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The Whigs And The Wilmot Proviso

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Our readers are well avvare how earnestly, for a time, some of the Northern Whig papers shouted for this measure. The following contemptuous and sneering paragraph shows how it is regardrd by the "universal whig party" no further south than Washington: "Considering that there ae principies involved in the Mexican war, vnstly more important than the queslion whether the existing ülave popülatioil of the United Siatesooglit to be coniined within this or that degree of' latitude, we have never introduced to our readers the question of the VVilrnot Proviso, ('socalledj asone-of nnv present consequenee in the discussion of the merits of thnt war. It will be time enough to deal with that question, when there is any ground wilhin the limits of the United Stales for t to stand npon. - There are more important questions lirst to be adjusted." So it ever is with the Whig party. - While it hns rrmny sincere, though inconsistent friends Co freedorn in its ranks, the leaders alwnyshave (imore importnni questions" than liberlv, "to bejirsl adjusted." OyAt the Liberty Convention of Hamilton County, Ohio, a resoiution instructing the delegales to the Butlalo Convention, to effect if possible, the postpomentof its nominations, unlil noxt spring, was unanimously adopted. "On this point, says the Cincinnnti Press, we assure our friends everywhere, there is no difTerence of opinión amongst Liberty men, in this quarter; nor do we believe there is any, of any impoitance, amongst thosc of the entire west. We hope this fact will be allowed to have its due weight." The delégate from Brown County was simüarly instructed. Kr The leaders of '.he "Democraíy" of this Stoie are evident ly determincd lo give Ihe go-by to the Wilmot Proviso as soon as possible. Vrry many them have cxpectations fr"m the eleciion of Cass, and of course lliey are hanging in his wake. Thry are utlerly rotten on the subject of human righls. The latfi Slale Convention wis ns silent as death on thf Proviso, and the principies it involves. - l'heir candidutes, on this subject, are entirely conservative, and opposed lo any action on the mntter ; and the '-Young Drm icracy," who are so zpalous for the largest Jiberty to themselves and to white foreignorb, have nothing to say respecting lh extensión of slavery by a war of aggression and cnquest. In truth, we have nod"ubt that the leaders of the pnrty will neutralizo, as fast as possible, the influente of the action taken last winter, by the Legislaiure in favor of the principie of the Proviso. We notice in the last Grsttd Rápida Enquirer, a well written communication deprecating all agitation of lhe question in the Democratie party, and recommenrling "compromi'se" as the great sou ree by which lts prosperity and a-cendency can best be obtained. This is put out as a feeier and leader of pub'ic opinión. (Cf The Jac-kson VVliig Gazelte seems of late to be much riled at the Signal, and ca'Js us "a wolf in sheep's clit'iing" - presenting "a sad lack of truth and fairnesé" - liaving'-litileness and poverty of management" - "is at heart locofoco" - "n po ; cal piratr," &c. &c. Tb explanation of this periódica] fit of the spleen we suppose lo be, that the votes of the four hundred Liberty men of that County are very much needed just now, fiist to be thrown nwny in pretonding to try to elect a Whig nominee for Governor vvhom none but the simple have tho slih'est expectaiion will be electedj and secondly, for the e'.ectinn of a fw Whig candidales who are looking aft'T tl. e County offices. For the Gnzette is au instrument on which all kinds of n.usic can be played to order, accurding to the taste or talent of the perfumen for ihe times being. Abuse of theSignal is thought to beone mode of deslroyingits influencsin the coui.ty; ]and those who. e menta' qualificaiions are of a calibre to fit them for the business have commenced bfttking at it, as we have seen above. We shall see w! at tliey will mnke by it. Wed. not believe tliey caí. delude a solitary liberty man to subserve their li:tle, selfish. diminutive parno&es.


Signal of Liberty
Old News