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A Peep At The Olden Time

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Worknipn aro now bus'ly employed in pulling down the o!d edifice in Chestnut j strfet, Philarlfliphia, recenllv orcupied by : the Bank of Nurth America, preparatory lo !ie eieciioii of a now Etru-ture. Amotig ihe papers stowed nw.iy in the garree of this venerable pile nf hñzk and mortar, (naya the Philadelphia Bulletin) sume "ld newspapers have ben found, u'hich, comparen with the largo sheets of t!ie present rfay, are quiie n curiosily.- - VVt; have been furnished with one ol' these ri-ücs of the olden time. I' is rntiiU-d 'The American Weekiy Mereury," inblishrd at Philaielphia !y Andrew Ri-idford, and br-aring d.iie November 28, 1728. In ordpr ihnt our reader mav form nn idoa how some things were imnnged in this city just one hundred and nineleen years ago, o extract the followiig advertisement f rom the paper before us : Just airivfrl from tion'lon, ín ihe siiii Borden, Wiltam Harbfrt conimaniif r, a p.'ircol of young likelv Men Servnntv, (nnistiiiir cf Husliitridincn, J.iy ers,SVioernnkers, W'eaveis, Senil hf-, Briik-makers, Hricklavers, Sawvcrs, TuvJon, Sinv.nmkers, Butclipr-!, Chair-makfTi',nrid spvernl othr imdps, nnd nre to hp so!d vpi-v reasonaMp, eiiher f'ir readv Money, Wheai. Brad, or Flour, by E'Iward Home, I'litU adelpkia. Our contempnrary is perhapstoo young to have sppn, what man y Phil;idelihiaii.s yet living car, rememnnr to have seen, vpse!s haded wi(h cnrgops of süch l:e .-tock nsthe abovp, lying in the sirenni oi' ihe Delaware, off Sassnfras ;tnd Callowhill slree's, waiting f"r cUslornors 10 come off and hoy. f hc will look r,t' the file of Franklin's paper in the Librnry of the Philosnphic"! Society, or indeed int' :ny Boston or New York paper of ih same dte, he wili fi'nd frrquent advertisemenis for runaways of the nbove cl as of white slaves, with marks and cl oihing describpd and rewards oiïerpd fur thf ir npprehension and commiinien'. to nny jni! so thal thpir owners may get them Ikgitin. As recemly as sne the war of 1812 a vpssel o fipigMe f found hjr way u to AnnapoÜs, ani tliere disponed of hr freight ; a nuinber of the men baving heen bonght by Members of C-'Dgre.s (tlien in s-ssion l.erej atid spnt to thp Weilorn country. In that country, how. over, we fancy ih?y were nol lor.g n f-ervitude. We hazard little, ind ed, in thv conjecturo that some of them were soon ;ble, by the reward of thejr free labrtr, to huy out tho whole possessions of those who were once iheir masiers. - Nat. Intelligencer. " The true principie for a nation, as for nn individual, is to suffer wrong,


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