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From The War

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A wfiter from Jnlnpa thus states the prospecls of I lie Army : " We are dreadfully and most unfortunately crippled, al a moment hen we rötit nlluur Irength. Thus it was Lost nummer, and ever wíU be when a foreign war is carried on depending n any drgreo upon short-ierm ïplunteers, whose term is sure to expire juft when 'bey are most needed. - Gen. Scott appeaied to them to re-enter the service, but in vtiin. A volunteer Cor a spcond term would be looked upon as a wonder, and by his conyrades asa Tool. - A year in camp robbs off 11 the extra pntriotism ihnt first gnt them into the sarape. The fruita of our viclories are in a good di'gree lost by not being nble to pu-h on ; tbc people fcnve recovered from their panV, and nol give up ibeir capitnl without m'king anothcr eff;rt. and the least reverse to our arms will bring upon us the wbole nntion, who, so long aá victory declares in our favor, prefer to rcmain quiet at home." Co!, il. Jacksov, of the Georgia reimfiii, has reached hfs home ntSavann.'ili ofier a ycar's faithful ervice n Mexico. Oí the 910 men wiih which he ernssed the Chattfrfioocree, only ab'iut 450 were mus'ored rpgularly out of service at Npw Orleans, the olliers having eillicr died or hnve been dismissed frotn the service on account of sickness or Roma other cause. Tho Georgia regi, ment (but owing lo ro fault of iheirs had not an opportunity of being engaged in battle during their term of service. Th 3 St. Louis Repuljlicn-fr püblishes n 1. 1 er from New Me'ic'n wnich preaetHs ihe following dïcrflal picture of things at Snntft Fe i " Wc his n military eítnblishment wnslefully extravagant to t!ie Governinent,- hut wlfieh lias most signnlly fniled o-f rfdeeming nnv of ihe promise3 mido by Geniral Keirny, in hls proc!an:a':or Insteacl of being the stronj; .nriTi on whieh the civil aulhorily cniv depend to rnforr-e orrfer and law, anif ndrujnislr j-isiice t.i a'l, the soldiery he degonerated in!o a militnry mo!;, and Ihe m st opn violators of !a-v and order, and daily hfip insult nnJ i'njury apon the ppop'e of ihn Territirr ; anc', ns mnttprs now stand, the cml Government is poworloss tri grnnt fhsn: ■rei.'rc-s. The Iivliins nre daify commftv outracjp.s on ihe fronfirt" "huWtOnt?, ljr:ving ofF and dcsfroving their stocfr. Asrainst these Intians they vere pro'nisrd pro'fclion t)y General Knrny ; ü!)d, thouslï va hr.v'n tind fi r n r n cii'iro ifginint of so'dier.s i:i g-inisnn, not one hns bern sent lo t!:e frorvner. Ofie-half of the mplains of coinpanies do not know ihe num'jer of theiiirie", nor where ilioy ere to ba f rand"; nnd they fhemrelves ave to b seea nightiy in fanJangofs, ard even lam reputable p'aces of d;s.siprtior. Thu so'diprs ar-í ncvei' drillsd or musterej, nd from.iho highet officer to t':e prEvi'te soldier a'l is irisiibordinotion, nniiru!o, and confuion. Ab'iut one-(i!th of tho whole command 'nave died from the éffecfa of dissipatlon - excepting from this entegfiry the artillery companies of St. Louis, and C.ipi. Angnpy's cornpany from Jefrorson city ; they are wel! dfrillei, under gb d discij line, and of course heaïlhy nnd orderlv." A geiilloman bus pheed at our di-posal a letter from hi; correspondent at Sania Fe H'hicfa siiys : '■ Fjfïeen persons have bren convicled of murd'er in ihecounty ofTaos, andone f'or treason ; twe've have been executed, trto were pardoned by the Executive and one escapad Prora prison. One was convictod of high ireasrin in the county of Santa Fe, btit he was reprieved by the Aciing Güverno'-, and punisbment vy 11 ba delayed until llie President of tha United States determines on the questiim." On tho'-M of May two cases were to betried hefore tlie District Court at Santa Fe fur treason. A writer in Mexico