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THE Gcaii of Sciesier, The mttccWof Sciéuce and rtefonn; Üeó cl t Pnreo.,lov. l'hysi-.logy, M..;.n.-..s.,, ... coUaiÜepart -ent. PdlrfWwrf S.-mi MrtnlMe: e. n. sanfoup, editor. S ECO X D VOLV M E . The present frcililM fr publishmg. nnd llic n crensiiiff denria'nd fr inonnaiion on ihe anov onnt-iplcs. Inve induce:! a EXLARGKMENT OF THE GEM. ml v the publicaron o!" one lolumt in tico. Qniirlo Form tw " WBW TYPE. for prcservaü-üi and Lindiii. witli nri index anc! title page i th5 cl.èe ol die Volant, in stx monilw ïom the 1 ;'1 ' Decwbw, 1S4G. CONTENTS. Thecontcnts of the Ge::i me pfofoibiy mor nlTCáting 10 ifi trtie !v--r Science. and 10! the dno r! Srm of.NiUira, ihnn ih:pr any s.mibr pipcr ín the Utittcd Sihics. Jn short. tho tone "f .'s ronwnt?. ;nd 1 eXposnioñ of "!IMR Trüths.' whic't will hu pl-'c.-.. AviTius1 tui: reach of cvery tam I!ïï, wilt render 11 doubly intei.sting and piofTBB.1WCS. The Gkm of SciKXCK is ,iu'! alicd nt FIFT" CENTü r.irix moiHlis. r Oi; DOLLAR .i yenr ti (idtance. A lüersl disc-mni will ht made to Clui.s and Agcrus Penwtw dcsiriry to. DUDscriHe. only to endose ihe amuuni in dirêcted to SANFORO it RROTÍIF.RS. PuWishT of the Gom of Science, Ann Ar bor. Michigan. O Editnrs wlio will give thi rrr?pecti]? one, twi. r thrco inserlions, shall hnvS theit favors duly reciprocatcd. 291-19w Te m per anee MM o u s e ! 1S47. ' 1647. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. i)i;raon micu. DANIEfj B:1R.'ËY, hnving taken tlisw.I known Stiind, and ihü oux'ilj ropnired il ihr.)iiLi!vu;. is non1 txtensive y prepaféd t. nccommodate l:w friends and th T.-avellinsi PuMic with all 'hose convoiiien-ep calcuJatcd ro maUc then comforublu, and wtth prices to pui' the ines ! Meáis, Í35 Crnls. Eastcrn and Southern Stage Ojfice keyl al this House. TT Omnil.n-! and Efeggnge Waqron always on and to CDtivey Pa93ngorá to and Iron the llouae free of charge. 295-fírn ATTENT10N THE WORLD!! Free Trade and Tailors Righfs. THKciiizens of Ann Arbor and vicmiiy, of Washten.-iwCminiy and Couniiea are nformed .Int now is the ti:nn 'O T'-t CDtn fortably CLOTLIEÜ ar.d FfX&O UI' for n coid Winter. . The verv bflst kind of Cloth? nnd Tnm't inc= can be b.u2lit dieap in Ann Arhnr,L-.wer TWo, and there isa TAlLOR oppos.te G. tt L. I Heckley's Siore, who caii't be ouidone ay wnerc , in these pirts. '.'.', t 1 13 urep-ired to do Árk tn tho most 1 ionable ritie, or fo.low the dirfction ol bis cuslomers. and being poaKWed of a lirge sl.are o. t the Mdk of llatni Kmdne93, lus termsare : tabüshed on ihe principie of "UVE AND LET UVE." . fie has a peculiar trait in his character which should be nnttced. it ï stranse. vet true as 8 raiiKe.- He loill o. VioLitc his Pronas-.- Custoiiers tvnn Inve tbir gartueni at thc tinifspecifiíd. FARMERS cinle eTtmn ofíoofi ' fiuingnoñ M9V settin? GARMENT$,.njrt formea ttínt all kind of fRpjfUOE (oxcep. cibhig:) will be nken in exchange tr hts sprvi ees He cutí to order, and his gamients are cure toíllifproperlymadcup. $g Ann A', LoWr '"own. Dèc. ?, 1SÍ6. PEACE DüCLAttED, AND A TRBATlf FOHBZSS9, WHEREBY S. FELCH can hold Fkkk. I'ruh: a u ('omvk ;ck. ík BOOTS, S MMO Fj ', M, K.f TMMer, anti Fitidiitgs of all kinds, with all personE. üwucs or Foreiners, ün tlie foHówin jnst and eqiial terms viz : Gwd Aitclcs- Loic P rices- Huid ij Pay - a ud No Tnist. The euhscriber havin? fnlly teste 1 thc Credi' System t bis great Usá; botti f !cnc an. ciísh, and hnving suff-ied niuch lOaa !y fue. no ceBsity cotnpels hfn t eülleci iiis ftay rfb frt hartest," as "afi-kr harvf.sf and xtkall." very ulten como i "missing." bitn sadIj in the Bool hole. He bascóme tú th.3 smnconclusión that ccrtnin peneible giris dd or. late occanion. (ice to tai or n husband, retldl pay nr nt Shocmnhing ) All persona feu a" conform to the abofe treaty will do weU to cali on S. Felch, Ann Arbor, Lowei Town, No. 4 üuron Hloc's. whc they will noi be taxeJ for others' work whu never pny. . N. B. All persmsindehted n any w.-y ir tlie s"!scriber. hnd bet'er cali and p;iy if iüe are hnnest an' mean t,o keep so. 297 fi-n S. FELCÍI. Ann Arhor. Lowor Town. Jan. (. fW FURNITÜUC & UPIIOLSTEUING WAREOOMS. IX thelower end nf thc Winte Ulock'. dirnmlj opposite the Mic'jioas F.xchxnoe. huve oí. huid a large ass.iiitncnt of FUJiNITU&E. oí their own nnnu acture, which they will sell very low Car Caeh ,„11 j Tney also keep experjenefd Upnoïsterer anri are preparad to do all kinds of Upliolsteriñg a: the shortcst noticc. Fnrimure o! all kinds made to order ot thc tematertal.and ngfjgl & Q Detroit, January, 1, Ití47. 297-1 y ROVVLAXD'S beat Mili í=aws, 6, 6é, and 7 teet. Rawland'a bcsi XCut Saw, fi,fiL. nd 7 feet. K.ifiiisk C. S. l'it Snws. Hi and 7 leet. Superior Amencnn Mili S-iw Files, 10 to 1G in ches. For sale at the sign ol" ihe Big Auvil. Upper Town. HExriy w WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jnn. 1, IÖ47. 298-1 y LINSEED OILf THE Subscribir is manufacturing Liiiper(' Üil on an extensive scale and he is ablc te ■upply MERCHANTS AMD PAINTERS. on terina more fnv imlde for them than have ever belore Leen oífered In fliis country, and he 1 prepared to supply orders f.