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HüSsdsir Connty Liberly Convcntion, Tlie frienis of Liberly in ITi'. ■County will meet fu Conveiitioti at ihe Topliff IT.mse in tlie Vijhge of Hillsdale n Saturday the 2d d&y of Oct. next, at 10 o'clock A. M. for tke pwrposc of nominating candidates for Representalives lo the Legisjatarp. Aiso a candidato for ihe office of County Judge, to be suppor1ed at the ensnlng elClien, and to transnet such oí her business as nny be deemed proper. A full attendance from each tovvn is earnctly requestod. Jamts M. Raymond, Ch'n Go. Cor. Com. nm.sdnlc, Sept. 6, '47. Wcsk-jan SfHiinary at AIIstais. The First Quartcr of ihe Winter Term cominences Oct. Gilí. The Second commeuces Dcc. 22d. C. T. IIIa.MAN, Principal. Liberty Meetings. Ck.mkkvillk, 17h August, 1847. T. Fostkp. Esq: Dcar Sir :- 1 hayè onduled tcommence the lall cnmpnign as fulluws : Lecture at Cnion City at candiel ighting, Gth Sopt. Concord, " 'th " Spring A i-bor, " 8th " Lemii, Wagon Deighborhoodi 9th " Leoni vill.-ige, candle ightir.g lOth " Graai Lake, M ' Utij " De.xter (Sunday on theBible Quction) ÏBrti " Ann Arbor al candic ]ighting,13ili " Saline, " l'fth " Ypsilanti at sueh liours ns tlie friendshall fix upon, on the lOth, lGth, and ITth Sepiembcr. Clinton, at candle lightlng, J3tli Sept Manchester, " 20tl1 " Brooklyn, " 21et " Napoleon, " 22d " Jonesvillo, " 23rd " Coldwater, " 24th " It will be socn by the above diagram. I have laid out as mucli work :is it will b3 possible to accomplish with all the facililies which can be afforded. It is therefo're hoped and cxpected t!ie ÍViends at the several points indicnted, will rake all the necessary prepaiations ; and if it become necessary to aller llie of meeting, wil! inform me as early as prac ticable. The day cannot be altered. C. GüRNEY. Jacksoii Connly Iiler!y Convriition. The friendsofliberty in Jackson County, will meet in convention at Jackson on Thursday the 9th Sept., at 10 o'clock, in the Court House, for the purpose of nominating candidatos for Reprcsentativestothe LegLslature, tobe sappood atlhe ensuing election (Tor thisCounty). Let there be a full attcndanco from each town. C. Gurney Esq., (candidate for Governor; will be present, and other speakers. I. T. WILLSON, G. W. VV1LLCOX, County THOS. McGBB, J ComS. HOLLAND, miitee. B. LEW IS, 3 A iUass Meeting. 'The inhabitants of the County of 'I ïuwte n:i'l Counlios ndjacent, are liereby ïotifïed that tliere wil] bc tin Anl'i-Slavi rv Uuss Moiuing, held at the Wooilstock I tilute in ilie tnivn of Woodstock. ' vee County, Octobcr the 13tli, to coraïience at 10 o'clock A. M. and continue hroogh the evening. At twelve o'clock i dinner wil) be prepared by the Lalies in testimony of tlieir regard for ihose n bond--. Severa) speakers from abrond nre expected. The Rev. Wrn. P. Russel of Massachuseds will be present, and Hcnry R i bb, Mr. Frederick Douglass, and Mr. Washington are enrnestly requesied te altend. Cb'ester Gurney, Esq., Samuel T. Cieighton, Rev. Guy Becldey, and Eider ('vanp, Cummittce of Arrangement for the day. Warren Gillieri, Cambridge, Len. Co. Fitch Reed, Esq. do. do. Tho's Drownel Esq. Brooklyn, do. George McDurmit, Woodstock, do. Josèph Ileuilt, do. do. Prier Foster, do. do. Wni. W. Jackson, do. do. Rev. Orrin Uoolittle, Hillsdalo do. Elhel Judd Esq. do. do. M'tn. I). More, do. do. Roi-el Wood, do. do. Lyman Pea?e, do. do. johnston Mbn.lgojnefy, Eaion Co. All papers friciirily will piense copy. Woodslock, August vïTili, 1847. UUÜ A VERTÍ SEKS. r.iiir :hij tiead, ive piíbjÍBh, fres oftbarge the name, reaiuspce, and business, of those who adveróse in ilie .S"!.u. oí Lihf.rtï. W.ii. i!. l'i;ui;v, liooll Store, Alm Arbor. lliïs.uun. Drujgists, An-i Aibor. T. A. lluii.iM'. Mschinisf, Ann Arbor. W. WtKKtVOKTail'ir, Anti Arbor. S. W. Poítkk Co. Wmufiicturors, Stio. E. II. (iü'ivK. li-;. Ivii i!, Ann Atbot. Wil. WiöSKtt, MimIiiü! l'ai!.)!. Ann Arbor. ('. lY;n l i ;. (iold P1113. Dl Irpit. !) Y'l. 1 1 n' . I iSui meé, Ann ArÍMr. W.W. DiXTKB&Cv, .!■. !r: f. Dr.xier. 'f', ü. Al.M T tuNG, 11 il-. iS C;, I '■ rn'M.Kvs & 'I'h ihants, Ann Arbor K. H Farm Cor Sale. Ann Arbor. j S. V. FoítkR. T!i"c.-!iin ■■ Mochines. Scio. Cósistock S.' Skv or, Merchnnts, Jacksan 'V. II. Arb ■.- ;.im,. [ a Store. Deiroii. .1 Gtashtt tV Co.. M !