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■m - XJrrcjULD i ' ■ .■■■■■■■■' :' ; VV ha io.v i .■ . ■ ' ■■ i ' ' ül.ide CIllios. ,„„ i umi lus in ;■■' ■ en. All u I jicatáTe c-v Jatten, un i BROinLOTUS, CASSIMERÊ8 VESTfNÚS, CA M &ETTS, TWEE DS, S IJ MM ER CL O TUS, V h A I N AND PLAID LINE A S, &c. &c. &e., ■ ■ let "I"'" thl ost tmbionabla uiaimr, B' 1 ' CVoii íf Ei porhim" 1OIT. vard avenues. 7. N ii f o ■ ' i '■''' '' ''!"" ni';' :■, aüd ïïü id.war I I! U.LOCK Á BrAYMOND. - SU 1 „v, ■. a 'o ..;; r H' Farniiaj For ♦ i e ojiniiiiinii} GREAT BARGAIN& : C1.OTI1S. FLVNNELS, S TI ■ !LO l'US, nnJ in s'.vm . Y GGOLS Sf GROCEF.IES, jy w.v or exchisok r a o o ï añil moM kms of Coiinirj Prodnre. TI,. WIVILKX V VCI'OltY lituiteH in t!,„i , wliicb ihy "e afilo 11 ■ ■ ' "'s t0 RS. i.,,.. , B Mish" i ni in the cnnntj. ,'OT TO BE FORGOTTEN ':' ■ wh ' ih ' n Di:v GixtiM nr CJfu j , ,,,■ .i... r Wo I ■" ": ;;IIV l""1 : ■ ■ i ,■ 'I .,1 tlie Subscribir b lor ! L CAitOINQ &CLOTH DRESSING -■ poaaible n 'tice Cali '' n '' ' I E . - ' " TH0M9. A 11 r'i '■'- L , i ■ " ' ■ ■ ■ ' 'Í5ií Uicsisils. -T - ■ ■ . . .i IW.ter C!I VIN'í . .. . , i aM Stel , ,vi I l' ' ''■ "■ ('!:1 ■ , M-.--. C, 9 CUI S:W , I iy R-,fs. ajnl al! ut'.icr loóla lor lUo F V.,., " HKNRYVV. WEtL Vrh, r. ! I Mv '4'. "9 1' CHMARETT AND TAVEKDS. - A C rntii i l li' .- ■ n ■ ' ,-. , . n inanul ic ■ , i liti i igaible maooer, ai ilu ' Wtsiorn CI'Hhing Emiwfinin HALLOCK & RAYMONrV BIS if D5TROI r Cor. Jtff and Wooclward avinuw. S'eel Culíiraíop Tccíh. r is i.nit for the Patent Pteei !. : i i h ís jos! received i. hsnpply. wliich he wiil jftl ni ili niauüStc 'I Ins :ir,ic'e is coüii a int i ifi n, , nro(l ice I, "tid Iris reccivin tile ijipnilrnion ol' lite íirsi niicului'iats in ihr Uiiiiiid tíiaiea. Anvil S uro. l'pper Twn. IIKNI'.Y W. WKLI.rS. :. 2S1 M,y. '47. Ü9ilj nnilding íHateriüls O' T.VI R ,' Kí.VI). N.iils. Glaaa. Whin I.ins-H(l OH. Löeka. Liichö. w t ;d i 'i'iO "-I sish Tnmmima. Bracls. Bufs. i uil nc-c 'S iI .■, hml liníf. c:m Ik' I) hiíi'h i UelruiUpricM :h ilii" n Store, Unpr T.wn. [IENRT W. VVELLF.H. Ann Amor. '.21 M ,y. '47. 29á 1) COOPER'S TOOLST" Jrrcuveil :,i ilití Anvil S'o ". U ne i complete nr'nient f ha ce'e ! I,"ismkt Tunis, nnil-! bv Wíl, an ' tliu DB Oitt nn.'e liv Wai.i-, w'nich will be vv ir, .- Mil "ir h!' n '1 ic ' I m-ntHEMRY W. WELLP". Aun Arlor, ?d May. 13:7. 2 2 B.GSSSiaTKS' TOOLS. tí KUIT ,(ÍK Hule" Anyita. il v rtght do. Cnrtercl K' ■ ■ ■! ie ■ W.-i's:.' i üell iw, Bfl in 36 fochfa. R lires, 11 11 ! Hnmmpr, FíIhí nn) R.-isp of . I, c in be found at tlie Iron Store, -ign of the U14 Anvil. ÍIEN'RY W. WEM-ES ni r.vr. Jnn II). l!-47. 29-ly RH:í1T and Black Log Chains, l i ti. A : H wríi[jping do. i.-., ':ii,uiil tivisted lins Trace (Jo. Maller d' F .r s lo vpry chcap nt ihe sign of ilie Bi' Anvil, ITpp'i'r Town. IIFNRY W. WELLES. Ann A'-r. Jan, 10, 11-47. 238-1 y WlTED, nt Perry's BonkSlore, 5 r,m ele-in Con ■! L.düü Rag T.-n Rhi'üwix. nnil 3500 D'llar in eauh. fr tl)8 lorgMt storl nfit of [Wt nl Smtioneryeveroflferedintbii Vili i'". and ui hi unnil l prïcf. Ann Afbor, Upper V.IUge. Oct. 7, 184. pOWI,AND'S betMi!l Baws, 0, CJ. C Smts. '!.V nml 7 feet. f.-,, ,i,ii c. S.P ,1a at ihe g of ilie Big Aiv.l Üpp-rTown. V. WELI.F.9. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, -T man i' nr.KN MCI H KD BY Pi upi ■ ' ANHATTAN STORE, wi-.r. ot Jelicrsm Atcuiiu and 13 ms Bt. Deuoit, LIM' evèyy .mI c.illtinJ li.ok al ihe stock ui Dr Guud.s u!hl!i tnny be luuud at ihe raO LD MANHATTAN SI ORE. I'ho q'innii'ïy is In f er, ihe sulc preliier, nnd tha mei l ir r (Aan t ■ ■ .' !;S, SOMN TSÏ v, ■ sni ol uil kinds. Tus. O)en Wil k.. r.i.J:-:. nni . '- ■ '.o Iitrin ihe conrst i 10 , ■ Als. i ii greoi niauiiii'Ciii ui libboii, . Ac LAWN3, BASlilGSS, MUS LIM DEI Al NS, Balzorines! and :11 olher s rts of D r e s s G o o d s. DEI UTIFUL DRESS S1LKS, PARASOLS AD SHAWLS, of uit rf ! S X X T A L ï E i S T 9J F F COTTON GOOWS. COTTOS TARN, b-y t-h-e c l !-! Il' folka rrom the country will only ghrfl u a mil. md looh roand a non : ur nu e giiuds, h is .11 we ük. '''In' (joods "ï s "k ihu'r own praiaei, auJ in Bine esea o.u ol len secura n i rnte Young Hynn Tea fur foar shilüngs in ' siz ' ii'1'' !■';■ G .- Fwtbeia, Y,.vr Han?ing8 &c. 3!7 VV. . UATMÖIÏD. E. G. BURGER, Dentisl, F1R9T ROOM OVEll C. M. & T. V. -ROOT1 8T011E, JRANE 6i J EWKTT's B LOGIC, .Ol-tf ANN ARBOR. A -List Oï Iloofes F3R SALE BY FOWI.E&S Sc W2X.LS, At Tii3 Pihrenoiogical öabisiot, 131 Anssan Sltl, NEW YOP.K. All of which fire neaily b.und m -si.Y lu se. il Bi u ,u.. 01 tl ■' iwesew MIIVRVTKS OF POSTAGK,! IÍM pnces fll'.