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TUK Gem of Scïencr, Tlie ndvccmeor Sciem-e mf fcetorm. deo w t Plirenoloav. Pliywvlw', Mi.gueiim. ml collyier.l Scicnccs. wi.l l ! j E. ÍÍ. SANFOKD, EDITOR. s ec o y i VOL u m :. The present laciluits for pwl.lisiiiny. mid ilie in crcating dcinanil lor int'ormntio un ijlj) ftUVW principies, havo ncluced nn ENLARGF.MENT OF TUF GEM. nm! coiwcquently the publicación o! oké Volumr ; in tico, Quarto Porm " NEW TYPE. for prescrvatlon arvl binding wiih itn index nnd tille wee t the rloso ot iha Volume, n 8 inonthÏÏrom the Ifth of December, Ie.. CONTENTS. The contcnts ot the Gm re pro'.nbiy inoro int-reaun to ilio irue lover . Scicnoe. aún w 1:,Y, wíl! renIer it doubiy inferesting and pionTGRHS. The Gkm of Scif.scic is puMist.e.l n( FJFJT iïdeto Clubs and Agen.s Perns dnng .o subscribe, only to enejóse the a.noui.t in n letter, directed to SANFORD & BROTHKRS. Publisheis of the Gem of Science, Ann Ar bor, Michigan. U Editora who wil! pivc ihn ProspecHiF one, two, or three nsertions, ehall nive ilie favors duly reciprocated. -Ji-l-w Te mp er anee Mi o u s e ! 1S47. '$&% STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, M1C1Í. DVMI1L BiRSEl, living taken thiswell known Stand, and llioi o ighlr repaired it ihronghoat. _now txtensivelv prepnred to accommodaio kis menda an.l thr Travelling Public wi-!i all 'hose onven.eme colculated to make tbem conifortable, and witli prices to suit the limes ! Meals, 95 Cents. Eastern and Sou'hern Stage Office kepl at this House. rr Omnibus and Bnggnge WagOH alwnys or. and to eonVey Passengcrs to and frota ihe, tuse fríe of charasG-lim ATTENTION THE WORLD!! Free Trade and Tailors Righls. THE citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity, of VVashtenawCounty and Cotinties tfdjoinirig. nre informed lbo now is the time to et com fortably CLOTHEÜ and FIXED UP for n cold Winter. The very best kind of Cloths nnd Tnmn.ingi can be bought cheap in Ann Arbnr.Lowcr Towin. and there is a TA1LOR oppositc G. t L. IJeckley's Store, wlio can't beouidoneany whert in thtse -paris, ... i He is prepared to do work in the most raslionable Style, orfollow the directions of his customers. and bcing posaesscd of a largfi sbare o' the Milk of Hotna.i Kinoncss, his lermsare establiahed on the principie of "LIVE AND LET LIVE." He has a peculiar trait in his character which Bhould be noticed, it is s;ranre. vet truc nsstrange,- H tc'dl vol VwUüt his Promis-.- Cufitomera enn have tbeir garments at the tinx specified. FARMERS can be certnin of goor fitting and easy setting GARMEXTS. nnd on informed that all kinds of PRODUCE (excep cabbage) will be taken in exchango lor lus serví ces He cuts to order, nnd his garments nre eun tofuLfproperlymadeup. $ SVRA($LÜ Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Dec. f. 1846. PEACE DECLARED, AND A TREATY FORMED, WHEREBY S. FELCH can hold Free Trade and Commerck ih BOOTS, SJMOES, 1LV.1TIS er, and Findings of all kinds, with all persons. Naiives or Forei?ners, on the following just and equnl tcrms viz : Good Articles-Low Prices- llcndij Pai - and No Trust. The sufaacriber having fully tested the Credi System to his great loss. boih of confiJence anc cash, and hnving sufteied nuich loss by fire. nc cessity compels him to collect his puy ' b{for harvest," os "after hauvest and nextfall." very olten come up "missino," leaving him sad l'l in the Bool-hole. He has come to the saim conclusión that certain sensible gírls did on . late occasion, (iee-tó tal or no husltand, reaih, pay or no ShifcmaJiing ) All persons that can conform to the abovp treaty will do wel! to cali on S. Folch, Ann Arbor, Lowct Town, No. 4 Huron Block, where they will nol be taxed for others' work who never pay. N. B. AU persons indebted in nny way to the subscriber, had botter cali and pay if they are honest and mean to keep o. 297 -6m S. FELCH. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Town. Jan. r, 1847. FURNLTÜRE & UPHOLSTER1NG WAREJROOMS. STEVENS & ZUG, IN the lower end of the Wnite Block. dirootly opposite the Michigan Exchangk, hnve on hand a large assortment of FÜRNITURE, of thoir own manufacture, which they will eell very low for Cash They also keep experiencod Uphoistcrers. and are prepared to do all kinds of Upholatering ai the shortest notioe. Fnrniture of all kinds made to order of the best material, and warranted. STEVENS &, ZUQ. Detroit, January, 1, 1847. 297-1 y ROWLAND'S best Mili Saws, 6, 6, and 7 feet. Rowland's best XCut Saws, (5.% nnd 7 feet. English C. S. Pu Saws. (ij and 7 feeu Superior American Mili S.ïw Files, 10 to 16 inchc. For sale at the sign of the Big Anvil, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, J847. 2lJ8-Iy LINSEED OILH THE Subscriber is manufacturing Lïnséed Oil on an extensive scale and he is able to nüPP]MERCHANTS AMD PAINTERS, on terina more favorable for thetn iban have ever before been ofTered In this country, and he w= prepared to supply orders for large or smoll quan titics at pricce txtremtly lote. tCT Communications by mail v-ill be prompt - ly attended to. D. L. LATOURETTE. Long Lake, Genesec Co. Mich. 283-ly WA3ÍTED, at Perry's Booksiore, 5 Tons clean Cotton and Lincn Raga, 1 Ton Bee8wax. and 3Ö00 Dollars in cash, for the larcjest assort n ent of Boo'ts and Stationery ever oflered in thif Village, and at his ueual low pricea. Ann Arbor, Upper Village, Oct. 7, 184R. 2öC-tf JUST ARRIYED B Y EXPRESS. THE Mozart Collcction of Sacrcd Music, by E. Ivcs Jun- containing the celebrated ChrÍ8íusand Miserere by Zingarclli wiih Eng ■ lish word-i. Teachers of Musie will ploase cali and examse the work at PePHT'f BoK8TORf.. Oebr 7, 1846. 