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THBESHING MACHINES, C LOVER MACHINES AND SEPAEATORS. THE subaeriber would inform the public ibat he coniinucs I mnniilnciure the nliove machines t the old sta id of Knnpp & Haviland, ■! the Lovver Villageö"'" Aiin Arbor, the Paper Mili. The Machines nrs of approved model, have been thorouühly toa:eil in this viciniiy and worked well. Theyore mnde o!' ihe hpst maierialsand by cxperenced worknvn. They will be kept conslantly on hand. and n!?o be made in order at the shnrtest no'.ice. They will he gold on very reasonable icrms for Cash, or for noles knnwn lo be aKsolmely goód The ahnve Machines can le nscd by four. bix or fighl horses. and are not fiable to he enslly hroken or ditmnéed. They are well adapied for the use of either farmers or Jobbers. The Separ.iiors can he ailached to nny gear?d or sinppcd machine of any othcr kind. The nhacrtbcr woii'd refer to ihe followins pcsons whb have purcliwed and used his Machines : Mirhnel Thompson, Salem, Alexander Doane, J.imcs Parker, " Alva l'rnit, Pillffi-ld, M. A. (r.ivath. " Chsrlea Alcxander, " Win. Po!t. Mil.'ord. Hinkley & Vinton, Th"if,.rd. Martin Doty. Vpsilanu, M. P. & A. D. Hadley, Saline. Wm. Smith, Cantón. Isaac Uurhans, Norihfield. Paiiicii'ar ntlentinn ill be paid to KnrAiRS. Cash will be rwiil f'r Old Castiisgs. Persoen deoiroiis "I purclnsina machines are requested to cnll and examine lliese befoie purchasingelsewhere. Itfay 17, 1S47. 3I7lf GBESE FBATHEHS! PAPER HANGINGS! TTWItST RTE YOUNG HfTSON TB AT r ONl,Y FOUR ANÜ SIXPENCE PER ! POHND ! Rv ih wy no one buys 1 1 1 i s= tea once Hui biiv aeain. nnd bécomt rus'onier. None beller for ilie price cin be had in DïtVoit. jwlz, 0 w wa g g ons, . Trayeling Uaskeïs, and IS I M ID O A O IS 9 ns i!l ns Ids olotlier gp.ul liesiiles Dry Goods. m:ii lie hnd vory clieop at tlio ' ( ld Mvmiattas StorkJ Ui'truit. 317 W. A. RAYMOND. KctnrnedTAILORING. THE Subsciibur is riesirou? of inforn-ing his old custumere and the nul.lic fenerally. Hihi '■I has loc.nted him-elf on M uu st.,near Wiltlis Gr cir-'Siore. en ihecurnerui Main and üurun sireeis, vvhere all kinds ui T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be done in a respectable and prompt manntr P. S. CUTTING done on the sliorlest notice and warranted lo fit if uropeily made np. W. WII.KINSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. THE subscribir offers to sell her Dwelltiiï House and f-ot in the Lower Villaae o: Ann Arbor. fiiiuated hut n few rods from tlieccn tre of busine83. and front ni; on Broadway. Il will be lound a convenient residence fora faniilvAlso. on the sntne lot. a dwcllin house well adapted to a small family. The pri'periy will be sold on very reasonnble terms. Pcssession can be given ly llie first o( gepiember, if desired. ELIZA H. GROVE. May 22. 1647. 317. 3m STEEL GO 0 D S ! ïJuïseSflfts and 2i:):fminttifl8i SPLENDID FANS, and any quaniity of othjr goods of this sort at tne OLD MANHATTAN STOItF.. 317 Dt r it. TO RENT. THF, ROOM over the store of Beckley's & Thomas. PuÊgession given immedia'ely. May 2'ï. 1847. Bkcki.f.ïs & Thomas. BRASS CLOCKS. A large lot of :iii huur and H day Brasa Clocks tor sale. ai SU and 'á by the cape. 302-tt J. W. TILLMAN Gold Pens, PRICE REDUCED. Ir is admittcd hv all who iiBe ihtm. that Piqnetie's Guld Pens are eqnnl f nm superior toany ever ofTered in this mnrket. price $2,511. Kor sale wholesale. nnd retnil at the mnnuificto rv Corner oi JefTerson Avenuo &. Griswold BV, Detroit. 314-iyr WW. S BROWIY, Attorney Sf Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICH. OFFICE with E. Musdy, S84jr


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