-ll l(P , ■■ , .. ... . Our liieiidial dls'ance ni .y uo v for ëither ol llie fo!lowiii w rks. -iiiil rciuive iliem liy ihu rclurnöJ itu Br: imil. ■;!.O;V PROVEO.. 1LLU8TRA:':".:;. ': -., iiti . -ini.... u il irae i l?v O .-1. F iwlbk: com immg yi - ' i ■-■■■' ■■■ ' ■ ' . TicL Stinil-nd wurk u ilu S i ie-. I V LIMPROVE -v I:-' . :. ■■■ .'! ■ n ■,,■ ■ e ! By O. 8 Powi i k ippüi I , ' Ie iin I !. ! ."i 'Mviii'-'i. vnluiible w.i l lor-old .. . Pu ■ ; I. i l i-i. Pri3a.0IJ I __!. ,,„ n.,,.,1 ., i ., ry, ■ 'i . e nj iod ai ilie Scripture. Ui ) S. f i w ,kk prici ":l C"iHB. COE .A"O PAR EN ?GE:- Api.Hed I nprormoDl of Offsprrtig. By f) i; Uta. ('i whicli ni no ihan i-ij eaiid coiing have been sold wiiLin n year. - I'i i,e V5 cems. ABfXTIJtEïfESS: - Or the evüs and rei ii i io aït tnii perverted oxuiliiy. ini warnipg runt .idvute io ihn Married anl iSiiu Ie. being i Sup ilemont io Luvo and Parenioge. - Priee LS cenis. JíATKAMOAT: - Or Phrenol2y andPhysiolo gy (tpll W the sclsction f congenin! com nions l.r Vie ; hy O. S. Fowliu 0(hieh. more ihan 3(1,000 copiee have been W in th United Stie.heside trmngjbeen re imblisLed iii I nglind. Pnce 25 cents ÜYITOPÍS OF PFtRENOr.OGV AAT l'l VSOÍ.OGF: llv L N. Kowi.i-.i!. c - priutig i o indmMed detcription ol I he funetiiw of theboJynnl mind; alo ihe ndditionat disc.ivenes md ly itin nid of Mgnelim aml kv. Illustrateil. Piice V cenia. )] t!:.:i GE: - new ediüon. eiilnr;ed mv' i np iived, eütnwifling in nnilysis ol all ilu Social Organ, amuly illustraled'. AIso acóncise HisroRV o' i' ló'rnw and practicei in all raes and imions. By L. N. Fowlkk. Fncc ?,7 cenw. l'lIlir.N lOaroL GÚIDÉ- Deeiened fm S i! mé f their own Characieí Must nftlu organsareilluíf-.ied wiih iwiM-ngiavine,-liow1114 each 'riía, larga mri siuall. A good Uiiiu besinners. Pnce á o-ma. I'HRENOLOGY ASD PHYSIOLOGY:- ijjplied 10 Temperance, or I he laws of ti 'e :in ii. of which Uiwar a of twcnty thoosaní hiivu bisen silJ. Nuone shuuM be witliuui 1 l'i ice 0 cenia TÍG11T L C:N!: - Oí the evils of cnmpre ling th urgnna of animal life, andthereby entéebliiig iha vital fiincona. Kveryyoung woni. ni Ii rvc a c py. Ttíi work hw l h id m snenive tne. Price 6 cents. áYIf)PSrS OF PHRF.NOLOnv, A VLI iii' : - Du;L'ni-d fof Ihe use "I Practico Pb.reiiiligbu. Wiih upward ol 4(1 eogra ing. Pri e f! ccn's. oí 6 I per Inmdred. THfi PURENOLOGICL MUÍ NCFOIl 1 (i 47 : - Conwmins the Likeneeae of inai distinguished individúala, beíittea n beaullfi emdteruaúcnl lie.ul. wlncli slunvs i he loeali n i nll ihe urumi. Nittei ibAunnd hav airea i ! n ijld. l'iice ü cent.-', or l c.ipies lor 5 een' 8. A SOCEI1 TEMPÉRATE LIFE:-?, Looit Gorhako-. mi'l ruin lv hini m ih ai' ot rtü yi hs, wuli ii likeuen tif the nuilior.whi liyliis températe baBits.attnined tho ramarkithl eg 'ii Htl rwir,and jttving dircciïena asm f qmnty ol food nccearary to prolong life. Tlii w.nk lus hee iniisliiprl into .ictIv eVery lai iunge. P). 288, I3mo. Prira ÜS cem. TI : PHRENOLOGICAL JOVHNL: - O Sb! Inrga pgè. on gooopapet aod ivpe amply illusiraied with enemving, sdnpied i all cI.issps. lt will hp fnund very ins.mictrv and ineful. Terins Oh:'. Dullau a year i 'vnnce. OOMm.'S PUYSIOLOGY :- Frnm the In tl.liibgrah edi'ion. wiih noiet nml olnervn lions ly O. S. Kowt.v.R. Phi ia the bet w.rk pxiant on IIlmíIi and Loiigovtty. I', 2 i -tv Prioe. 7ñ cení. fítrSIOLOOT ANIMAL AND MF.NT kt,; Vpptiwl i" 'lie i' eervauon und dirntion ol Healrii. Cy O. S. Fowler.- PHce, r. l ET)V "Tin': TTS F.r.EMr.NTARY P?í. 0 ; -I'' "ln l'1 "" '''" Ntnrof Mm líy .1 G Spürziikim. M I). Sixih Amer iiMn. IVom li" ihird London édiilon. enlnra ,mI mil Imnrovn I liy tlie nmhur. Pp. 32l 1 ■ ., ,. I'ii.-. 5 t. B)iíi for ía7e oí ihn Phrmogkal Cahí n't, al retail prices onlif. altor eiíhe o which may he ordered and sent b man, ai !li prive ajixcd o each u-urk. ; v 1 1 . ,t.r d imi e. 1 naeiW.'Cfsnii ÜiaiiT. ." P" 'im.i'Mii'iii ir i ii k V rn; ('Vi E '■ 2S i. c ic: (!■ ■ tu i; WatB ■ nc, '" L5 " I', I l II01ÍOOH Mil ' I US BowK, " ü7 "' l.I 1V"Mii;i;uh:: ItiJH, " iS I'bk I i i . ■-iii-ih o.' MkímÚckisb, " -5 " i v t 'oi"FK!'. . " !í " Jwst Ptiblilicd. Illnstrated tlt'ttB. t! OÍ" lAMlLTAIl LfcSSONS os PHRErtOLO" GV. i"! C ii .' and Vn'.üh. I . x ■ ■ illiisiréied by i hirgo nmnlier of new nníorn nal engravines. Deairnai for iha uso o Scliúuta bbcI f'nniili. üy Mi L. N. Fo'wiLlll. i r i c 0 fiO Crllts. r'A.MII Ili LESSONSON PIIYS1OLOGY. for Süfiuoli and FimiU, Aniy illuMmierl I'V i.i'r -i: i U' t'liL'r.lvlllgs. Cy L. N. FiMVljr I'i ice 36 ueniü. 