286-tf' - m r4 I IJ tV 1 1 j J BL " ' fciiBr "T" a v i r y LEATHER! LEATHERt l.EATHER! "HILDRED & CO., No. 123, Jeflerson Avenue, "Eldreci's Block," Detroit, tr.kc JUÍ this pporlunity lo mlorni iheir cpstomers, and the public generally, thnt ihey slill continue to heep on hand a full assorlment of Sp.MisU SjIc Lcntlier, i Also. Lnsts and Pcps, Curricrs' Tools, Ac. Sh.uglne.cil o HoVsc ail(i Collar Leaiher, IlfliiilockUHined l;pper Lcniher, Cordcvnn da 9ilk , '" , „ ,' „ . '' Moiocco Skins, rrcnch tnnnrd Cnlf iskins. Seal do Onk nnd Hemlock ianne.1 do Qoai Bindine, Ilcmk'ck innned Uarncssand Dridlc Lenihcr. Deer and liñmb do Lnk ,-," T ," " " White and Colored Lininga, Ba? and Top Lenther, Print(;(1 do Ski-ting. Vhiladelplun hnd OJijo; Shoe Russct do niiig?. and Kit of all kinds. As the Subscribers nre now manurncturing their own Lenlher, they are prepared to sell as low asean be purchased in thi market. Merchants and mnnufaclurers will fïnd it to their ndvantoge to cali and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. fcCash and Leal her exchanged for Hidcs andSkins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1646. 248-lyNEW GOODS! Chcap for Cash!! rllF. Suliscribcis I)cc Icave to nforin iheir oíd customer's, and the public gsnernlly. hat ihey are now reerivinga largo nnd splóndid ss'inmc.u ol English, Airiericah and West odia, GOODS. örockery, Shclf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Birsluffs, Brugs avd Medicines. Also a general assoi tinent of 1IION, suitablc or Irnning Wassons and Bóggiés, Nail Rode. loise Shoès. and Horse Nails, Sheet Iron. Tin ■Vare nnd Tin Platc - also a general assortnent of BOOTS 4. SU O ES. hek and tliin sale work. nnd custom work to uit purchaaers. All of which thcy will i-ell on he luwest possible terms for Cash or Baiitkr. 'eclins contidem as we do, that we can make t for the interest of all tliose wishing to pur;hase any of the abovc mentioned Goods, we lo most enrnestly solicit at least an invesiigntion four Goods and prices before purchasing elsevhere. JAMES GIRSON 6c CO. Vo. 3. JExchange JBlock. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Sept. )4, 1846. 282-tf CLOCKS AND WATCHESS.' S?3 FTHE Subscriberhns just ö-Nw - JL received. (and is conn SL&J slanl'y receiving) from [jf' h New Vork an elegant nrd C 1 iïB Wb' eelected assortmeru Jeirelry, CIocIís, Watclics, Ace. &c. uliicii Jio intend to sell as Uno us at any Jther establishment this side ot BufTalo for rcady vay onlij ainong wLich niay befound thelollow n: a 2ood assortment ót Gold Finger Rings. Goldlíreast pins.Wristlets Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, ■ Germán Silver Tea nnd Table Spoons (first quality.) Silver and Germán do Sugar Tongs, Silver Salt.Muslard and Cream spoons. Buuer Knivc-s, Gold and Silver Pencil Casca, Gold Pens. " ' Pencils, Silver and Germán Silver Thinibles. Silver Spectacles, Germán and Steel do. Goggles, Clothes. Unir nnd Tootli Brushcs, Lather Brushes. Kazors and Pocket Knives. i'ine Sliears and Sqissnra, Knives anil Forks, BrittanniaTea Potsand Castors. Plaled, Braes, nnd Brittania Cantllcsticks, SnuiVers &. Tray$, Shaving boxes and Soapp, Clnpman's Best Razor Strop, Calfand Morocco Wallets. Silk and Cotion purses, Vtolins and Bows, V'iolin and Basg Viol Strings, Flutep, Fifes. ClarionetP. Accordeon? - Mnsic Boks for the sanie. Motto Scals. Steel Pens ant Tweezers, Pen cases. SnulYand Tobacco boxes. f vory Dressing Combs. Sidc and Bnck and Pocket Combs. Needie cases. Stelelioes, W'aterl'aintsind Brushes, Toy Watches. a great vnricty of Dolls. in short the greatest vnriefy of (oys ever l)ronght to this market. Fancy work boxes, rhüdren's tea setts. Co!ote Hair Oils. mclling Salts. Conrt Piasier. Ton Bclis. Thermometers. Germán Pipep. Wood Pcncila, I5RASS AND WOOD CLOCKS. tc. in fact nhnust every thing to please the fancy. Ladies and Gentlemen, cali and examine lor yourselvcs. Ciocks. Watches and Jewelry repairpd and warranted on short notice. Shop ot his old itand. opposite H. Becker's brick Store., in the Store occupied by M. Wheeler. CALVIN BLTSS. N. B.- Cash paid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July let, 1346. 271-Iy PIRE! FIREü FJ. B. CRANL would rcspeciftilly notify the citizens of Ann Arbor, and the surrounding country, that he continúes to acias Agent of tho HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO M PAN Y , and will insuro Property against 'osses by Fire, ntthelowest rates, and with despatch nnd accuracy. The Hartford Insurance Cornpany is one of the oldest nnd most stable in the country, and all lossessustained by them will be - as they ever have been - prtoMPTr.v paid ! Fire is h dangerous element and not to be trifled wi:h: therefore. make up your mind to guard against. it nnd don't uelay 1 A few Louis delay niay be your ruin. Mr. Crane's Office o in Crnne's new Block, corner oí the Public Square. Ann Arbor. 