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Grand Stampede. - On Frid.iy or Saturday night, between twonty and twenty five slaves belonging to different plantations in Benton county, Ky., across the river, lefi for parts unknown via the Stal e of Ohio. We learn tliat the nggregate amount of reward offered for their apprehension is over fourthousand dollars. - Cin. Signal. Fall op Dionity' - Hon. Dixoh M. Lewis, the Senator f rom Alabama, was on Saturday last, in the act of getting into a carriage, on Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, when he broke out the bottom of the carriage witli his great weight - his legs crossingover the coupling pole, and nearly touching the ground between ihe whei.-ls, the residue of nía person being invisible inside the hack. SmiThsomn Inbtitüte. - The corner stone was !aid at Washington, on Saturday, the lst inst, with nppropfiate ceremonies. The building is tobe 217 feet long, 59 feet broad, - the main building; including the toWers and the wings, it will bc larger and broader. It is to bo 00 feet high, the wing% 43 feetj the main towers f rom 15Ü to 00 feet. It is to be brown Potomic sand stone. The original bequest of Mr. Smithson was 8515,178 in 1838; since which an iniereit of $200,000 and upwards bas been allowed, which isto pay for the buildings, the main fund to stand for the support of the institution. Ocean Penny Postage.- If my Ameriean friend wish to see me on their side of the Atlantic before the exptrstion of tlie present year, iljey must lend n hand to Ocean Penny Postage; for I have pledged myself, before severa] public meeting, not to re'urn to America until üncle John Buil will cnrry letters across Ihe occean for a penny a-piece. - So, f you want to gee my face in the flcsh again, nt least before my hairis gray with nge,you must assist in redeeming my pledge. I arn now in London, where I intend to issue a series of "Olive Leaves" for the English press on ihe subject. About fortv pnpors have nlready inserlod the articles I have prepared in this way, and severa! editors have comiriended the mensure. I am sure all the Leagues in America w 11 coincide with their bretheron in England in the appreciation ol'Ocean Penny Postnge, as a great instrumenlnlily in "fusing tlie nations into one peaceful brotherhood," and in diffusing tlie principies of fieedom, oi vil i zat ion and Christianiiy throiigh the world. I am sanguine in the hope of getting this idea before the English Government in the comse of a few weeks. I om writing to all the local Leagues in the Kingdom, earne-tly inviting endito furnis'i nt least half a dozen original articles in favor of tlie mensure, nnd to gptthem into the newspapers of their respective localities. Several have alrearly responded to the cali, and papers in different parts of the country ure beginning to speak out in advocacy of the proposition. - Elihu Burrilt. In the last Congress the Whigs of the Old Do.ninion had hut n solitary representative, Pendlelon. At the late canvass they have been nble to return siv certain, and they still hope for another, that is, one-half. A VOLUNTEER FROM FrANCE. On Thursday week a young French Gentleman who occupied a high rank in the French army, enlisted in company R., at the rendezvous, in New York. He had resigned his commission in the army of France, and left his frietids and native country, to join our gallant army in Mexico. He brought le'ters of recomendaron frorn distinguished gentlemen bolh in this country and France. A wedding pnrfy ofsixty v ere recently poisoned at Wilkinson House Tex as. Tuelve had died and thirty more were expected to die. It was supposed that negroes had been employed by a disappo;ntrd suitor. The poison was pul in the coffee. Costly Kiss. - A man was convicted hefore a court in N. Jersey last, week of an assault with intent to kiss, nnd fined ten dollars. The young lady testified that the kiss was given against her wishes! Look out, boys. "Between my Government and a foreign nation I never ask n question. My Government always is rioht." - Gen. Taylor. A revival of tha doctrine of the divine right of Kihgs. What is '-my Government?" Mr. Polk nnd the V22ü or 230 gentlemen who make speeches in the Capítol. John Bul! was very moderate. He held that the lúng fonly one man, mind youj could do no wrong - Brotber Jonathan enlarges his loyalty,and will have il that Mr. Polk and 230 of his fellow-citizens are always right. This is another illustrntion of the march of mind in this country. - Era. The Rhode Island legislature adjourned last Saturdny after a lengtliy sessionof four days. Mr. Eaton, a man 80 yearsofnge, has been performing in New Yoik the fent of walking a thousand quarters of a mile in a thousand consecutivo quarters of an hour. The Tuuks on The AdvAncS. - The Sultan bas abolished the slave market at Constantinople. He bas made a donation of .L1,000 to relieve the distresses of Ireland ; nnd recentlyj at a grent levee, hi amliassador in London lóas accontpanied ly kis wife. The name "Turk'1 may yet bBcome an cpithet of refincment, as it has been of cruelty. HAngIKg JubAS. - The Irish lately were not a little amused by theceremony of "hanging Judas," performed by Portu güese sailorS) w'o happened te be in the harbor at Cork, on the anniversary of this event. Aneffigy was suspended from the ynrd arm, hanged, shot, drowned( kicked, guillotined, scourged. and bastinadoed! Betting dv Ëi.ections.