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OtJR ADVERTISIiRS. UnJor tliis heail, wo iBblieh, free oí tliargt t e name, resideoce, anJ business, of tliosu win idverüae in the S"ï.i of Libi H. Krause, Oa'k Bark, Aon Arbor. Maynards. Drujgiats, Aun Arbor; T. A. Havilaku, Machinist, Aun Arhor. W. VV,r.Kis.)v, Tail-ir. Ana Arbor. S V. Fostbr & Co. Alunulaciurcrs, Scio. EX 11. Grove, Real Lsia'e. Ann Arbor. Wm. Waoker, Merchnnt Tatfpr; Ann Arbor. C. Pkíurttk, Gold Pena, Detroit. !)■ M'Ihtvrï, Insurance, Ai:n Arbor. W. W. Dkjcteh & Co-, Jewelers, Dt.rier. 'I'. II. AnirjTRofM, Haw, A-c, Detroit. Bi cki rs ,'; Thom w, Mi rch'snts, Ann Arbor Ií. J!. fimiKii. Farm for Safe. Ann Arbor. S. VV. FdsTEU. Threstiing Macliirïu. Soio. CüjtstocS A SkmÍhjr, Merchants, Jao'kaOp 'I'. M. Ai .i: t-:ot., flnl Siore, Deiroii. .f. GÍSSDH & Co., Meichui'?. Ann Arbor C. Ci.akk. Law Odies. A rut Albor. ■'■ V. J.r.;vis. Brnlter. Jièitok. F.. G. flunOÈR, Deniist, Ann Arlior. C. Bi.iss, Jeweler, Ann Arbor, F. J. I!. Ckink. Indrarite QHice.Ann Arbor W. F. Sruii'isi;. Mnrblo Yard, Ann Arbor D. Bakkev, Temperance House, Detroit. Cook & RoBiKSOXy Ilarnesá Makers, Ann Arhor. V. A. RAyitoM), Mercl.iani, Detroit. .1. M. Bftowrf, Stovea, Ypsilanli. M., Mcrciiant, Ann Ailmr. H. W. Wii.i.Ks. Mardtfnre, Ann Arbor. S. l. BcknkT. Dennst, Ann Arljor. Bthvexs St Zit.:, Uph'ilsteiers. Dctroii. Wm. S. Brown, Attornev l Lnw. Ann Arbor. S SIioc Si.h f . Ann Arlior. .1 W. Tii.r.inv. C binet Wnre. Detroit. HalIocK & Rjuhsii, Clothing Store, De troit. Eroalm, Labs, & FrsííER, Stcaui Mi!!, Ann Arbor. NEW COOKING STOVË, AND STQVES OF ALL KINDS!!!!!! TUF. Sohwirfbef otrtd ca'l tlie attention of tbn public to WOOI.SOV'S M!W lf 'T M' COOK'N : f-OVK, uhich tliey can OQüflJently racomfflsnd ns binc rlecidedly superior lo any cjoking ttove in use For simplicity inopnruiion. teonomy in fuel.aini lor Hncquallcd bakjng and ro.Tstini qualitUi t is iinrivaled. Tlie new nnd impon: n' iin proveroent introdueed in ifi ootiat uciion bemj such aa to ins'iro greal advanlngos Over nll otbei kinds of cooking sim es. Tbose deeirous ot petiini n good COORing alovi for funiily use. or a public house, would il., well by callinc nnd cxatnining the above ove beíorr puichiising clt.cvvb-rc. U. B. A WK. NOYES, '. ;(■)! 71') VVooiíwart] Avenue JAMKS B1RMV. JOHN W. SHIELDS. DIRNEY & SHIELDS, SUtaïnejjs and Counseilovs Stt 3Laa, Solicitóos in Chancèry, CORKTfB OF M.UN AM) cuCftT STKKKTS, CINCINNATJ, O. J ft. Comilri&sitm r f Dec:ls and Dcpusitions fur t!ic State ij' Iftdiigan. Hardware. TilF" gub ciüjos liave juat icceived a Inrge ndditi n to ilieir stock of Foreign and Uiluoatic Hardware, whioli makes their ass rt leut very compltfe. B B. & W. R. NOYES JrJuly I0ih: 1847. 324 TOOI.S.- Carpenter's, Cooper's and Joincr's TüciIs lor eule by Ü4 B B. & W. R. NOYES Jr. NA1LS.- 150 kegs Eastern Nails for f. r sile by 4 B B. & W. R NOYES Jr. Cheap Je welry Store 157 Jrfferson Avenue. DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. THE subscriber has just relurned from New York with a laree assorimenl ut' G'l'l Md Silrer VVatches, jeweliy, [uols, mateii I ■■ loyn, mu&ica! HMtrnmoitta and fancy "ood, h:i!i lie will stil at wiiolesale or nuil as low as : iiy establishment west of' New York. Coantry Waich Makers and uthtrs wantins: any of thö above Go nis uil tind it In their n er =t lo ia ',. as tftey wil! find ihe beft assorimeiu in the city, .ind at the In wet t prues. GOtl) l'KNS. wuli sUver holder and pencil M OO. Prrte Re(ruced. Gull Feü.WatcF.eanclJeelry RF.PAIIIED H B. MAHSH. 107 Jeffurson Avpnur. Detroit, ) tíign of the G.ild Pen. ] Xti SHOVELS, S;aJes, "ííoes, Cradíes and Scythe8. Rukesand Scythe Stoties.for s:.le nt 3'4 MAYNARÜS. GRÖCER1E3.