2fiO-tf TEETH! TEETHf TEETH MASTICATÍON and Articulation, warranted by their being propcrly replaced. S. E. BURNETT, will continue the practice of DUNTSTRY in all iig various branches, viz : Scalmg. Filling. and Insertingon gold pintes or pivots. from one to on entire sett. Old pintes or misfitö remodled. nnd made cqunl 10 ncw. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shoc Store, Lidies who request it, cari be waited on at their dwellings. N. B. Chnrges unusually low, ond all kinds of PRODUCE taken. Ann Arbor. Dec. 5, 184G. 293- tf CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES ond Seperatore nre made and eold by thesubscrihers.nt their Machine Shop, ncar the Poper Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor. KNAPP & HAV1LAND, Jan. 19, 184G. 24r ftnn Jirbor TflE Subscriber havincr pnrchased the interesis of J, M. Rockwell in thc Marble Business, would inform 'he inhnbi'nnts of thie and ndjoinins counties. that he will continue the busine s ai ihe oíd stand, in the Upper Town. nenr ihe Presbyterian Church. and manufacture 10 order : Mojw7iicnts, Grove Stoncs Paint Slone, Tablels, %c. $c. Those wishinír lo obtain any article in liisline of business will find by calling that he has an as8ortment of White and Variegated Mnrble from the Eastcrn Marble Qunrries. wh'icli wili be wrousht in Modern siyle. and sold ni cnsiern priees, edfling tranaporiation only. Cali nnd gci the proof. W. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbor, Jan. 30, 1847. 272 Iy THE SUBSCRIBER hasreceived his winter stock, which he offers fu r Cash ai greátly reduced pri;cs. The I'ublic are invited lo cali, examino, ano judge for themeelves. Now on hand, ond dai! addir.g. SOFAS of every varieiy nnd pattern ond tlic laiest f.ishion. pricea (rom 30 and upwards; DIVANS, OTTOMANS. LOUNGKS BUREAUS, of all kinds, from 1 and up. Centre. Jard, Tea, Dress, I'icr, Dining, anc Nest Tables., Candlc, nnd Toilet Stands. Bedsteads - Mnhogany, Maple, and Wihiut (rom 2 and up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools Doublé and single Matresses o hair, shuck palm leaf, or straw. Doublc and single Cot Bedsteads. do do Writing Deska. CHAIRS. - The best assortment ihat enn b found west of New York and the chcapest i i rus cuy. Windsor Chairs, a good articlo, at 2 50 th sett. Mahogany French Chaira, hairsent, a lirst rnt article, and well finished for $3 50. CoBh only. Mahogany Rouking Chairs, hair seat and back wnrrnnted good, at the low price of $12, for th cash only. - Flnq and Cañe Seat from Cs. and up. Bird Cages, plain nnd gallery : Bird GInsses Horses. and Toy Wheelbarrowa, for chil dren ; Patent Shower and Hip Baths ; Busto Bath Pana, Camp S:ools, Umbrella nnd Ha Stands. Fancy Beünws, Fooi Scrapers, Can Seat Counier and Boat Stortls. Curtain maierinl Table covers, Palenc Post-OíTicc Balance, Pie ture Frames. Willow Wajjons, Cradles, Chairs docks, and Baskeis ; Brittannia Taüle Castora very cheap. Mahogany and Rosewood Venecrs ; Varnis and Japan : Bronze, Mnlmgnny Knobs, Locks GIiií. Curled Hair, nnd Cañe Sents. Also, a large assortment of American Cas tora, expresely for Cabinet Makers, very cheap Cash and ihe higheut innrket price paid fo any quantity of Wnlnul and Cherry Lumber. 1 will also coniract for any quüntity of drs rate Walnut Lumber, to be sawed to order, anc delivered by the !st of June next. J. W. TíLLMAN, No. 87. JeíFerson Avenue. Detroit, January 1, J847. 297-ly THE LIBERTY MINSTREt ONE HUNDRED COPIES of the fifih eá. ion of ihís hlghly popular work are for sale ai tbe Sisnal office at 50 cents single, or $J,50 per dozen. Terms Cash. Now is the timo for Liberty choirs lo supply themselves. WJ!I. S. BROWIV, Attorney fy Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MÍCIL OFFICE wiih E. Mun-dy, Eso.. 297-ly 31 '8MW G VITAR, BRASS VÍOL, AND VIOL1N STRINGS, jtiKt roceived by Dec. J9, 184G. 296 C. BLISS._■■"' I ■':'''"''fji?5sf.===L ' r THílE prcccding hyuro ís given to rcpre?ot ilie Insensible rerspirauóii'. It is iliu grc n vacu.itioii for thc iiiipurities oí the body. Jt will e e noticed that a thick cloudy ruist iújues fjoip all points of the surfnee, whicli indicates thai ihis perspiration íl we nnin tcrr)tecJly when wc r; ore in healih. but censes when we nre sick. Li'e ' cannol bc susininuri without it. Ilis throvvn olí P t'rom the liloml ani) diIh r juicos ut (ho body. ánd disposes ly this meins. ol nearly nll thc inipuriiies within us. Tlie blood. by ihis nieans l only, works iibell pucc. Thc I un gun ge of Scrip c turéis, "n the Blood is :lio Life." Ií it ever '' becomes impure. it niny be t'raced drrecily to the l 8topp;ige ot 'the Insensible l'orspiration. ltncver .N requiresn'ny inlernnl medicines to cleanse it, as it alwnys pininos itself by tts own heat ' tioii. and thiows oft' n'l ihc ofiéuding hnmots. c (hroúgh thc Inscnsiblo l'crspir.-.tion. Tlms we ' see al tli-t ie nccessnry when the blood is ' nani , or iníectcd. ís to opon t'ic pores, and it reieves teelf froni olí impurity instnniíy, lieown horu and vitalitv nre sntiicient, without ' ticle ol medicine, except to open thc pores upon E i lie. surfnee. we $f;e ilie follv oí i'akiñg so l ninirli imernal remedies. All praciitioners. ever, direci their tffjris to restore thc Insensible perppirhüon, but ii sccnis to be not atways the L proper one. 