-r large or small quan titic8 at priceu txtrcmelij low. Ij Communications by mail vill le prompt y altendcd tu. D. L. LATOURETTE. Long L'ike. Genesec Co. Mich. 28i-ly WAM'E'iS), nt Perry's Bookstore, 5 Toni clean Cotlon and Lincn Rnga. ■ 1 Ton Bei'swnx. and 3T00 Dallara in ch. íor tlip larccFt nssort ment of Boo'íb and Stntionery ever ofTered in tfjiiVillage. and at l'is umjul low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Vtilage. Oct. 7, 184fí. 'HC-rf JUSTARRIVED BY EXPRESS. TIE Mozart Collccnon of Sncred Muic, by E. Iví Juu - cdncaVníng thc '-eleUrnted Curieus n:ii Miserere by Zingarelli wiib Eng Hll YMl'i.-5 Tanchera of Muie will piense cali and examno tlio work at Pxbut's BooKSTottz. ChfU,T 7, 1846. 286-tfÍH usa ■_ANNERY;.. I : Hgaüili IÜ l ■■' ; LËATHEU! JLEAÏHEK! ÏEATHER! T LDRED & CO., No. li!3; Jefierson Avenue, "Eldred's Block," Detroit, tnke -fi- i this opportunity 10 inforrin their customers, ond the public generally, that they still continue to keep on hand a íull assortmentof Spnni.-ilj Solé Lenther, Also. Lasts and Pejs. Curriers' Tools, &c. Sl.-niirhti'red do Ilorso and Cuitar Leaiher. ilcnilock icnued l'pper Lcnther, Cordcvnn do Oa!; Morocco Skina, F'ronch tnnned Cnlf Skine. SímI do Onk and llemlock tanncd do Gerit Hlndini:, Homk'ck tonncd Harnessand Bridle Lcaihcr. Deer and L.imb do Oak ' White and Colorcd Linings, Bag .id Tip Leatlier, Printcd do Ski-iine. PhilnddpUia nnd Ojiio; Shoe TrimRussct do mingi. and Kit ol ;.!! kinds. As the Subscribers ore now mnnufnciuring their own Leather, they are preparcd to sfill ns low nscnn be purchnsed in thb market. Merchnnts and manufneturers will find it to their advantage to cali and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhfre. KjCash and Leaihcr exchaned for Eidcs ancSkins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1846. 248!yNEW"GOGBSf Chcap for Cash!! TíIK Stilisonliers bc Icavc ti ïnlorm thc'r old cusioniers. and ihe public fcgner;iüy. ! hál tliey are now rrceivinsra Inree and pplmrfid ipsortniPMt ol English, American and West india. (JOODS. Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Dycslujfs, Drugs and Medicines. AIso a general agáurttnem of' IKON. sïiïtabrê or Ironing VVajon3 and liugoiea, Nfiil Rods. Florse Slioes. nnd Horss Nuile. Sheet J.-on. Tin Ware and Tin Platê - a)&o a general assortnent of BOOTS ft SHOES, Ivck and thin eale work. nnd cuetom work to rut t All ol" viiioh ihey will s-eil on he lowest popptble terms fur Cash or Bautkr. i'eeüns contitlcm ns we do, that we can niake t for the interest of all those wishing to purMiase nny of the abcve mentionfed Gooda; we lo rnosi e'irneslly soiicit at least un iuvesiic'Hion f onr Goode and prices beforc lurchasins elsovhcre. JA. MES GIP.SON & CO. JVo. 3. Evrhrruge ISlock. Ann Arbor, i.ov.e: Tc-wu, S?pt. 14, 18 G. 23-tf CLOCKS AND WATCIIES ! ! l ê?Lji fTTHF" Sulipcniprhas jt'st SxcT-4 _ J_ receivcrf. (r.nd is i efê ")stnntly receiving) ('rom [íí. &$të. 'r'w ""'lian tliuatit erd V 9' Í "SÍÍR wlÜ sclecied astorlment A-c dea vfiici! hc nTtffiida iu se!! ;is ai niij Uieretabiishinent ihis t-ide oi Buffalu for renli. 'iay aitlij aniong wl.icl) mav b?. Tnund ilieiollijw ifi': a ünod aüortment . Gold Finger RiiiLs. Gold Breast pins.'Vris!let Guard Chains and Keys. iSilver Spoonfl. Gorman S-!vtr Ten end Table Snjpoiis (first qmli'.y.) Silveraiid Gtrninn tío Sug;ir Tonga. S'iver t?.h.Muf-;nrdand Crean e;uon-. B'i'jcr Kiüvfcs, Gold and Silver lJencil Cases G..U Ppns. " ' Pencüs, S:lvor n'id Gorrran Silvcr T!;!es. Sifver'Sppciacles. Germán nnd iiceldo, Goggles, C'othes. 1 1 n t r nnd To-nli Rrushês, Láther Mrushes. flnzurp and Pockei Knives, FineShenis and ScttMOrs, Knivrs and Korhs. Brii'iinnia Te-i Potsai d C'asiors. I'hitct!, Í5r:ss. n ii'' Bmiiinin Camüosiicks. bnuirtrfe &, Troys. S!)UYin: bXPE and Sonps.'.s Best Razor Strop. Cnlinnd Morocco Wal'.cis. Silk and Cotion parses. VibUnV ani B.W8, Violin and Bns Vi-1 Sirins, Flutep, Fifes. Clario'neip. Accor!rot;p - Jiiusic Books lor the same. Motto Senls. Sti'el Pens nnd Twe'Z' re. Pon onses. Snóffand Tobacco boxep. Ivury Urepsii'g Combs. SiuV and B'.ck and l'ótk et CoiTibo. NeeiUecnprp. Sreltttocis. V atePaintE nnd IJ ushes. Toy Waicnep. a eren! vnriciy oí Dol's. in short tnc createt variety of toys eii rouüht to tliis nnrkci. Fancy wprk boxee, chüIrcn'e ten sets. Coloyne líJÚr Oilp. Pmeümc Snlts. durt Plri's'er. Ten Bells. Tlicrmotiir-rrrs. fïertnan Pipe?. "Wood Pencüs. BHA8S ANP VVOOD CLOCKS. &c. in fact ojmöst every Irn? to plese the fancy. Ladieo and Gentle uien. cali and examine tor yourselves. Ciocli8. Watches and jewe'ry repairod and warrnntod on pbort notice. Shop nt hia old tand. oppoeiie M. Ber kfr'pbrick Store, in the Store occupted by M. Wheeler. GALVTN BLTSS. N. B - Cn?h paid for olti Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July let, 1346. 271-ly riïlL5! FZ21Z2Ü FJ. B. CRANÍ w-ou!d r-ppectfully notify the cilizrns of Ann Arbor. and the surroundins country, that he continúes to acias ircnr of the HARTFORD FÍRE INSURANCE COMPANY, md will insnrc Property nainst 'opsee by Fire. ït iheiowesr raes, and with despatcb and acenr;cy. Tlie Hartford Insicfinte Coinpnny is onp f ihe oUieft arid most siable in the couniry. nnd dl lossPS8ustaitied Y$y them will be - as tbey evr have been - h?omptlv paid ! Fire is i. danger. nis element nnd iw to be trifled wi:h: iberefore. mnke v.p your mind to gunrd ag:iin3t. it and don't uklay 1 A few houis dday may be your ruin. Mr. Cravf.'s Office íp in Crane's nevv Block, corner ot the Pubüc Square, Ann Arbor. 