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OtR ADVEftTISERS L'nder tliia licad, we publish, free of olll.- the name, residcnce. and bt'ainoss, of ihost! bo' advenieo in tboS'-JsL nr Lincfírv'. VVm. R. 1'tuKT, liuok Sioie, Ann ArbW.' Matnarm. Drugiais, Anri Arbor. T. A. HaTih.vü. Al icliinist, Ajín Arbur. W. SVii.kh9.)n, Tail'.r. Aun Ajbor. S. V. Kostkr & 0". .UiiiiificiuriT8; Scic.' Wat Wjíqslr, Alcrclinnt Ti)or, Ann Albor. ■'■ PIQ.UKTIE. (JuliJ 1'cilS, Detroit. W. W. Ukxter&C.i-, Jcw.ler, DtJii'. T. H. AnirfiTRuxfi. Ilats, &c. Detroit. S. VV. Foítek. 'l'hreahirie Mnciiinea. Scío.' CoirTocK & S::im)L-k, Murchanti, Jaoknoni T. lí. Ai SÏ TnoNf,. Hat Slore. Detroit. C. Ci.i'Rit, L' OÍBcn. Aun Aibor. E. G. UuncKR. rMitÍ3i, Ann Atbur.' C. lii.iís. Jevvfcltr. Ann Arlmr. F. 3. B. Cn.vsK. intUren!$ Oífiie.Ann Arbor W. Y. SPAOi.DiNn. Sí.irble Yard, Ann Arbor. Coiii Sí RoBttfjos, fiíifncss ftlaker, Ano Arl'hr. W. A. U.iiVMoD, Detroit. M. Wiíkki.kk, Merclíanij Atrrf A?bor. S. I). BunsKr. Ueníist. Ánh Arbiïf. Stlvens & Zvoo, Uphntsterers, Dcíro'h. VVm S., Attornev at Law. Arrn Árbor, J VV. Tillman. C hinet Ware, Defroiï. HalLocA S Iíavmjnd, Cloihing Store, Detroit. Lv Dkí, ÍL Eí.i)RiD. Tannéry. Detroit. H. IÍ. Mársh. Jewelry. lViroit. Mrs. Q. H&rrucrroír, Millinery, Ann Arbor. J H. Ltsii; Slercliant, Ann Arbor. FOR SALE, ACjnd and Mortgagc given by Edward S. Hall of the city of New York to dlvin ?. Spe.Tr oí the srnnê place to secure ihe paynent o' $175, orirl mieres!. tïmert March 2:d, 1839, and recorded in Rènister'a office, Washtenaw Countjr, in Lriber Ño. 9 of Mo'rigases', paê 37. being on the fol!uw;;:g premisas : The N. W. at Lot No. 7 nrtd ihe W. J or Lot 8 in Block ihre South of Huf m Sireet Range Six Enst. Tli'o best ofler made on or before the 25tH instant will be accepled. Six montli3 credit will be giíen f.jr a part of ihe purchase mony il the auiouiit with intèrrsi ís wéll áécureri. GÖTf & WALKER, Att'ys lor Assignee. Arn Arbor, November Ilih. 147. :'.4-2w Land for sale. THE subscribnr offers for Sale Eighty Acres of Iand, bcing ihe e;ist half rff north 2nst quarler oí seciiort 13, of lown 4 north, range 1 1 íveat. s'iüaie in the (ownship of iViiy !;md, Allegan Coaniy. 'l'he land is lèvèl, well tiinbered, and well acoornnio(J;ited by roads, and wül be suld low lor cash or oxcbarxwi fir sincli. JAMf-S H. MOSHER. Ann Arbor, Nov. 4, Iá47. 31l-3m. N0T1CE; rpiHE COPARTNERSH.ÏP lierelofore existX in? beuveen . U. Lirnd and D. T. Mo Collum under the fim of J: IJ. Lund &. Cu., ii this day dissolved by mutual consent. All demnnds due said firm eiihor by nole or book BOCount mnM be seniel imniedialely, iffHH D. T. McCullurn wbo is authorized to seiiiö ittt same- arn.' no nÍ5take. J. H. LUND.. D T. McCOLLUM. Ann Arbor, Oct. 2.',. Ift4Ti The business hereafter will be carricrl on by .1. H. Lund who is now receiving a I;ir2e and splendid assortnient of fall umi wimerguods conslinff o'f tíry Goods, Grocerics, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Brugs &c. which he offers to thn public cheav ior rendf pay. 1'leasecuH and examii gpiu's and Driuèi.1 3. Í1. LÚND. Ann Arbor, Oct. 29, '47. 