'J'he Thompsonian, for insiance steams. thc Ilydropnthist shrouds i'6 in wet ■ ets, thc Momopntli st dcnls out infinitissimnl?, i he Alli'p.iili s: blccdsnnd doses us with mercury,nnd f the blustcring Quack gorgos us with piils, pills. ' pilla. To give some idea of ihenmnunt of thelnscn ; sible l'erspiration, we wil! state that tho learneil Dr. Lewenhoek. and the gieat tained that tive-eighthsqf nll we receive inio the ' stomach. passed olí" hy this nitnns. ín other ' words, ifwc cat and drink eight pnumls perdny. ' wc evacúate five pounds of it by thc Insensible ' Perspira'ion. This is none olher tlinn the used up pnrticlcs ' of the blood. and other juict-s giving pluce to the ( new and fresh ones. To check th it. iherefore. is to rétain in the system fiv.eighihs of nll ihe virulent maticr thai naiure demande ' the hody. And even when this is ihe case, the i bbod ia of so active a principie, that it ! mines t'iose particles to the skii, where they torní scabs, pimples," ulcers. and öther spots. By a sudden trnnsition írom heat to cold, the pores are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and i tlisense begins at once to devclopeitaelf. Henee. ; a stoppnge of this flow of the juices, originales so many eompinmts. It is by stopping the pores, nat ovcrwhelms mankind with coughe, colds, and oonsumptions. ' Nine-tenihs of the world die froni disc.-ises induced by a stoppage ot the Ivsensible Perspira non. Il 3 ca8Íly seen, therefore, how necessary ia the flow of ibis subtle humor to thc surface, to preserve heahh. It cannot be stopped; it cannot bc even checked, without inducingdiseasc. Let me ask now, every candid mind, what coursc scems the most reasonable to pursue. to unatop thc pores, afier they are closedl Would yon give physic tounslop trie pores? Or would you apply aomelhing that would do this upon the íurface, where thc clogging actually is? Would not ihis be common sense'í And yt I knowof no physician who makes any cxternalapplication to eífe: it. The reason I assign i, that no medicino within their knowledge. is capable of doing iu Under these circumstances, l present to phystcians, and to all othors, a preparation that Ims this power in itsfiillest extent. It aMcALSTER'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT, onhe WORLD' S SALVE! libas power to restore perspiration on the feet, on the heat!, around oíd sores, upon tho chesl, in short, upon any parto! the body, whciher diseased elightly or se ve rel y. It has power to cause all oxter.Tal sores, scrofuloushtimors, skin discases, poisonous wounds, to discharge their putnd matter, and ihen hcals ihein. It is a remedy that swccps ofl" thc whole catnlogue ofeutaneous disorders, nnd restores the entire cuticle to iishcalihy lunctions. It is n remedy that forbids the nocessity of so many and deleterious drugs taken into the sto■nach. It is a remedy that neither sickens. gives inconvcnicnce, or is dangerous to the imes'ines. 1 1 preserves and delends thc surface from all lerangement of its lunctions, while it kceps ope'n the cliannels for the blood to void nll its inri- puritics and dispose of nll its useless particles Tho snrface is the outlet of five-eit,hths of the bile and used up matter within. It is pierced ■v; h millions ol openings to relieve the intes.:ies. Stop up these pores, and death knocks at your door. It is rightly termed AH-Healing, lor there is senrccly a disease, external or iniernal, tlnl t will not beuefit. I have used t for the last fourtecn years, for all discases of the chest, consumption. liver, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before Üeaven and man, that not in one single ense hae u failed to benefit, when thc patiënt was wi:hin the reach of mortal means. l have had physicians, learncd in the profesaion; 1 have had ministers of the Gospel, Judgeson the Bench. AMermon and Lawyers. gen ilemeu of the highost erudiiion nnd multitudes of the poor, use it in cvery varieiy of way, and therc hnsbeen but one voice, one nnited, universal voico, snyin, "McAlisier, your Oiiitnient is goodl" CONSUMPTION. It can hardly bc crcdited ihat a salve can have any effect upon the lungs, eated ns thcy are within ihe eystem. Bat wesay once for all, hat this Ointment will reach the lungs quicker than any medicine that can be given inlernally. Thus, If placed upon the chest, it penetrotes directly to ihe lungs. separates the poisonous particles that are consuming them, and expela them froni the system. I necil not say that t is curing persons of Consumption coniinually, although we are told it is foolishne88. I care not what is said. so long as I can cure several thousand persons ycarly. IIEAU ACH E. This Salve hascured persons of the Head Ache of 12 yeara atanding. and who had it regularly every week, so that voniiting ofien took place. Deafness and Ear Ache are hslped with the like 8UCCC88. aa also Ague in the Face. COLD KEET. Coïisumption. Liver oomplaint, pains in the chesl or aide, falling of #he hair. one or the other always nccompanics cold feet. It is a sure sign of disease in the system to have cold feef. The Salve will restore the Insensible Perspiration and thus cure cvery eafc. In Scrotula, Erysipelas and Salt Rheum, nnd other disenses of this nature, no internal remedy has yct been discovered that is so