2.0-tf TEETI1! TE ET 'Hf TEETHU! MASTICATION and Articulaiion, warrantcd by ibeir bein propcrly replaced. S. D. BUBKETT, will continue the praciice of TJKN'l'iSTÏlY in all is vnrious branche?, viz : Scalmg. Fiihnff. and In.oertinc on gol') pintes or pivote, from one io an entire sett. Old pintea or misfita remod!ed. nnd made cqunl to ncw. OFFICE over C. B. Tliotnpaon & Co.'b Shoe Stote. Ladis who requeat it, can be waited on it their dwellings. N. B. Charges unusually low, and all kinds of PRODUCE loken. Ann Arbor, Dee. 5. 7846. 293- tl c lo vëbTmac bines. THRASHIVG MACHINES nnd rperatorp nre made and nold by 'i'eutpcrif)crs. at their Mfichinc Sh)p, noar i!" Pflpej Mili. Lr.wer Town, Ann ArUr. KNAP? 6f IIAV1LAND, Jan. 19, 18 W. 24T fllE 'ffifjlainw- i) ii. TUK Subf r '"' bnvin parchare) t rie inie.tesis óf J. M. Rockwell in the Sfartii Cusines. woold i:iform he nhabi'nnts of thiMini p.rijoininc coun'ics. ihn'. lie will continue ih s ai the "II stnnd. n tïié Upjifer Town: r.enr ihe Preabyterian Cliurcli. and ráanufapture Monumcnts, Grre S Iones Paini Slonc, Tablcfs, S-c. -c. Thofp wielniiir ! .'iTiirttny rtirlo in hiVün-riflipsinef? will fi'J l' !o'Ti77r thn! he lias nn nsïortp-ftii of Wïiitf ;iri'! VanêJited Mirtile fra-n he Enstcrn Marhté Ouirrifc. wfiiCh vvili biwroughl in Mürforn sivle. snlil ni prwtern pri es. rll!ing tranápcrinnon bhTy Cñtl nnrl e: beproef. W. F. SPAULDINfr Ann Arbor, Jan. 30, 1847. '272 TynpHE SUBSCRIBER Has received Kis JL vuiler stock.. iueli lieull'cis tor Cttstí ■a grenily reducgü pri:es. 'l'lic Public are invited to cnll, examine, ntirl j;idj:e lor thrinselvee. .Nuw on hand, fend daüy lidiiTrcg SOFAS oí every, yoriety áiíH pittei n. irid loiest (nsfaion. pnces firotn ■5'') nnrt npwr,n!s. DJVANrf. OTTOMA.NS. LOUNGES. BUREAUS, of all kmds. frpm $1 and up. Cu:itro. Card, Tea Drcss, l'icr, Dining, and Set Tablas. Waeli. Cnndle, nnd Toilet Stands. Bcds'tVade - Muliogany, Müplt, and Wiinu troni $2 and up. Piano Fot tes ; Pinno Covers ; Piano Stools i)ou!le and single Matresses oí hair, siiuck pnlm lenf, or Birnw. Doublc and single Cot Bef's'ends. do do Writing Desks. CHAIRS. - The heít aesortmeni tliat enn b found west of New York and ilic cheapest i tn.s city. Wmdsor Chairs, a good articlo, at $2 50 ih ?ctt. Mahogany Frcnch Chaira, hair sent. a first ra a-!c!c, nnd wel! fioi&bed ('ir $:] 50, Cnsh only. Mnhognny Rockipg Cliniis. bairsent and bacl vvarrnoted good, at the low price of 12, tor tb cabh onlv. Flng nnd Cañe Seat frdrn Gs. and up. Iíird Cüges. ])liin and gnllery : Bird Glnsso Huhby lloryes. íindToy Wheelbarrows, for chi dien ; Patent Showcr oud Hip Bnth ; Busti íi-jl'n Pan?, Ctm:p S;ools. UmUreltn and II Siands. Fanqj Cellows. Fooi Scrapers, Can Seat Counter and Bont StoWlr. Curtain materia T;i!ile covers. Paicn: Post-Otílce nnlancP.. I'i uno Frames. Wülow Wons. CmJI!S, Chnir docks, and Bakets ; Brittannia Tab'e Castor very cln-ü). M.'ihogany nnd Rosewocd Veneerg ; Varnis ond Japan: Brótrze, Mahögiiny'fenobs, Lock G!un. Curled íl.iir. and Cañe Seáis. Alto. a lnrgc BMortmenl of American Cns tors. expre.rlv tor Oabinet Makers, very ch'eap Cash ind tlie IhIh-pI mnrket p:ice p:iid fü any qunnti'y of Wafnut and Cherry Lumbcr. í will nlso con'ract for any (juiiinity of (ir rnte Wolnut Lumbcr. 10 be sawed to order, an delivered by the Ist of Juno nrxt. J w. TfLLMAN, No. i-1 JeíTorson Avenue. Detroit, Jnnnory 1. 1847. 1 y THE LIBERTY MINST REL. O NTE HUNORKD COPJES of the fifih en tion of íhis nighlv popiíln'r wiírk are lor sa ni t!ic Sicn.'il odice at 50 cei'S single, or $4.5 per dozen. Terni3 Cash. No v is the time lo Liberty clioira to supply themselvts. Wifjíi S. BROWIV, Attorncy ' Counselor at Laxo ANN ARBOR, MlCHf. OFFICE ''h F,. Mt-srT. Ksa2!?7-ly GUITAP, BRAZS VIOL, ASD VIOUN STR1NGS, jnl received by Doe ÏÖ, 184G. S96 C. CLISS.'"THE precedí ng ..umc given to rcprr?-ii the [liseiiriilitc férispirawuri". It is ihu re ' .ivnoii ilion lor the intptmttes ol":!:e bmly Jt will ; be noiiced. ihai a ili icK. clmuiy ïr.isi relies frm .11 iom'.s of úw sufncu. which indicntes dim ihi perSpiniuoli ü.vt uninmrtpiedly wlu-r. wc :iro in hc.iilh. binocles wlicn we are sick. Li'e :annol lic suai'ained wiihoui it. li is throttn .1i ir.!n liic blooïl ni" other jnices of i!ie body. una ilisposes by ibis rnens. ui ne.trly all the imliüriiu-s within ua. The blootl. f ihiö foenn. i)!v, worUs ifseli pure. Tliè Irtftgiíñge of Scrip M.r.s. -in the s :he LitV." Il u er iMconTea impwra. t may be traced directly 10 the sioppaga of the Insefioíble Pcrspirniion. li never rëquireenny inlérnal niadicinos to clennee H, as ifalways püi-ififsiisclf by ils own he;it fiiidction. nnd ilniws off a'l iho offepding hnm.xB. iliroiigli the lnsensil)le l'crspir.-.uon. Th'is we. sce nlí tlru is ncceswiry whon the blood is sv%rtant, or iniectcd. is tó 'pen the pores, and it relieves iisolf f'roiu uil iinpiirity risiantly; lis own hea: anti vii;ili:v suHloient. without nif-pnrncle of medicine. exc$pl 10 open the poter upon thesinfiice Tb.w WO s'.e the lolly 01 t.ikmg so ..inch internal renicdièa. AU prncimonprs. tftiwove r, direct tliftr -ffjns to restore the lnsensill nerspitation, bnt il lo he not alw.tys tlie proper one. 