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Is OOK HERÍ!'' THE Subscribcr offers to sM Forty Acres of .!(,(] Land in the Cuuiuy of Livingston - l'hc land is timberc-d. nnd wilhin two miles of 8 if wlieren steam Saw inill is eiectin?. Ttn { icresare clcnred, and thcrc nrc ten ocre9 more cady Jogging. Tbereura good log hou se . md soine fruit trees on the premises. Tlie , erms will bo liberal, nnd pcyment may be ( nade in carpenter's woik. lumber rr n {ood tam. Apply to the subscriber in Ann Albor. . S. U. NOBLE. Aun Arbor, July IB, 154 274 12w AWW ARBOR TUE undersigned Imvinp purrlínsed íhe intertótsofhis p.unicriu iho Muiblc Business, woiilil inforDi the inlinbitan's of thisand adjoming conmics. ihat he continúes vho business m the oíd siund in Upper Tov.n. ntnr the Prcsl-ytcrian Church, where he vsil! manufacture to order, Monumcnts, Grn-e Stunes Paint Slonr} Tablels, 4'f. #c. Tiiose wishing to obtain any articlp in hia l'tnc of biisiiicss ivill íind by calling ihnt lio iias an ossortment ofrWhho ftod Va.'ir'aled Matble frutn thc Enstern Marblo Qu irrica, which will be wruiiglu in Móderh siyle. and sold nt easiurn pc.08, adiling trausporiaiion tmly. Cali nnd ye iheproof. J. M. ÍIOCKWKLL. Aun Arbor, July 8, 16IG. 272 yCLOCKS AND WATCUES ! ! JfaX riHE Stibsoril.erhas jiiil ■l'3!iS, "% -- tccdiyoái (and is i-on ' $Lii -slaill'-v rccciving) from v vSaf New York nn elegant ni tl jÜsK woll eelcctcd assortmcni Jcwclry, Clockflf, Watchcs, Are. A:c. wliicli In1 intondi to sell 08 Uiut t8 at any otlicr establishment 1I1Ï3 istdS ol Buflalo for reódy jüij o il ij aiúwng wl.icli piay be fotibJ thclollow my: ;i god aeaottihcnt ( !&old Pin'ger Ring, Oold Brcasi èiip.WiisrleU Gunrd Clinins ajnd Kcys. SilVcr S'f.nins. Crerman Sílyer Tqí and Tabiè gbtiiw. (Gn (iiali!y..t íifv i yin) Gerrtiaa do Sugar Tong, Silvor Solt. Mum. 11 il ;mu! ('ic;im 6ioon.'. Butior Ktiivt, Goldaiui Silvoi lVm:il Cnscs Gold I'. n-. ;' Pehcife, Silvcr nnd Geriíino Plv-r Tlunililes. Sihcr Spit !:(■!.;-. (irtnaii and Sfecl'dp. Gwggitfs, Ckij&es, and Tóotn Brijahe,'ncr iirushrt, Ka'... 13 a.n! Pocket Kuivcs, FinöSlleaVa and" Scissora, Knivvs and Fnrks. BrittaniiM Tea l'otsnnd Caslora, Plated,' Bèacc, anrf BrftVahïa QindfcstickSj Snuflêrs & Trnys, Shavhig Iwi'Scsnnd Sonpa, Clvipniaii'sJusi Rii.or Strop. Gaífahd Morocco Wallets. Silk and i'oiiun pui sos. Yiolins and Buws, Vi.ilui and liass Viol Stringf, Wutcp, Files, Clariúñcjs. Áccpr.d.toilr-Wiic Bopkr for thé nid, Motto Scl, Siecl IVns oud Ttt-eezèra, Ten ;i5c-cs. Smid aiul Tblmcco loses. Ivory Drenstttg Canriw, Sidc and li.tck and l'ock ct Combe, Nendlc entie. SielcUoes, Water Paints r.nd I5;iis!ifs, Ty W.iicln . a t,r:it variely ol Dolls. in short ;ho grealfBl varteiy '1 loys ever brotrglit to tl. is markci. Foapj work boxes, -iii'dien's ion serfs. Colonne IJair Oils. Sincllm; Salís, t'oiirt li.isw r. 'l'.'-i J'.cll. 'J'iit-i ■rnouiclcrs. (i-rman l'ipcs. AVo„d I', nt-iU. KIÍARS AND UüOD ÖLGCKS, Ac ín hui al most evory ihrag to pi0B66 tho Ituií'y. lidies and Genilc:iicik cali and examino lor yourseivcs. , . Ciucks. WaicSiea nnd Jcwelry repaiiod and warnmtod on short noiicc. Shop at hia old stand, oppo.-i'c II. tirick Sioro. CAI.VIN 11LISS. ,. r, - ash ppid to.r "!(i a-.ild éi Silver. Also Ferry's Book Store in tltc same room. Ann Arbor,July IsM816. 871-ly c o 1. d v . 1 r ; R hol 'S r. i ♦ !. , - Sïiikkt. onc door Norlfiof ixríJíPso Amnuk., DETROIT. or:UIv S. n.VXKY. MICHIÖAN LAND AND TAX AGENCY. II. D. I'OST, Muson, ïtighittfii Cninly, Michigdru W1LL atitMid 10 ilic paynicnt of Tnxes. ex nuiinntion ot Tnlod. purcl.aso and sale o' Lands. Jtx. V c. Anj iiiiüiui-saenirusicd lohini v.'i'l tic transaded 'iili i'ioiiiptncsö and nccuiacy - Addresa bx mail. Rqfcrenccs, 1 by permissiottij C. Ihirllmt. Dti .1. :. Htnrii. B.roihér & Co. l T V:l(l.rvV BlíÓW, S - Woodlun w Aii V Go, ) r , ■ R. G. Viliimns" rVf'C U'rk 7