good. The same may bc said of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseasee, Broken or Sore Breast, &c. And as for thc Chest Diseasns, such oe Asthma, Pain, Oppression and the like, it is the most wonderful antidote in the World. For Liver Ccmplaint it is equally efilcacious: lor Burns it has not has itsequal in tho World; also, Excrcsencea of every kind, suchas Warts, Tumors, Pimples, &c, it makes clean work oí them all. SOIl E KYF.S. Theinflammation and disense always liesback of the ball of the eyc in the eocket. Henee the virtuc of any medicine must reach the scatof the inflamntion or it will do'liltle good. The Salvo, if rubbed on the temples, wil! penetróte directly into the socket. The pores will be opencd, a proper perspiration will becreated and the dieeasc will eoon paes oiFlo the surlace. PIMPLES, ON THE FACB, FRECKf.KS, TAN, MASCUtlNB SKIN, GROSS SCUFCF.. Iti first acton to exoel humor. It willtot cense drnwir.g lili the faco is free from nny "I ïatter ihat mny bc lodged nnder thr: skin any J requemly bicaking out 10 lbo surfape. Jtilien ie;ils. Wlicn there is nothing bul grossnrsti. or lull ri'puUisr surluee, it begms ld sollen and uiten umil the skin becomes atsmoith mul i'eli:ate aí a cbitd's. it thfows n freshriess and ilushing color upon tbc now wluie. transp.irent kin. (bal is portectly cncbnruing. Sonu: times n case oí Freek Ica it wijl first start out thosc bat li.ivc ln;n bidden and scen butseldom. l'ur nu ibc rf.ilvc and all will soon disappear. WO .'MS. Ii'pnrrnts knew how fatal most medicines werc j 0 childrén taken inwardly, tluy vvould be blow ;o resnrt to iIhmii. Especially 'mercurial lozen( jes." cnllcd "medicated lozenges," pilla, Sec. i The tnitb is. no onc teil, invariably, wlicn worms aro present. New lei me stiy topnrunts. ' thai ibis Salve will always teil il a nbild basI' woriiis. It will drive every vèstige of ibctn as way. Tbis is a simple nnd sale cure. ' There is probably no medicino on the face of '' tbeeanh at once so surcond so safe in the exo pulsión of worms. ' It wonld he cruel, nay wicked. o givc intors nal. douMful medicines, eó long as a barmlcss, ; extcnial olie could bc bad. TOI1.KT. j Althouub I have sa ld litslc nbont it as a hair { rsstorative, yet J will siake it agtiinst the World! { Tbcy mny bring tbcir Oils lar and near, and ' mine will restore ilie bairiwo cases to tbeiroae. OI.D SOR.KS, MORTIKM.'ATIONS. Ul.CKHS, KTC. ! That some Sores are au outlct to tbc imjiuri- ' tic of the system. is beeause tbey cannot pass I ofl" llirough tbc nam al cbannols of the ' blo Perpiration. If such sores nrc licaled up. ' the iinfinritics must have some other out Iet. or it ' will endanger life. This is tbc roason wby it p impolitic to use the connnon Salve of the diiy ' in siicb cuses. For iheyinvc no power to open ! otber avenues, to let ofi" ibis morbid matter, and ilie consequcnceF nre always fatal. Tbis Salve ' will always provide for sueh cmerircncics. DI5KASKS of chii.di;j:.n. How niany thousnnds are swept ofi" ly givinp internnl medicines, whon their young bodies and tender fratnea are unablc to bear up against tbein? Whole armies are thus sent to their graves merely trom pourinp into their weak atomachs powerful driles ond pbyeics! It is to sucb that the All-Healing Oinunent tenders se safe, ple.-.sanr. nnd harmlcss a cure Such can sfis as Cronp. Cholic, Cholera infantum. Worms, and all Slimmer Coihplaints, by whicli so many childrén die, the Oinlmcnt will remove so speedily and surdy, tbat a physician will never bc necded. JVlothers! throughout all this land. wc now solemnly and sacredïy declare to yon tbat the All-IIealing Ointinent will aave your childrén from nn oarly gr.'.ve if you will use it. We are nol now actuated by the !cnsi desire to gain; hut knowing os wc do that vns bodies oï iniants and childrén die early; which is aupposed to be inevitable and impossible to prevent, wc bold up our warnmg voicc, .1 it cl fpclire in the face of the wholc world. CHILDRÉN NF.ED NOT DIE MORE TIIAN pTHERS!! Btit it is from the want cf proper nourishmeni nnd the constant drujrging tbey undergo which mows Oicm down as the rank grnss falls before the Rcythe. Mothcrs! we repeat ngnin. and if they were the last woids we were ever to uttcr, nnd 01 courso past the reach of all interest, we wou ld say. "use the AlI-IIcaling Ointmcnt for sickness anioiïg childrén." R1IKUMATISM. It rc:novcs nlniost immediately tbc infla:nation and swelling, when the pain of coursc ceaes. Kr.vrr.s. In cases of fever, the difficnlty lies in the pores bcing locked up. eo tbat the heat and pcrsp:.ration cannot pass olí1. If ihe least moisture could be started, the crisis ia passed and the danger over. The All-Hcaling Ointment will in all cases of fcvers nlmost instanily unlock the skin and bring forih the perspiration.' KF.MAI.F. COMPLAINTS. Inflamation of the kidneys, of the womb, and itsfalling down, weakness, and rregulariiy; in short, all thosc difficuliies which are frequent with females. find ready and permanent relief. We have hnd agcd ladics teil us thcy could nut live 8ix monihs without t. IUu to fcmalesabout toltecome mothers. if used for some weeks aniecedent to their confinemont, very few ofthose pains and convulsions which attend tl:em nt that period will be feit. Thisfact