'ite Thompsoninn, !or inrtnnc iteaina. the Ilydropniliist shrouds "sm wei hbnk. e-s, the Ilinopn:h si denle ont infinmssii:inlf, he i)páth:si bl.-e.isnnd KiSOS ue wilh iner.-urv,:ind the blujtenng Quuck gorgus us with piil, pills.. puls. To ijive sme idea of thenmniint of thelnsen siblel'erf piral ion, wc will stniethat tin? ImthcA Dr. Lewtnhock. nnd the 2iet Bijerhnave,ascertaln'ei! ihtti flve-eiahths"! nll wereceive into Hie siomach. passed ofl' by ihis nunns In otheiworcJf. if wc ont anl drink eight pounns per u) . ve evncnntc flvc poutids of il by itic Insensible t:rsrira 'n , , i Tii'H is none other than the tised up pnrticles f the bloofl. and other juico giving place to the ew and Iresh ones. Tq check ih.a. therolurt!. s tn rei;.in in ihe avatem flv-eiehihs of all the trtitértt maner thnt nature demruids sliould ieavc ,e noHy. Anti evrn whèn this is ihecnse. the ! iod is of so active a principie, ihat n detcrnineP t ose panicles 10 ilie ski 1. wheré they ,m scahb. pimpU-s, ulcera, and oiher spots. By a sudden trnnèitïbn Iroiu licat to cold, the ores are the prrspiration ceaae, attti itpoae hegina at once to developeitself. Htnce. atQi'Pngc of this flow of the jutces, originales i iminy êompiafntè. It is by atpppipg the poros, int overw.ielms nankind wiih co'ughs. colrfs.-aiíd óonsümptiohs: Tino-icnths of the world die froin disenc inueed by a atoppage ot the Issensible Pcrspira on. Il s casily socn. thereford, how necessnry is ie flow of ihw subilc hnnaot to the surfnco, to reserve honlth. it cannoi né stopped; il oanot he even chèfkod, without nducingdisease. Let me ask now. every cnn.üd mmd. whot ourec scems the róöst rchéSnablè to pilfauei ó nstoo the pores, a!er they are cloeedi Would ou giye p'hysic iqunatop t.c pores? Or would 'on apply 8 inething tlinc would do this upon ihe utface, whsre the ig'Wg ncm.wly is? Would o lilis Hb coimnon senst'T And vet I kivvo: ü physician who nmkes any extürrial nppücniimi effe :t il. The re.ison ! aesign if. 'hat no medime wi'hin rtn-ir knowieJge. is cnp;ihlo ol dotng t. Under tb8C circuiiisiances. I prr-b ntto hys'cinns. and to all other, a prepnration thr i is this iiowprin iip fullest l' ia McxL STERS AU. HBACINQ OINTMEXT. it.liké WORLD' S SALVK! Ii hns p.wer to estore perspirátion on the leet, on the hend, nround oki or!s. pon iho chest, in short. Ufpu'l) any, part pi the body, wheihor diseased j-lightlyr severeiy. It !ins power to cruise :iN externa! seres, scrofulóns humor?, skin d.s"ivcs. pois-mous Is. o dUchorgc tbeir putr.d matter, ond ihcn hoals hem. Il is n remedy tlint sweeps off the wholc c.itoogue of ciitnncouH dïVrd'etB. and réstoree tin, emire cutido to tis licahhy luncriore. Il is n remedy thnt forbid' the nrcpssiiy of s miiiy and deleteriou6 drugs taken imo the stonuch. Ii is a remedy tliat naither sickeiis. giyes mMnvciwnce, or is dMgeróus to the iireines. Itpresnrvf3 nnd dcíeiids the turfnee tromaü leranement of i's inncunns. while it kenp opeh ibê chnnnds for tlio blo.iri to voi:l ill its ítpurities and dispose of all iis a.aele3 partides The finrfnc. is the outlet of five-ejt,htlis of th l)i!e nnd sd up matter wiihm. It is pieri&rl ■' h millions oi uppninga to relieve the m;cs..ïes. Stop up thet-e p-ires. and denili knocF nt yúnr door. It is rightfy termed All Hcilina. i,tr there is scarcely n diñase, external or inter nul, it 'i)i notoeuifi'. I have useJ it fot the last fmirteun yenis, for all diaeitie oPth'i cliest, consiiniption. liver, involvin" tlie umios dnnger and responsibility. nnd I declare befon Fïêavéh and m.-ui, Uintnotiri one single cuse hnh tt failed to lienffi;; when the putiuui was vvuhir ihe reach of mortal mfans. l h:ive lind physicians. lynrncd in tbo profession; 1 have bnd. ministers of the Guspcl. Judcson the Bench. Áláermeh and Laujvrs. aun .leniei) of the liighrsterndition and multUndès o; the poor, upe it in every vjiripty of wny, nnfi diere has been but one voit-e. one inited. univer snl voice, aaying, "McAlisttr, your Üintmcni t?-ood'. CONUMPTION. It cnn hardly be crcditcd thnt n salve cnn hnvc iny cfiVct upo:i ihe lun.gB, eated. os they ar within the sysicin. Bat we sny once tor all, hm this Ointment wil) reach the lunes quicker iny mcilicine thnt cnn be given uternally. Thiis. it" placed upon t'uc chrst. it peaetrates directly u ;he lung;, separat the poisonous p&tïMéé tlmt are consuming iheni, and expela iliein fioni tht system I nced not say thnt it is curinepersonsof Consqmptjon con'inua.lly, aWbaugh wc are tdld t t tool9hnc83. I cnr? not whnt is s'nid, ho long ae I can cure sevcral ihuusand persons yearly. m:ï acht.. Thie Salve has cured persons oTthe TIead Achc ■ t 18 yearo sianding. and wiio had t regulnr'j i'very week, so that vomiting ol en touk place. Dcafntiau and Ear Ache are lielped with tlr like success. as also Ague in ihe Face. COI.D FKKT. CoKsumption. Liver coninlaint, pnins in the cheat or siilc, f:lln of the hnir. onc or the ctbei uhvnys accoinnaniea cold feet. It is a eurc sign of didease in the syem to have cold fi-et. The Salve wül restore the Insensible Perepiration and thus cure every ontc In Scrofula, F.rysipclns and Salt Rlum, on o'lier disfasesof this nature, no iniernal remeoy das yet betn discovcred ihnt bso good. Th ■ime may bc said of Bronchiris. Quinoy. 