( Ii pi1'.-. Aun Arbor. (";. ('l. IRK, Li v Oifi ■■. Kñn Albur. (i !■' Lbwjs, liiokrr. Delluit. I' G !'.' [JSR. !);:::!-'. A rui Arbor. C. üii-. Jewelrr. Ann Arli"r. F J. H. Ckanv,. InsHraitce ' ' 'i i'.Ann Arlior V. F Sr vt:!.ni(,. ,M;n hie Va; ti. Ann Arbor Cdok & K'.'His-nv. H. uriess -Makeis, Ann Ar'r. V. . ü.ivj'iM'. M.K i un, Detroit. .1. W. üiiiiiï, Broreo, V)mImhii. M. W'i: i : i.r.;:. i ■■! c'innr. Ann Aiiior. !l. Y'. H'ili.l-. llaldwme, Ann Arbor. S. ti. !'i i, i ■ . j ) . nn Albor. STKVEXS kV Zie:. i'()!ii'ilcn']S. Detroit. VVjft S. Bro.vñ, AiiiNiies al l.iv.-. Aun A.bor. S i Stor '. .iu Albor. .1 W. Tim.'hn. C biiift Ware, Detroit II.vr.i.ocK & Havkivh. Cloihing Store, De irpit. '1'. (i. EaTO, Dve-woniis. Delroit. __ __ ' NOTICE. TÍÍE FIRM heretufure existing un(Ir!' , ,. .! (.il!'.-.';! Ov CrtJ. 1 thli:iv. by irtiiu.l. co-nsi-nt uissolveij. nnd i; ■ ■' i i'i; f" . - : :! ■ iho .- .iiie u-i i li J . uiii dclüs. i.'-iDir ir: Ist rfey u r ir ït. ir ihey % ill fiïid ih ir ái . n Ju ice fo'r colfent 'i. T '"i-ineds Iierea'ter ' .' ' i}i;S GÍBSOX, K. BOTT&FORÖ, Ann Ar!)orSepj. 4 h, -w. ÜS3-3tn STUAYED, MRMjM lii'om t!ip Bii'-s;riher. in !nj, f i kam ■ M'-Ti ol Au'iHst. ;i .ir (.[ iï;l oe:;. i f ii ii flv '■ :'■■' 'I. L"nl -:.". one n : -I v ,, .-iltl n . 1 II if :i. I ; , :''ll I, V' 'i il! i:ii o ni lii." nson. 'r mttUH hhen hey can be louiid. will bp HIxtüIIv rev Ad-ltcsa JULIOS GARON'ER, 33-8w Vi;li-j:i!s I'. ('. Inghi)fii Ca., Miib. STA 'VnsInenwC .. ■!: i;.-, sa - "V.üi -e a lieieby ftvan, :bai ill iue.l. on the 'üm :.'iy ot' August, A. D l 1?. pre wed a ilion to the Judtro ol Pfabnto oi ppninled tdiimri:tra!.r on thé esltite ol Sülórmjn !i;c''.. l.iie '. -nul that tlie ; Hisidera ri m of s-iiil pi litiun w ie I tp the 14 h ■ iiy ol October next. ;ti one icloek P. M. ol .xiid doy, at tlie i . of said county, Ui the end tha al] pi i ested miv then nii'l tiiere appcur and hovv cn'ttse, ü any tbey ln". wliy tUe prayer of the siid petiihirwr ahould n.ji lie eraíiet. .IOIJN BÜCK, Dated Aiums; 31. A. D. 1817. 332-4w YOÜNG LADIES' SCHOOLrjpiIE FALL TERM of Miss S. J. JL .'.- Scbuol lor Youn J.-.d an'd iíisees, will Cïinnmi-ce on .VeJncclay 'he I st o Í Sepieni'u'r. i- l-4w THE FARMER'S COOK STOVE! Something Kew. r"flHE subscribir vvould rcspeclfully cal JL me aiici.M.!! ol thoie ahont pdri cook sioïi'p to au eriwrely ne-w pnticrn - o sdppl) of viiikI; be ia ö w rcejving. Tiit-y are AIR TIGIIT, nd hnvn a Suyumer Arrengemcnl by wliicl: iro-t ol ilio ':u!iii;iry op6ratipna eau be performer with t!ie smaliist amount ofluol, aml wuboul lii ty of heoting (he room. The furnitnrè s I ond ciuiip'i '(■, riiiiii isin.r nearly every kuchen uteneil. Tlie [atenl was procure'd du p:ist winter, And slremly t hng bicorne tbe ratwi popular slove in the IlNstciti States. 'A lull as.-oin; . ut ol ihe Premium Cook, Box, and Air Tight Stoes, kepl on sale. C opper, Tin and Sheet Iron mOIvK, ip all ita bianri: ■: , o' ii' 10 oiilur, urn suppliea ui ware constirnily on land. ii;:.m;v w. WELLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town. I i-lth July, '47. ::■ r, FIRE ! FIRE ! ! THE subscriber continúes to act ns Agent lor tbe Han'ord Firc Insuranoe Conij'iiiiy. of Í I ari for ii. Conneciif.iit. Tliis Cominny hs been n lnisine ■■ lor tlie TIJIRTY SIX TEARB, and prmpfly paid II I ri'.ii; that time. iiinoiintny to inany Miilionso! DoHarï. Ai ■plicatioiis Iiy innil, (post paid) or to ihe subecriber al ïhe I'ost OfficB, prompily attondeilto. F. J. B CRANK. Aient. Ann Arbor, iulySO, 1847. 331-1 THE OLD DYE-WOOD WAREHOUSE ! ro clo'i 'mms. m inufactuiumiSi & MERCHAWTS. THE subicriber 5 now récwviöga lus Si. 'ie. IPg orid l'.N) Jefferson Avcnae Jötrpi.T, tlu' followini cnrefuilv und ♦ ■ f ; .- U cr itocfc cl IIVEWOUI.1S. DV"L STUFFS, and IV001 i MiMMrFACTUAEii'a Machiskm : 15 tong Fusile. Cuba, 9'übusuo, Tampioo, and Cajtlngena. 10 ons I :■ vhm!, Cnrapeachy. St. DminC. and H.inwurus. 0 lons NicBroügua, Honair, Caro, Hache and l.iiri. P (0113 Gamwoocl, vcry choice. lHfl hW, Logwooüs, cut and groiind. 1:; 1 do ! " ]l)'i dj Red Wooda " li ] 01 Ho Ciimwood. " rt II) do QuerêciuoD Bark. 45 do Aluui. 42 do Copporas. :i(l do ]!!ao Vuriol. 71 ÍP ■'■' ■' Ier. Ombro, nnJ Uulcli Crop. 3 1!" Greom Tardar, 'J do Nuizoll?, 2 cases In ligo, Bengat]t Manilla, and Gautjnta'a. 2 do Lac-Dye.. 