ought to be known the vvorld over. SCAM) HKn. We have cured casos that actually defïed everything known, as well as the ability of riftecn or twenty doctors. One man told us he hnd spent 500 on his childrén wiihout any benefit, wheu a few boxes of the Ointmcnt curcd tHem. CO KNS. Pcople need ncver be troublcd with ihcm i thcy will uso it. Ás n FAMILY MEDICINE, no man can measure i 1 s valué; So long as the stars rol along over the Hcnvcns - so long ns man tread the earth, subject to all the infirmities of tht flesh - so long as disense and sickness is known - just so longwill thifi Ointment be used aiu esteemed. When mnn ceases from ofl'thecarth then thedemand willcease, and not lili then. To allay all apprehensions on account of it ingredients, ) possessingsuch powerful proper tics, we will state that í t is composed of some o the most coinmon and harmless herbs in existence There s no mercury in it, os can be leen from the fact that itdoes notinjure the skinon partiële, while it will pass throngh and physi the bowcla. JAM ES McALISTER & CO. 1C8 South etreet. N. York. Solé proprictor of the above Modicine, t whom all Communications must bc addtesscc (post paid). Price '5 centsand 50 cents. (CFCAUTION.XD As the AUIIealing Ointment has becn great 1 ly counterfeited, wc have given this camión t thepublie, that "no Ointment will be genuino ' unlcss the nnmes of James McAlisler, or Jame McAlisicr& Co., are wrincn with a pen upo every label." The label is a steel engraving with the figure of "Insensible Perspiration" o , thc face. . Now we hereby ofTcr n reward of $500, to b paid on conviciion, in any of the constitutet courts of thc United States, ofany individua s connterffiitins o-ir namc and Ointment. MAYNARD'S. Ann Arbor, Wholesale A gents; Smith & Tyrell, Clinton: Ketchum & ; Smith, Tecumseh: I). C. Whitwood, Dextcr ' Fl.t Bower, Manchesier; John Owcn fc Co. Dcroit: I f arman &, Cook, Brooklyn. ' Dec. 18, 1845. : ly - ' - ' On If and Ag-ain ! THE Subscriber would respectfully noíify the public, Ihut he is located onc s more in the village of Ann Arbor, and is pres pared to accommodate the community with a choice and well 6elected assortment of NEW GOODS, - con8Íeiine of Dity Goods, Grockriks, Hardf WARK, BoOTS AND SHOKS, CroCKKKY. &C. &C. which he will scll for READY PAY as chcn - as the same quality of Goods can bo had ai an; other store in town. Persons who wish to make purchnscsfor Cash a at Cafh Priccs, will do woll to cali before purclia r sing cl8ewhcre. 1 By keeping the first quaüty of anieles, by sell ing at 8mall profits, and by a fair and honorable . course in business, he expeets to merit a libera abare of public patronage. ] Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wil t be taken in payment for Goods. j ET Don't forget the place, - on the East Side ; of Main 8tref!t, a l'pw doors south of the Public Square, in the game store with C. Büss, Jeweler M. WHEELER. Anu Arbor, Nov. 24, 1846. 2!)2-tf F1RE AND DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given llmt tho Co partnership herctolorc existing between the Subecribers, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All persons indebted to seid firm, are re qne8ted to cali foithwith and settle, as our !os by fire renders it nccessary that immcdiate pay ment should bc marie. The accountv are lef ! with Sabin Fe'ch. at the old stand. SABïN FELCII. EMANUEL MANN. Ann Arbor, Nov. 14, 1846. ! N. B. S. Felch will continue in the Boot Shoe, & Leather Business, as usual, whr-re hopes that all his old patrnns. and the pub" ganerallv will favor htm with their patronage. '" 2.9l-3m SABIN FELCH.BOOKS! BOOKS! ! AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC ril E undcrsigncd hoving rcturncd from New jíj York wiih a iiow, laige and valuablc stock IW Uooks, Stafionery and Paper Hangivgs, b now reatly to ecll lor Cosh, any thingin his r( ine nt his ncw stand on Main street, oppoiiie H. Becker's Brick Store. He will sny to ( Jook ptirchasers. thai. by his tiTirrs lost fallón lis re' urn from iew York. the price of nearly w ivcry thing in his line hns been sold .-L less than ïereioforc. oud had it not been for hiin. purchaers would have coniinued topoy the piiccshereofoie charged. He can soy nlso, tliat his sales have been bevoiifl his most sanguine expuctaiions. shovini ;onclusively that a public benefactor, nliliouch rr íver so stnall, will not gounrewarded in thisenlightcncd eommuniiy. He ia thankful fr the fnvors nlready bestowcd. nnd would respectfully solicita contimiance of H [rade: ond hú would say to ihose who never have J purchased books of him, ihai he will show tliem elJ nrticles and pi ices wiih jilensure n any time m ihey may cali whether they wish to purcliasc or a8 not. (v Cash orders from the counfry will Se attendcd ju to. and the books packcd ns well as if the ln gons werc present to attend the purchases. He will also 6cll tü children as chcap a thcir ar rents. Purchnsers will do well to examine his stock and prices before purcltnsing elscwhere. jt Don't f orgel the place; Ie sure youcall 3PERRY'SBOOK STORE, on Main Streef, a fcio doors South of the Public Square. s .WM. R. PERRY. }5 Ann Arhor, June 27, T8IG. 2G9-tf Ie N THRESHING MACHINES. c THE undersigned would inform the public t{ thnt hc mnnulactures Horse Powers and Threshing Machines at Scio, of a superior kind nvciued by hirnselt'. 