8ort í'ltroat. Piles, Spinal Disefises, Broken or Sor Breas?, &c. And as for the Chest Disensei, euch ae Aeth ma, Pain; Opprémiorf n'bd the like, it is the tnost woiiderful antidoté in the World. Fr Livor.Ccrnploint it is egunlly eiTicncioii5: Tor Bnrns it rns not hnsitBcqunl in the World: ilso, F.xcresences of every kind. suchas Waits. Tumors. Pimples, &c, it makes clean work 01 them all. SOR E KYK8. The innammation and disenee nlwoys IjesbacV of the ball of the eve in ihe socket. Henee tlivirtue of any medicine must rech-the scat .I ;ip inflnorntion or it will do litlle pood. The Salvo, if rubbed on the temples, will penotruie ■lirectly into ihe pocket. The pores will booponr?d, a proppr perspiration will hecreated and the -iiscn8e will eoon pnps (.fFu) the aur'ace. PIMPLES ON THF. FACE, FKF.CKf.F1, TAN, SIASCULI5F. SKIK, Ö1W8S SBRF4CK. ItsfiritactioB to exoel buinor. Itwinot cense dr!mir. till the tace s fr'oc from nny matter ihat muy le lodged under ilx: any froqacnily breuking uut to ihu suríace. lic.ils. W'hen ilieic s íiothfng luit grossiH'fS. ' dull ri'pulsivc fcinl.ifo, it ln-yins lo soiii-ii und tot'tii uotil i iré ékiñ l)t-comub asanio-'th and ('elíoaiu as n Hu'd's. li rhrbws a Ircslniess nnd li'ii.-i'iiiiy color Uppn tlio now wlnie. uansiumii skm. ihiii iVpelecily encii.iiiiing. Sume inti ni case oí FreófcJÖi i: wni first inri ijai tliosi t!it have lr.:n Imldcii uno seeii liui scldom. Pujf auo the cs.ilvc iind all will suon didfl(fpearr wuuws. I'p.Trcns Unew boy? 'mul most niedicincs wert to ciiHdren tnkeri lownrdiy, ílit-y would be bIow lo resort 10 ihoir. Espei'rtHy metcuriii! lozèWir.s.' c.illcii 'medicnted lozcnges,'-' piHs, &c Triefriith is. no oue teu,". mvariably, when woriiis are proseni. N'iw let ine si-y tuprt-nis. ihu tina Sitlvo willalwiys teil if n cliücl hasvrormff. It will drive evey vüstige ol' tlicni a way. Tliis ís simple nnd salo cure. 'í'hí-tc s piolvjlily no intrdicintí on thc fnen o( ihpíanh at once so eurc and só stiú) in tlie ex pulsión of worni8. It svoiild lm cruel, nay wicked, to oe internn!. douWOl tiVedi'cínéa. so long as a huruiles, cxicrual une could Le md. Tnií.KT. Aliliniish I havo said It tt le nbont it ns n Tir.ii r?:--toiaiivo, y!t I will atoku it agninKi ilie Woild! Flinv iimy brin" ilioir üüs lar nnd neur, nd iniíjt' will resinre the hairtwo cases to tlicironn. Ol.l) ÍOÜK5. .MomiKICATIOKS. ,U!.i;KRS. K TC That so'ne Sores are an iul.'i to ilir impnrilioj of tito BvaíciT, íb lipcüiise ihey cñnnot pass .iíl tlirouuli ilio naii) ni channols ol" ihe Iukcüsíje erspínition. If siich sores are healed np, ilte'itnpuritses must lnvi soine utlier outlet. or it vti endiingor lile. Tiiis is the teason wby it if impojitic tu toe hc oornmon S.-ilve of ilie duy in sucli coses. For thcy tinve no power to opuii o 1 1 1 e nvenui'9. to et oír thirt morbid mntter. and ilie consefjuencfs nrc alwayo Fatal. Tina Salve willulways próvido for smch etnergencics. DISfCASES OK ClM.DK:is. How mnny thouennds are swepi o(T hy giving intern:'! medicines, whah tluir yonnp boírre and tender fríiines are unnl)le lo leor up acmnst iliem? Winde a'mies aro tlniB sent to tlx'ir graves mereiy tr ni ponrinp into ilieir Wenlc atomacl)8 powerfuj ond physics! It is to sucl ilint i he AII-Healinr OmtTrent tender o snl'e. ple.-sant. and hnrmless a ctire Fuch can tas ns Cronp. Cholic. Qholerq ínfanmm. Worii'8, and ni I Snnmier ompíoiniB. by which so mnny clul Iren díe, thn Ointmrnt '.vill rmove s speedtiy and suroly, i lint a ph.ysic.ian will never be needed. AJotlieie! tíirouhniu all this land. we nv polenmly nr.d declare to you t lint the AlKHeoJing Oinrment wil! s;ive you'r children froman j;rave if yonwill use il. We ore not now acttinted by the lens' dosire lo enin: hut knowing as we do ihut visr boiües of ininnis nnJ children die carly: which is siippoped to Ka inevitable and impossible to prevent we hold up onr gtarnine voce, ind declare in ihe foce of the'whiile wór'ld, CHILDREN NF.ED NOT DIE MO11E THAN OTHERSÜ But it is Trom t!ic want ef proper nouiisHnent rir.d tfio cnsimit druggmg tbny untférgo wb'icfa mciwe (hem down as ilie rank grass Cal Is befo re tlie BCytn'ê. Moiliers! we repent ngnin, and l lliey wpre tbelnst worda we wcie ever to uiter. nnn oi courc past the rench (f all ititereot, we wouid sny. "use the Aü-Healing Ointnient for sickness among clVüdren." kheümaTism. it removes nlmosi tnnicdintely the nfluRialion r.nd welling, wben the pain of courec coates. KF.VEnS. Tn cases of fever, tho rliflïcuiiy lies in the poref bein locked up. 60 that the hcit and porpp:raiion cannot [íiicsofT. I the leosi móiLturf could be starled, the crisis ia p.issd pncí t!udntïgfir over. The AIl-Mtating Qmiinetit wül in nll Ciiseaof fevers almorí iiibtanily uulock the skin and bring fonii the persnirntion. rUUl COMPl.AINTa. Inflninaiion of t lm kdneyef of the womh. and itsfuümg down, ui-ükncM. iiiid irrepuiiiriiy ; in sl:ort. all thosé difficoliies whi.-h aro frequf ni . 