'Jtl dü Bxtrnci Logwood. ',} !■ rrain Tin. :!;j 1 p iini:!s Verdi ISCarboys Oil Vkrtal, Sjiiriis Sea-SolM, and Nitfic Acid. ALSO, Cnpper Kcii'csuiid Clothier'a Scrwgj Tennr HüoUs, .l.ick . and Brtishes, l'c.-s t'.ij"-. Card Ch'üiiL'is. Weavera' Shcars, Ni].pots and Burdinir Irons. Cornb-PIaies, Piekcia 1 Bobiiins. Wire. Worsted u;id Cotton Hainess, Sieel and ('mí lÍHctls. Broad Power, Hand Loom nnd F'y ShutWs, Sluel and Copper Mails, Em01 y, Sc-c. Parsoit t Sharing Mnchines, -1. 1. nnd 0 blndes. Mlrii's (in u Me and single Cafding MAcnio n ■ Carda, Li ei ster. 'I lie above goods hn"e boen recemly purclinsed, direcüy frorn the impurters and niii m uTiciu rcis. 1: :-:n.'is!v l : ï I ''!; I -ü, Rnd Wlll I'L' solil ;i' N'ov York Jobbers' priccs, ndjing (ransportaliun only ; and in conseqfleaee of ihe decline en tnany ot tlu Anit'iic-in minnfnctnred anieles. will in inany coses be sold nr jïfi'ci jn't' cent itts than J'otitttr prU8i The eubacnber's expërienre in he Dys-Wood trado entibies hun to Bty 10 liis cusloniers that he is prepared at a!I timus 10 warrant his goods of superior n'taliTy. THEO. II. EATON, Dyc-Wood nnd Dye si uil Waifhnusf, 32a.. iSSand IÍ0 JeSerson nvenuo Detroit. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARÏLLA. We have tbr Wbo'esnle tgcncy tif tbÍ8 jusily cclebrafed medicine. Two groas 'it ie. ceived. :;.'! maynahds. BRICK.- We have on hand 300,000 6 '[''' y Bricfc. anti prcpared 'o furoïsh any qnaAtily v;:n;ecl, very low for eneb. 324 MAYNARDS. 1 fifí 0ÜNCES QUININE, fuf sale A" low. Fbysicians eau depend ai -.Ii finding i Buppiy uu hm d ai 324 MAYNARDS. WINES - And other Spirits Warrnnicii 'Mu-, a large si.pplv lor niili'-int: .m'yat 334 MA Y.N AU OS. O LD PORT WINE-which xr'eücnninuMiil p-i: ticulariy to :iv;tlids for iis qunlity - :; gatd mpply at :■-'! MAVNARDS PAINTS, OiJs, Vaniish, Spirits Tur)"n!iiio. Brushes, Glass. Paity. ölnziets, Urámonda, &c. A larye sloult fot snle low at 324 MAV.VAIïDS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- TIn éioek 5 now completo. anung wliieh nuiy l'e fpund evpiy articli? wantod !y families or p(i's:t:iiis. i'l(j :Mr ie iftiiUci ihut evtiiy article ty us is w;i! ramed lu bc genuino. 4 MAYNARDS. COUNTY ORDERS7 TÏ1HE hjglijlktprice paid in cash by G-. F. Lpw _1_ is, Exomnge Broker, opp isile ihe Insurince Bank, ftetroit, för orders on ;uiy of ihü :ounti. latcol Mich.gnn; ïfso for Statt íriKÍt'es ofafl kiudüund uncurrentfurids Cd' rul yi !.)-' 1. 241-11 IS NO Rbfaery! T'IC Subseribers nre eú'l in Market. ,;1 re prepared tó ofiér i!i Iarïlliïlg PorGREAT BARGAINS, ;1 r-!'i.i.i::) cLuTHS, i-'i, .Xi.i.s. !IS. BROAD CLO'l'IJS, and ie short neurv all kinJa of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, Bï WAÏ OF EÏCHACK. FOB W O O Lr nl most kine's of Country Frodaoe. Th WOOliEN FACTORT itttuated in thii .■illiige is now in tbeir pósauesion, and is in suc f.;ul (ipcration. bv mearía of vhic! tlify ai'e uble ■ i'ífer beller indocemsnts lo WOOL GFlOWERS, ihan any otber establiahrflent in the cocnty. NOT TO BE FORGOTTEN Tliose who wisb Cash, Dry oons or Okc, i i ríes lor their Wool, or produce ol anv kind. buu'ld be stirc to cali on thé Subsci ibtrs beiorc purchasing el vherc. WOOL CARD1XG & CLOTI! DRESBIXO done to order on the shortest posaible notico. Cali a n d $ I l I 18:f BECKLET'S & THOMAS. Aun Albor. Lower Town, May"2Q, '17. ABHMAftETT AN!) TWErDS. - -A Vy beautüul artio!e for Gentletn'e'Ji's slimmer tvear, just recr.vid n.d Will in; idiinniactured in ilie s'ylr aiïd ■' I i' - íible i inner, ai ihc ' Wesiern CTothing iOnijini i n mï. IIALLOLK & RAYMOXD. 318 tl' D'OTKOIT. Cor. ïeff. and Woodward avenae. StccI CuhivjiTor Tccrh. TilK Fubccriber 'n agent for tlic Patent Stoel Cultivator Toêtb; nd has just recoived a fresh snpply, wiüch he wiiï teil flï th manufacuirur's prico, TIiim iirtic'e is wininï tito general uso herever imrodneed, and bas. recsived tlie Bpprobation of rho first ariculturista in tbe L'niied State. Attvil ■ 'l'own. HENRY W. WELLES. Air? Arbor, 22d May, '17. Ï9ily Chcsai Jeivelry Store 157 Jrffcrson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and HetaiL riIIE suljscribcr has just returned from .H. ;tw Yok wilh a Urge asorimeiu ol Gulil and Silver U ain,i s. ji; eli-y, inol, maté ríala, toys, mufeicnl instrumenta and farioy Lodai, whidi bti wil! .