- Wa cali particular attention ie our siock of Groccnes. whiefi is the laPgeal anj best selected ever brought to [liis villaje, and will be sold at Wholesah or Rot iil very luw for pny. 3.'4 MAYXARDS. rpEAS.- Old Hyson, Young Hyson, JL Imperial nnd Ulaek Teas, nll fine oud fresh, at 3-4 MAÏXAKDS. SUGARS.- Loaf, Lump, Crushed, Pow'd, 8t. (,'roix. and Porto Rico Sugar, all of sirpei ior qualities, estremely iow at :ál MAYNAHDS. WIN ES - And other Spirits warranled pare, a large supuly for medicine or.lyat 334 MAYNARÜS. O LI) PORT WINE- which we recommerid partiuularly to invalids for lts qtialitv - .". good supptv at y.'l MAY.VARDS D RUGS ANDTlËbTciNES.-Thö BJOck is now complete, amons; which may be found every article wailted by families or physicians. Please to rêcollect that every article ?üld by us is warranted to be gennine. 3-24 MAWVARD5. Yofí OUNCESQuTnINE, for sale 1U" Iow. Physicians can depend a; a!l limes on findingn Biipply on hand al : ■; I MAYNARDS. PAIÑTS, Oüs, Varniafi, Spirits Turpntine, Brushes, Glass; Putty, Glaz ers, Diamónds, fee. A hirge 6tock for sale low at 3-24 MAYNARDS. TÖWNSEND'S SARSAPARIkLA. We have the Wholesale apeney of this justly celébraied medicine. Two iust re. ceived. Ü84 MA Y.A il DS. SOAP, Sperm and Tallow CANDLE3 ülwayson liand very ciieap at X2 MAYNARDS. BRICK.- We have on hand 300,000 fi st qualiiy Brick. andprepaiel io iurnisli anjf qimnliiy wunted, very low for cnsh. 324 MAY.VAKQS. ""important NATIONAL WORK. IN THE PRXSÍf A NKW AND EN1.ARGED FDITION OK . Fi'csident's Messages, Iu two handsomc volumes, 8vo - the whole collected f rom official documents, by E, WILLIAMS, Esq. I. The Arliïrcfïesand Messages of the Presidunis oí the Uniieil Staies, from Washington to i . ! k ; with i cojiiuus ana'ytical index to ilie same, oí güo'jtiCte, nnmes and dau s. '-Í. Kn aeoMMU "f :he inanguiation of encti ['resident, and i. blief notice of the principal politica! eventsol liis :i(Jminifitr;iiion. :i. A fünliiapiiical sketch of each Presidenli 4. Dcctaration oflndependence. 5. Artides of Coniederatiun, wilh a brief liisioi V of theevenis ned circumstances which led to the Union of ihs States, and the formation ot tho ContiiUt!ofJ. (i. Cofisiitution of the United States, witli notes nnd teferencce. 7. A synopsis ol the constitutions. of the sevei al Stnics. t?. Chtrio'íoical tahle of historica! events in the United Stares. i). Tables of the Menihers of the Cabinels of the various idminlwnijlon, Ministers to I'i.ri ign countiics, and other piincipal public oflïcers. 10. Statistical tables of comnierce am! population II. Wltli portfnits of the I'residents, and the se.i's of lhe2ti Siates. This wotk is indispensable lo the American Staiestnsn, and every lover of ttis country. formiti as il does an unbioken link of the history of ibis prent Rspilblic. VVAiN'TKD. in every town and village in tno United Staii'á, íeéptfhsible men to procure subscribers, nnd eiifüige in the sales of the aboyo works, to whoin a very liberal per centoge will he allowed. ('oiiniiy Nwspnpers. copyini,' the wliole of ihia adveriineti ent, and giving il six insidc tnserlions, sball he tntitled to a copy of the abovo woiki- all who i i rj cjinply with ihe above ,ri t, will picase senda copy ol the paper, each linie ol insertion, tö'the puhlislirr. Address, K. WALK KR, ■i : ', i i:4, f'ultoii St. New York BLAÑKS Warranty Deed, iit-Claim Deeds, m orto a ge, Chattkl Mortoages, Sl-MMO-VBES, SlBPO'.NAS, Attachmknts, executions, Lkases, Masteus' Deeds, F0RECLOSIRE8 IN CltANCERÏ, Marriace Cehtificates. The above ure irinted on good paer, tlie most approved forms, an 1 be had by the single, dozen, quire, or hundi-ed, 'at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, L"v.:r Town. November 1,1846


Signal of Liberty
Old News