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The Wilmot Proviso In Maine

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The fullowing resoluiion have been reported by the joint select committee of the Legislature of Maine, on so much of the Governor's message as relates to slavery in newly ncquiied tem'tory: "Resolved, That Maine, by the aclion of her State government, and by her representa! ion in Congress, should abide honestly and cheerfully by tho leller and spirit of the concessions of the Constitution of the United States; at the same time resist'tng firmly II den)ands for their enlai'gement or extensión. "Resolved, That the sentiment of this Siaie is [irofound, sincere, and almost uni versa], tint the of slavery upon producti e energy is like the blight of mildew; that it is a mora! and social eyjlj that itdoes violence to the rights of man, as a thinking, re;isoning, and responsiblej being. Influenced by such j tions, this State wil! oppose the introduction of slavery into any territory which mav beacquircj as indemnity for claims upon Mexico. "Rcsolced, That, in the acquishiun of any fre terrilory, wliether by puichaseor olherivise, we deern it the duty of lhe General Government to extend over tne same the ordinance of seventeon hundred and eighty-sevcn, vvith its rights and privleges, ana i mmunitics. "Resolved, Thatour Senators in Congress be instructed, nnd our Representa tives requesled, to support and cany out the principies of the fbregoing resolutions. "Resolved, Ti,at the Governor is requesled to transmit a copy of the above resoiutions to each of our Senators and Representntives in Congress, and to the Governors of the several States." ft'r' Al! the Liberty papers that we have seen seem to be unanimous ngainst ihe noiiiiriaüon of Gerrit Sniilh by the Bufialo Convention, except the Conland Trua American and Albiny Patriot. At the samo time we beüeve thore are many individuáis of the party in all the States wlio would like to see that event take place. ftj' VVo have receivcd acopy of the "Narrative of William Hrown, n fugitivo Slave w ritten bv hiinself." Boston,25 Cornliill, 110 pages. We have not yrt lad time to rcad it. It is vvell spoken ol y on r exchangeá. füj Messrs. Garrison, Douglass and S.S. Poster, all "Oíd Organizaron" lecurors, whnse fame as Disunionists has xtended tbroughout the country, are on a isit tu O h o. (Cf Ilev. Mr. Graham, wlio was susïenilcd bytho Cincinnnti l'rcsbytery for eaching that Slivory is n Scriplural initation, has been received, afterdueinuiry, inlo the good fcllowsliip of the 'resbytery of' Phlladeiphia.


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