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The Liberty papors are beginning to 'consider the propriety of aComention to nominóte Presidentk.1 ar.d Vice Presidential candidales. The Emancipalor is in favor of holding it o the fall, suggesls various lace', and recommends Mr. Fessende.v, o!' Maine. Tlie Liberiy Press, of Utica, New York, takes no exceptlon to Mr. FessenDen, but does not see the forco of tlie objection to Mr. Smith, or Judge Jay, staled by tha Emancipador. " We are not, however," it say=, "for nn early nomination, and cannot but hope ihe National Convetftion will be deferred to some time in 1848." The Washington (Pa.) Patriot suggests the thiid week in Uctober, ns a suiiable time. The Patriot, in rcply to the intimation of the Emancipador, thai Mr. Ff.ssendkx is better koown han Dr. Le.movne, says: 'We are not corlain that snc'i is the fact. In the Easlern Stu'es it is doubtless tree that t!ie nnme of Fessenden is more familicr than that of Lemoyne; bul it is jusi the reverse in the West; out'Miere, the peoplo are bcginning to learn thal he.reis sucli a man as Samuel Fesenden. We do not say this lo detract fioin the merits of that worthy man, but to show that the objection of the Emancipntor is as potent against liim as against our friend, Dr. Lemoyne." For ourselves, we concur wiili the Liberty Pret-s, in hoping that the Convention niny not bc held till some time in the year 1848. Wc would suggcst nbout thefirst week in May. No teason, we believe, lias been assigneil why it should he held sooner. At thisperiod it may be said with peculiar emphasis, that we know not what a day or an hour may bring fuftfe. It is betier, wc think, to dehiy our nomirntion to ihe last moniñiit, consistcd with the integrity oftheorganization. Political movcmcnts are as yet indeterminate. To-dav, in view of certain circmnstanccs, it may teem expedient to have a ticket, wbJch a year henee miglit be substituted by a better oue. ÖelWa iel May, n [iretty correct opinión car. be formed of the character of ihe tickets tobe presented for tlio suffragi'K of the people, nnd of the final policy of the oJJ parties - and tlien we cnn simpe sur noiniiiations accordingly. Tiíl ilion, it set-ms to vis wiseto lel our enierpri.-íe move ulong upon its own merite, without the embarraswHBirt of ar. y nomination. One ycar may lhrow much light Uton die taskof selccting our canilidntos. But one reason, it is siipposcd, can be urged in favor ofan enrly nomination; and thatis, the policy of committing the pnrty so ihat its members may not be Hrawn olí" by othcr pftfliefl - I reason tainly not very compl imentary lo Liberty mea. We would prefer Gideon 's policy when lie went out to attnck the Midianite Up to the very hour of the batlie, he gave to all who wished, thr? privilege of retiring frem tho danger. We are unwilling to manifest too great eagernessto enter the politica] nrenn; and we are quite willing to trust the common senso and honesty of the rank and file of Liberty men, to decide when the moment oi'nction shnll coma We have no idea fhat they will fall from grace, because not tied up hy lm early nomination. If circnrostances next spring,shall coll as Joudly for an independent nomination. as lby have hitherto done, afld fis we suppose they will da ogin, our friends will doubileis be ns fuithful to their convictions as they would be were tfoey to bind tliemselves a year in ad vanee. We do hope this Presiden-tial question mny lie over till next May. As to thé place, Pittsburgh, or Cleveland would, ive think, ba preferrable Lo any other named. Washington hns been mentionedaaa su hable place, but the expediency of holding such a convention here ü very questionable. It is far removed from the Liberty men of the West; the expense of thejourney bither, and of the entertainment here, would be very great, especially the Intter; theeffects of the meeting, so far as this place is concerned, xrouM be próblematical; even the other porties fo not deern it a suitable place for their Nominating Convenlions. As it is dsirable to have a representaron of Liberty men frorn a!l parts of the country, to equalize the burdens of travelling aa much as possible, aiid not put them to any inordinate expenses for entertaininent, it is best to have tbs meeting in a píace, central, easily nccessible, affording nmple accnmodan'ons, and plenty of


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