5IÏ osípaed Rotanfc FOL. ƒ., 1817. ED1TFD i'iY J. 1. CO.MSTQCK, M. D.. of Hvtany Hitpral i'osip'y "i!i islrii, im uiL Lú.loi ij P.i i ■;'■... tic . '.'-■ ■■■ ti BY J. C. COMSTOCK, EsQ. Tlie succi'ss i-.f di.; I.iii-tmici! Botoby 8 nr lont;er ai cx erinient, for aUliyugb it lio licei III'rn!T bilí 0118 ''': II :ilu a.l' hn8 1 CÍFCU latiim I iiliuuc livu ihuasind, :i sulficicin tuin bnr lo wsrranl ils sujipnri, which rnnnui he s.iiil oi any oihw woik of ihe kiml indii n tln imly w r i uf lilis characier pul)li.-lie I ni iliie cnuniry, hich pr 'ini-es Biabiliíy ;i:.i! u long 1 í. VVe ilii-nH i i; e prospecta o I i !n srcnnd year ol tliie ■i"i.]hy nre véiy flniteNng. One reaaon t-' ihi iptnion 3. i be lucí t ai 11 H now vi ;y p p il ri i a1. i a huye ctr.cle ni Iriemla Anoibi uitponeni n i . i.he Söcuring ui úii í"J:it ■or 1 1 10 c. iminil yo-'tr. wh 'se [ifiputaiiiy n un :ui 'liorin ihi' v ni. na I.ühh'Ii' -s i'( Niituml cienci, jg 80 íx'iensive ns to CQve hÍ3 name fnrniliar lo ï'iy.ii.'nii in lh seif-noeü ín iliis cuniiiry. - e :uc lully siititfied iliut ilie Uo'um wii!. un der ihe presenf Etfiiore. beur ifie piwresi crinid vo jatead tliut it sIkiII btuinne iHe 'mi wnrki 1 ii ! lie c mise of i!s pul liefllinn, i' II c.intnin n Iiilroil'JCtion i) ilie NutUfn] Stpin ol Butn nv'. :i ihurouih Treanee un I lie m'eresting nini un ' i t ni kr.nich of Vegeiftble Plivsi ilogy. Noees .'ti FossJ lio'nny. un! descriplioní, Im:! fpieniific and pnpular, ol nunwrouí ipecife t plunts. i ■ propeViíta il v.-!n-h. medicinal anri ugi ful, 'jH be lully exploined. !n li im, ii ib üi : lo prese n i :i conipleie view ol ihel tesi and must importnni liuis. disoiveries, r.n.l theO' ii.-, 'i; everj dppiirtuienl ol icnce. 'Pho illuítraieil bysplendd ioloredinL'rnvines, taken fnni Nature, t'ull &:■., and tinir-hiil in ihe mghesl siyle of mtHlern ;nr. Thia wiik ís daai ned u be eminenlty popular ii) lis applicaiion nnd ihere is enoujrh ot ihn which ís strahgér iban fíciion nliout it io renner ii. in no ordiiiary. iicrea. intereaiing niJ inatruc ive We do not nini'! to confine ourseïvra m ih tofanicn] doscriplione of each pl'ini. hni o maki i n lli irouslily -cii'uiitir u.iik. in ijl rhe depnrtnnrö ot 1 5 ■ n -i r i y h il n!.si ivc inlm ui iii-n m lh ciil-ivaMnii of plantl nnd fliwi li) r word, il will oomprim ihe whule cionee r.' give below the fiee upinioua of tlm pn -. ! Adv. & Jour., edut'd by T I' }■:■„ i. M 1) v,ii'{' ! Bpecinuns oro refnlly oxquiniteU lone ; nnd ihe gn it nurtcl wilh us is, ln.w ib ciin !"' nffordcd ilm low price of .-:■!. pi I li 11 II m. or IWH Oopic 10 mi :ii:lrts-i lol ; 5 Til vrüvingsc&n bc f heipïy maliipliöd. tmt niisr bf e.ortiii d wp imleiy. nnd without ihe ni' if lólxir-Biiving nnicl'hiery li will give n ie i plenRure h Minounfe i'j' Biiccesaive humbeta ili's heautiffrl peHorttral, e have heen led u i i f; he stu ly ol i! i iny nol imly an innocen rocreotion. I ut niinetit'.V LHnotivBof piciy. Frnm V.k iee P pers. ILI.TSTRA rF.D BO I' XY - fímibetíiii i ' i - ve' v ;i. f i ii : n work lins In ■ uu! i-;. 8 Uf ii !. iiüel wilh )l'".s ro'pri'Kfiinn i tive 'iii'l 1 1 1 e ü 1 1 11 ■:, :. .-iihI wiili matier ie i in. We hi-e ■ 'r.'-n i i 1 1} ■: ..pi: ' i wím ti. We :h u!. i' si;eniir 'o any ;i i .„'tl the l:iti! pubüshed. i!,LTST!VAT!'.r BOTANY.- To nll lovers it :h - heautifol in iVautre and Arr, we c:onniïend ■'■ ' wo '■ ifl rfiinenfly worlhy of - Y. I'. Triln I'IjLTSTR4TBD BOTANT- Atliong tli. ■ ■ ■; - ■'. ■' il tal our co.untry. y 't; none tttai we coim niore íiilerfgl lo il.i iris; ir iv mlrer ol Nature, tlvin iIip 11 nl !oay. li i illustratefl witb froin fou ro si tigravinsA every :. ?i h. handnarfiety ctóred. presenting tbe plam tino to nniuie. I is read i ff matter is Hpsonp ive oT the ptnnts represent d, makiiig il a Vluhleo wellasbeautilul vvurk. TER MS. Tbis wnrk will he publiohed monihly. witli om tt;x to ten flüwert, hiiiHsonicly pninted in :i-h number. l'rioe. $:'..i)0 ti yenr, or iwo cop e? sent !i nne sdilreas lor iSñ.flO. O A vpry li'x-r-i! r(iscnunl nllowpil to as'nts J K. WELLMAN, Pubüsber & Proptietor, Vo 1 l(i. Nns?,-)U-st. Jiuiiiarii I. fi 17. P. S Ëditnra whr linve pulilishcrl nur Pros pctus for the fi si ynr, will pienso pulilish tin hbovfl for ihfl econ I ypnr. iV. R. Ptililisliers of newspnpers wfio who wil ïivp tlipn'iove ibree nsoniun?, ubiill receive ibi vork (me ypnr. j h n e sis1?' -1 .. g JigS fH M so o ü-rc = -) Í3 ?l S a O =; i d sï í -is sis -■ o XSÍ.Ü "S Ei; - lí1.! "giJ - i &-t .- . 2 j: , t =í . . SS L Oítílj Kpgs Albaiiy and Troy Cut iVJXJ Ni tdt.i 6J. 28 K,'Us U ouiht NUs6ilto 1-2.1. 5) Boiei '■ Bdlleveiniu " Gasa i'rotn 7 X !! to 10 X 14. 