-eil nt vhni-sa!e or rctiiil uh 1ïw ;ls aiiy esial'Ii.-bmijiit wesi of New York. Country Watcli Maken' and otliers wnntiftg nny of the above Gouds will lind ii tn tbcir intefesl to cali,. es they will liml ihe bett assorutMtrl 111 tbc city, and i! Ilie lowesl prices. GOLJJ PENS. wiih silvcr holder and pencil $2 00. Price Rfldaced. Gold Pene.Walchflsand JewelryREPAIRED H. B. MARSH. 1T,7. Jefrérson Avenue, Detroit, ï öign of the Gold fen. i 3M T II li E SM ING machines. flink unduieiyicd wuuld infurni ihe public X that he manufactures Horsè PoWers and l'hreïlririg Machines Dt Kcio, o! u superior kiiiu invenied ly liiintdl, 'i'liesj 1'dvi eis and Machines ars particular!] '! ipl d lo ihe ol l'iirnicrs who wish lo use 'hem lor ibreshiog Uieir own groin. The pow■r. iliii ■■lu%r ïiikI li.viuii's can nll be loailed inlu n ;omtson sized wujion box :ii)d drnwn wilh one I'iuims. 'J licy aie detigued lo tm uacd iili lour horses. nnd are abundantly drong lor hui nuriiber, md moy lie tafelj useei wiüi six or '1gbt norsrs vhk proper cnre. 'J In y w 01 li wilh ■ - s: r rin.ri li o i [6f8&8 arcuiu! jig tu the o mot ni ol' business-donè ihan mjy oiher power, and will hreh eenertiljr sboat '00 bustiel lic;ii pet i ; v with fpur lior.'ce. In oi.e iiiflaiirf 15S buslicls vvheet were ihreslied in iIulc Iiouib wiili !oir horfcs. 'J'iiis l'ower and Machine contnin iill thcnd- necessary CO mike tliMi profitablc to lic purch i.-cr. 'J'iny are sirong and durable. - TIn y ;nc eseil? moved trom one place to anoth■i'. 'J'he wort of' ihe loiecs is easy on ilusi noH-eis in ron parison lo ohcis. ,iii(l the princ s I.OH'KR ih.'in au otlicrr power nnd mechinê. 'laveever beon told in ihe Slaie, ncoording lo Ihe c-.-il vnliip. Til leime of pnynienl ivül be libernl Tor notea iliat itc known to beabsolutely ood. I have a ñomber nf Powers and Machines now I8fldy for ade and persons wibhing lo buy are inviied to cal] bo n. SKPAItATORS. I ain promedto make Separ,TO!S for il)os( who iniiy want ihe mi Tiie iiülity and adv.iniaircs of ihia Power and Machine Ul appear evid ut lo all on exaininin ■ niniondations below. All pereohs are cauüoned against making ihope Powcr nnd Mochines; ine undersigntd liaving ndnptcd lh necetkaty iikiwho for seon ring letters patent lor ihe same v.iiuiii the time requirod by luw. S. V. FOSTKR. Suio, Washtenaw Co., Miebi. Jane J8, 13")fi RECOMMKNDATIONS. During ihe year 1ÍJ5, each óf ;lic nndersigned purchosed and used cithcr individnally or jointly wiili oihers. oi:e of S. W. Fogter'a newly invented llorse Powera and ihicshiug machines, ind nelieve they are beller adapied rp the use of Farmers who wapi Power and Machrtieê for r.heir own use ïhan anv oiher power and lluTshor within our knowledgo. 'J'hey are caleulnted (o be used wilh four hoises and ire of ampie strerfgih for that number. They appear lo be consn ucted in sucha manner ns to render theni vcr.v durnble wiih linie liabiliiy of getting out ol order, 7 hoyare ejslly moved froni one place to another. Tliey can be worked wiih nny numher of bon ds frona four 10 trght, and will ihreeli uboel 200 birshels whenr per day. J. A. POLHEMUS, Scio, Waslitenaw co. G. BtOO ' ' ' T. RICHARDSOfT, " ' SAMUEL iü;aly, " 5. I'. FÖSTEfc, " N. A. Pil KI. PW. '■ ADAM S.MiTH, " " .7 M. V.OWES. ],,,„a. WM. WALKEIt. Webster, " TIIOS WARREN, " " 1). SMALLEY, l.odi. " I threshcd last fall and winter v'.th one nf S. W. FMler' horee powers. inore ihnn filïcen thousand hastíela gtñin. The repairs !estowed upon tde power nntouoied to omly (!.} cents, and I was in g'iod order when I liad done threshing. 1 invanably ubcd fi.x horees. AARON YOU.GLOVE. Marión, June fi. 1316.. I punlnsr-d one of S. W. Fosler's liors( K)were lajstfaU an.l have used it for jobbing. J ied ninny different kinds of' puwer and believa tlus ia ihu best running power I have iïer eefn. D. S. BEN.NET. Hamburg. Jiine, 18 IC. We purchnsed one of S. W. Fostcr's fïorie Powers hint i'ull, and have uscd itaud think it is a lirst rate Power. .TEgSE HALL. DANtEL S. II LL, RÊUBEiN S. HALL. Hamburg. June. 1S4G. x.'6' CORIV RYE & WHE1T. WANTED bylhe subscribers, 10.000 bushele ol ('om- l(l,(K o buslielsof Rve. and 10.001 liijsl)ols of Wbeal, deliveml ;u the Sleam Mili, for which Casb will hc paid. INGALLS, LAMB, .fc FJsitrR. Ann A t : r, Jan. 4, 18-17. 