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Proceedings Of The National Liberty Convention

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At half past ten o'clock, A. M. Wednesday, October 20th, 1847, ihe díílegates in attendancè on the National Liberty Convention, met in the Court House, at Buölilo, N. Y., and were called to orifer by Joshua Leavitt, of Massnchusetts, one of the National Liberty Commitfee, by reading the cali fot the Convention, signed by a mnjority of that commiitee. On moiion, LEW1S TAPPAN.of N. York, was chosen chairmnn, pro tem., and Stanley Mathews, of Ohio, was appoihted Secretary. The Conventioiï wasthcn opened wiih prayer by Samuel Lewis, of Ohio. Ilirnm Cummings, of Massnehustüts. proposed the fIkwirg resoíuííon, whicli was unanirnously adopted : Resolved, That a committee of one delégale from each stale represcnted in this body be appointed to nominale the offi;-ers of this Convention. The following gentlemen were appointed on fiat commiitee : Austin VVilley, of Maine, Gen. Hoit,of N. H., Josiah VV. Hale, of Vermom, Iliram Cummings. of Mass., S.M. Booih, of Conn.jBniley E. Borden of R. I., Jno. Thomns of N. Y#i Baxter Sayre óf N.J., Wm. B. Thomas of Pa., Geo. VV. Ellis of Ohio, Dr. Ackley of Indinna, Philo Carpenier of Illinois, Edward Holton of Wisconsin.G. VV. King of Michigan. Mr. Chase, of Ohio, moved fhnt (he se♦eral delegafions report the ñames of threir delégales to ihe Secrelary. Adopttd. George Bradburn, of Ohio, oíTered this resolulioR: Resolced, Thnt this Convenlion will not nominntö nny man for Président or Vice Presidenr, who does not avow hi belief that SlaveTy n the U. States is un constitutional. The resolution Was ordered to lieupon the table. Mr. Chase, of Ohio, sugg-esfed1 rtM his former motion, Ihat ihe sevenil delpg.itrons hmá in n lísf of rwmhers to the Secretan-, would givo ihat ofiicer more worlc than he cou!d do, arte on motiom Mr. Staclipole, of Mnine, Bailey.of N.V., and Erreir, of Pa , ware appointed a committte lo nrol the nvnea of ha gates present, a-uhorized to cast the voie of their respective States, in the nomination of cnndidates for President and Vice President. Tha: committee reported the following roll of delegates : Maine - Adams II Merrill, Drummond Farnsworth, Austin VVilley, W H Vinton, Chas A Stackpole, Daniel Appleton. Woodbury áViff, Geo A Thatcher. New Hampskire- Daniel Hoit, Jos Cochran Jr, Abraham Emerson. Vermonl- TitusHutchinson, Josiah W Hale. Massachnsctls - William Jackson, W Anthony, VVm Davis, George VV Word, E A Bigelow, George W Sterling,Hiram ('uramingy, Joshua Leavitt, Nathan Haskfll, J C Lovejoy, Lucius Boltwood,Otia Petiee. Conneclicut - S M Booih, Noah W Stanley, Henry Hammond, J F Hotchkiss, Harlow Isbell, Elias Birchard. Riode Island - Bailey E Borden, G SBnrber, Cromwell VVhipple. New York - Gerritt Smiih, Lewis Tappnn, Charles O Shepard, E W SfeWart, Timothy Síovv, Henry Bradley, O A Bowe, Elon Galusha, Joseph Plumb, Jno King, Ichabod Thomson, David Oushman, A C Stone, John Thomns, Joseph Metcalf, John Moshef, Ñaüian Mixer, Joshua üowling, C S Grosvenor, Henry B Stanton, W'esley Bailey, Samuel D Porter, Gcorge W Johnon, Silas HawIp.y, Isaac Marsh, Martin Mitcholl, James C De Long, H D Pinney, James Merinns. Joseph Breek, Samuel Strowger, Wil. üam Hyde, D W William?, Ë JChasc.L P Judson. New Jersey - Baxter Sayr. Pennsyhania - F Julius Lmoyne, William B Thomns, Russell Errett, Jas M'Matters, Wülianrt P Brown, John Craig, William M Stephenson, Samuel Webb, M B WilHams, Sj'lvestsr D.inn, Parker S Hardy, Joseph Brownleejohn Wethcrill, George C Acheson, Wm F Clark, Wm F Junkin, A f Hirst, Williarn Eldet, Gcorge F Horton, Nnthan Shepley,Samuel Kingsberry, Joseph Gibbons, D R Barker.T homas Morse, Matth. Mitchell, J C Allen. OAo- James M Brown, B L Kellogg, Salmón P Chase, J Grant, R B TaF.lor, Stanley Mnthews, W E Parmalee, R G Perry, E S Ricker, Robert Stewari, L Sutliff, G VV Ells, B Gass, J A, i S Sievfiis, M R Huil, J H Siubbs, W H Day, J Marlott, M E