'O Ivi -HH pure Leadin Oil. 600 Ifcg. " (iry. :illl) fi.illuns LiiiHPetl Oil 20.000 -eet l'tne Lurnli r, sefisnnrrl. clonr stnil. Tngeffier with n lul! annrtntefri of Locks, I.niciics. Jiuils. Hcrswt. U'indiiw lilin.l Fatten 'ii. A:c. Inr s;ilo at witnin a fracción ot üetioi jric-s. al h ■ BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TO WN. I1KNRY W. WF.LLS. Aun Arbor, Mích l:i. H47. 30 B ytC Lbs. Superior Wool Twine. ml t ful! nsynitiuptit i( FnnTiifig ut'nsils of fii tnd, .rs. shovris. Ppid Madura nnil I [:i 1iri(í'. LpS nt1(l Cabl Ch lina. Oras i ee'h !ll iw Cniirn, Ciow I'üis. Pcck Axi's. n09. Ar nr hla t tlw BIG ANVIL STORE, Ul'l'KI l'OWi. IIRNRY W. W1ÍLI.S. Ann Arbor. M:lreli 1 :!. 1847. :i0 THE LIBERTY MINST REL OC lHJNUIti.U COPIES oí ihe Hl'-.h en imii of lus hiijlily popular wnrk are for sol .t t;e Smiml office ai Bfl ei hM ringrta, nr $-1.5i per tiüzen. Tcrius ('nsh. Jvow is ilie lime lo Liberty choira to supply thsmbelves. NEW'.GOODS. BV LXPRESèS ll.O XEW VORS, -Lpriifig Fasïaions. jni'. sul'Scnliei ha jus t roceived H lïcsh nsX F.iriment o! Spring und Sunimer Guodi. ,i,l offer iliein Lïr unie chonp. biich na Broadcloths of all descriplion ; Satinéis and Cassimeres, and eren thing in liePANTALOON and VKST1NG fino, and ivery artiule usáally muid n 1 Marehanl TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. I!; is noW prepnrRd i nifcke and Ir ,11 kind of yi niiiMii.'ii's Karmenf, end wuld i nder hu ihiik to liis oW cuitoincri and loe . ,i ' piilrciia Iheir fovor1. (T7= GABMENTS cut to order al all linies. WM. WAGNER, ■)Rr8R am' 'Iaildii, liuron bireot, faouihul ',. PI HI.IC SQUARE Aun Aibor., Ajiiil 'Ö, IP47. 37w jM( lltl i,, CLOTIT, CLOTIH ! rpiIK iindcrsiïncd wiiuld nform ibe public J. tint ihev will cnntiiine m irtanufaetui "ulied Cloiii. Cnetiiniere anJ Flnmwl, al Hier X.nt.irj'. (wo and n Wlf milea wesi Irom Afin Irbor, on Huron Riefner-h RatlroaA t nnm s i TIip prioe n( mKina cíoih will be Tor (' ■■--!- ,,,, ,,. 4 es r Fnlli d ülmh, 37 cis. ver yard : fo' while rl inniil, -11 '■- '.lr: y-"'1 - VVo'will alen cvchnïc lul) f"r wool m reüBun ihle tpra.8. Wml?nl b railnincl nrcmnpanieil iviih niriu:nii3 yv I1 le p fimpily aneiidi'd i". Vr have H.ine nn o ensive !)iisincsi in n ficturina rlmh (r i-u ornéis for devora I rc ira ui 1 In lnue wi1 gii'fl n Eood saiisl.icii' n ia nn ■ hn: mi in ihe Pinif. We therefiire nvit mr ild cusuimi-ra to cpatinue, and new unes in ome. Letten ahnuld be ífldressed to S. W. Fosti-h & Co.. Scio. S. W. FO3TF.R & CO. 8rio. April. ÍR47. 31 :i- 'f. Kew Establishment. CLOCKS, W; mW, AfêD T!IF. suhsciilici w.iuM rrsjiectiully nnnounr citiz nis o! Dexit r ad iciniy ttw Ik' lina o ene ' n sliop in iho I '" _';; . . . : i l , - r iiure, lormul) knoin " SheperiTí ie is irepiired Ui fc) kinps ol n p ilg in the Imo ol cli)cks. wulf ■. jewaliy &-e ;i ilie shories nnice. Uifviiigliuil nbout Iwtlv reara expenente in soiws o! ha best I pik. hc fliitei himself ihni4ecnn give eiU' ■i i fa twn 10 nll 'hose wh i ihbjr ;i'p"r hi n wiil ilieir work 1 Ie haa in ! if. ci)n?i-nniy recpivinu .lelies, nndjewelry ol all. (teacripli in: lie will sell is i-he.ip ns ihe che ipet. VV VV. DKX1KR. A LS O GR0CER1ES f :! kinds: s'icti ns. Tets. Sucnrs. Mitlxise O ee, Peppcrjj Spie . Ki-li Canáití i ,. C; :irs &c &c AnH in fnct evert rniFO ilsnnlly kepl in i'och nn P8tnb'.ihilwni(l.i icirTED) i;ui .siuiitly on band and lor (al C'eap' W. W. DE.YTER dr Ca DïXTER..March B. W7 312 if ZZnt, Cnn-, gemtlemen'Vfurnisiiing EMPOEIïtM, T. H. AUMSTUONG, TTWING :,kci Süiu.I N.i 5-. VVdodnrr .. , : ,!,..i;s n.nih of Dmy'a Aiiciü lo i--, ri cetuly iipied y J. G. Crant!, M i ■„i g ,,,L. . ..,,,1 addeii ibe !i ík f the h'!tr t ,,a Owrt, and also enggged o hkuiuíucUiihü. svery ilestrípiion f HAT8 ifCAPS, Fie is now )ie)iire(l lo "11er lo ilie Pnl.lii ver arlicle in his tine. eithcr oí his ovvn 01 easiern mnnufCure. Iweiny five pur eBI lesihiin Iwïe been ufferd in ihi rnarket. ín hi? siock will le fmind Fine Nuira. Salín Beider, !v,iv-r. Otter. Bmsh nn ■ Sporring Bms, Fiih Cloth. Siik. Ptuah. Oil Silk and Velvet Oapg i nl(o. Rich Silk Cravats, Scnrl. Bandkercheifi 'Ciil Thrend.Siik.ani Buekskin Gloves ; Col ñus," Bosoins. VValking Canes, Umbrellas, &c. TA1LO1UNG. Th PnK-crilior lina nlso secnred tlie uerviwí ,1 a firi i Practioal Cuitar, by whieh ho will he eni Ud to furnísü pirmêhu of everjr BtylcanH escripiinn. Wid in ih most pprnved nd l;ia' unible irnner. He a coumantly receivina th 1 iiesl fnBhioni, and. e'mplayrng; the best of rórk iien he is enñMeni ihM he will -ive ihe heM ni sitlsfnciion lo all ilnt may favor m with theu aironage in thia branch uf his busi ess. On Elarad A gaan! rpHE Suliscriber would respeclfullv JL noufv iho public, ihni he is luaned ene. niirèi'ntbé vil lage of Ann Arbor, arid is premin! 