as follows : They ght to Gen. Tavlor's present camp, aixieen miles from here, al 3 j. na. there learned that theanny marched until about thirleen miles from liere, when they saw the Mexicaus drawn up in batlle array ncross his road. Me irnmediately gave his orders for the teams to halt uirtil th" 2d brigade had passed. Tho Méxicañs were on the prairie near the edge of the chaparal. When Gen Taylor got witiiin about ihree-quarters of a mile, they opened upon him with thoir jflying artillery. Gen. Tuvior arrived wiih Capl. Duncon and Mnjor Ringold's companics, and at it they went uiail about su:jset, when the Mexicana had retreated ;o t!ie edge of the chaparal, and ceased liiing. Aller which Gen. Taylor fired ten or fifteen guns at (hem, and set to work :hrowing up two breast-work.s. At dnylight the Alcxicans were in tho edge of the chaparal. A conncil of war was held by Gen. Taylor, nmi il was agreed that one brigade should advance up to the chapaial, in hopea to draw the Mexicans into d reuewal of tho fight, but the more the troops ml vaneed upon ihem, the more they wanr't there - the Mexicans having retrealed, leaving three pieces of artillery, any qunntity of ammunition, fronj FÖur to six HijNUUED dead upon ihe field, and God only knows how many wounded they to-k away. One Mcxican who was staUoned at one of thcir batteties, says every body but himself at the batterios was killed - says the guns beat anything they ever drearried of, they were so quick. Ono of ihe IWexican ofiicers, in tr ing to rally his men, found he could nor, "and commenced lo cut them with his sword. when his troops shot him dead. We i;ul 11 killed, and about 10 mortally wóundodt Capt. Page of the 3d, had all the lower pait ojf his face shot off with a can non b;ill - it U thought he wül recover, though horrtbly mütilntédi Major Kingold had tiie flushy part of both his legs shot thro' and hojsè killed - none of his bones broken, which is womlerfu!. Ojt nform;inl says the field of hattle was strowed wiih tiie d"ad, and they could liear the grdnna o%the Mexican wounded all night at Gen. 's camp. The Mexicans were coniinnnded by Gen. Mcjia. There is no doubt Üiey have retreated across the river. When the voluntecrs arrive you may depend you will hear of ihem "revelling in the halla of ihe Mnntezumas," or poace and gnod will, wili be whipped into ihoso bombastic Mcxíchds. Il is a matter of surprise that so few were lost on fHir side. The monotony of this place has been relieved thr last twodays by the drilling