Strieby.Asa Smiih, L L Rice, F D Parish. Miciigan- Hornee Hallock, Francis Denison, Theodore Poster, Jo'un S Galup, A A Copeland. Indiana- M F Boiber, J Huddfeslone, . A Ackley, R M Haworlh. Illinois - Owen Lovejoy, Philo ( arpenter, J V Smiíh, A C Lord, Edwin Robson, Reuben Alberii, J Cali, Harrison Newhall. Wisconsin- E D Holton,Chas Durkee, Winthrop Chandler. Mr. Chase, of N. York, submitted the following resolution, which after beingdiscusied Éfy Mr. Stow, of N. York, Hulchinson, of Vermont, Roberts ofN. York, nnd Hallock of Michigan, toas adoptpd : Resolved, That the usual parliamentary rules sh.ill govern this except that no person shall he nllowed 10 speak on the same question more fhan fifieen minutes, withou: leave of the convenfion. Mr. Lesvitf. of Massachusetis, moved the nnnexed resolution, which was adopifd: Resolved, That a Business committee of onñ delegare from each State repreepnted be nppointed, to whom álf Resolutions and matters of butinrss shm! be committed, wiíh'out debnte who may re)ort the snms to the Canvehtion; and siid committee 10 reporí any additional :iu!es &c, for the Convention. The following named gentlemen were appointed as the oommiltee: George A. Thatcher, ofMnine, Jos. Cochi-an, r. of New ílampshífe, Titus Huíchinson, of Vermont, Joshua Lenvitt, of MassaíhiKelts, Hemy Hnmmond, of Connecticut, B. E. Borden, of Rhodé Island, Gmift Srnithof New York, Baxter Snyrë, of New Jerse)', Wm. E. Stej.henson of Pennsylvnnia, Saïmom P. Chase, ofOhio, James LilchfiehJ, of Michigan, M. F. Barber, of Indinnff, O wen L0VPJ03', of Illinois, E. D. Holton, of VVisconsin. On motion of Mr. Webb, of Pa. 't vías ordereú thal tho orntnittee of Arrangement act as a Finance commiiee. On motion of Mr. Leavitt, n wns ordered that when ïhis Convention adjourn, t adjourn to meet in the Tent, at 2 o'clock P. M. The committfe to report officers for the pflirmonent organizntion of th tion, throijftlV Dr. Hale, of Vermom made report as follows: President, SAMUEL LEWÍS, of Ohio. Wee President s. TiTus Hutchinson, of Vprmont, VVilliam Jacksotï, of Mnssaelïuaetts, Philo Carpenter, of Illinoi, George F. Horto, of Pennsylvania, Charles O. Shepard, of 'w York. Hqr,ace Hallock, of Michigan, JOSEPH COCHARN, .Tr.,of N. H., BaxVer SAtRE, of New Jersev, Jonathan Hcddlestonk, of Indiano, Secrelaries, Austin Willey. of Mainp, Slanlny'Miitlheu-s, ofOhio1, A. A. Ackley, of Indinna, E. D. Holton, oí Wisconsin. iS. M. Baolh, :of Connecticut, Busselt Errelt, of Pennsylvanio, G. A. Êoioe, of New York, This report being accept ed and unanimotisly ado)ter), Mess. Lovejov of til', nnd Slanton, of NVw York, eonductpd ihe President to the fhair, who, on laking his Sfiöfy addresaed the Convention, and relurned tnanks for the hono'r of his election. On motion, Judge Hutchjrson, of Vermont, and E. D. Holton, of Wisconsin, were excused from sf rving on (he'Bnsine.s conrtmi'líee, and J. VV. finle, of Verjmont, and Winthrop Chandler, of Wisconiin, were appointed in theirstfad. The Convention tlien ndjourned to meet ai 3 o'clack, r. m. Wcdnesday nfternoon, 2 o'ciock. The Convention fe-nssembled, in ihe Teot,and wnscalled to order by the Pre ident. A communicntion Trom Edward VVaHe, ofithio, was, on motion of Lewis Tappan. referred to ihe Business Commilfee. Mr. Bibb, a fugitive slave from the Cherokee nálion wns cnlled upfn for a snnp, and after singing.addressed the Convention for n short time, giving n portion of Ji is experience as a slnve. Mr. Leavilt, from ihe majaritv of the Business commiilre. reported' a series of resolutions, which report as ncce)led. Mr. Gerriit Smitfí, from the minority oftliecommiitealso repnrled twn preambles nnd resolution?. Report accpied, and laid on the tnble. The first and second resolutions of the majority report, were tben tnken, and ndoptet), unanimously: í. Resolved, That the parnmount ob;Ct Ofthe Liberty Party is the abölilJon of Slavery in the United Statfs by the action of íhe Federal and State governtnents. 