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SPECIAL NOTICE, AND LAST CALL ! ! ALL persons ndcbird tr ihc Inte fnfn of T?rcUley & ilicke, nn-. Boklry. Poster & Co.. by unie. pocouni, nr-othorwisei ure reqüfete) 10 ni! and mljust their ndebtednesa by t lic Kb J July next, ir ihcy will be lelt wit li the Jusiici lor collecuon. Q ,t L. P.ECKLKY. Ann Arbor, Lowet Town. June IS Hl& 26D-3w LOSS BY F1REÏ! MITCHEI.L KACKKH. róoftwsor of M. Hownrd. ns Agent for ilie l'nttrrcTi" InSBRASCK Co.MFNV. " ol will i:i?urc Dwrll "ti-is. Bttnts, MrrcïiaiHÜzr. nnd ;ill oihcr insnr.-ibiJ propei.iy on m Iow fertwá oa iany odiar golid conipnny in ihe United Sinu ■?. FARMER'S BARXS INPIFED AOAINST LIGHTNING Í Office in the Sc-cnd Story ol New Post Office Bmldinw, nonh 61 Courj House. Ann Afbor, June 16. 194U. 269if BIIOAD CLÓTHS, CassiTicros, V'estings. Si-mens, Gtnis. Crmnts. A:c. &c. cheap ai tho Manii.vtta'v Stokf.. Detroit. W. A. RAYMOXn. Dec. -25, 1S45. '-M 4- Oiii Chattel ülorlgagres, JUST printel andht saloa. thia office in anj qianttty. March24, 1846.Persian Pilis. Pul nnt the Lighl vnder a BusheL," bul read and ponder . THE TIME ÍS COME, o-id now is, thnt the great masa of Iho peooto o' tkis and ido ld world, hHvc decided that the PESfSIAX AND IXD1AN EXTRACTS. e tlie inosi tffjctual combinación oí medicinal riyrcdienta that ever haR, or ever can cómpose a piil. ■ ■ The RESURRECT1ON or PERSIAN PIJ.LS, being marta ol vegetable cxtracts, nre jaíiiy digestivc. bcconurig a juice in the hurrnn tomncli. This liquid is easily tukgn up by the ibsorbcnt vessels, and conveyed ihroughout, nil mrts of tlic system, di.spensipg lifennd nnimmiim n ali the organs. ÍJy being assimünied with ilie tilood, it eniers into i es combin.ition, purif'ying ibestrearrs of life. You see it would üoiu:ally ahd readily combine with tlie blood utid u'í ihe sccreiions, ihus K.'apiing its'-if to the rtinovsl f Qll diseneee of impure blood, wbich clop; ihe cgans, causin pain, distresa. nnd Jealh. H the mipuritics sctile upon the organ of tlie btoniacri it cnuse n bnd tasto ín the mouih. n furred lóugue," 'iad lucaih, indigestión, dyspepsm., pniñ. o sonO f fuüncss or gononfss, &c. I f upon ihe lungs r ihroat_. thcy will cause a cnigh, tightnrse, we.iUness. and nn unensy scnsntion in the ihront,' irri tat ion. bronchitis, vnd consumption. Ifthey setile upon tlie livíí. (bey will cause liver complnini. jniiudice. or snllow skin, fpver ond agüe, büioufl disí-H.epg of nll kinds, nnd irrciilariiy óf ihe I)nyel9.diarrah-)a. A:c. It upuh the nérvep," they will cause nervous weaknefs, pain tn tho, sick hcadache, general debiluy, low spirits. liont in thebnck, side, or head. If in the eyaíem Htneratly, it cause general emaclation. scrofuln, rumor8, tiglr. hard skin, pimples, blotchcs, irritntion. &o. & ;. You know if any thing clags ihe engin;. all the mnchinery becomes retnrdod in íts inotinn, tind tu tdecWHHM in strength, tro molions become paralyzed inore and more, uniil finnlly it censes lo move. So with tho human svstem, n the blood becomos impure with humorp, the órgans suíTer creating, pnin, misery, and tí rtoi removed, deaih. A constant u;c ofthf-se Pilis in a famüy. will add yeaj3 to each individual lite. For being mndo of vegetable extrnets, they may be taken fromyonth to oíd age without injnry, but with', ilecidod benelit. Weaklyj puny ctiildren, will. become henlthy and strong with a slow nee M 'hese Pilis. They soothe weak nervee. strengthnn ihe weak. ond cleanse all the orgnnn in a man ncr abo ve descríbed. Being compound of juices, thcy poss thrnuh the smallest vessels, thua teaching d:scMse whercever pent up in ihe sys'em. even in the eyes and brain. We know that they are the bost Pul in tho world, for tena ofüiinisiiñdi that have taken ovt;ry other pill. have decided ao, nnd nothing coulil hibder them from keeping them on hand. - Take these pule freely, and you will aeldont want a phypician. Who ever heard of much sicknrssin a faniily where these Pilis were taken freelj t Thfr nnin ihey cause no pain or weakni'ss irj their nperation; they soothe the bgw'els nnd ore asure cure for . . DIARRHCEA OR SUMÍJER CO.MPLATNT, r.idigestion. costivenesa. and nll