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The Northwestern Convention

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Mm. Chili, Iüi Wna íir two yp.i:8 editor oí llie A. S. SinrulmJ. con pared ihc busiins in that of tho irtvi'Jiinll - nn iiiictiasipq rouiino ei labor, ncver cnding and etill bpuinning. H iving eervcd in thnt treaüunll ftilltttui nsiunHor live ycars, wc deterniinetl lu gitfe uirm-lf :ii 1 asi une wctk's hy w.iy ni a iri tt Chitingn. Wc íesolvvd t sre anl hcir ;iil ecjul.l. Il the reader has any ciiriostty to nccoiiijiarrs n# lic niay harncss ilic Meetla ol lii uini'iiiniiun.and pr ceot! us tvüilo vTewp abnirJ ilieoars. Tt) travel the tirsi Imtnlrcil milt-i lu Kuhim-i zoo, vas the worl. ot ;iI)l'U! sev li'in.-. ini-iii hui; an limir nptni in ítoji i: oh in ilio n.iciv aftcr we Ii:k1 un . ff. Ii is so pt(rinon in run D1 ainl break dimgs thr.t n. !■..! min 's nn tlmu; alioui jt. Yi-t liurin" tilit ycars tliit the lo.iil has Loen in ue, u is snl iliit aitl a i'.isst'niior lins bcon küleil or 9urioufJy injiiroil. ihjw sjtowiog ihal as n mu.uis of transport.'itiün. on dnhole. il is sater itinn cbnvzyvnCu ly - The business ol" tho rond bppéare t- ic last mi proving: and il is duiibtle.- truc tint ihe ('onipanv wil! tako potscssioti of it wiüihl tlie time limitcd by lnw ior ils acccptancc - six mond: iroi lbo first of May past. Kalamazoo is fjuiie a piensan' lboking villicc. tliough not vciy largr. But il the K-rminaiion of the Ruilroad bc lor any considerable time here, it willgrow rnpidly: for llnilroads invariobly build up lbo places at their lernunniions, wlulc thcy seldom ndd to tho growili ol the intorniediac places. At 8 o'clock. P. M. forty of us gol uto four singes to rido al! niglit. aiter ridinga hun dred miloa in half a d.iy. This wuy of travelling lullowcd up inci s - inri y, mnkes it eocm very much liku woik. The bfgfal w.s very comfortable, but the road wassinriy and verydusty fiom imieh use and U-ng dry wcaiher, so th.u we wore torced to look within the coach lor sotuers of imii8cnient and happiness. Our coiDpleiuent consisied of nine persons inside - four Jcdics and five gentlemen. Among the latier. wo r(cocïixd oxr old friend, tlic Liberty singor. Geo. W. Clarkc. the publisherof he first Temporáneo pnper in ihis State. Friend Clarkc is a radicnl n about Overy thing. Among his other peculariticd, he is a '-Wotnan's Rights man" of the straiglnesl kind. being an advocate of iho nhsolute equnliiy of the condttion of ihe - Some allusiii tó lbo sulijnct brought oti a discusión on Edueation, Lovc, Couftfchipr, Marriage. D.i.nestic Aflairs, Fcnjülo Votinï.&e. iiê.in vvliich ;.'!! participaicij, with ocèaaïOfM inier nis.-iojis. makingan argnnu-nt ahoui fifi y müe? ong. Bit though iriend Cl:i:k' ehowprl grom pcrscverance and logic, we ihouglit l:e wm raiher ur.suce.-sful in maltin converts. Tlie ge-ñ lemen liaJ no noiion of liavi2 tlieir uive tist-n aw.ïy from the nuisory lo sit on jtirird ör on he judies sea?, or even to vote; and na t- the adics. wo must say we thought thcy turncd ilie oíd Bhouldcr to "lieir wnrm hcartcd advocate.