2. tiesoccd, That the Government of the Uniled States is one of specific snH limiied powers confprred by the perp]e throngh tho consdtution; and atnong (hese pouers there is none to institue or sujtain Slaie'ry. The third resolution wás then read, as fullows : 3. Resolve-1, That Slavery being of such a nalufe that it s inoapab'e of ing sustnined excpt by poitive kw, and (lie Lpgislative Power of (m Genero] Government being incompetent to cnaci or establish tuoh law, il necessarily follows that Slaverv cnnnot eonstilutionally c.xist in any tonitory of the Unnited Stales. Gerritt Smlth mored to aniend this by substüuting for it the firsf preomble an.l rrsolulion of the minoriiy repon, as folio ws : Whcreas, the prnsïnvery obligaiïons of the Federal Constilution are foundso]e!y in the abiindnnt sppculaüons oh1 thè iiïtentiohSof ihnt initrument; and whereas U nntL-ilitvpry obligntions are palpable from its plaifi declarations- - Resolted, fherefoie. That relying on tlíese declarations, at réfusi:ig to Le i misled liy thnss sp"f;ulntion, we hcild that slavery, whethpr n the District of Colümbin, or in anv nthor pirt of the nntion, is c!eaily and utterly unoonsütutiona]. A dis.ussion hpro arosr, on a íiupsiion submïttedby Mr. Chase, of New York.ns i lo how the votp was tr he tafcorr on tV resolution of ihe Business eommittep, nnd ihe subsiitute proposed by M'. Sinith. Mess. Tappan, LeaTiRrt?tttehh)Mn,Bit, Cummings, and offier. confendeci that none but ilns dflegntod to vote jn ths nominaiion nf enndidatss fbj President and Vice President hnri nny right to vote upen resoíutions; nnd Mess. Smiih, Bindley, Miihnn, Eider, and others, contended that delegati's in atiendnne upon the Mass Convention had the right of votin upfvn n]l queslions e.xcept ihnf of the nomination of enndidatfis. The maiter was finallv spitled by tlie ndopiiao ofthe following resolution: Resolved, That al] qurations bfort(i& Conv#wioof Oxcept in ration to nalions, hall be determired as fo:]ows : The ehairmnn shall pul the question to tlie Convention in mas, and f no nppeal be taken, the decisión oflhe chairsliall stand. 2. If an nppeal be taken, ihe queston sha)] bedptermined by the Sia'e delegations, each delega;ioi cast;ng votes equal in numher to tbe votes in the colleges of Electora. Mr. Lenviit moved ihat the resolution from ihe mnjorty ofihe comm:ttpe, and the fiib-titute of Mr. Smith, be laid upon the table, for thepresent. The n.oiion prevnüed. Mr. Leavitt, on behalf of the majority ofihe Business commitiee1offered the fulowing resolution: Resolved, That to-morrow, nt 10 o'-;)oek, a. m. we will proceed to nomínate our candidates for the offices of President nnd Vice President of the ü. States. Mr. Chase, of Ohio, ïmm the minority oflhe committee, submifted the following m ■ sub.viiijfp. Resolved, That n the opinio." of this eonvention, II is exppdient to posfpone :he nnminntlnn Tor Prudent and Vi-e PresMem nnül diy or 1545. Mess. Eider, Star.t n, Chase of Ohio, Dennison, anH oihprs e.pres?ed a dsire iKCt t'e re-o'.utions hicli had just hei n jlaid on ;r.e labio should tie rfíspo-ed oT. before tliey voredon the qu-s'iori ofproceeding o the nomination ol cnrr-'M ,tpS. iThey wnntpd to know xb principies theeonventi-n wmgmng i, adopt, that thev might vole unHerstandl-g!y on the subjpet. After some dis'-ussrm 011 thh point, theresnluiions of Mr. Leoviir, and Mr. Cla;p, rela'ii-e 10 the period or nomination, were lainon the tnb'e, anti re-olution No. 3, tli the sulstilu e offered by Mr. Smilh, wre taken u,.. The resoliitionsiverc tiien disciis-ed by Measrs. Hutcl.inson, Brndbtirn, Snitb, I Lenvitt, Ch8se of Ohio, nnd Mellf n, ontfl ihe hour of ndjournment, wheti, on raolion of Mr. Cummings, it was lieszhcd, Thot when this convfintion adjourn, it nrij"urn to meet al the Belhei church, at 7 o'clock p. m. Tho convention tlien adjurned. Wednesday evening, 7 o'clock. The discussion wh-ich was going on at (he hourofndjournment in the öfiernoon, was resumed, and cortinned by Messrs. Wiüey, Stowr, Addngton, Lovejoy, of Mass. Mahan, Cummings, nnd