10 ttccommodini ilie cotnmtmity wiili ■ i , , ( o and wi II iclecieil swortmem of NHW GCOBS, :aoiilinLi ..i Dkt O. 01 .-, Gkuckbus, IIahdWKK. BÖOll IMI 8U"KS. KXKIHY A C. C.. wiiichM wiHseil fi READ1 I--Y ns clieni istbüa ' qunlity ui Guoda cao be bad ui mi )il'ci store in towOi Persons lio wisli lo ninke purchnses Tor Cnsii. it Canil l'ricis. will do well lu cali brforepurchii siiil' etsi wherie. By keopina ilio first qunlity ofarticles, hy sell na al small nrofits, and l.y i fair and lionoiatiti ■muse in business, lic expecta to ment a liberal slinre o( puhlic (fSirmmee. Mni Sinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wil! i.p t'kcn in pnyinanl for Gnodt. (O Von't forgrt the plact.-ov tlie Eni Side il Main trect, a uw il.mrs muifa of the Public Snuire. in the same sloie wilh C Hliss, Jewjli r. M, WHCELER. Anu Arhor. Nov. 24, 146. 808-f N0T1CC. THE cn-pnnneit.ln' eiiïting biweeo (Iaki imi & Li Fkvhk. is iliisiln lïsotved by mntunl consent Eiiher pnnner e iulliirizi-cl li UM llic luiiMC o! llio ÍÍMII insc'ling ui (lic ou'.fMinding bosinen. Ali prisn indebted 10 íáid fi m are expected to mak Itn medlDM payment, as by eo domg they wilt aav cosl. C. .1. GARLAWt), R. U. LF. FEVRE. Ann Albor, May 1, 1H-I7. 3l5-6w MEDICAL B0OKS. A NEW Int Medical üooks. just opene'1 mul lor sa encap ior cash al Junn 15. 2 Perky's ESTRJËY. fANE into my enclosuio in Deco-nber Inat, n -J palo red Ill.I ER, nbout two yenrj old with n wlii'o f)i nn her fureheod, mul lomt line on iho back aod llmka. Tlie ownei is rp i)iieiefl i cali, py chnriife anrl tnke her away urblie will be snld accordma to law. W1LL1AM LENNON. Arm Arber, March 24, 1847. ÜUU-Sw f mm JMrhor I _ .,.1 i eais 'ol ]. V. Rockwell iii ilii MarhU iusineM, wouW infortn 'be (l ' i W ■' 'hi i iid ndjoinini! eonnlitB. iha lic will coniitiue ihe iu.-ine s m ihe öld sinid. in Uie tipper TnWD, ,ear itie l'rcslylerian Cliurch. and manuinciurc Monumenls, Grive Slonrs Paint Slone, Talléis, Sfc. Src. Tliose wishing t nbiain iny nnicle in liislmc if businesf will find by calling thn he has an na(ortmeni nf White and Variegatéd Mirblc frorn he Blilcrn Mi.rl.le Qumtíbí. wlncli will ' wrouehi in Modern ityle, nmlsold at eai'ern pri ■ t, nri.üng transpuriiui"n only. C11 and get heproof. W. F SPAUI.DlNf; Aun rhor. Jnn. 30. 1-17. iJLLLnêvTgood"S! Cheap for Cash!! rriiü-; Sulicn4ej-ta-(! leave 10 inlorln lhii X oíd QU8tinierB m,cl ihe'pnhlic (jsnernlly. mu iln'v ara now weBiving Ifctga nd sp! id imirimenl 1 English, American and TV... ;.,;„ ftOOns. Crockery, Shclf Hardware, Paittts, Oils, ■ Dyesluffs, Brugs and Medicines. Alsu a general aj.iliiieiit ol IKOiN. suitible for Irining VVaagons nnd Buggien, NkHRoJ. tl-ise Öhoes. nnd llovse flails, Shei Irm:. Tin Wurc nnd Tin Piale- also a gerienil u.-sorlIH'Ml üf BOOTS 8H0E8, ibck nd ihin sale woik, nnd custom work to „mi ,u.,h-:6.ts All t Inch ihey II sell on i,r lüwesi poigible irms for Cash r Ií.m.tkh. Feeíina ennfldani n we do', tliat ra can i il , for ida mi,,, Bi ofali tboge wwbiifg to pur. ,„■ nny ,.i the aboïé rqonuaned Good, we : , ,i oei e irnestly ïujifil al lensi nu nvegiig mi mi Suudí an I pticéa beton pun-liasins elsewhi te. JAMES Olr.SON & cu. J%o. 3. Êxchange Bíock. Anu Arbur, Iaoi 1'uwn, fcitpt. 14. ti CLOCKS AND WATCHEsV.' JrZ.& ÍT1HE Su'.-soni't-i ':i;is jiihi . 'iNv - x, -L received, (and ís con 5 "?BgjJsmnily rtceiving) froiii ■ - ; V Yoiknii eU' ai (! T "ljj.jst wfcll soltcied atiortmeni JcwIry, Cloclis, TTa1chcs, ic cc. lilcn ho i" biiUí lu ell í'-to ub al -: y nblishineni ibie bidé oí Bvfialofur rtady Mi, oi'lij aiüong wl.icli n. av le fouad ihelollow u ■■': . j ■■.}(! ri-S( .i; in ni ■ Gold Fihgei King. Gold bn as: pins.WrisMels (; i ird ('li lins ai, I Ki y. i ilver Sp.M.ns, Gci i ín : Lver 'I', a ni d Tnbl Spñons (ttrsi ■i d Germán dn L ugai I iHigs Silver Snli.MoMuriiMid ( 'lean epni ■ ■ ei Kive8, Gold and SUvei l'encil Cases G.l.l l'eire, " ' P "cl!e, Siivor and Oennrn Pilver TI ín I li ■ Silver t-'poc'iitiib. Gi'innn ni'il Sueldo. Oiggls,Clothiis. liair nndTonih Hruslies, Uiher Bruahes, (Iniuisanfl Pocket Koivea. Fine Slieurs at I Scíísots, Kniv-nnd Porks, Uriitannin Tea Powaiwi ('asiui.-. Plaled, Iíisí, iin-i Britanin Candlesticks. fc-nufler &. Trey, Shnvine boxee and So .