diseasep arísing from an impure stomach or blood. Therc 13 nolhing better for fever and agüe, or bilious discases. ond all mentioned above. ti. B. frico reduced to 2s per box for 31 l'ills. Reniembcr eath box containsHl Pillp-itherefoie, they aro the chenpest as well os tbe best. Beware of Pilis niade of gums, calomel and conrso powdera, for ihey wLl Sèdtroy tho coats of th" stotnach n tne, vnd coase caih. - Beware, lor the most of ihem cunt'nin cnlomél of somethintf ns destmetive to humnn rviptence. Kcmenibnr tlie Reurrection or Persian Pilis, are made of Vegetable extracta. Vir ?n]c in all the principal places in the T"nion - Wholrsnle and retai! by P. uwen .V Co., Detroit ; C. Eberbach, S. P. Jtwett, lund k M'Collum, Ann Arbor. 2o7-ömPERRY'S boor: store TÖTHE Public- The undersignéd hav'mg reiurned from New York vrith a new, large and valuable stock of Books, Stationen and Paper Jiangings, ís now ready to sell for Cash, any tuing in hia line at his new stand on Main street, opposite H. Becker's Briek Store. He will say to Book Purchnsrr?, that, by his eflbrts last fall on his return from New York, the price of nearly every (hing in his line has been sold less than herelofore, and had il not been forhini purchasers would have eontinued to pay the prices heretofore choreed. He can say also, that his sales have been. beyond his mos,t sanguine cxpectntion, showin ronclusivi-ly that a public benefactor, allhonli neyer s-o smalf, will not go unrcwarded in thi.i enlitrhtened comamnity. He is thankYul for the favors already bestowed, and would respectfully solicita continuahe'e' of the trade ; and he would sny to tliose who neverhavc purchase books o hini, that he will show them articles.and prices with pleaeurc at any time they may enll whetherthey wish to pnrehase or not. . Cash orders from the country will be attended and the books packed as well nsif the persons were present to altend to the purchases. Ile will' also sell to childrnn ;.s cheap as their parents. Purchasers will do well to examine his stock and prices bt-fu.epurchasing elsewhere. Don l JQrget the place ; be sure yon cali at PER R Y 'S Book Store, on Mainstreet, a few doors soulh of ihe public square. W. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, June, IS46. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Oromiel Beckley, ) vs. liefere E. Thomson osq. SylvnniK H. Ilills. Y AV KIT ot" Atiachment inning Jecn isMietl by Kdwin Thontsi.n. e?q.. a justice of the Peoce in hnd far Washtenaw County. at ihe' snit of Ornmiel Iteckley agoinsl Sylvnnus H. Uil! returnoLile at the oHice of said Justice in tha villncre f Ann Arlor, in sfiid county, on the ffiih dny ofMoy, 846 A I b'dftók, l'. M. on.l he said ilefendiint having lailcd to appcar, noice s hereby given that s.nid cause is conunuecl or trial until the J 7ih dny of A neust, 18-16, at one o'clock, P M.. nt tho tlie oHice of said jnsce. Diited. June lst. 14'. "269 ATT ACH M ENlÖTÏCE, Cny Becklry Sc Lnkö Beckl'cy, j; g L Thomso)]; e,.. Svlv.inns tí. Ihlf. j A WRJ T of Ait.ichment Knvíng bren isstio.f nt by F.tiwin Tliomsnn. rsq.. a jiisiice of ihe ïciice in nnd for Wnsdtenaw Cnuhty. at tlie suit f Öüy Beckley and Lnke Beckley ncainst Sylvanus H. JIiH. ritarrinblé at ihe oflice of 80id jusiice iñ the villnge ol Ann Ar'.utr, iii tnid couny. .n the IPfidnyóf jSinV. 1840. al one ó'click !'. M., end the fíai'd (tciendnnt h;i%inti (niled IO ippelkr, noifce is hereby is gtven ihat said canso ■ eontinurd for irial untif iho 17lh doy of August 1846, nt om o'clck, P. ak'i at the office of aid Jusiice. Dnted, June 1, 1 ñ 10. 2G'.. BETTFAl LA TE THAN NE VER! T'UK Subscr.hor Iris thö plensurc of announ1 éïng io flh I'-iMic. ihat lie h.ns just reCMveq rom New Yoik, an) ppenèdn choao and wtil slccted BMorunent of NEW GÖODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Grocerics, Croclccry, Hard' ware, Boots and Shoes, which he will sell at V'cry Low Prices for Rnady 'j.y in Cash, or Paxinco. , . Ca.'OT Goods will be pn'id for WOOLin any aontHiea. ROBERT DAV1DSON. Ann Arbor. June JU. If ■!!. -H . E. G. BURGER, Dcntisi, FIRST BOOM OVER C. M. & T. . ROOT's STORE, CRANK cV .IEWF.TT'S BLOCK, 261-tf ANiN ARBOR.