1 1 h feninles, find ready and prrm.inent reliel. Wr Iihvc aged lidies teil na thcy could nt live six uionth wiihnnt t. Kut tn females aboui t becomc inoibers. if uscd foi somc weeks imrecedf nt to their eonliiieinunl. very few of iIiorc p.'iins ond convniKions whkh aiiend tbem at thai period wtl be feit. Thisfact oughi to be known ihe world over.SCAI.D HKAD. We Imve cnrcd cases lbq.1 acinnlly defied pverythine well 8 the ahiüty oí fif'cer; r rwenty doctora. Onp nmn told ns he had =pent $300 on liis cluldrrn williOUl miy benefit. .vhcn a few uoxes tlic Oimmcnt cured ihcm. co ns. Pcnplc ncod ncver bc troubïcd wiih :hem :f thcy vv,ll lis' it. Ás a FAMILY MEDICÓTE, no mnn can ;nrafurc iis vnlne. So IqÖE os the stnrs rol i ilone over the Heavene - Kulonc ns trend!ihe enrth. su'.'JRCt to all i.c infirrui'jcs ol ;lu llufih - solonjr a disrose nnd eickness is knovr. - j-.jst sf long wil! thip Ointment ip nstd and èstHerned;. Wlun nmn ce:i6cs frout ofTtheeanii. then tliedtiiiftiid wiücease nnd nol til! :hen. ']'o allny nil nppiehrnmins on nccoun] oí iif mcredioutü. in powessinp uch powerfulpróperfies. we will stnie tha t ii is co'nposeil of some ól t!)e moe' nmmoi) nnd hartiiloss licrlisin cxieience Thire is n ti:ercury nit. nscnn Ve ieer froni the (net t tin t ildoes rui! injure the skinon: pnrticlo. while il will fines thriurl nnd pbysi urn bow'cls. JAM F$ McAI.lSTER & f 'O. IC8 South etrcel, Ñ. York. Solc propriotor of the obovë Mcíicnic, t whom all c'imnnmic.'itirtns rnuw !e addrebsc (post paid). PriccVó centand 50 cents. O-CAIJTION.ri) As ilio All He:iün Oiiitmcnt hip been erent ly coMDierfeilcd: we have g:ven 'hip cnuiion t :he public, tbnt "no Oinnut-nt will be genuin nok ss ilie unirlos ot Jnmes YicAlis'er. nr .ÍHniL fe C.. are writtcn wiih ;i pen upo ívery lal( 1." The hibel is a sicel ensjravinf v.-iih the figure of "Insensible Perspiration" o i!ii' luce. Now wé herehy offer a rewnrdof $500, to 1 paid on conviction, in any of the opiistitutet courts ol the United States, of any individua cnunterfí-itipc; o:r nnne and Ointment. MAYNARD'S. Ann Arbor, Wh.-Usnle A ceiifs; Sniith S: Tyrell, Cimt'n: K'tthum & niih. Tecumpeh: U. C. Whitwood. Hexte H.t Bower. M.inclicsier; John Owen &, Co Deroit: Hnrrnan (Sc Cook, Brooklyn. Dec. 18, 1845. ' 244- lyOn Haml Ag&in! THE Subscriber would respcciful! noiify the public. ih;u ho 8 IncriteiJ unc more in the villaje of Arm Arbur. nnd 10 re purcfj 10 iiccornnioclnto the cmrin'unuy wnh choicc and vfll phIpcipiI ífaírtniPT'i of IÍE2W GCO35S, consiatinc of Dkv Glotis, Ghocrinis. Hard WARK, BouïS AND SlMFS. C"ltOCK!-RY &C. &.C which hc wil! heil lor RllADY PAY es cl.en is Ibe samo quíility of Goods can be had al nn oider 6tore in town. Persona wh wish to makc purchotreefor Cns il Cnsh 1'ricea. will do well to ca!l beforepurch. siP2 clsowhcie. Bv kêepirie iho fir.-t qnnlity of nnicïcs. ly sel injj nt small profiis. nnd liy n fnir and lionoiah cnuroe in business, lic e.pcct8 to inerit a libera shnre of public pêtrnnngè. jJo.i kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE w be t'ikí-n in puymcnt lor Cixods. O Don't forgst the place. - on the Easl Si offiiain stre-i. ;i if-w ilnors sonth of the Pub) Square, in tliv ei'mo store witl; C. Plits, Jcwelü M. WHEÊL12R, An Arhor. Nov. 24f I.''C. S92-tf A TT A CHMENT NO TICE. S'nie ol' Michigan. i Washtknaw Cuintv. BB' Jolin Diamond, vs. MntliPw Tously. TrSTICE COUHT befoieMichnolThompaon Justice of t!ie Pefloe. Attnchrhpni isshoH D. c. 18rh 1846 : returnnble Dec. Öfith I84G nt V o'clock P. M. AtMrhrnvnr rfïiurned. f-crv:d bj 'iikiniT iwfilvc or ftMitteen bui-hols of Wheoi on 'ho I9ih of Deo. I84fi. on return dr.y cnrt cnll íd. Defendnnt ijid not npppar. Conn edjoiirn id'o Jnn. l(5ib 1847. or'8 o'ciock P. M. Court Tiijoiuripd to FVo. fih. at 2 o'rlock P. M. I errtify the a!ove to bo n trnnscript of tlnabove entilled suit. thifl 'OthJan. 1847. 3C9 MICHAEL THOMPSON.BOOKS! BOOKSÜ AT PERRY'S nOOKSTORR. 320 THE PUBLIC THE uiidersigned baving r'iurned Trom New York wiih a riew, laigc and valuableslocl; ] Books, Statïoncry and Paper Ifmigivgs, e now rendy to sc!l for Cusí., iiny ilmig in tiit line ax iiis n'fcw stand on Mitin atreet, oppu ;nc II. Beckcr'8 Ctick Store, fle wül s.iy fü UooU p'irchaácis. thni. by hia ÍTrts last t.ill on rè'.uru limn New York. the prior l neal) uvcry tliin in his line hos beën sld Iets Uiuii hi'H-U'f.jre. utitl hnd it not !een íor ti i c ■ . pmuhascrii would h;ive continüèd lopnytlic p:iccs!icietofoic chargud. Il; enn say ;ilsn. thnt his snlcs hnve been bryoud liia rmiJt sfiniiiiine fexpéctnüans. slmwinc cbnclupively ilini a public b'énalhüiof: altbouti c-r eo smnlj, wjll ri.n go unrewaided in ibisen lijilnent'd roinruv.riiiy. Ho & iti.inkiiiü'-'r iln; Tnvors alrcn'Iy hestowed. nnil woulci respfoifuüy s'lct :i continuancf ol ibe irnt!: jnd he woulrl s:iy in tbose wlio m-ver litivc ntirclni'd iuioks oí Inm. ihnt be wil! fhow tliem anieles and jyirvs wiili jiles'irc n any time ihcy mny coll wheiheir tbey wisb to purcluisc 01 1)01. Cash orders Oom t!,e country ül be nttonded fo. nnd tbc books peckeri ns welt as if tlie i;r- pona ere prent lo ntiend tne parchases. He will nUo bt-11 to ohild'en as chenp o their prenie. Purchasers wiï! do well to examine bis stock and pricps hefore purehn?ing elscwhere. Don1 forgcl the place: bc snre yov cali al PERRY'S POOK STORE, on Main Streef, a few doors South of the Public Square. W). R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, June 27, !81G. iJ69-ifTHRESH1NG MACHINES. , PHE undc'rsifined would ïnfurm ilie public L (bat Ie mnpulacturea HoTen Powers nd ürtsbins Machines ut Scio, 01 a superior kinl : verried by hinitelf. Tliesj Powers ai)d M.icbincs are pnrticulnrly }ptc"d 10 the iise ot J armere ha wih to usc em tor ihrcshing tlieir oKfi grpin. Tlie powr, ihicsher nnd fixtui(8 cíin h) be loatted inio mmon Btzcd wnpon u and drnwn wiih ono air of liortes. They oe (Jrsiyiet) to Le iised ii It (uur hprsec nnd are nbuncJnnifjr stronjr loj mi nuinber. oi:d ma'y !c rafel}' ued vith sfx o: sh: !)