- Wecould nof avúd the onclusijn that tl c iccrc tot dlspjscd to accept thrir tibe: ly even f it were ff red t th::m ! Uut friend Clarkc et nsoled limsclf wiih tin; [plitf that "a bctter lim; iscomng. girls." Bul liierc ib one point advanced bv onc of the speakers which so ncarly alTccu the 'oung ladies ihat we may[not pass it over. alItough its bare memion -.vül cali down upon ui. he wrath of ';creaiion's lords." Ii was argued hat the passton of Lovc is common to both sex es. and is ns likely to originatc "in onc sex as he otlier; and thcrefore tiic rigiii rule of society by which a lady isdebarred from expressing her "eeü of attachivient to tlie object of her afleclions until he, in his sovcreio-n ploasure has first signified hiá prefereníe for her, is unnatural, un jiist, and unwordiy of regaid. We mercly ncnlinn i)ie premisos and couclui-ions. Thcr correciness and propritiy musí Le determined by somc one possessiug a more profound knowl edge of human nature than wc can lay claim to. St. Joseph, tbc propoged tcrniuiaiion n( :1 c Central Jlailroad, is fifty-six miles from Kalama xoo, and is rather an uninteresting sand hill. - The villagc is email, and was onco famous for one or more Bankp. ha coijimercial )usincss we sliould judge is not large. Herc we took the steamboat Cliampion, for Chicago. GO nilos disiant. On our way wc passed Michigan Ciiy, which ia said to be a place of considerable trade, alihough th-ï ciiy was so itubcddcd in aand hills ihat we could sce scarceiy any of it from ihe wharf. The ehore of tiie lake ia not at all picluresque or romantic. It preaents one continucd sa ir] bnnk, of no great clcvaiion, surmoumed ly a grove of Ftunted pinca. At 5 I'. M. we landcd at Chicago. lts resemManco to hc eostcrn ciues in the appearance ol its strceis struck usa: first siyhl. The populition iá about 12,0QQ Tbc buildings are of wood and briek, many of theni ihrcc and four storic high. Wejudged írom tho nppcarnncc of ihingfihat stones dtd not grow in rhat country. The sidcwalks wore built uut with plank, about ten icet wide, and wcro che p!y made, nnd very cunvenient. Wc wish our Ann Arlor citizcn6 wúuIi! have enterprise enough to tnkc a pattern from them. The i;c oí lic city ie iic.irly level, only sanie ten or twelvc feel abuvo the level of the lake. Henee all thc water in th-, city mu6t be similar in Livor to ihe water o! thc Iake, and henee all thcir nianufacturing must lc done by ateam. Chicago owes its crowth almost entire'y to its commercial bussnesa ond position. li has nutneroud largo hotels, oniong whicli the Amcricnn Tcmperancc flouse wcll deeerves support, as ils necommodation are good and its charges modérale. In thc evctiing. i preliminnry tncering was held in the tent on the public square. Tliis tent. -vviiicii was broughl i'roin Oberlin, is esiiniated ti hold from ihrco to five ihousaud pcrsoiis whtin closeJy fillcd. Wc should ihink ntnrly tw thousand werc present tliis evening. The proccedings were not of nny grent interest. Ile:)irt8 oí the state oí thc cause in thc difieren! Stntes and Territorios representod, worc tuade. ,ut tlicy presented noihii:g rcnitirkable. The nn islavery ci.lings aud prinHpleè wt re every whero on t'io gim: hut liiis Wfljj not in all cast-.rue of the antislavery orgaitizaliini. The picliminaiy moeting was coniniucd on Wedncfidny morning until ten o'clock, when tinonvention by nppointing flun. J. G. Carter., of Muitachusetts, President, lic made in excellent prtsidtng oiiicer. On n motion to prepare nn addreas to theclcrgy, an nnirmued debate prung up involving the connection of the clergy gcncrally witli tlie untisla very enufe. Expressions of strong indigna tion and disgust at thc timeserving policy o' a brgc portion of the