2J8-:I. FOR SALE CHE AP fok CASH, or every kind of cour tiy Produce, Saddles, BridlesJIarness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Valises, Carptt Bags. &;c. AKo a eaód BSHonrnent o Viüp iV Lisnr.e. which will bc sold vri y low, nml nu mi tïïke ai COOK & ROaiJiSON". Anti Arbor, AuyiistlS, lfi-10. ü77-if CHBAP STOVES AT YTSILANTl! 1 9.5 COOKl.NG & PARLOR STOVES ■ i-' jiisi rcccived.. hy the SubfCiiter, (niostly from Albnny) niakii'ir a giiod iifsortinenl of ibe lntes-t and best paitr rns. which will he solcf il toio Piïcesl nottu bc undersold ihiseidt Lak Ene! AJso, Coppor Fiirniiure. (";mk! on Ke:tles, fïollow Wam of all a.zef, Stove Pipe, Shee Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Manufsfltilred. snd; kept on hand whích w! al-o ii aoid vcry loiv. P. S. - PtLrchnseio wil! .r wel! lo cali and examine or thcir own sstibfaction. J. M. BH OWN. Ypsilnnti. J:ijie 20, 18-1(1. S74ï PÜRÑlfüRÉ & lipHOLSTJÈRJNG WAREROOMS. IN tïie lower end nf the Wnite Block. direnly oppMsHc ihe AltoiiKiAN I-Xi ;t ASiii:. hiivè on hand a largo n.--: iinuil ol II HfiJTURE, (il i hl il own manu acture, uhieh lliey will sell vcry ■ ('ash They nlso kerp t xppriencod Upholsierftfé. and are propatd (o io all kinds of L'filiolstering at the slioiitfit Bol k1O. Furnttpre o! all kinds nmrle to order of the best inaiorial. and warrantrd. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit. ÍBíMai-jr, 1, 1847. S97-Ty CCLARK,Attorney and Counsellor, andJusrice oït he l'caci'. Oll.fe, Couri House Ann vb-: 9 í ) 1 1 BAOSSiffilTHS' TOOLS. 't A RM1TAGK Moiioo Hole" Anvils. X. " Wriaht's" do. Ceilere] Iteyed Vices. Wesi's bi .'. Bellows, 30 10 .H(i inclicss. Sledgcs, l!.,:i! Hammees, Files ohd Rasp of evi 'v kind, pan Ie found at tlie Iron Store, sign of ilic Big Anvii. HÉNRÍ W. WF.LI.ES. nn Arjor, .Un 10, ]847. 20H-ly BRÏGHT ind Black Log Chains, 5-16, 6:I6. 7 16, & 8-J6 wrappiftj do. Stroigbt and twisicd link Truce cío. Halter do. Pur e;i!e very chcap st ihe efgn of the Bïg Anvil, Uppor 'J'own . 5iT'..iiY w. Belles. Ann Albor, Ja. 10. 1847; 208-1 y ROWLAND'S bestMül Saws, G, öi, nml 7 ivi. RowlffBd'8 besl X ('ui Saws. (i, (ÏJ. and 7 fcct. Kriïlisli C. 8. Pit Siiws. CJ and 7 léet. Superior American Mili Saw Filos, 10 to Til inches. For salo at the eign of thu Big Anvii, Upptr Town. HENHV W. Wr.LLT.S. Aun Arbor. Jan. 10, IM7 S98-ly THE IVIarricri Woman's Prívale jflcdic.'il 1 oiispitiiion. By Dr. A. M. Mauriccau. I'ROFERSOR OF DISEASES OF WOMEN. [Tiird Edilion, lSmo. pp. J.'iü Friet $1 UU] 5Í5,OOO COPIES 80LD IN 3 M0NTH8. The great dcinnnd lii tliis mos: imporlnnl woik (of whicll ihonsouds are sol.i) has cüinptlled il e itsuc of ainilhcr cd i [ion. i! is in tended :peuiuilv lor ihe married, ns t disetopés important aecreis; wliich should be knoWn lo lliem pariiculnrly.- Mere evciy feiinale cjii rliscuver ilie enuses symptonis, umi ilie most ciliiiem remedios nnd moei certnin iTiode oí curo, in tvery complaint lo whicli hei Bei is et. Marricd fcmales will licre learn the art whereby ihey wld retain their youih, vigor, beauty, ehislicity ef body, nnd btioynney of spiiiis to an a'dvinced t;c, ina:eod of bting níBicied, na hun dreds and thousHKis ne, in'o whjbc hands this book has not vet faüen. It is an important question lo the marriêd whj it is tint re behold bo rwony morried (emoles sickly, debllitBted, and (irosüa'ed? .-is ,-rls.i the causes) nnd whelher tKey susceptible of romedy. Thry will herc tinj those impurtant uint tors, cminected wiih dicryere in medical and phyeiologiuftl scic'DCe, which meet ihis queafion. Tiiis work. is deaiined to be in the liands o( every wife and mother wbobns a regard lor hër iwn liealih and Welfare, u well n ihat of he husband. 