1'hes2 Power6 nnd Machines nre particularly di tlnpted io the use of Farmers who wish to use C hem lor thieshing their nwn gntin. el r. ihresher and fixiuies can all be londed into a C ommon sized wagon box and drawn wil h one A lair of horses. They aie designed to be used bl viih Cour horses. and are abundantly sirong foi K bat number. and may be safcly used wiih sfx or S eight norses wiih proper cnre. Thoy work wiih In essstrength of horses according Io the ol A )usiness done than nny nthcr power, and will hresb generally about MUO bnehels heat pet day wiüi femr horics. Jn one inptance J6 R bushcls wheat were threshed in thrce houre vith four horses. Tliis Power and Machine contain all the vaniages necefsafy to make tliem prodtoble to ', bc purchjscr. They aro etrong nnd durable. - rhcy easily moved from one place to ( er. The work of ihe ïorsfp is cnay on these p iowei8 in conparison to o'liers. and ihe pricc is LOWEIt than any olhcr power and machine. ïaveever buen sold in ihe Staie. according to the real valué. The ternis of payment will bc ral lor notes thut ure known to be absolutely n good. e I have n numher of Powers and Machines L now ready for snle and persons wiehing to bny C are invitcd io cali soon. l CLEANERF!. I expect to bc prepared wi:h;n n few days to make Clcaners for those who mny wam (hem. c The mility and advantages óf ibis Power nnd Machine will nppear evident to all on cxaniininp he recommcndaiions beluw. All persons are onuiioncd ngainst hinkin n these Powers nnd Machines: the tindersigneíi I having adopted the nocessiiry nïeoiiufea tor secu n ring letters paient fur the saine wiihin the time ] required by law. ë'. W. FOSTER. t Scio, Wnsblrnnw Co., Mich.. June 18, 13-16 REC0MMENDATJONS. Dnring the year I(?15. ench of ;he undersigned ' purchased and used either individually or jointly with others, one of S. W. Foster's newly in venled Ilorse Powers and threshing viachines. and hclieve they are beticr adapied to the use of Farmers who wunt Powers and Machines fo? their own use than any other power and ïhiesher wiihin our knowledgo. Tln-y are calculnted ■ io be used with four horses and are of ampie ! strengih íor that number. They apppar io br ' consirncted in such a mnnnor os to render them very durable with linie liabiliiy of getiing out ol ' order. They are eisily moved from one place ! to another. They can be worked with any ! ber of hands from four to cight, ad will' tliresh about 200 bushels whéñt per day J. A. POLHEMUS, Scio. VVnshtenaw co G. BLOOD, " . T. IUCHARDSON, " SAMUEL IIEALY, " S, P. FOSTER, " J N. A. PHELPS, " ADAM SMITH, u J. M. BO-WEN. J.ima, WM. WALKER. Webster, " THOS WARREN, " D. SMALLEY, Lodi. I threshcd last fall and winter wjh one of S. W. Foster's liorse powers. more than filteen thousnnd bushels grain. The repairs bestowed upon ide power nmounted to only fij cents, nnd it wns in good order when I luid done threshing. 1 tnvariably used six horsos. . AAROxN YOÜNGLOVE. Manon, June G, 1846. I purchased one of S. W. Foster's horst powers last fall and have used it for jobbing. ) have used many different kinds of powers" and believe this is the best running power 1 have cverseen. D. S. BENiNET. Hamburg. June, 184C. Wc purchnsed ono of S. W. Foster's Morse Powers laai liill, and have used it and thiuk t is a firsi rate Power. JESSE HALL, DANIELS. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg. June. 1846. 2C9-if WSVMWHVa flfflKKMlWBWíí h AT THE 5 NEW DRUG STORE, 5 5 in Baitle Crccl; called tho 5 í Êpothccarics' Miall J p T7ST1LL bc found a nao, extensitv, nnd Í ,"j TT complete assortment cf Drugs, MedS p" eines. Chemicals, Oils, Paints. Dyu-Stuffs, í , Gruccnts, Surgicil Instruments, Patent C i Medicines, School Books. Foncy Goods. jl i' Jcwelry, &c. purchased directly of the im ', porters ; which are ofiered to the conimuc 5 nity at as Imo p;urs as at any other estnbV j?j l:eliment in the State - Detroit not exeepS V PhysicianH. Surgeans, cnd'the'iTrade, C S will be supplicd upon ihe lotcest tenns. - S ij Prescriptions nnd orders attended to wiih 5 care and despatcr J" 5 Be sure to recollect iho plnce. C W G. F. IIARRISON & CO. 5 jfl Bnttlo Creek. 1847. 30;i eggwsggggggga Büaasggsv'Bvgs! TÖCOUNf RY MERCHAÑTS. THE Subsciiber hns constant ly for sale good nssortment of heavv WOOLEN CLOTHS, well adapted to the country market which ho will sell nt wholcsale or rctail. vkry low. Cali and sec thein at the M mí.ttan Stork. W. A. RAYM0ND, 275-tf Detroit. E. G. BURGER, Denlist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT'8 STORE, JRANE & JEWETT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. C CLARK, Attorney and Counselor, and Jue:ice of the Ptaco Ofl.ce. Court House, Ann Arbor. 210tf '811111111 iiiiiifëËiiiPiPl Pliis excellent dompound 8 for sale by tli iprietor's Agcnts. ,c;!iy MAYBARW. STORE. Sign of the Big Anvil. 