clergy, werc made by severa! speakers, and were evident ly approved by a largc part ol the uudience. - One epcakcr argucd that every moral and reliious motive hud been usud with a (urge part ofiho clorgy. for J5 ycnrs, in viiin: that these motives luid uil failotl borniso there was another imd moru povvcri'ul me which hnd not been npphed - the hrc 1 1 and lut e.' 411 ■iin-mifi' and is tliia wns 1Í1O sirougr motive, lic Wit&rd tlio n-idress 10 denionstratc to rninittcra tint their pncuniíoy support W'nuld b.' quite tía wel I sociim! by nu untisl .very cutüni', na by ttianding nl of fiom ihr Aimihcr epenktr coMipnrcd :hcsc clergymen to a c 011 Billirnj n a t.-nl. Vuu ennnot reine hun. Vuu ti ny mku lioUl of h in, and pull hint over to 011e sjile: !-ui lio will not let go, but liis Hu a I o nr o'. 11 di.i ruUici. thcy will scouh iu any drsiieJ 'j.xtfiit. jo ymi i:my pull Inm ns ar on tlic oilicr sulo with ihc satnu icult; bui mu t.m'i ifoi Inm ofV tlio rail! Tliu fact. thni iiniw 'ili3t:in'lini: the ic,tli(s ti" niniiy uuitisters ut, iliöw carj.e remárks wt-re rccuvcd liy u lirijo pnri (i the audience wiih strong dcmonstinions o a,iiiausi-,5ivc g.o I fvidcncc t!in( ho fo. s o 1 ui lic i;i6,i at üm c!cr(;y 011 lins q ns Úoa sthily .ippntiaud by tl:e woiking nnti-slavory mon. aml 1h.1t I iltcsc nimieiers ptrwst ín tlicir ti.ueseiving pohcv, ihcy wilt ultimaioly lose lunch ol ilicir iiillii(-icc wiili ;mti f;ivor) men grncnilly. Ti.n ncid nol wondur ih' t inlidrts U'iilnph. Oirrct Infidcüiy. whila nckimwledjiing aml rcgiinlmg dio rent pimciplcí of intural riglu. is preferaMc lo a Religión tlm noches or jtutirioa a3 a fand.uneiital principie, 'he ijHltutnete of slaveholdtng. In tlieaftcinoonJetiers wero read from Messrs. Hiniey, Goodcll, S. P. Chase, J.ewie ol ülno, and others. Tlio letter of Win. Gjodcll, iroi one of the bes! fipeciinensof cotnposition we have secn from Bil pen. It took ground for the righis of M.i men, and tbr withdrawal from proslavcry churclie. Thai uf Mr. Birncy was similar in refcreneo to tlio political part of the quesiion.- S. P. Chase, 0110 of the leoding Librrty mei of Ohio, in dis lener, avowcd himselfin favor of o disciission by Lihcriy nicnofall poluical questions. ns individuals, in their papers, nnd in their Convcntiom; - each local Convention expressing 5ch opinión upon ihem as it mi glit deom proper. and yet Ioaving oach other local Convention to tuke diíF;re:u or opposite yround, if it pleased. recognizing. howevcr, no pnrty test except the ibolition of slavcry. Mr. Chase carncs;ly advised ihccillmg of a National meeting, for ihe piirposc ol' fbnnirrg an aniislavery Leaguo. irrespective of party. This last proposal confirmed our previous impressions, tlint the Liberty party of Ohio do not expect or wish to be a permanent Nniional purty, but me rcady when an tipportunity oflers, to mergo thcmsclves in eome other l)udy. In tlic Mr. Bibb comnicnced Wip mrr.itive. wbicH was listened to wiih profound attention and interest by thrce or four thousand pet.' ons.On Tinirsiluy, ihe Business Cünin)ttcc repon cd a series of excellent rcs.jlmions. Tho discussion of the sccoiid occupied nearly all day. - lt read as fulloivs: 'Resolved. That whi 1c we rerrnrd tho qncs. u'on of Slavery as the rentest puliueal question now cxtensively agitatcd before lh couiuiy, and are detertniticd nol 10 sacrifico r deler tl. e cau6e offreedom to nny oiher politica] niüasurc, wc .viil ncvcnhelcss susioin. ás important and essenti'aJ principies, tbc cqual politica) and civil rights of all men. nnd will opposc the principie nnd tlit practire of partial and exclusive privileges. wlieih ■ r n rclcrencc to business or suffrage or eligiliility to puhüc stations: récösriifcing 110 legalized prerogativca on account of binh, weulth, learning or complexion." Tlüa was introduecd by tlie Committce at the requcsi o( Mr. Beckley, nicrely to test the quesfion, whether we aie to bc only a RUick Man's party, or whether he will sustain the rihs of uit men alike. This rcsolution waa passed i.mhnmisly six yeara ajo by the first "national Liberty Convcntinn, but wa3 rc.jr.etcd by t'ns Convention, only abatí t one hundred. voling in íav n of it. All altor the word "mensure" hoving been stricken out, it wns then pnsscd. The discussion took a wide range. Most of ihe speakers wcre ia favor of iis principies, bu1 werc afrnid lest its ndoption wonld give ground for erroncous cointnentariee. and give politica! capital to ceriain friends in Michigan ond elsewhere! In cxplnnatinn 01" tho course of tht Convention 011 thisquestion. il is to be observod. that fou"-fifils of the speakers present were clerOfmcni atid as their attcmion had been directed inainlv to the moral aspects of Slavcry. thcy werr not in our well qunlifi ! to take the best cround on lts political relations. Geo. W. Clarke of New York. Mr. Code ing. of Illinois, and othcr gentlemen unknown to us. supported t'ie resolution. The rstilt coincided .with 0111 oxpectnticrs We see plainly that the Liberty party ia determined to rctóin its present posiiion as a mero teniporary Blnck Man's party, refi:e ng to ny or do any (hing for the Whiic Man. - This coursc was adocatcd hy Rcv. A. St. Clair. Jlcv. O. Lovejoy, and oihers of Illinois, by sonie from Wiecotiiin and Indiana, and by Mesare. M. Harrison, Treadwell and Bibb froni Michigan. - Rcv. G. Becklcy and ourself supporlcd the reolntion, and tried to nnke the Convcntion see ditiiinctly the main pot ut at issue. But their doicriiiination te make a eix yeara retrogadc progress could not lic prevented. Tin: singing by the Chicago Choir nnd by Mr. Clarke. added grcntly to tlie interest of the meetinf- Among oiher pieces. Mr. Clarke sunc Whiiticr's " Yankee Girl" and Longfcllow's "Escclsior," with vcry great applnuee. It i-wortiiy of remark that slnging is bccoming more common in public nssemblivs of al! kinds froni the rcvelrics ef the Circus ard the Ethiopiai. Minstrds to the most soleu, n mce'.injs of largo rcligiou9 bodics. Music has been found veryeffcctual in political cainpaigns, and in tlie Tetnucrance cause; and thous.inds can remember and appreciate the worda ot a soiiff, who ennnot comprehend n connected logicil nrgunicnt. In sime Siatc Prisons it has been n'.roduccd willi good efl'ect. In the cvening ?.Ir. Ilamlin, Ex-WIiig Membcr oí Congrcfs from Ohio, addrcsscd a vast con gregntton. Wc Jicnrd only a part of hic discourse. as we were obligcd to leave in the cvening boai ir St. Jiiseph. lic proclaimcd hiuiseif nn Abo litionist of fíftecn ycars standing, and discusscd Cla 's nomination, Annexation, fcc. Of the further proceedinga of the meeting we will apprisc our readers next wrek. Wc enlargcd our editorial ncfjuaintnncc by 111 introduction to Messrs. E Blma'J and Whee ier of the Chicago Citizen, Mr. Gasten of üic Wisconsin t'rceman, and Mr. Jones of the West