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Seveml oommunications respecting the posi ion of ilie Liberty party have ofla'.e npppared in :ln Detroit Adver'ispr, the o'ject of whiih is to entice Lrberly men to vote the Wliig tiiket. One writer, who dates nt Bloomfieó, and signs hiinself '■ a.i Anlilav !ry Fa m -r, ' is called I y the Editor a Lilierty man, nlihnugh tlie wr.ter niakps nn dirfCt pretensions of that ltifui. We do not believe a Liberty man ever wrote such an article. We r6gftd it as a shnllow dsvice of some Wtiig who wou ld trv his Imnd nt antislnvery. and "steal the livcry of hp.aien to serve the devil in." Talie a single specimen. " Now the grind object Por which the Libe rty party wa furmed bas teen fuily accmplishcd, and the time arrive 1 when thpy may, wilt) safely tu the cause ol the shve, break U tlieir orgnnizfttion and rid thcmselves of the unilpa'5antiifss,nnH i heavy pecuniary exppnsfs to which iliey have heretofore so willinglv eubaiined, how are Iheylo act? Under whnt banner shallihey range ihemselvesl Upofl wliat baitle-field shall they be fotind ? For one 1 have seriouslv contemplatod the subject and l a.ri prppared 10 Soy I lint I believe my sulemn duty to my GoH, my country, and mv cliildren - and what sof no les- mpoit.'ince - the great canse f anti-slave.-y - now dfmandof me nndnll niher anli-:l;ivei'v men, to act imm-diatehj with ttiat party, which, by iis conduQI and I ts opende frank avowals givo-i the bast earn?s; thiit the e.xlirpntkin rtfhu-man slavrry is one of the ohjects for whioh it is willing to conlend." No Liberty man woul f ever have nsserted that Hhe grand ohjeclfor tchich the Liberty 'party was formed lus beenfully accompl.'shed:" far 1?m would he hold u; the ■' conduel" of the Whig party as an evidence tliat " Ihc exlirpation of humtn Slrivery " is one of the "objéöfs" of lh party. No, the device is too shnllow to catch any real antislavery man. He knows belter. Uut we shall spend but liltletiiTie in exposing lhis silly aitempt to df-lu'ie. It will nmount to nothing efleftunl. Onr correspontfene by business leners andolhenvise, is constant an 1 (Wensive with Liheriy i.if-n in every part of the Stalp; and we know that no consi.frrab!e number of them can be influye") to support any candid 'les nr parties who a e not ful'y nnd ovowerlly of the saine principies on the Slavery question with thmse'ves. Tne Adenlser an] iis friin ia i .,■ : - ■' : ■ J ' " fixpH Tact." The Liberty nomin'ttions made ar iTa!inq; in the Cbuntiès of Wayne. vVaslitcnaw. Jackson, C.ilhoun, Ka amazoo, 3ranch, Lenawee, Ijivingston,lonia. Oaklaüd, Eaton, and St Joseph, give cimvincing evidenco that the principie of its organizaiimi me st ■ 1 1 aalieied t by the party iii all sociions of the St.-ite.


Signal of Liberty
Old News