1 he Feveltttiolu contained in its pages have already provsd a Missing to ihousand?. To those yct unmari iud, bot ContemplnliiiL' marnage, or. perhops, hesltitipg nsto ihe pro prieiy of inc-urring tlie regpoósibilitks andanl upon it, the iinportance of beinr; possejpocl o!' thr icvilatioi.s eoiiiiiiMfd in il;pso pages, so ntimately involving tlieir futuréliappinese, cannot be a; p:i: ciated. it 3 of cottrso impossilile to ronvey more fnllv . in a public Journal, ihu various subjtcis ireated of, es they are of a nature stricily intended for the marrid or those coiitpniplating inairiage; neither is it neceseary, since it is ewy one'e duty lo becoine poaeesusd of knowtedge, whwcliv the üuflarmgs to which a wiíe. a niother, or a sister may bc subject, can b obviaird. Copies will Ie sent by mailree of postale. Over ten tbonsand copies have been sent bj' muil within thrto mnmhs, with perfect safety and ccrtainly. In nn ane bas a remittance failed lo reaeh the piíbíiíher, or the beok tliose to whorn it bas been di reeled. On the receipt of One Dollar, the "Married Womnn'a Prívale Medical Co-iipani.m" will be sent free of p.-stnge to any port of the United States. All letters njust be addressed (post paidj 10 Dr. A. M. Mauricenu, Box 24, New Vork City. !'ublisl.ii)i Oflice 129 Liberty street, N York. For sale by all ilie printSpal Cookseliers in the United Siates. Agents in Detroit. C. MORSE &SO.; Ypsilnnti, E. SAMSON; Ann ArLor. W R. I'KIUIY, Perry'8 Boolore. SJÍ7-3.n. TEETH.' TEETH!.' TEETHU! M-ASTICATION and Articulalion, warramed by (huir being propurlv repluced. ' S. B. BURKrrTT, will continue the praciice of DENTISTPY in all its varioua branches, viz : Sialing, I' ,!!,„" and Inaertingon gold pintes or pivots. from ooe to on enlire etl. Öld platea or misüts remodIed. and tna'lu erual Iq new. OFFICËover C. 15. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe Store, Ladies who rwjuesj it, can be waited on al their dwellings. rPPnii?'?-'';' nusunlly low, and nll kinds ofPRODUCE taken. Ann Albor, Dec. 5, 1846. 293- tl Peace Dcclarcd, AND A WHEREBY S. PELCH ca.v „old '■'::i ï. 'i'll ■.])!: AKli CoMJUEHCK IS MSOOTS, SIBOF.S, LEATSier, and I'indhtgs of all kinjs. with all persone; Nativos or Tar. eigners, on the rdllowitig jusl and equal trms viz: Goed Atücles-toto V rices- llcaüii l'ai. - IJ II A'o 'I', (.-;,'. Thcsiijsonber haviog fiilljr teelèH the Creilii Systom to his grëal foss, bóih ol confiienceand cash, and hoving auffered nnidi loss l,y fiie. nccessity conipelshiin to fcollect his p„y ■„, u 11 in r, :l." as "AÍTER BarVe! iu , ." very olten come up " missing," tenviag bim íoály in the BoVl-holtl. líe has come td ihe satnc conclusión ihal ceruiin sensible gr1s ilid on i late oecneion. (,,..„ mi ,„■ ni husband, readi pin or 7i9 Shopmaking ) All persons thnl can conform to the nbovi tieaiy will do weli to-call on S. Feluh. Ann ArböT, Lowei Town, No. 4 Huron Blodk, wher, they wül nol be taxed Tor oiheis' ork u In nvvp.v pny. N, li. All pereons i nckhtcfl in nriy wny u the SMbscriber, had betier rail and pay if thev are luiiiP6t and mean to keep so. sn7-f!'n S. FELCH. Ann Albor. Lovver Town, Jan. ?, 1847. COÜISTOCK & SEYIflOUK, ÍDeatcrs in Fancy and Stapte Dry Goocls, Boots AND SOOES, HARDWARE, Crockery V (roceries, al No. S, Porter's Black, South sde of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1C1L RcturacdTAiLORiira. ■wniii'iwiiiiiiii THE"Sbseribflr is desirous of infornin:r li old customers and the public jenfcraUy, thi In' haa located liiniself on Carrier's Coniei Norilisideof the sijuere, whero uil kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in l h e present fas h ton enn be done in a respectarle and prompt man irr. 1'. S. CUTTI.NG done on the a&ortest notice and warrantcd to fit f ptoperiy mode up. W. WILKINSQN. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1817. Étiif Gold Pcsis, P R I C E II E D U C E D . IT is ailinittn! bv all wlio nse llicm, (hal Piqueite's Gold Pens nre eqtial il' noi superior to any ever offered in thie markét, priceJ3,50. For pa! whileíale. and rctnil at the manofictn ry. Corner of Jelfcison Avenue t (iriswold St., Detroit. ".I !-1yr Also for snle by C. BLISS. Arin Arbor. SOAP, Sperm and Tallow CANDLES alwayson hand verv che,i[p at 321 .MAYNARDS tinn JSi'bor IMlti MliLeri .!,'! tiuvll'lg l'hli ii.imi: inluVÍ. 'sis ui .1. M. Rockwell in ilie MarWe BueineM, vvpuid inïurni '!ic inlmbi'nntp of ihis nnd atljoinina couniies. hewill continue ihe busme s ai the olJ sunul. in liie Upper Tow,i. Presbyieriun Cliutcli, and manufacture lo oidor : Monuments, Grvc 8 tont $ Paint Stone, Tabels, #e, Sc. Those wïsBing lo nbtain nny nrlicle in hisline of Li ii y in ces will liocl by caiüiu !u;ii tic l:;is an nsniiiMfiii ui Whjl_e aiid ' ;i r i ■ lti i j d iMirbu1 froni li, u Efisierfi Marble (Ju in fcvi. whirh taill be wroagKt m Modern si -Ie. nnd nihl m bksiWb pricos, tdding trni.