(!bps uiili proper c.trp. Tliep work wiriEsslrer.pjhol horses nrcording lo tlïe aüiouni ol ïsmess done ihan any oiher power, and wü! '' ireeh {rencuiliy obQWt ífrf; basheí rheat per ' iy wit!i fetal Ji.i'cps. In one nüt.ince I; uahc! whe.-it were tlueshed in three hours ' ii !i iour horsea. TIn Pow.-r and Mnchine ojjíaín all flic 1 ontagea rcccss.iry to mnke tlioin profiwble ' 10 p'nclnser. Tliry nro stron and duralve. - ' riit?y ire eaeily mowd from one place to nñrthr. The work of the inidoe ie ensy on ii,es ! owers in cot'.parison to oihers. nnd the price if ' jOVVKK thnn nny othor power and mnchine. ;ive evor been sold in the Sime, according to the er.l vaiue. The terms of paymr.nt w II be libetl for nolCB that re known to b abso'.uiulv ood. 1 Iiave a niiniber of Powcra nnd Maclilncs ow ready for 8-ile and psrsons wishn; lo bu re invited to cuü soon. CLr.ANF.R5?. T expoct to be prtpnred wi Irn a few d"ys to lake Gleaners for those who miy wnnt iheni. The utility nd advnniagfj of i!tis Power and Mnehinc wiil appcar cvidrnt to all on c x a min nube recomryendniious bejow. All persons are enntioned ngatnst mnkins hese Powers nnd Machines: the imdersignc( invine ndppted the net-ess.iry nienwires lor Secu mg lettors p.-:'em fur the same wjtliin the Um equiied by lavv. S'. W. FOSTER.Kcio, Wa'srwtJjrw Co., Riten.. June Ib', 1346 RECOMV.F.NDATIONS. Doririg 'Ih? yenr 14f), enen i(' iiic undereigne Mirchüsnl anti used èitfaeViitifividiftiliv ör'öiniSy with oibers. one of S. W. Foster's nc-wlv in ■enjed Hrse Pciwers nc] ihrrshing i ach neg. nd hclïcve ilicy ai e l.;t tor ödnpted to the use of Fr.rmers who want Pov.-ers and Mnchinrs "o; ihi'ir owii u.c ilinii nny othc power nnJ l.hresh■r within mr kiKtvlrniro. 7'liey rtre cojcüiiiteri (o bc used ivith iur horsoa and nre of nniplf sirciipih fÓr that muiiber. ■ Tín-y npppar to bi consiructrri in sncli n marmer ns u rèndc'r ibcn; ver' flurnh'e v.-j'h liii!o Ünhility of gijjting out o order. 7hey are pisily nmvri fnun olie plnct to mioiher. Tlicy can" hij ivorked wiih ntiy ruim berofhnnda frora foiir to ciebt. nr.d will ihreul aboiM 'Oí? bnshcls wnejil per dny. J. A. POI.HF.MUS. Scio. '.Vnelitr.naw co G. BLOOT. " ti T. RiCHAT.DSON, " " SAMUPL HFALY, " " S. P, FOSTFR, ' i N A. Pril'I.PS, ADAr-J SM1TH, i l J M nOWEX. Lifra ! V.M. WM.KRR. Wouter, TKOS WARRFN. " 1). SMAtLEY, Lo-Ji. i 1 {'ucshoJ last fa II anrl winter one of F. W. Fomef's horpc powpra. more ihnn fifippn thqusnnd bushcic í;ran Tlje ropsirs biiowed upón rfie power amoiinied to oViív C$ cents, and it was in gond ordr rheü J r.arl done thresbiní.' 1 luvarjably used pix horFpS „ . A A RON yOÜNGLOVE. Manon, June 6. IS '6. I ptirrhneed one of S. W. Foster's horec poweis lost i'.ill apd havo ued it ,'or jobbntr. I have U8cd mntiy diflbreñt kinds of puwers ann beliefe ihia is ihü best ru.'inintr power 1 hav evrr sten. j. S. BÈNNEj1. Hamburg. June. 1840. We purchifsed one of S. W. Fostcr's florrc Poweis Ijjbi rail, and have used a and thiuli it h a first mie Power. JF.SSE HALL, DANIEL S. HALL, RëUBEN S. HA1.L. Flamburp. June, 18JC. 209-1 fiy a 'i' 'jíj ií: L S NEW DRÜG STORE, L jj út #? Cref, catfeá the í Spothec ttries Hall, 5 S "A"' '"-' fp.und o ncw, erltnsitv. end L j T complete assrciictit of bmgs. MedS SJ inm-s. Chemicals, Oils. I'ninl Üye-Siufls, f S ürutencs, Suiirictl Jn-iirun.euts, lJaiem Ï a MfíJiciiifs. School J}o.ks. Funcy Goods. í BJ Jowelry, &c. purchaeed directiy o'l the im5 % purters ; which ere .fíered to tlie commu2 S mty ut as oio -p;ir.e.s ns nt any oiher estnbí iBlimcni in ihe Staie- Deircit nut eAcep fí a Phyainnns. Surgene, rnd the'Trat?c. fc will be supiWifd upun be eirfsí ícííw.v.- S ? PreBCriptío'ns nnd orders aitci.dd lu wiih % carc nnrí denpatcf } B- sure to Jtcollcct ihe plíicc. í G. F. HARRiSOÑ &. CO. & 5Ü Rmtle Cri-ik. 147. 3(); 5 TO COUNTRY MERCHANTsT" THE Subscribfr has constr.nily lor èale gooií nssnrtrr.,nt of heovy WOOLEN CLOTMS, welhudnpifd io n. country inarkêi whicb he. vil! -teil ni wholeeale or retml, vkkt low. Culi and sea thüin ai ilie M miattan Store. W. A. HA1M0ND. 275if Detroit. E. G. BURGER, Deniist, FIRST BOOM OVER C. M. & T. W. JSCOT'p STORE, ORANE & JEWF.Tt's BÏOCKj' Gtf_ ANN ARROR. fl CLARK, Attorney ard ÜüuiiS'rlor, V. and Jus:ce o( the Pcaco. l ÜHicjí Court Houte, Ann Arbor. L9 itffZ' .j,i' _. uu-j. "' - - -- Thi9 excellent cotnpound ia for sale by ih$ propiieioi's Ageni. MAYNAUDS. 