-■. ■ ' ■ Ri -,.; Strop, Culfsntl Mnroccu ,Vllei. S.ilk and Cotion puríes. Violins nnH Rrtws, Violín and Bnsí Viol StrinBi Piules, Claiioneii. Aceórdron - Musie V, ■ at the same. Moho Senla. Steel Pena and reezers, Pen cases. Pnuffand Tebacc boxes (vnry Drening Coátbs. Sido and Bick and Pock ei Comb. Needie cases. Steletioee, WatciPiinis and B iishos. Toy Waiehes, ■ great vnriety o" short tlir sreaiesl vnrifly nf loys ever broiight to market, Fnncy work boxea, ehüIren's ten scits. Colóme Hair Oils. Pmellins; Salís. Cauri Plns'er. Ten Iiells. Thermometers. Germnn Pipes. Wood Pcncils. BRATS ANO WOOI) CI.OTKñ. S.-C. in fací almoít every ihng to piense the fnncy. Ludios and Gentlemen, cali and examine fur yoursetve. Ciocks. VVatrhes an.l .Icwelry repnired and vvnrrnntrd on short nnlice. Phop nt his oíd itnnd. oppocitr H. Beckir' briok Stofe, in thf Sioieoccpudby WILviN BUSS. N B -Cash paid for oíd Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor. July Ist. 1846. 271-lv ! riiHE SUBSCRIBER hasreceived his X wmic-r Btuck, wlucli he óffets fur Cash. .i greaily redueed pnces. Tlie Public re inviitd to cali, examine, nncl udjc lor themselvea. Now 'ii hand, od dai!y iddii-.g SOFA.S oi even iorjeij and paitern. ind the laieal laihion. priceg Irom $36 nnd p„:,. MVANS. OTTOMANS, L0UNGK8. tiüE US. of nll kinds, from $1 nd up. Centra. Jard, ïea, Urtss, l'icr, Dining, oud Vesl 'i' Candt, and Poilet Sinnde. Bediiead- Mihogany, Maplt, und Wilnui, trom !p nnd up. Piano F.iries : Pinno Covers ; Stool. Duuble oud einüle Matresses oi hair. ehuck, palm leaf. or sirnw. Doublé and single Coi Bei'e'enils. do do Writing Desks. C11AIRS. - Tlio 1h'.-i ussoiimtnl llint cnn bi bund west of New Yoik and the cheapest In tms city. Windsjr Chairs, a good anide, at $2 ,r0 the aett. Mnhognny French Chaira, hair ent n firsi rati inicie, and well Bnwhail for $3 .r'l. Cn unly. MRbögnny Röckiug Ghairs. hair !e:it andbncs warranted cood, ut tbs luw price of $12, lor tin cash oniv. Fine nd C'ane Peat Trom fis. and up. lind Cmüps. plain and L'nüerv : Bird Olassos. FTubby llorses. nnd Toy Wbelbrrowa, for chil Iren ; l'aieni Shower and H ip B;iihs ; Botton Bath Pana. Ciri S;ools. Uivibiella and Hm 4imda. Fancj Bellow, Fooi S er n pera, Cam pnt ('minier and lioat Sloril, ('urtain material. Tablf eovrre, P:iien' Posl-Olfice Bftlance, Pic ■ure Frames. VVillow Wauons. Oradlas. 'hnirs Ctaeks. nnd Baskeie ; Brittannia Table Castors verv clienp. Mnbogany and Rosewnod Veneers ; Varnisli md Japan: Brönïe, M ilmt-iiny Knobs, Locks. fïlu. ('nrleil Unir, and Cañe Seáis. Also, n l'irgp. assortraent of American Cas'ors. expreselv for Cnbinet vory chetjp nnd ihf hiiïhest mnrUet p ice pnid toi inv qnantiiy of Wiitnut nnd Cherry Lumber. I wlll nlso ooniract fur nny ninniitvof lirs me Wslnm Lumlier. io he avved to order, am IcHvered by tho lstof June next. J. W. TILLMAfï, No. 87, Je!Fj' on Avenue. Dtroit, January 1, 1847. 2'J7-ly Finssr riREü F.I. B. nii.,!; wuu'd rtsjitcilully noiifi j ilie citi'' na til Aun Atbor, and thi1 ? rouii.Xin ii c.iiiiiii v , ili.ii 10 continue iu aci " S j, .,; o ih Í HARTFORD PIRE INSURANCE Í COMPANV, ; and wül insnit' l'ion -ny .1. ' Fin it ihe lóweai mie, nnd with ile.-i icu ■iicy. The II irtTbrU Insu-rniL-e . , on f ilie olile-i oud musí itabte in ■ ■■ , ill Iones utuioeJ !,y i!i, m wil, .,..- ,i„ they e ' Kive been - promptlt I'aid! Kirr is . Hotio jus eleineiii and m.ji i.i be iriflsd i:l: ihprelore, nikeiip your mtrid 10 (unrd ngiiiigt. t nn 1 '1 '.i.i.aï I A lew iiouisdeliiy mny ba you' ruin. pi Mr. Cbank's OlTicr is in Crane's new Elocli e rner ol tbe Pufclit S uare, Ann Ailmr. SPO-ii1 TEETIi! TEETIIH TEETIIH! JYI ASTICATÏON and Articulaiion, IyJL warrana-tl i,y ineir bein properly ' placed. i S. D. EUEEÍFTT, will coniinue ihe practice ol DESTtSTRT ia '■ n'l i's varioiia branche, viz : ScaiiBg, Fillinp. "' nnii Tri"ertiii2 " g'1' i'l 'les or pivots. from on e t" nu Rntire sptt. Old pl;ites or misiiis !l !■.,) -irvl mnfle equnl in new. OFFICE i"'" O'. B. Thompson êt Co. 's Sluip f, Suire, Iii'ü"s who reijiice! it. can be wniied on ;, 1 theif dwpl'inêfl. IV R Plin'-Tpo iinnsii.'illy low, ond nll kinds . ofPROpüCK nfcpn. ; Ann Arhor. Der. 5. ' H'ifi. 291 - H h THE PROTKCT1ON INSURANCE COMI'ANY, IlAlirrORD, C0N1V., CONlINUEtítoinsureupontlie most ' t.ivr.ible lern.s. divi -tin batlli mei chand9e, milis. n',ick in milis, and o.her kuuif , of insuiiible pr.ipcny. , Ap lyioihe nffioe of their Agency 1 Ann , fbor. in the post office building, uppoflte thf Uunk of Washienaw. D. M'INTIRE, Aen. , Apil, 21, 1847. SliMf Peacc lieclared, Hl) A vxrHEREBY S. FELCH can hold tV Fbïï Tkade a.i' ( " ia ISOOTS, SHOK, ijFËTIIer, aiul FlnalMf "f all kinds, with - 1 1 peisons, Naives or Foretecners, on the following just and equni leirns. viz 3 (intuí Aiticlei - Loto Pitees - ïlcaily l'tnj ' - 11 ml No 'l'. ugt. 5hè subscriber hnvina ful!y tefie'l iheCredil ' Ss!eiü 10 lus gil al loan, bolh oJ bui fi leHce nnd 1 cashi nnd ba vin suffeted much lo.