-)i)i nu ' ii bnty, Cnll nd ge ihe proof. IV. F. BPAULDISG. Ann Arbnr. Jnn. "0. 117. '272 ty NËW GOODS!" Chcap for Cash!! TIü: Suliscribers b'g loave lo inform iheir old customers. nnd the pui.lic gsnerülly. hat ihej ar; itow nreivinga large and gplendid ssorlnii'iil "I Éaglish, American and Wesf India. GOUDS. Crockery, Shelf Hanhr.arc, Puinis, Oils, Dyestvjfs, Drugs and Medicines. Atoo 8 geneíI aswHmeniof IKO.N. auuable 'or frpning VVaggonsand Buggies, Nflil Huls. loisu Siiues. and I Ierse Niils, Sbeel Iron, Tin Ware nnd Tin Piale- a)so a general aworlneni ui' lïOOTS $ SU O ES, tluck oiul iliin salo v„iji. miel work lo snit purch-isors. All oi vvhicli ihey will seH on tre lowest ptissible IBftnsiuj (.'.ash or IiAn-rni. Feeling iwinfi !' nfl aa we fio, that we can make il lor ihe inierrsiof II llxiso wishini; to puicliase any ot il;'' ;,hi'vi' nipntioneil Gooi do niosl enrnestly solidl nl leiist an uvc(uiga'in of our Goodá ainl prieta beföre pufdbasing elseJAMI5S GIBSON & CO. Vo. 3. Exchange ISlock. Ann Albur, Lower 'J'uvvi;. bept. 14, o. 2H2-tf thing to ptesse the faflcy. Ladjes and Is-antle men. cnil and oxnmino foT 5 -ourselvcs. Ciocks. nnd .Jewelry repaired an'1 vvannntcd on 6hör( mi ice. Shop at liis oli' tand. oppnsitr II. liedii-r'Flirick Store, in th Store occuuicd bv M. Wbeeler. CAI. YIN BUSS. V. Tt - Cnsli pTila tor ''' :'U1 & Silver. Ann Arbor, July lat, 1840. 271-lv THE BUBSCRIBER bas receivetl hi winter stock, wttioh heoffera lor Cuslt at gie'.itly reduced primes. 'i'he l'ublic nre invited to culi, examino, míe ir riiepiselveSi Now on hnnd, and êiiy .-iddïng. SCFAS ot every vaiieiy and pattera. and ilie ! nesi latbion. pnces from i::i ond "{- Wsrds. DIVANS, OTTOMA.NS. LQUGES, BUREAUS, of atl kinds. Hom $1 "nd "lCuntru. Card, Teo, Dress, l'ier, Dining, and Nest Tables. Was-li, Condle, nnd Toilet Siande. Bedsieads - Muliogany, Mopie, and Wilnui. troni .'J'J and up. Piano Fortes ; Pinnn Covers ; Piano Slools Doublé aüd single Mairtsses of hair, shuck, palm leaf. or ptrnw. Doublc and sinyle Col BettSteadn. rlo do VV'riting Desks. a Cd A IRS.- The best assorlment ilmt ran b. tbund west oí New Yoik und the cheupest u thia eity. Wiiidsjr Cha.'rs, a good artiele-, at $2 50 th 6ett. Mahogaby F'refich Chnirs. huir sent. ti ílrsl raí' uniol, afld wel! finisbed $ ' $Q, Cnsh "iily. Mahogitny RockrBg Chaire, haii ssal and back 'cd guod, at the low pric ui , si 2. for ibi cash only. Flaannd C'nne Feilt fropi Os. nnd up. Bird Cagep, plain and gallhiy : i'ird Glnuses Flobby-llorscs, .'irid 'l'uv : 's. i'ov chil 1 1 . ( ■ 1 1 ; Palenl Sluwer and Min Batds Bath Pan?. Canrp Stnols. Uinbrelia and Ha Stands, t"ancj Boltows, Topi Scrtipere, CanSeat Counter and Boal Stool?.. Cúttftin iiaterinl Tahlc rovers. Patent Post-öfiRcë Bnlcincfe. Pic turo Frames. W'illnw Waacms. C'nxfles. Clocks. nnd Uaskets ; Crittannin Tabie Castora, very clienp. J. XV. TilXMAN, No. 7. .ie!Pi onAví-mie. Detniit. .lanuary 1. Ift4?. S!i7-ly STEEL GO íTOiT" J) a t s c S 1 1 6 s nnt Ut f l mm f n s s SPLENDID FANS, and any quantiiy at oihiT goode of tiits soit at he Ol.D MAVüAt'TAN STO.ItB. 817 Peticit. NEW GOOÖS. l Y EXPRESS 11. OM KE.W YORK. Spa'ñiig1 Fashioiisr THE siihscriber has jus-t rcceivefl a fresh napoftiaenl ui Spring ami Sunmmr Gvodi and o fie is idem lor als oheap, micIi as Broadclotha of all descriptiun ; Satinéis and Cassimcrcs, and crery thing in the PANTALQON and VESTING lim', and every arlicle tisuaüy found m i Aieicliani 'TAILOR'S E.STAJ3LISHMENT. llo is ii-jw preparad 10 iri'ike and fit all kinÜs of gemleiiicn's jrormenis, anH woüld tendsr hiè tha.ik to liis oíd entumiera and tlio public gcnerilly. nnd solicilsiheir l'uvuis. 05= G ARMENT 'S cat to order at all times. WM. WAGNER, DnuK't and Ta i i.'n. Hüfon Ölreut, Suuihof ih PUBLIC SQUAR-È. Ann Albor, April U8, li 17. S f CLOTFI, CLOTIIl ! rpili', uñdersigned would nform ilie puMio i_ iht tbey will continuo -io msnuHtsture ulied, Clulb, Caaiiiniere onl Ftannil, ui their i'aoiory, tw„ and n half miles west Irom Ann Albor, on Huron River nenr ihe Uailroad. TERMS The rri:;n of moking --:"l will be for Cassiicie. 44 ets. peryari; lor Fulled clotli, 3i c;t. .:r yanl : for hile [''l-innel. 20 ets. per ynirl.