340-tf RÍTATE Of' MICHIGAN. Wasli'.enaw CounO ly. ss - At a peqsuin of the Probate Cuurt f r the Cuunty (if Washteinw, held at the í'ot'pto Office tn ihe vüjage oí Ariij Ártíór.t on Monday the eighteenth dny of October, Á. E). oi)è thousaud eiíiht hundred and Tony seven - Preserit,Elias M. Skinner. Jadge of Frohale. In the maller of the estáte bdicritf, Í. fHïMer, ICmeünc Miüer. chd Álfred Miller, minora Ort readint. and filinc; the petinon o! (leorge Mili,' Kuardimí ío said trtirto p, projíntí' for reasons therein set fo'rlh. fiíf licenre [i spÍI certrtirí reaf estáte of saiií iirnurs desc-iiied in the t.iid peii:iori lor. ike purpose óf iiiaririrf ihe jjroüeeds thereof at ftterèit for ihfir bènpfii, nhd il appèaring to' th3 Cft from SV'cn pyiitinn that t v ould bó benencial to tiie anid minora iliat such real eststè shotfld be ái)!(! - Thërüppn it as nrdèrti! llit the cohsideriilion of said pctilion in postponert lili the 2d dnv of NoVerobir nsrttl nt onë ocloclr P. M. of paid day at the Promte Office n tlie vil. lacé of Ahn Arbnr in s.iiil cóüñly. hen and wbere the nextof kin. and al! other persons interested in sid ééta'.a are hpreby rpquired to apper an'l sliiw cauR f nny ihe're be, why the prriyer of the sai'j p.tiiioner should not bfl grnritrd - And l )s further ordered ihat said peiiUónif cO8í( a copy of tliiè nrder to be ptililished in, the jinnl of Libertv. a public ncwspaper nrin'cd in the County of WosliteKaw at least tlnee SHcïisive weeks once in each .week previous to the time bove spporüiëd i'or the hearing of said petiiion. . . ELIAS Al. SKI.MJfER, , 33í-3w Jhdè 'óf Probate. NÖTICE: ALL pcrson? are lipreby n to trust my wi'a DeJia(Chapnian, on my account, as I! pay riö dcb;s of her oontracling after iliis date. . èÜMNÉR CHAPMAN. Siinron. Oc'. 9. 1847. 33S-3w WIXRS- And other Spirits warrarïted pure. a large supply lor medicina' imlyat 324 AIAYNAltOS. BLANKS Warranty Dkeüs, Quit-Claim Deeds,M0RTGAGE8, Chattkl MortgAges; Slm.monses, SuBPCBNAS, Attachmexts, ExECUTlONS, Leasés, Rasters' Deeds, . F.ORECLOSURES IN ClIANC&itY, MaRRIAGE CERTtFtCATEs: Thé abovë are printed ?n goot] paper, tifter the rriost approved forttiiS, and caa bè had by the single, dozen, quire, or hundrecf, at the Signal Office; Ánn Arbor, Lower Town. November 1, 1846 ÁDMIfíISTRÁTORS SALE. IV ilic maiter of ilie ialè of the real estáte of Ddu'iircJ !t. lOvcri'St ilecensetJ. Nolice is herehygivcn lht in ijitrsuance of n licunsa tome griiiited liy the Jutïge.ol Probate, of the cnniuy of Clir.ton om! stalt of Michigan, tn the foresoing-' manar, I sh..l! exposé to m public veadus at the Court House, in tliR vfikgeal Aun Arbor,' ift' tho eounty ofVVashiennw, nml siste afureHi'on' ihe I6th day of September nsxt ai ont' i'iock in ihe cfiernoon, all and singular, iho ArAn and tenemems ntuated in ürown and Kuiler atlHiiion 10 the villtige of Ann Arbor alorc9iid, de'scribed ns followa. to wt( : Coinmencins at thi nhriheast curner ol Block fiv, runnii)? therice north' eventeen degrec. easl on thb west line ol Ponuac Street two rods : theneo westerly at righl tngleti wuh Pintiae sircet sixteeo roda ; thenc ■iouthf.rly to thu norih went corner of sid bloeit five rods : ihenoa eosterly to t'ae placa ol' bégiivning. t Uaied this28ihdayof J.tlv. A. Ti. I!?, MUNNISKF.iViVt, 32S - Cw Admitiisirator nf sairi S' Tbe jibove salo íb adj'urní till Ttytfaf ' ■ nsfi. at the Bame ploceund .ti'ma. af ib .u' f. W?r' - doy. t Ann Atlior, Sa-. 16;b. ik ■ Y, Aê


Signal of Liberty
Old News