gives a statement of the forces under Gen. Taylor, andconcludes ns follows : " Figures speak for themsfilve1!, and I now, with llie niets before me,asert that, ifter recetving all the troops that are promised him, Gen. Taylor cannot defend kis lincs and march npou San Luis polosi wilh art effectice force of two thouSAND MEN." Vera Cruz, May 9lh, 1847. The train which left here the day before yesterday for the army, with an escort of 800 men, was attacked five mies from the walls of Vera Cruz by 1500 lancers and rancheros,several men killed and 90 raules captured, in ihe face of the whole detacliment. The train was stre'.ched out so long, that it was impossible for so small a body of men to piotect tho hole line assailed as it was on the exireme rear by a compact body of 1800 lancers. An eNpress cnme in the samo night to Gov. Wilson for a reinfercement. One hundred and fifty dragoons siarted out to their relief; tliey had hardly got out of siglit of Vera Cruz, before they in their turn were assailed by a largd troop of lancers. They succeedcJ, howcver, io
cut'.ing their way through lo iho tiain, aftersufferingsöme liltle loss. These fellows had undoubledly been apprized of' the starting of this train, and the $300, 000 which gocs wiih it. They hnve become so daring noiv thrtt ihey ftclually coma witliio sight of tho citYi Murders are committed within sight of the verv walU, and no means whaiever are adonted to bring the crimináis to punishment. No example hns been made to strike terror intothem. Aflairs are managcd bac!y here, I ara afraiJ. E:i3rgy,energy ,we want energy, wc have it not. Taylor ii not to ndvance on San Luis. Scott hns required 7 of Taylor's 10 rogiinents tojoin him via Vera Cruz. It is thoughl hou ever that ihere vvill bc some skirniishing between Monterey and Can argn, as Urrea is in ihat vicinity wiih 40U0 cavalry. Later. - On the 8tli n small rrconnoi'ering pmty, togrther with some citizens and disbnnded soldiers, in all about 130 men, Lesides 95 armed men, and 3d dragoons, left Puebla, for Vera Cruz, under the conimand of Cap'ain Biiinbridge, of the 3d Artillery. On leaving Jalapa and Bpproacliing Puebla, the party wero infonr.ed ihat it would not be piudeiit to aüempt ppnetrating the fass, as tl. ere wcre about! 4,000 :Me.icans in ti.e choppcral, lining ihe roid. The rnain party crcssed the Bridge. cvpv thing appearing ;o be safe and llic danger at an end. Lieucenant and Mr. Frezer were scn.' L-ck to bring over the train. J( as Ihey wee en!erit.'LJ the bri !:--- huv,es'.er, a party of uveiiiy-i?ve Wexieani ';sde íiseir (ippearanee biií fired evec lolleys oa (hem. The V' ïifa'tcr :-'.ii futr.uther men were kilied i ■dur'ii.'g the fuing, nd die wagons ca)lured. Tfapséjhowevr, wk of nu greul va! ir, A flor the firinghnd cea', s party of j ) .noors appesred, nd aoamed preparing I f chirge. Ohservinj, however, Iliat Captain B.'iiu'jw'dge wis reaiy wiili Siis cominar.d, to receive thfttn, thcy, Mheeled l'roir horae and gallopfii a ;. Cn t. Pa'iibridge resumid Iüe 11.3'ch. fnHo'.ied by fnur or fhe hutidred fot aid lancers, who hung upon liis re".r rtni flinke - 1ieeing,liowoYeat a re fu! dii-mnr-c. TiW iipm-ix;.! injhe ült!e pnrty puued t w.y uiitil 14 ronche! Üif groun.i uhere ('■.!. Mj!:i; ■ jsii was encamped w!th liis r ■ ■■■.■.!. s.t:!:e party that had attockeJ Co!. V.!ni s!i. aïni hsd com;cl!ed liiin to ha.t L. ;:: fur.-emcttts, lud astaileJ Bitib.i le. Djring ihe vhi)'e of that night, while rc:n litiiüg in Mclntwh's c;-mp, ihc Me.icnns kopt tip a cons:ai:d fno on oorincn. approacliing with the greatrst ba'dueíS, close 10 the séirtiiiela. 'í'he iiet mórning Cnpt. ".-linbi -idge nnd his party récotnirenced theif tnarch; a'n3 nf;er proceeing ;i slioit (Ji.-ümee. they were joiuod'.iv üapt. iiupera, öt' me U. S. Artny.


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