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The Voice Of Ohio Whigs

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Nowhere in the Union do the Whigs como up so gallantly to the support nf f ree principies as in Ohio. To the Whig press of Oliio, :iided and encouraged by such noble spirits as Giddings, Hamlin, Root and Corwin, more than lo any olher instrumenlnlity, is it owing that the Whig party snot now inotievabh' corannil'ed to a Presidentinl candidate, wiiose only claim to the support of ño American people, consisis in hisbeing a slaveholderand a hero of a slavery-exteiidmg war. Well do these men de.-erva of Iheir coumry and their race. Well and nobly are the people of that State coming up to iheir support. Would that we mightiee men of all porties at the North ready and resolved to met-t the issue of war and slavery in a like spirit. As a sample of ihe plain language which Ühio Whigsuse when they talk on ihe subject of slavery, the wnr, and the Presidency, we commend attcntion to the foliowing resolutions, passed unanimiutli, at a regular Convention of the Whigs of Lorri'ar. County, Ohio. held Sept. 4, 1847, "for the nomination of cnndidates for Legislativo and countv officers." Whereas, The rxisting war between the United States and the Republic of Mexico is prosecuted for n justifiable cause, but on the contrary, fur the [iurpose of extenüngthe cause of American Slavery over a country heretofore fiee; and vh res ts object s to wrest asunder anu dismem'ier the terrilory of Mexico, and annex it to this country for the the purpose of niaking t Slave lerritory, 1hat it is wag d fur the purpoe of extending the instituiion of Slavery, to gue it, ra this country, addaional poliüdl powerand durability ; and whereas. th!s is ent rely aggressive ia ts character, barb'inous in its execution, con'rary to the spirit of liberty arl the t:-ue pol cv pf a frce Uepublic, and fur these rendons is calculated tii disgrace us in owu and the estitnatiou of the world, and briflg tipon our nation, the desei ved vengeance ol'ajusl God, Therefore, Resolved, Thaf we are opposed tn the exiatir:g wiili Mexico and it langer cuntinuance, and cali upon ihe country to unite ia bringing il to au unmediale close. Resolved, That lo denounce a war ns üegal and ogsjressive, and nt the sime time funis!) su[jlies to indefiniiely proIract Is horrors, is a refinement of moral and poüiicn] conüister-y, hiel) the whigs of Ohio neither opprecia'.e nor desi re to cpy, Resolved, That we heartily approve the ciuiir-e pUTslied in Congress by our tíenator Thomas CuKWIN au I Ilepresent:ttive J. M. Root, in fearlessly and cotisisicntiy opposing every slage nf the war. lïesoh-cd, Tiiat the attempt ma !e to britig (orward Gen. Zachary Taylor, iis a candid;tte for the Presidency, moets with tlie decided and uncquivoca! disapprobrition of ihe whigs of Lorrist) Couuly, for (he following reasons: lst. Becaue he is ma.Je ihe chifif acior and kero in an un]u-it and unnecessary war, lipgtin and vaj-J far t'is uu holy purpose of extending Slave Territory. 3I. Cecnuse lie is nut known as a true Wbig in principip, nnd by his own confession, fthough he has been in the public service for 40 years,) has not yet earned the A. B. C. of Whig doctrines. 3d. Because uk is a slavehoi.der, AND HOLDS 20Ü OF HIS FELLOW MEN' IN BONDAGE, AND THAT TOO, FOR THE SAME TURPOSE THAT HE DOES HIS CATTLE AND HORSES. 4th. Because we believp, ifelocted, a!l his prejudices, intercsls and partialilies, would prompt him lo use hu official power for the extensión and perpeluily of l his naliondestroying and Heaven daring instilultnn. Resolved, That the exalted r.nd independent stand taken by the (Ion. Thos. Corwin in the United Staies Senaie, n oppositiun lo the war, and ïhe further encroa'-hment of Slaveholding power, has greatly ncrpaed our confidcnce in the man, and in his principien, lalents, and integrity, we there hail him as Ihe man of our choice for the office of President of the (Jniied S ales in 1843.


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