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Health Insurance

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-We notico bv ihe ChrMian Citizen that a Hoalth Insmnnce Comptny .-' in operntton in Worcester Mass., with a capital of 00,000. For male, for ordinnry ri-ks, betwoen the ages of 16 and G5, ayearly premium of $2, 40 draws $2,00 per week during sieknoss : and in the same propon ion lo $9,50, which premium draws $7,50 n week. The policic-s are 20 cents each. Henee it appears that the company do ncit amicipate tliat tlie average stekness will exceed oiie werk in fi'ty-two. The plan, we think, is calculated lo be beneficial : but whet binders eaeh person from insvring hjmutlf, without the ntervention nf n society ? Let him lay by, when in 1 enlth, the amoiint of the premium, to be expended in sickness, and he will snve ;ll the pro Sta which theompany tnakes by the oppration. The samo truth holds in rcferencp to the insurMce of the liealth of members effècted by the Odd Fellows. In the existing state of society, sueh arrangements are ofien beneficia!, on account of the vices, proo'ig.-iiity or incompetency of the persons ineured. Yet with a higher degreo of knowledge, virtue s.nd jurigment, thoy could do much beMer by thpmselves, in a pecuniary point of view, thnn anysociety could do for them. CC?5 The letter of W. S. II. has. been receivfd. 0" It hns become proverbia] here at the West, that the Telcgrapli fuüs on the arrival of nearly every steamer from Engiand. This hns been attributed to the brpaking of the wires by nleiected per.ions for the purpose of preventing the transmission of the news. But the rog-ups, ifany, havo not he reto fora been disco y ered nt the operation. The Boston Tj;íveller, however, gives aii account of the opprations of some broadclolh rascáis, immedialely afier the nrrival of' the last steamer, as follows ! "Yes'.erday furenoon a party of labor ers upon Ihe VVorcester raüroad were proceftding in a hanH-car from Newton to Needham, and had nearly renched a deep cut a mile or so from Needham depot, when they perceived two or three men with a stick forced in between two ip!pgraphic wire?, which thpy were attempting to twist soas to break the wire. "The laborees inmediately gut ofT from their cnr nnd enrieavored to npproach tho wire-breakers without bping seen, in order to arrest them. Just as they got wiihin a short distance, however, they were observed by the guilty parties, who immediatfly plunged into the woorl? nnar by. They were pursued by the laborers, who however lost track of them. but found a horse nnd chaise tied to a tree. - Detririined that they should not escape, n strict watch was kppt upon the wotids for several hours; at lengt!) voices were heard and a man nppeared, genteely dressed, who was immedintely accosted witb the inquiry whether the chuise belongfid o him ? He answered no ; aiid before the laborers could make up their minds to arrest hitn, decamped. Late in the afternoon the chance of cnptunng tlie wire-culters was given up ; (he horse and chaise, liowever, we re left in the woocJs, and remained there this raorftijig." The gentlemen, it seems, did-not return (o feclnfm tlieir horse and chaise, but wrole n note to the person of wliom thcy wero li i red in BÓffOO, and to whom they were unknown, informing hhn where his property might be found. tt?" The following papers approve of or fully support the Macedón Nomination: Albany Patriot, Boston Chronolype, Corlland (N. Y.) True American, Lake County (l ) Visiter, and Herald of Frepdom, Indiana. The?e are all antislnvery papers. The Yonng America, the organ of the National Refomers, we believe proposes ihat that party shall support him'as their candidatc. (iy We have received Ihe (irst rmmher of the " Washtenaw VVhis," published in this villag, by S. S. Shoff, editor and proprietor. It presenta a fair nppearance. Price 8pl,5O in arlvance, or $2,50 at t he rmi of the yrar. It is to be devoted " to the inlerests of the Whig party," as Ms grand olijei't.


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