- Ve'wilt also exchange cloth Tor wool on reaaonj ble terniB. Wool sent by railroad accompanied wilh iniructions will be p.otnpily nitended t". We havo áofie an exiensive business in manuicturius clotli tor rns'uniers ior several yeors, nd bflieve we fite as ood satislnction a8 any JslaMUJimerX in the State. We ihereflire invite ur old cusioiners to coutinue. and new ones to Letttirs sKontd bo addressed to S. W. Foste i Co., Scio. S.W.FOSTER&CO. Seio, April, 1847. 313-if. Kew Establishineiit. clocks, WATCHS3, AHD TMF. subseriberwould respectl'iilly annouhce o the ciiizena of Dexter and neinity lb ie lias epened a shop in the above plnce, m the omer vore, furmerlynen as "Sheperd e ; wliere he is prepared te do ali. k n of repaird ' in the line óf clou!;, watctins. jewelry te, on the ihorter aniee. Hoving had nbout twelve enrs experience in sou. e of the best KasieM hops. he flatterS tun he eau give t-mrt „ij -non to all ihosc who maj favor him with heir woik. Jle liis nnd is connantly receivuig, docks vvatche.s. :,iv ewelry ol ÍÍ ilesc:npu nis, which he wil) dl as cbeapa ihe A L S O GR0CER1E8 ,f uil kinds: riehns. Teis. Suaars. MoIm9#, Rni?ina, Cotlee. Peppcs. Spice. l'ish. Cun'.its, robaceo, Cigirs &c re. And in fan eviíbyrHiua usB8%keptin Biicbancitnb'.tahinpnid t)BOB kxcepted) consüitit'y on li mil and lur sale 'he:il' w. w. t)kati:r rd. Dexter, March G, 18i7 31-' tl Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN's' FURNISHING EMPORIUM. T. II. AUMSTRONG, HVVIÍU1 wken the .aWd No 5S, Woödard Vnae. 3 dutwa norlh oí Dníy's Auciion aoom; réceitUy ociipiêd by J. G. Craae, a Hat Sioro ; and added the slixk ol the lalter to nis dn, and uUa eiigageJ iu mahüfaetorina every descriplipii ol HATS Sr CAPS, Hfe is now prSpared to offer tn ihé Vü,Uc ,-ver arliclein lus line, either of hifl on or inuerri miiñtifacture, twenty 6ve per ent lew ,han hnve haencir.Te.lin u.aniei. In lis ,tock will be fonnd Fine Nutra, Satín Bcftver, Otter. Brash ;m' Sponins Hola, ïmo Cloth. Siik. Plust., 0.1 Silk ml Vclvet Cnps ; „tso Rioh Silk Crava, Scarft, Hmdlierchpils ; Kid. Thread, Siik. n.l Buékskin Glcvrs; CuN lars, Ëoéanis, Walkitig Cnncs,, ft TAILOR Í N G . Thé Rubaeriber haa nlsn sectired fit s-ervicosr of a first rate Prooiieal Cwti r. by whici n heenaljjedtofurnis "' er, stjleand lescrumoruand.itiiteni.ust approVed and taahinnnner. He is consfjrltly rco.r.-.n the bshion,.aná, (.„.ployina the best of workmen, h ia confiden.! tl-.-n he will sive the bev of saüsbictioii 10 all thüt may favor hun wuh their patronage n ibis brcncli of lus 'j on Hand A ga in! TUVj ttoilld rcspectfully n'otify the public. ihai ie is locnted once nore in ihê viltagc of Ann Arbor, andisprepared to nocbnunadate the feooimunity wilh a hoice and well seleciéd assortmenl of NEW GOÖDS, mnsisting of Düt Goods, Grochrifí, Hardwiec. BooTá and Shoks, ('rickihy. &c. &c, whieli lit will sell lur HEADY PAV ne chenp is ilie sime (Jartiily of Goocis can be hail ai any jtlier stoFe in uafto. iris ho iili 10 mtrte purchaeesfor Cnsh, i, Cnah l'r'Cfö, will do Uell lu ctt'l bcfoi uuurcliajing clsewliero. ]iy koPpini; ilif fir.-l nniliiy of anieles, ly selltMnll profits, and by ü liur aini lionmiible. . he expecis to tnerit a libeñl slinre of public patronage. Most kinds of COCNTRY PRODUCE wilí (e taken in p'ivtm'iit l r Goods. IL? Vci't f:i: g I tiie pint e. - un the E.D=n Sil if Mail) sti'oiM. u trw tioars soiiili ol th'1 Public Square, ili the sanie store with C. Bliss, JeweWr... M. VVHKKI VR An Arbnr. Nov. 24, 1846, 292-ti COTICE T!1E co-parmorship hereiafhre csis:inc frtween Gíbiand .- Lí: Kii.. isilnsdny il L-onsenl. iitlier pnrtner is tutboriïed'to hm th1 imnp cl the firm in 6e1:in5 Bl tlie oulstnndjnjS business. All pcr&onid ni s-iid finí nre i ecli d Lo inaKc inj. ncdiate pnynwWj y sw djwig they will 8are '■OSt. C. J. G.Rr,ND, T!. D. LE FEVREAnn Arhor, Ittay K 84í. ::;"i-tíw NEW TIN SHOP. TilKaubsciiber has cumroencetj ihe Kuah tu;e rif Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper ín uil lts vai mus branches, in cunnecuun wi'h ihe "Anvil Store." nnd is preprj lo farnist) C)uiury M(;n und Pbrmeffl with tveryliins; in tint litie. JOB WORK AND REPAfRLNG Vcdtly ;inl expedttrotisiy Honc. HENRY vi. wf;i.u;s. Upper Tr.wa. } Ann Arlsor. lt,t June, '■;?. . S2.Iy


Signal of Liberty
Old News