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BY INCUSTRY WE THRIVE!' ÏMcw and Fashionable TAILOR1NG ESTABMSIiMttlVT. in the pne pregnant t-u ' jici ut CLOTHLS, riïltrtï tinderaiyo, u niciuucd uil thai men huvo thouytii. drcamcd, duw, ind been : the whol? extemal Univcrue, and v,bai it hul ds is but cloihing ; nd ihe essence of uil science lies 111 tho hui iMoriii 41 r Clotiikj. - Carlylt. THIi Subscvibcrs having formed a eu-par incibiiij) lor the purpose ol carrying on ilie 'J'uiloiing Üiisiiusa in aii its branchi-s, W'jtild lukc tiiis ineiiiüd oí uilurniing ilie einzen oí Ana Arbor and vieirnly, ilmt ihey jnny be iound ut thcir dliop, .o. 19, aouih Main St., wliee ihey arv prcpuied to ilo uil work io ibeir me, in a nimmer nul o be surpoiseo. iu iit,siyle, or djruLiiity, by niiy oilicr i-iiiblisbti.eiu in iho titaiH. Those gentlemen are pn-tictilnrly nvitcel to cali who preer linving ilicir garnivnts nmde in i shop whcio bm c.perii nccd yürknle are ctuploycd , ïiiatenii of Uciyg uiadp hy a ebop uil oí giria - lor, bc it kovii, i!:at we ensploy jone but tbc best nf bands, ond having madu ermatierii urragenients witli G. C. Scott of -"ev Ynik, tbf :npult-un ui Fnsbion l'ubheiicri, 0 be 8upphed wnh bis American and iuropean Spriiii; ond Fall i'.ibhii.ns. and nlso his "Mirro of Fjsliior.s," n Monilily Tcriodical, dovotcd t ttie Ftiencc of c.'.uing nntt mak ing gortnents of all kinds - ïlicsu advsniages, Cüinbirjeti yiTib ih? atioiiuon anJ txperience of' the subscriben, renders il almos; an inipóssibilily of not bcing able 10 pitase all, even llie niosi faïtidious. Paniculnr niteniion will be paid to ihe cutting af garmems vvliieh wc do not mnke. And bero o w i i I mate for the inf(xnia,tto;i o. al! concerned, bnt thtí cornmon cry of tbp tailors s all o boax, vben ibeysiy ihe uiilor-ss b;ie spoiled tbe garnem - thero ís no linpcs ol making a good fit of t ; when hi ninety nincciisr-s out oí eveiy n'undrfd. ibe lauit lies ai tbe cutter's tloor. Thereloro, io nul a veto on this inethod of dong uuíitii-ss, jiio subicribers are induced lo worant aü ibëir cotling without tbc titu versal proviso, if prupcily mude p. but vvoiram [ wjth. uut nny if"s or tmd's. Alibongli ve do not 60C iurelves up :is tbo poifloiiiíication of perftetion, 'e it vil! be borne in mipü tbat vc make our Úttiñg so pliin. a tailoress catmot make t ip wrong il ebe iry. One iliiiig n. ore vo vill do our wrrk just s onr cusioiiiers wibh it done, for we labor Ift ileaee thejn in referejice to rbeír wurk. and not .mstílvo : and m lenirn, e pptet ttiem to pleise irs by prompí n nirpii}. Aul"us;b 'J I' love of monoy i tbc root of 11 evil,1 yet ii? it is veiy necessery in thcee dcgencate times, we will maUe a liberal discount or Casii. J.. MJLLS. C E, MARTIN. nn Arbor, Jnauary 4, J5i7. :-ÍU0-3m RTADT PEAQE ÖLOTK1WÖ-44 HALLOCK & RAYJ?IOI, HÁVEhow on band. just tnipufnciured uiuier iln-ir owii iiiciruciion. at tbeir wcll knowtt CLOTHINQ EMPQR1ÜM, corner of J jf'crstw and Woodmard arcnvñSy Jktkoit, one il tbe largtt apd noi cúmplela utsortments of Btcitify Jflade Clolhivg ever before olí red in ;bis Stntr, whiefa tbey aro irepared lo st-!l nt Uic nry li xo si Cusk priecs, nr ibese Cysh times. Can and sec ! ! Doroit, Jan. 5, 1847. 293-tf COKI, RYlí & WI1EAT. WANTED by Uic subscribers, 10,000 biisbrls ol Cuín - l(),tii.U buslieUol Rye, índ 0,001 buabcld ol V heat. delivortd at tbo Steam Mili, for wliicli C;itb rifl be nii INGALLS. LAMB, & fJSHrji. Ann Ailor, Jan. 4. Iri=i7. 2J8-:f.' BR1GHT and L1apI Log Chaina ó-K). ( 16, 1 ti. 4.V 8-Jti wiappmg do. Str.-i'glit nnd '.rtisted link Trace do. jo. For sije vrry ebeap at iiie sign of tho Big Arvil, Lfppr TovM). HF.NRY V. WELLES. Ann Arbi.r. Jan. II). IM1. 2:jH-Iv COUNTY ORDERS.' " rpi higliest pnce paid m caf-íiby Q. F. Lew. 1 if, Kxchapge Ijroker, opj)oite tíie Insurance II ni k , Detroit, for orders on nny of tbe lountií-s in ibeSiiiip.! MipJrgon; nlso for Staio sei urinas of all kindnil v;iawrrvnt ljds {kill i nd M-r.. I).-: 1. IS45 241-), MEDICAL BOOKS. AIÍEVV lm ni Medical Brtoks. just opened nnd lor alc dienp lor cah ai Juno 15. 270-if runR-r'? BLAO2SKIT-KS' TCOLS". 44 A HAM I'AGK Mou.-e liolo': Ánv.U. j . ' Wrighí'sN (Jo. Cnnercl Kcyrd VictUosi'sbesi liellowo, :-;0 to 3(3 inchw. Sledgc. Hnnf! HammiTí, FiUb nnd Ttnrpt t( evu'v kino, enn be found at tbe Jron Store, &ig of thv B-' Anuí. HJENRY W. WTLLF9. Ann Aroor.. Jan 1(5, It47. V-'y


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