-s by ti p. n1■ .-' -i'y i'm:p Is hun t" ciilleel liis pwj -lijirc InJrVC.-t." OS " 'FI KU HAIiVi;sT ítíij :..X! K1I.I,.' n con i u ■ MtssiNG, leavwg mu Boa 7 ni '!,c 'mil hult. líe liüü fouie lo Ihu s.mif oiiclusion tfom ciriHÍn Bensiblo gi'Is 'lid " '■ ■ me oci'-;piirn. (íeo í or n hushani, Ttady mij or nt Sl.tu uiitLíufr ) A'l k isons rliat can ninronn to ihe tbove realy will do wrell to cnll on S. Fslfch. Aun Aiwir, Lnwei Towa, ."o. t Hurnn Blue!;, tieo dey will nol bo taxtiJ for oiheis' work who Ujver pny. N, I!. All pursona ndebteil in nnv wny to lie s'il'srriber. lind liper (:i!I and puy if iliey iré hneít iur' mean to keep so. S)7 fi,n S. FELCII. Aun Arlir, Lower Town. Jan. i, 18',7. Te nip erante lio n e ! 184?. 18-27. STEAMBOAT HOTEL, DETROIT. .1.' C.7. DAlíSKÍi BARA'EY, hawog I , ,i) lt!9 We] ! ■ ■ .' 'I t ili'i. i ■■■ MlL'.ll i .. :: Í8 BOW : tti ' '' ; ■ ared i'1 tcc ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i i rienda ñnd i ; i ■ T I ■ til 'h -',: ni : ■ .- fo!oníirtd lo make.lheín con te, o rul wi pricos to :■' íp unies ! Meals&8 Centg. I ' SW';ern 8af Office ke ■ :.oitse. ITT O ■■;.■ ■!- an i ü _:i-''i ■ ■' va on mil lo c'txivfcy L'oBse ligera lo aud tfem ihe r e ol chnr te. ' - ' ' COTfKTOCK & SEYnOlTK, Dealers in Fanc.y and Sluple Dry Goocls, Boots AND SHOKS, HA RDWAHE, Croclcery A' Groccries, al Ao. 3, Porteras Blnck, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1CH. FU&KITüRfi & ÜPHOLSTER1NG WAREROOMS. STEVENS & Zl :, ÍN the lower end of the White Iüock. direHy oppositc the Michigan Kxchngk. h ve on hand o large assuiiment of l'UH SITUHE. o! their own manu acture, which they will sell vurv ',()w for Cash They also keep experiencid Upholsierers. and are prepircl to do all liiiida ol' Uiihulstering al die sliorlcst noiice. Fnrnilure ol' all kinds marie to order of ihe liesl inatorial. and wnrranted. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit. J;inua-y. I, 1847. S!7-1 y JUSTARRIVED BY EXPRESS. 7Y"1ME Motaii Collecnon of Sacred Music. h Í E. Ivrs Juri - concnining the relelrated ('lirisuisaiid Miserere by Zingarelli wiili Eng - is'i ,nds '! Te;ich"is of Musí: will picase cali nnd h ne tlie work ut t PïK'.T Bt JUTORF.. Oclo'.er 7. WM '80-1 f l Dissolutfan. TIJK ci-!in neratnp heretofore exisling be ivveen the Subscrihers under the narue oí i' srtK 4Ü: Uki.i. is tlus day diteulveil by mutiri' , C nsent. All ncCDtinls nnd di'inanils will be : iisiud by eiiher of ih firin. Timse indebied 10 iitui will see. 'rom tliie new orrtingement, th( iiecessnv of makiniï prompt pTytttntp TUKODOR'R KOSTER OEOROR DELL. Ann Arbor, April 10, 18-47. 312-lf AIARGI". bhaMrnn kettle fnr sale by BKC'KLEYS & THOMAS. Ann Arbur, Lnwer 'i'uwn. 310 TWO Uurse Wglí8 nnd a Busrsrv Inr tale by BECKLEYS & THOMAS. CCLARK.Attorney and Counsellor, MdJoCtea of. he Peacr. Uii.i-e. Couri House Ann rio 2 'Otl Rcrised Stalutes. NOTICE is herehy aiveri that the Revistd StatnlPÉ of IH4ri have been reoeived at ibe 'ilice o' the Couniy Clerk. nd are ready tor de:ive.y to all persons entitlfd to receive theni. A?in rliiir Áprit}, H47. 110 CO UNTYORDERS rr[IE highestpricepaid in coêhby G. F. LewÍ is, Bxchan'ge Broker, opposite the Insurince Buik, Detroit, for orders on nny ol ih -oiintjos n ihe State of Mich gan; siso for Stat. koaritiM of all kinds und uncurrentfunds "', tl see. ' n 1. 1645 24t-tl UU! Thi excciiciu cuiiipuund ie lor tuit b) the ronrieiur's Agenie. MA Y ARDS. 2C-y THRESHING MACHINES. ril E UnderogiMd would fwfurm the public thnt he iiianiilactuieg lorse P.iwers and 'nreshing Machines ai Scio, ol a tupenor kind iivented by hirneell. The; Powera biuI Machines ore pnrticnlarly dipted to llie ol Fani'eis who wiph t ufe hem lor threphing iheir uivn gr.-in. The powr. ihreeher and fixlurcs c;in all be loaded into a ommon sized wauun box and drawn wiih one i:,ir dl honec Tliey aie dcsigncd lo be uscd rilh four hurees. iind are abnndan;ly strong lor hai niimber, nnd mny be snfely uicd wilh six OT liïht Dvnei viih proper care. They work with íh trenpih ui htiraea aceording tu llie of nisiness done ih.'it) nny ml. er power, nnd will Intrh fonerally almui SMiO biitliels vhcni f-er 1 1 v wiih Tuur doffe. In or.c innance l.r8 mslielg vvlifnt were ihreslied in tince hour viih foor hnree8. Tlii Power and Machine contnin nll ihe ndantiiL't's neceseary to make tliem prolimblc to h? purctkMf r. Tliey nre sirong nnd duml.le. - fliiy m e ensily inDvt-d froBI one phioe lo nnoihr. The work oí the irefs is ensy on thtse loweifl in con pnrie-oti To o(her9. aii'J the prire is LiOWER tlnn finv cihrr pi'er nnd mnchine, live ever been sold in the Stnte. nccordine to the ren 1 vnlue. The terms nf pnyment wili be lilier il fot noies ihat yre knowii to bc ahtoluiely irooi I have n number of Powers nml Mnchlnes rtaw :endy for mie nml persons winhing lo uuy ■iré inviled to cali eotin. 