263-ly ' BY INtUSTRY WE THRIVE ! FJcw and Fashionablci TAILORING ♦In the one pregnant i-u ject of CLOTHt'g n!)iu midéreiood, is incluod .ill thm men hiiv thöuhf. dreiunud, dono, nnd been; tlie wh l" xicnul l.:iiiveic. and what t hol j m (,u, cj0".e ng; nnd iln: rssehce of all cionce hm n ,k" 1 !i 1 1. o s o t ii y i r CtotHtg '-Cjrfu't THE Subscribers having formed j-i p:'rineisliip lor ihe purposo ol ciitryin on 'he Tailoring Bnsinr-ss in nU it branclip w-hu ld nikt tint metiiod ot inforining ihe cii2tri oí Ann Arbor and vicinuy, thnt they nuy k! found at thtir hop, o. ii, anuth MehiSt whee they ore piepufed to do all Wurk in their Iiih', n n riuinncr nol to be surpneseo inht bit! r durability, by nny othcr esmblishn.ent 'in ihl SiaiR. 'linee gentlemen are particulnijy invited to oall wlid prëiér having their gnrrricntg mfufe r n shop where nune but experimcetl workmen ure employed. insicnrl ol being nmtie hy a sho lul! of girJfl- for, bc it kr.own. ihnf fmnfor none hm ihe best of lmnds. oud hnving mnde perntfinent orrangeniente wiih G. C. Scott oí New Yiiik. ihe iVnpoleon of Fofbion J'uhlFfherio u eupplied wiUi bis An eiican and Lurnpea Sprint nuil F;il! Fnshione, and aleo his '-Mirror ol Fishior.s"' s Momlily Perwidienl. devotd 0 thjj pcicncc of ciuiing nt na)ting garmcnr of ill kinds- :ht;-e ndvoningr. ccn.hintd wnh th ntfention and einïrieftcè of ihe subicribers, rt-nJerü il nlmoKt an inipuuibility of not being ablê 10 pk:ip nll, cvf n the oost lastidioue. Iriirulor httcotion wül Le paid u the ruu.'ne of arncnis wliich we do not mok e. And htr we will etnie for ilie informattón ol nll ronterncH (luit the rdmmori cry of ihe milor is 2H a hom wlicn hey say the miloress hs ppoi?erf rfte rarincni- ti.ere is 110 licpis ol üioking a -eod fit of 11 ; when in nineiy ninecnsi out oí tvery hiuvdred, the 'auli lieer ai the rmter'#hfl. 'J herrforp, 10 pw a veto o h is merhnj of dong business, tl;p ftibsc.iiberit are induced Jo warrrintr.utbeircHt.jrg without the iin.verea? proibo, if projicrly mirdc v-p hut mirrant if without finy g? or cwrf'i. AliJiongd we do not ei iuiselcs U( m the pciBORtfiraiion rf pprlectwin, 7ft it wil! fe uorne irn mimi we make or curtmg eo plain, that o tuilorcss caiinoi niako rj np wrong il sho try. One ihing inöïe ■ we will ilo ot?r wr.rk ju 8' ur cmrntners witli it done, tor we lahor tf piense ihem in referencp 10 tkeir wojk, and not oitrsflves ; and in ivc expect theni to p'onae us by prompt payment. Allhoosh 'Ihelovoof monry i the rnw vf all ovil," yt as it veiy necewev in thrse rffgenerfiic tinc9, we will moke a liheral discount for Cash. L. MILLS. C E. MARTIN. nn Arbor. Jn.iuary 4, Iti47. KüO-3niSS&.SCT SCHOOI. MISÖ .1. J). Smith. nssisted l.y Mis 8. rif.t.r,n7inounfc8 to the public tJiat ihc i prepurecj u, p-ceive young Int ies nio li. r srtiou) in thebitSt'inchi room ut the Epitrpal Clmrch. T.kms.- Fur Tunrter of f 52 weeNs. ior Kngljh branches Oom Af; Frcneh anü Lftiin oach " extra ii 'i'U'sticd together wiih :liï L'ñgíííh einiiicf, or sepMtntcly, .." ench. The ethowl wiM be furnielicrl wiih n I'hüofophical nppornti:s; nnr! occasional Icciurcs given en ihe Kar. M'S. wil! ve n?irnciif.n (o nl! wl.o fcsifiE t. in WüHci, Drowing, I'ain'ingandNceMiss Siri'Ii rr.fois to the ro!lov'rigoeÍ!irnicn. Professors Willnms. Ten rook, m-.A Wbic:.n "turn lfn,vtrsitv; Rcv. W. S. Cur:ii. H-v. .Tr Sjmóná; )t v. C. (;. 'loylor, Hon. E. Mandy Wip. .S. Maynnrtl J'.-q. Ann Arbor. April 29. In-'S. 202-tf AT YPSILAXTl! lO COOK1NG &ÍARLOJÍ STOVES, " tl ju 6.T leceived. by the Subyciiber, (111031iy from Al'.mny) innking a gud o&sottucni of the Inlost ind best paitftrnfi. whicb will sold at Loir. P! not to be undersold this side Lake Krie! Also, Copper Furniuiro, .Cnn'oron Keitfci, fíollíiw VVnre of all Si7.cs, Siove Pipe, Sheet Irou, Zink, óL'c. TIN WARE Mnniifiicturocl. nnrl consinrüiy Kept on hand wliicli will nlsolie sold very low P. f - Purclinscs wül do well to cali and examine for theirown solibfaotion. J. Al. BKOWN. Ypsilnnti. J:'nc20, 1846. 271tFOR SALE CHEAP for CASI), or every kind of cour. t-v Pioducc. Saddles, BridlesJIarncss, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Valises, Ccuyel Bags,Sfc. Ali-o a yooü BSBoriiPcni ol Ai Lasu;F which wil! bc sold vory Inw, nnt! no mi'lnke, al COrK. OBINSON'S. Arm Ar-hor. Auii?! 12, e46. 877-tf READY MADE . HAM.OCK & RAYfllOND, HAVE now on hand, just minulnciured under ihf ir own nstrnciion nt ihsir wfll knor CLOTHING EMP0R1UM, norner of Jffersoii and Woodicard atenúes DKTnorT, oneof the largeet and moBt complet ifSortii.eniB f Reudy Made CtothiPf 4 everbefore offered in this Btuie, which tliey ore. orepared to se!l m ihc twj Uwt Cash pruux or these Cash times Cali and ace ! I Detroit, Jaa, fl, I:?, a'i"t' . COKIV, RYE & WHEAT, WANTED bylhe subscribers, 10,000 bwshulsol (,arn- lO.IM.O busheli of Rve ■u.d M.CD') ImibIicIs of Whem. fleüvercd UW áteoni Mili. íor which Csh wil! be HIMÜALLS, LAMB, & iJf?"fR; Ann Arbor; Jan, 4. 1847. i - BRIGIIT and Black Log Chains, r,.fi. ü-16, 7-K. & 8 H vtoppmg dQ-■tntfghtond twisted link Trncc - lïall ri n An F.r sr.le ver y chcap nt the sign of the iiig nvil, Uppor Town. „,P.,M HENRY W. WELLES. Ann AM,„r, Jen. 10. H7. 2-ty BLAOKSMIÏBS' TOOLS, " 4 RMITAGC Mouso Hole" Anvili. J% "Wr.ght'a" do Co'tercl Kcyod Viccs. Wept's bept Beliows. 30 to 36 inchees. , Sledgcs. Un.l Hnmrnrre. F.Ics nj Rï J eveiy kind, enn be found at the Iron Store, b of,h.BigAnvil. HKNRYW.wFLrE?y Ann Awnrï Jnn 10. 14?. __JÜJ A NEW lot of Medical Books. jast openM nnd for sale hoap for cash at . June 15. 370-tf


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