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The Homestead

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In this respect, our laws are Hable to the charge boih of inhumanily and incons'istency. We allovv lo a min ns ngainst 11 is crédito rs, suffident flour and vegetables fbr the support of his famüy, but not a foot of gro'und up.)n which to cultívale and raise them. We r.llow him the possession of a team, a cow, two swino, and ten sheep, but nof an acre of posture or nieadow to keep them from starving. We a!so alfow him cloihing, his beds, his tables and chnirs, and ollier articles of household furniture j but no place - not even a shingle shantee - to keep them, or to shelter himself and his wife and little chilüren. The sheriff may turn him and his goods into the stl-eet, and whichever way lie may turn, he finds himself a trespasser. Charity might perhapsbestow a shelter upon him asa boon, which he ouglit to be permitled to claim as a right. Exemptions of property f rom seizure and sale under exeeuiions, are made for the benefit of the famili of the debtor. - tt is his wife and helpluss cliildrcn tha' these !aws aim to protect. Both public poüoy and privnte feeling sanction the principie. 11" the creditor is alloived lo strip the debtor entirely of his means, his fumüy bccomes a charge upon the public, and occupy the mortifying posilion oí' paupers. The peple at Iargfi are taxed Fir their support, and their oWn feelings are outraged - their spirits broken, anci iheir energies dcstro_ed. But it is unnecessary to discttss the policy of these !nvs. Public opinión Ims borne overwhelming tes'imony in their favor, and l only remains to examine the reasons vtiv they should be extended so as to include a proper amojnt of real estáte. In the first place, it would secure to eveiy fnmily a home, bevond the reach of mi.sfortune, cupidity, or crime. Induatry would be stimulated in this direction, and every man would lend his energies to acquire such an establishment as would süit the wants of his family, and iheir condition in life. The number of houseless, homeless, wandering children of rnisery and want, would be speedily ! minished, and one gicnt sou ree of diii'iculty and an.xiety on the part of lhe oarent, removed. He would tlien labor with cheerfulness and confidence for their support. His hands would be strengthered, and his heart be stoyed by the refleclion that a shelter for his family no longer depended upon the tender mercies of liis landlord, and his own ability to moet the quarterly payment of ron!. Again, it would not only give him the means of supporting liis fsmily, bul furnish the basis of credit anü facilitiel for the payment of rlebts. It ould bo :n amount of capital in his hands, trom lhe increase or use of whicb lie woiil dtrivfl these benefiis. Any person of whom he inight bu desirous of obtnining a credit, would be mlleh mure li!;ely to extend il to one who held in his hands means from which he could re.-ilizo the mney to pay llic debl, than to onc who harl no such mentís, ;nd itl addition was burthened with the pnympnt of rents, and tlie sappoi't of himsélf and others, solely from the nvails of ihe labor of his hands. If the creditor could not reach ihe capital to satisfy the debt, he may acquire the in crease as it nccrues l'rom time toiinie, beyond the wants of the l'ainily of the debtor. When the debt ia contracted, he would know tho nature and extent of his remedy, and thore could be nothing of I injustice or wrong, in requiring hini to be content with the privilege that remedy mightgive him. - Bvffalo Pilot. Horses should never be put lo severe work on a full slomach. More horsessra hurt by hard drivingafter i full feed. than by n full feed aftor hard diivine;.


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Old News