'hird Store south of the Square, on Main Street. rlIE SubFcriber, having received his wint Riock, would respectfuHy invite to tg in Qction Country Dealers, Mechnn-cs, ond Kar ;rs. confidcnt thai tiiey Wil) find the assontneni general und complete, nnd the pricea os lovr -ith the additionnl charge for transportaron 05 avy goods) as at any establishment of the kind Detroit. His stock is comprised in part or the followine ticles FOR BLACKSM1THS. Juniata. Swedes, nnd Oíd Sable Bar Ironiata and Peru round ai.d square Iron, froni lGths to 3 inches; Band.. Hoop, Stoke, and nrse Shoe Iron, all sizes ; Norweginn and Old ible Nnil Rods ; American. Swedes, Englfoh istcr.Geiman, and Cast Steels, Albany Spring eel, Albany made Wagon and Seat Springt ragon Boxes. Sleigh and CutterShoe, Mal-l ible Cpstings of every possible form, Horae ails. Borax. Horsc ShoeShapes, Bugg) Bands rmitnge Mouse Hole and Wright'a Anvil! ittrel Keyed V ices, Wcst'a Bellows, Sledgci id Hand I Jammer. Hollow Aujers, Ftlea and aspa of cvery shape and eizc. FOR CARPENTEftS, A full nssortment of eaatern Benth and Mooi. ng Tools ; P!nne Jrons ; Millwright, Framinr urner. Duck Bill, Firmer. and Tiirning Cbisj; Millwright, Tuining, and Firmer Gougea : oncavc, Concave Nut, and Common Augers ; uger-lipped. Centre, Spoon. Gouge, and Giinl et Buis ; Hand, Panel, Btick, Compaps, and cyhole Suws ; Steel and Jron Squaie ; Try luares, and Bevcls : Spirit Lovels ; 2 and 4 ld Rulfa; Brond. Hard, and Nnrrow Axoa ; des, f Iainint-rs, Setts of Braces and Bitts. FOR BUILDERS. Cut Nnils from 2d to 60d. Wrought Nail, roml heul nnd Finishing Ñau, Cut Brads, Dry id Mixed Lend. Linsced Oil; " Bellevernon" Inés froni 7 by 9 to 10 by 14; Amorvcan and orfolk Latehes ; Americnn nnd Engliah Rim [oriise. nnd Collage Locks and Laiche, witli osewnod. Brnps. Mineral, nnd Pínted Knobs ; asi, TariflT, nnd Wrought Bntts; Screws. Bolt' oor Btlls nnd Furniture, Brasa Knockers, Cisrn Pumps. TÍIE FARMERS, il! fi ui evcry uionsil th?y require. A.t9. Mar ure and Pitcli Forks. Jron nd Cst Steel Shovs and Snndes, Grnss nnd Cradle Sythra. Grnin coops, Hoes. Grubbintr Hoes. Straw ïnifn, rowbars. Ptck Axcs. Wool nnd Horse Cards lorse Briifihes and Curry Comb, Log, Trnce'. oil, Wrapping. nnd Halter Chains. HOUSEKEEPERS, m sclrct from the most splendid nssortmen of .merican and Enfilipli T:ible Cmlery, Shear, cissors; Pen and Pocket Knives; Butler Koivcs' ron. Brittnnnip, Gerfnnn Silver. and Phncd Tra nd Tnhle Spoons ; Brittnnnia Ten and Coffco oís ; JJrass, Iron. nnd JJrilinnnia Cnndlralicks nd Lamps. Snuffera nnd Trays, Tea Tray, raiwnnd Iron Andiron, Shovels, and Tongs. ïiaes Kcitle8 nnd Piiils, Sad Ironj. &c. Jtc, jcother wiih a large assortment of Albnny Cast COOK, PARLOR. & BOX STOVES, llof which, hnvingpurchased for Cash, hc will fier at most rcnsomible terms. HEÑRT VV. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Der. 3, I84G. 29ö-1y SELECT SCHOOL. ' VTISS J. B. S.MiTir. nssisted by Miss S. LtJL rii;r.i),announLC8 to ihe public that she i irepiircd to ruceive young Intfiea into her school niebast-ment room of the Epiöcopal Church. Tiiums.- For qunrterof 12 weeks, for English ranchea from $2,to $5 Freñch and Latin cnel i extra if pursucd togeiher wiih :lie English, or sepnrntcly, $5 each. The schuol v.JIbclurnjslicd wih n Philosophicnl apporaus; nnd nccjjsloUnl lecturts givcn on the Htu iral Sciences. Mrs. BuphsWiUgïvé nstruciton (o all wl.o ksire t, in JVJusic, Drawing, Paintingnnd Nte. lleworK. Miss Smilh rcfers to the foüowir.ggenlirmfn: Professors Williams, Ten Irook, and Wheclon of the University; Rev. W. S. Curtí?, Rev. VIr. Simona, Rev. C. C. 'Jylor, Hon. E. Mun]y, Win. S. Mnynnrd Efq. Ann Arbor, April 29. lö26. 2G2-tf CHEAP STOVES AT VPSILANTl! Q COOKING & PARLOR STOVES, ■lt justreceivcd. by the Subfciiber, (moiiy from Albnny) mnking a good apsortmeni of the latcst and best patterns. which will be sold it L010 Pices! not to be undersold this side Lako Erie! AIso, Copper Furniture, Cnuldron Kettlc, Hollow Wnre of all sizes, Slovc Pipe, Sheet Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE Manufaclurcd, nnd constantly kept en hand which will niso be sold very low. P. S. - Purchnsers will do well to cali and sxatiiine for their own satisfneuon. J. M. BROWN. Vpsilnnti. J:me 20, 184G. 271 1 FOR SALE CIIEAP kor CASH, or cvery kind of cour. try Produce, Saddles, Bridlcs,llarncss, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Valises, Carpel Bags, %c. Aleo a good assortrnent of Whips & Lashei, which will be sold vory low, and no mistake, at COOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 1846. 277-tf iLOÖÏTHEREir EOSÏOM OASH SïOEE: No. 2 Erhange Bvilding. One Door Souik uj' the E.irha.ngc Hotel. Upper Toicn ANN ARDOR, M1CH. TUST rcceived nnd opcninir. for saln Cheap J for Cash. being ONE OF the best nssortments of DRY GOODS ever bwfpre of fernd in this Market - such as - BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS. PRINTS. SHIRT1NG ANJ) SFIEETING, VESTÍNGS. PLAIDS, SHAWLS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT, &o. and almo8t eery thing in the Dry Goods line, too numerous 10 menlion - all ol which aro of the Intest and most Fushionable Slyles. The public nre invited 10 cali and examine thia STOCK Or GOODS. and to judiie for themsclves. Goods will be shown at all timcB. nnd cvery nttemion paid to thopc who vieit the Boston Cnah Store. j3on't forget ihe number, No. 8, Exchange Building, Upper Town, Boston Cash Store. _ MAINS, M'DOWELL & CO. Ann Arbor, January, 1847. 298-tf BRASS QLOCKS. A lorge lot of %hour and 8 day Brass Clock for eaU at $14 and 22 by the case. J, W. TILLMAN.


Signal of Liberty
Old News