ern Aurora. This was one of the largest western nsïcmblieg we have seen; and as we lookcd over the multitudes of faces, their frank, independent, and go-a-hcadative expreesion highly plca8ed lts. Whcn the peop'o of the West cao be iruly representod in Congress, thcir influc;ncc will bc feit grcatly in the national councilr. - The fact is, that western men are only a 6pccics oC the genus Yankee. At 10 P. M. we started for homo in thesteambnat, and finding al! the births preoccupicd, Sir John Moorc, wc wrappcd our cloak about ue, and "lay alone in our glory" on .hf moeteligiblc portion of the deck wc coiild fiiid. At 7 next morning we look lbo stage at St. Joeeph. In tlio nfternoon a debate on Aboliiiouism spruny iip, niwl wc were quite sutpriscd to iind that in ntserting that 'all men are liorn cqual," Thos. Jcflcrson mul tbc Continental Congrcss, with ounulf wcre ulmosi voted down. Tho doctrine wis positively denied bj of Üut passen - ovê, nnd in doliance of Blockstone, l'ulev, and otlicr eminent writeré, it was roundly affirmed tliat men werc bom stare, and in ihcso cases tho mustcr werc justifiable in holding theni ai sutil. So difKcult it is for even sensible men to divtst thcmselves of the inipression, ihu all tlioir natural righ's originatod in human legislution, i istead of beiug Gjd-iven and descended. About icn o'elock. wlicn distant a few mile& iroin Kolimazoo, n heavy thiuider show er came npon U9 accompanicd wilh greut dárkne3: and as the coach in the rear of us was unprovii'o 1 wiih lighiB the driver npset t lic c.trriago, willi nine passi!7iger8. Quite a nuniber of them wcre considérabiyurt. u-ere iluee lodic-s in tlio coacli. Thcy benig righiud, tip. we r icecilcd ngnin withonly a sinylc dim ligbt. tlio l.unps not hoving been trinnned bcforc wc stiirtcd. The conecqucnce was after proeccdingn few roi's, our charioteer dröyè on to u largo logi upscuiiH. [line of lis. Aftel1 n linie, umidst the total darkness, wc craw led out ot the sidc of the Btago into the mud, which was a foot Jeep. and awaitcd in the rain the return of tbu tncssènger who went back hnlt'n mile to grt a light. We escapee! with only n sprain in wrist: but Mr. Uecklry was badly cut in tho head, and sevcral otliera wcre injuied moreor less. Smne (.f the passengers ilmn went on tliroui;h the mud nfool carrying liht, and the stneea followed, and in thia kind ófproCt$ion at midnight we arrived at Kalamnzoo. - Had tho accident occurrcd from the bad condiiiou of the roadja or nny unavoidablc cause, the passengers tvould havo borne tbc evil without coniplüint: luit when the livcaund limbs oíeignleen persons werepui injeopardy by eheercarulessness, ior the want of n sixpence wonli of oil and five minutes laboi in trimming the lamps, no justifiention can bc niadu by tho proprictors. - One of our paisengera, who was considurably hun on tlie occasion, bad b'en u p.-so t in the stage about a week bcforc near the sanio place, and for ihe saine reason - the want of light to thu coachee. We trust that either self inicre.stor uimrwiny will induce the proprietoia to ruincdy tht evil. We arrived at home on Salurdny. nfter nn nb8ence of fivi: days, having tnvclleJ 4-lvi miles, and sqent two days at the Cjnvcntion. This rapitl tavelling, it ie truc, ulnios; .-mniiiilaics time nnd space, and lessens expense, yct it will be fjunj to tax strongly the physical energies of tlioae who folio w it for n lengt h of time.