- -The New York legislature have passed a law in conform i ty with a provisión of the new Constitutiön disfranchising any eiectoi who either bets or becomes interested in any bet tobe decided by ths pending election. The disfranchisement is limlted to the election ín reference to which the bet is made. It san excellent law. Among the killed at the battle cfRu ena Vista was Lieut. VVilliam Price,o Illinois, in the seventy-second yearofhi age. He had left his home of affluence and eare, with the expressed wish to dip in the service of hisoountry. Sword TO Gen. Scott. - A resolution has been passod by the Legislature of Louisianna, authorizing the Governo:to present a sword to Gen. Scott f r thé victories at Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. Toast. - "-Three 'total1 of Temperanee. - The Mal nbstineme from distilled liquors of 1825; the total absünence from all intoxicating drinks of 1840; and the tolal siipprfssion of the tiaffic of 1847. The' siim total' in happiness is tolally bevond the power of figures." K new inventiem has lately nppenred in the form of an India rubber mnil bi g. The bag is so constructed it is perfeetlv air tight and proof. VVhen filled with letters or any mailing mitler, suffr cient air introduces itself to render the whole extremely buoyant. U=Captain Vinton, wlio feil at the siege of Vera Cruz, was a pious man, and was lesigning to Ieave the army to serve the Prince of Poico, in the ministry of the gos,el. Col. Hardin, who feil at the bat!e of Buena Vista, was an eider in the 'resbylerian church in Illinois. Lake Combcnation. - The Buffalo Courier says thf-y are informed by ihoso vlio know, that it is almost certam that tliere tv il I be no Steamboat Associalion orgmizcd this season, all negociations ïaving been mot, thus far, with insurmountahle obstacles. The rapid augmentaüon of bonls, and the great increase of nterestï and proprielorships, render it imlossible to secure harmony and concert of action, so that it is probable the boats will run upon "their own hook" tltrough. out the season. As a consequence, the price of f.ire (lirough to BufT.ilo will be very low. We liear that passengors have already b?en taken through for $3. Chicago Citizen. Ten Lawyei-s and five law sludents oincd the VVestmoreland (N. C.)Guards, and are now with the victorious army under General Scott. 17" II isstated that domostic Wine is sellng at Cincinati for $1,25 per gallon. The cultivation of the grape is rapidly spreadng on the Ohio. What's in a Name?- It is said that a certain anti-slnvery man in Norfolk Counv, intends to callhis new born son "Wil. mol Proviso." Water in which potatoes Iiave been )oiled, sprinkled upon plants of any kir.d s su re death lo all insecls in every stage of their existence. A Cork pa)or states, that a gentleman ving in that county, lately bought seveneen horses, olive, to feed bis hounds, at five shillings each. The horses were on the point of death from hunger, as heirowners had no food of any kind to give them. Spots ox the Sün. A late Ënglish astronomical paper says that thero are now several spots visible on the sun. Those on the Western side are about 40,000 miles in dianeter! Severe bl-t Jurr.-Rev. Theodore 3arker. in his sermón on Merchants, sáys bat the patrón saint of such merchante as send rum and missionaries abroad in the same vessels is Judas, the first saint that made money out ofChrist. An Old Smr. - There is á ship on the sectional doek in New York for repairs 'the Gen. JacksonJ which is more than a ïundred yenrs old, and is yet seaworthy. Shë was built of1 imperishable teak at about 1725, at Goa, East. Indien by the Portugnese. She Was taken by the Ëngiah in the old wars, and taken from them n turn, in 1812, b ihe "Yankee" American privatrer( of Rhode Island Se is ïbout 350 tons burthen, and of a goo.H nodel, thongh con-iderably shorler, in proportion to her breadih of beam, than our modern ships. Her mizen-mast and lome of her spars are teak, undoubtedly the original sticks from the giant forests of India.- Her timber are pérfödly seund, and, for nught that appears to the contrary, shB will last to buffet the WBves for another century. She is probaly the oldest'ship in service in the world. Calhóun Ööes kor Tavloií. - The Charleston Mercury, the mouih-piece of Mr. Calhoun and hisslave holding oligarshy, has at last dome out fíatfooted for Gen. Taylon The Sou;h are determined to hold oii lo the Presidéncy and tliey want a man who will caríy Out the Calhoun policy They have had, and Will have,theaiminWtration in their hands for ihe last eight yiats, and another teim they think will effectually perpetúate their policy and power'. Shall they have it? - Cleii. Plairi Dealer, SlMiLtA SiMtLinus. - We (Songr-atulate the desciples of Hahnemann npon the adoption of the principies of iheir leader, by the govemment o( Gieat Britain. - Holding the principies thaf'like cures liko," the Queen has prescribe n fasl,to cure the Ii'ish famine. - English paper. General Tatlor and the Wilmot Proviso. - The Charleston Mercury says of General Taylor,"e is trae and soünn on the Wilmoi Proviso, and it is thought both able and willing to put his heel on thatserppnt of seduction,King Caucus."


Signal of Liberty
Old News