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NEW GÖODS! Chcap for Cash!! THE Subsciibers beg Icnvc to inform iheir old custoiuers. aiid tlie public fcsner.illy. ihut ihey are now receivingu large and pp!edid -isaonmcnt o( Englisk, American and West india, GOODS, Crockery, Shslf Hardware P ai nis, Oils, Dyeslujfs, Drugs and Medicines. AIso n ceinTil nss muu'iit of IllO.W siiitabje i'or I ron ing Wiluüiiiis nnd Buggies. Nail U)!se Siioos. ;md Horse Naila, Sheet Iron. Tin Ware md Tin ;P!aie - a!so a general assort.nent cl BOOTS L SITOFS. ilrck nnd tíüri sale work. nd custon work to uit purchnsers. Al! of which iliey will t-e!l on .lie Inwest pasible terms for Cash or Baitkk. Feelins ciiniideiii as vp d., ihat we can inuke ie tor the interest of all those wishing to purchase nny of. the ajjove menuoned Goods, we 1 1 most eirnestly solieit A least nn investigan. n ifour Gouds and prices before purcliasing elsewlicie. JAMES GIBSON ik CO. .Va 3. Exchange ISlock. Ann Arbor, Iowér Town, Sept. 14, 18G. 28-J-tf CLOCKS AND WATCHES ! ! J5 fTlilE Subscritierhas jti6l -,. received, (and is con"■J s'anily receiving) (rom . J New "York an elegant ard I i2R wc selectcd assortment Jeu cfi ry, EIoc!LS, "Watchcs, vVc etc. wliicu iiiidndá to st-ll a hxc as ni aiiy other establishment this side ol Bufialo for rcady pay onlij aniöng wLicü may be found thelollow :r: a eiO_d aisoriincnt o. Gold Fin'gcr Uings. Gold Breas! pins.Vristlels (ri.ird Chüins and Keys. Zilver Spóons Germán Silvcr Tea and Ta UI e Spoons (first (uiliiy.) Sil ver and Germán do Sugur Tongs. Silver .SaU.Mueiard and Cieam spoonp. üutier Knives, Gold and Silver l'encil Cases, 'G-U I'éiis, " Penctls, Silver and Germán Silver Thimbles. Silver Sjicetaclfs. Germán and Steel do. Ooujoles, Clojhesj Mair and Tooth lrushcs, Lather Brnahca. llazoissand Pocket Knivcs. Fine ?lars an.l Scfa?rs. Knivrsmid Forks. Brimnnin Tei P.)!sand Cas;ors. Pfatcrl, Brasa, nn'l Brittanin Cand'.csticUs. tánulítr6 & Trayt?. Shiving iK'Xfsrutd So'ipe. ClKipinnii'fi B.-st Itü.or Strop, Calfand Moróccn 'sVallets. Silk and Cot:on purses. Violins and FJowfl, Violin and Bass Viol Strin.'f=? Flutff=, 'i!;s. Clarionct?. Accordeon?- Mueic Bo.iks 'or the snn.e. Mmio Sen!.. S:cl Pens nnd IVeezcrs. Pen ensns. Snnffand Tobacco bokes, fv.ry l)re?=itiir Cotnbs; Sidc and li.ick nnd Pick m Gornbr, Needlrr-.v' s. Stelcttoep, WatcrPaiüip ind Biushes, Toy VYafches, a greai varicty ol i).iüs. in short :h"r ..atest variety of igys evrr broucht to tt.;s m ifket, Fancy woik baxès, cliüIrpr,'- "■ loghe Il;ir Oils. SinelünL ga] er. Tea Belle. Thermometers. G-:; vVood Pcncilft. BRAÍ3S ANI) " r;,OCKS. &.C. in fact nlmost every jlense the fancy. Ladics arul Genlle■ . i:all and examine for yourselves. Ciocka. Watcbes and Jewehy repaired and warrnnted on short noiice. Sliop at his old -.tand. oppopite ÍI. brick Store, in the Store occupied by M. Wbeoler. CALVIN BLISS. N. B.- Casli paid for old Gold & Silver. . Ann Arbor, Jnly Ist, 1846. 27l-ly FÏE.3E3! rïRB.f-f F.T. B. CRA.N'. would rtspectfuüy notify the citizens of Ann Arbor, and the snrroundiiiir country, that lic continúes to acia? A "en f of tho HERTFORD FIRE TNSURANCE COtMPANY, and will ins:iro Projierty aaamst 'osses by Fire. ai iheiowes' rrnes, and wiih despatch and accunicy. The Hartford Insunmce Company is one f the oldest nnrj most fitable in the country, and dl lossessustained by them will le - as ihey ever have been- promi'tí.y imii ! Fire is .'. dangerous element and not to be (rifled wi:h: ;herefore. nnkeup your mind to ouard agninst. it nnd do.n't delav ! A íew houis delay may be your ruin. Mr. Cranf.'s OfTico is in Cronc's new Block. corner ol the Public Square, Ann Arbor. 2fO-tf 'tEETH! TEETHff TEETHff MASTICATION and Articulniion, warranied by iiieir jjaitiR prouerly reiilüced. S. D. BUEWETT, will continue the p artice m DENT8TRY in ■i'l i is raribirt b.ancin'f. viz : Scülmg. Fillin. nnd Inserti.iL'-n g.i!l pintea or pivotP. Irom mie t nn cntire sett. Old ilites or misñts remodled. nml made cfjtiní lo new. OFFICE over C. B.'.on &. Co.'s Shoe Stoie. Lndies who rcque&t it, can be waited on al their dwel!ins. N. B Charses unnsually low, and a!l kinds of PRODUCE inken. Ann Arbor. Dtc. 5, 1846. 293- tl CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MAC'HXES and Seperators are made and sold by ihesiibscrioers.nt ilieir Machine Shop, nuar tho Paper Mili, IXwer' Town, Ann Arbor. KNAPP &. IIAV1LAND, Jan. 13, 1646. 24T Í