8ÈPARAT0RS. lam prepüiedto Srp.Trn'ots for thosa who nviy want :hem. The utility and julvjininyps of ihifi-wer and Machine will appeor evtden) i alt n exanfiotag :he rec-irnniendnlions heinw. All perptins are. cntitioned nsrainfit ninking hese Power nnd Machise: ihe nnc.' 'npned iiiviim ndoptid the ne iss.ny meacnhei lor eeciinnir lettert piient for llie sanie wiiliin ihe timo reqnired by war. S. W. FORTEB. Scio, VVashtennw Co., Mich.. .lunellí, 134C. RECOMMKNDAT1ON8. Dnring (he e:tr 145. Cich ol he undersicned itnrehaaed and lued either indiviilnnlly or j inliv with others. ore of S. V. Foster's ncwly in■ init'd Ffurse PiwT8 and ihrefhirg chines, nl holieve ibey ate beifei adapted to the iite of -'.iriiK-rs wlni wnal Pon-fr nrd Mnchtnc ior heiTown ui rlwn nny oiber power nnd ihi-eshar wiihin our kn wiei'o. They me cílculíitcd loto iiffid iih fonr horsea nnd re of ampie rrensüh lor that nntvher. They npprnr tobo !onstructed in turh n niftnnst as to render iheni very durnble with li'tle lijibiliiy of qettiniï ont of order. They nre eisily moved from one place o another. They e;in he woiked with ntv run:1 er ofhinda from fmir to ughl, m-.d will threcli ■iboi't 20(1 boahela whrat pi'r dy. J. A. POLHKMUS, St-in.' Washtcnaw co. G. BI-non. " " T. lïICH RDSON, " " SAMUEL HFALT, " " S. P. FOSTFR, " " N A Plin.PS, " " ADAM SMITfl, " " J M BOWEN. l.irra', WM.WUi, VVehner, " TOS WABRFN, " " D. SM LI.!Y. I.odi. " I [hreshed hi Tall ind winter w.ih nne of f!. W. F.i-iter's hnrms pnwers. mnre tlnn filtecn ihouennd bnnhela grain 'The rpri"!'-. i., ptev. '1 npiin Kie p'"A -r nronnnteri to itn!v (U (nt. and niCO"d o-i!er when I hnd done íhieMiing. I invorinbly usel -:.v Imw; RON Yor.N'GLOVE. M 'ion. Jnne 6. 1S4. I pnrr-hisnd one rif S. W. Fosler's horfe [ittwera lftt 'il' and uted it lor j'ibhinff. I hn've uaed innny drfièient keids ol p.fweis and brltöve :iiis ia ihe btsliunninc power I .verseen. L). Ö. ü EN NET. Hamburg. June, I810. We purehap'd one of S. W. Ftisïer's Ilor-a Puvera laai lü, tod have used it and think il is a fiisi tale Power. JF.SSF. HALL, DANIEL S. HALL, REÜBKN S. HAI.L. nainbiirg, June, 1S46. S6!)-if corn, ryr"& wheatT WANTED by the subscribers, 10,000 hiishels ol I0.ÜI 0 bushelsol Rve, nnd Kl.f'OI hushels ol Wheai. delivend at the Öieam AMI. for which Ciish will he paid. INGALLS. LAMB, &. FJSHFR. Ann Arhor, Jan. 4. 1H47. 20-tf. ', BLANKS a Wabranty Deeus, 1 Quit-Claim Deeds, ' mortgages, Chattkl Mortgages, Sl'MMONSES, subpcenas, Attach.mknts, ExECDTIONS, Leask.s, Mastkrs' Deeds, FORECLOSURES IN ChANCERY, Marriage Certificates. The above re printed on good paper, ifter the most approved forms, and can e had by tbe single, dozen, quire, or ïundred, at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, LiOWPr Town. November 1, 1846 Farm for Sale ! ï TUF. Suli.iciibc: ofli'is tor s .Ie hic Farm, ituaied iwo nnle9 enl at ilie villne of Ann rliT. The (arm coninins aighty ncres of land veil watered, and fony acies under iniprovenent. For further particulirp enquire on the premes of robf:rt b. glazikr. Ann Arbnr, April I. 117. 310 3m FOR SALE CUF.AP for CASH, or every kind ofcoun i r y Proiï'ice, Saddles, Brid7es,Harness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Yaitíes, Carpet Bags, $c. Also a nood atwufiineiM ol Uh:p & I.asheb, wliich wil] be sold very low, nnd no mi-tnke, ut ('OOK A ROBINSON'S. Ann Arhor. Auí;mm)2. 1H46. '?7-tf CHEAP OTOVES AT YPSlLANTl! 1{)C COOKING & PARLOR STOVES, 1 Aétf juBt received, by the Subfcüber, (most- ly (rom Alliany) makinr a s"d nesortniem of Ihe lateci and b8t palterns. whioh will be Bold nt Lmc Prices! not lo be undersold lilis 6Íde Laka Erie! Also, Copper Furnilure, Caulclron Kettle, flollow Ware of all sizes, Slove Pipe, Sheet I ron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE.' Mnnufnctnrcd. anrl consinnily Xept on hand wtiich will also he aolrl very low. P. S. - Purdiasers will do well to cali and examine for tlieir own eotibioclinn. J. M. BROWN. Ypsitanti, June 20, 1846. 87t


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