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I have known clever precocious chil dren at three vears dunces at twelve.and dunces at s!. particclarly clever at sixleen. One of ihe most popular authoressesof llio present day could not read hen she was seven. Fier motiier was rather uncomfurlnble about it, btit said that as every body did Iearn lo read with opportunitv, she supposed her clilld vould do so at lmt. By cightoen, thisapparently slow genius paid the heavy but inevitable debls of her father f rom the profits of her fint work, and befofé thirty, had puhlished thirty volumes! - Hon. Miss gMurray's Remarles on Educalion. An O verseer in Souih Carolina, named William Davis, recen ti y sued Dr. Whitrodge, a planter, for causing his sla ves to tie the overáeer hand and fooi, and remove bim from llie plantrition,wliich he had refuscd to leavc. Pa via claimed 10,000 damagos, - the jury awarded him $2,500, and the defendant appealed to a higher court. The reporlcr of thfe Landon Herald givés the fullowing account of "alittle Ijit of n wornan" who is exhibiting lierself as a na'liral curiosity, at the Cosmorama Rooms, in that City : " This lady 'enjoys the iinenviablfi privilege of bcing burthened U'ith nearly fivo hundred pounds of solid, unmistakeable flesh, with measuremenls of waist, shoulder, nnd linibs to malch. She paces up nnd down the room with ■ mounlainous sort of gravity, and folks of ordinary dimensión survey her with the respect due lo a colossus. The largo seal she sitsupon cracks heavily with her expansiveness and pondérous weight; and we marvel llow she gets through the door." WlIEAT AND MaIZE FOR CANADA. The Canadian government hns just declared, by a proclarriation, that forcign wheat and maize may be importcd into Canada free of duty, provided it be reexported wHhin six montlis. This leaves to ihe Western grower the free chice of the Erie Canal or the river St. LaiVrence. A Clt.ík ih the collectors office at Rome, in this State, latély foUnd $37 in a mouse nest in the corner of his desk. - He had repeátedly missed money, and how it was taken remoined a profound mysterv until this diseovery was made. Hangi'ng Scène.- A most disgraceful scène was ènncted in Goochland, Va., on Frida'y week, on the occasion of hê execution there oftwo colored men. - Under instructions frorn the court in wbich the culprits wcre convlcled, the shariiF was about to perform his duties witliin the jfiil enclosurc: but ihe crowc' ihat had nssembled without to witncss tlio execution wcre deiermined not to bo disnppointed, and, by violent threals, compclled the sheriff to comply wïth their wishes. The doomcd men were nccorditígiy éxecuied on the jnil wal], in the presentie of the multitude - Boston Courier. The Pennsylvania spenks of a droll nvention at the Western PetiUentinry, in Pittsburg, forsubduing refractory convicts. lt is n machine made something hke a corkscrew, but so fushioned as In be hármless. If n prisoner becomes fractious, and it is dangerous to enter hi cel I , the screw fixei on lba end of a pole is nushed nt him, until it catche3 hls clothes, when he can be drawn otít and disanned without danger to himsélf or 'itliors. Polite. - Abby Folsom once said to one of the JuJges of the Massachusetts Supreme Court. while on tho bench : "Cold water never gave you that icc nose." Stockton's big gun, made in Englam: is now receiving a polislí at the Brooklyn Nnvy yard. It will take three montlis constant labor to give it the requisita finish. Southern Justice. - Mrs. Üowand of Charleston, S. C. was a while ago indicted for the murder of a ferr.ale slave. She was tried on the 5lh ins!. bcfore Judge O'Neil, and escaped the death pennliy, as would appear, by the decisión of the Judgé, allowing her to clear her. self by her men oath.'f Judgs O'Neil is the sage who solemnly and religiousttj ironounced sentence of denth upon a yourig man named Broun, bccausö he was proved to have eloped wilh a handsome girl, with wh'om he liad fallen in uve, andwho happencd tobe a slave. - Hamp. Hcrald. The odd fellows had a gi'and procCssibn in New York on Salurday morning - 53 divisions, 16 bands of music, nböüt 2000 men. The corner stone of a new hall was laid. PoilTsiibüïii Steaíi Factory.- Lnst week there were 125looms n operation, 15,000 yards of muslin, woven, averaging 20 per day to each loom. Several lootns produced over 25 ynrds, and one over 27 yards in a day. It will be recollected tliat in theannual rnport, 15 yard8 per day was the basis of tlte calculaiions presented. Next week 200 looms will be in operation - Portsmoulh Journal. The Cathedral at Puebla, Mexico. wbich was compleled in 180S, is said to have cost upwarda of $6,000,000. There are ten chapéis attached to il, all riclily decoraled. The ëhandöliers and lamps which addrn il are of massive gold and süvcr, and are immensély valuable. Gen. Worth lias fixed the erice of food at Vera Cruz. Breed must be suld for twelve and n half cents theloafof 12 pounds: beef, venison and pol-k twelve and half cents per pound, mutton 18 3-4 cents; and rnilk 0 1-4 cents per quart. Insan'E int In a report made (O the Legislature of Mainê on Saturday, it appears that in 157 towns from which returns are made, there are 547 insane persons and idiots; The Municipal Faihers of the cily of New Yorkj have denoiinced all awni ng posts, and c ndenined them to instant demoliii)n. On Monday, therefore, the whole city resounded with axes and saws, in obedience to the decree; and the downfall of thosb mighty bbstructions to bcth atmospheric and pedestrian circulalion, is accomplished. Currant Búsiies. - Having notie e;l hat currant bushes may as wcll be made ■ecs as shrubs, I concluded to teil you how I have seen it dono. In the spring oflS'H, my f ither com:Ti3n?eJ a garde n and aming othir thing, cutting? for cur rant buslios. I detennined to inakc an ex poriment dn ono of these cutiirlgsj and as soon as t grew, I pinchcd off all the leaves, except the top tuft, which' 1 let grow. The cutting wos about fourtcen inches high, and during tlie summer the sprout frond tlie top of this grew perhaps ton inches. The next spring I pinchec oiF all the lectves to aboUt half tay up the fust year's growth, so as to leave the lowest limbs about tvvo feét iYom the ground. lt branchcd well, becalne a' handsomë liitle dwarf treej when t came to béar fruit, it was more pi'oductive than any othër bush in the gái'den) and thö fruit larger. It was léss affecfed wilh spiders and othcr insects; hens could not piek off the fruit, and grass and weeds were more easily kept from about the roots, and it was an orn ament insiead of a blémish. Now I would proposè that currant Cultings be set in rows aboul 4 1-2 or five feet apart each way,(!et thern be long and straight ones )


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