Roberts. The quetion being cal led for, on the substiluteofTeredby Mr. Smith for resolutian No. 3 of {he committee, the vote was taken by ieders, and Mess, Chase fOhio,) Smiih, fN. Y.j St.ntaa, and Lovejny, fMass.; ere appointed teljers. Tiie sub-iitute wa rejeoted- yeas 137, naysl95. Te resolu i n of the GOtn' minee, f No. 3,) was tt en adopted. On moüonof Mr. Leavitt, the resohition offered by him fo-go info rhe nomination of candidates f„r Preside ni and Vice Presiden.! to-morrovv at 10 o'clock, was taken up, together wirh tFre nmendment offered by Mr. Chase, to posipone thriiominntion until 1848. These resolutions ere d!snwspd by Mess. Stow, Lovejoy, (Umt.) and Sfanton, when Mr. Thomas, of New York, mnved to lay them up-m thé tnble in order to take up th( rpmaining suhsfitu'e offereJ by Mr. Smilh. The motion was lost. Lewis Toppnrt l!im rrnd n rorrrspOwdenoe brtweerr John P. Hnle, and s.veral Libotrty men in the Ea-tern Indi ifaai gentleman gave his consent to be noininnted fop ih= office orPresi'Ipfit, if liis fri?nd deoided npor presentingfiis name lo the conven! ua for that purpose. Thediscission n the nsmïnntion resolutions was m further conlïnuel by Mess. Smith, Cutnmings. MWfv EIjde, Stov, Htrtehkifá, Crpck, Leinoyne. nml EWer, wlie-n, iihoul he qoentinn ih'icinveriüon acijruirnro 10 mret intho ient io-morrow at B{o"cIhcK, a. sr. Triwsday rmoming, 8J o'clock. Thp cnrivention wís calle'l to oriJerby the Praidst)t. On rnn'i'in of Mr. Stnntan, trie reslu. tions ra'atve to thp d oi'n niinat on, vvere laid on the tnble for ibe pre;e: t yon 73, naya 53. Mr. Leavitt fp'B) the n aj rity u{ tl e eommiitee, oíTcved tty? following resolulion: 4. Ktsohed, That the principies of iho Liberty Party oio lhe . m as thuse exprrssej in ihe Declaralion of li ependeix-p, and necessnrily iiivlveopaiten toevery forniof ojipressionj and wliile wa regnrd.tlie system of American SSaveiy as one of ilie gre&fest pnssibíe abosn of po. ! ticnt power, nnd, on thnt account, %. manding the unitc1, perevering efforts of '.Ira party to overthrow i, a a para tnouBt object, yet ho.-tility to tyrannyio every forro, nnd tbe maintenance and proteclion of b pqna' nght% of-ali mo,
is our greit bond of unión ns a poliiical orgnniz.-itinn. Mr. Smiih moved lo amend it by substituting tlio follawlng' Wliereas, the Liherly Pnrty, whethcr it was, or was not, orgnnized for the one pnrpoe of engnging in a contesi with r-laverv; nnd w het her il was. or wns not, organizad with the peclation tlint :lie greal p'ditical pariies woiild very spccdi]v espouse tiicii conUst, and leave tbe Liberty Pnrty to disb:md ; is no-.v, because the corruptionof il e-e g'e-it pol nic 1 parties is seca to be past ;ill cure, nnd llieir refortnation beynnd all hope, to be regarded as a permanent party ; - nnd v. hfreaevery politica! party whicli looks opon iiself to be a permanent party, i., therefore, bound to ncqnaint nself, so fir rs it can, with the important dutiesof tliat Government which il i, pires to control and administer: - and whercas this is peculiarly nnd rinphntically the duly of the Liberty Pari , nismuch, a? from tiie üst momrnt of ts existence, tbe equal rights of all men - equnl jusMce toall nipn - lias been its neknovvledged anrj boasteu principie of ficlion: Resolved, thereíore, thnt in the light .of these premises. tbe Liberly Party should not longer delay to be slu 'ving and inculcating all the duties wluch are justly ralled for nt the hands of tbe Govemment of the United States - all tbe duties which, if it sbnll not proie false to its trust, and to its confessed principie of action, it wil! ltself disi.:hnrge, vhn ihat Goverment shíill come into iis bands. The resohuioti and :imeniln,ent were ther. discussed by Mr. Stnith, and when he liad con -luded, tbe coin-ention adjourned from the ent to the Ths.itre, the proprietor of rh'oh had kindlv ofTered it to ihe convention, on account of the inclemency of the wevher. VVhei) the audience had assembled in the Thenire, Mr. Lovejiy, of Illinois, addressed the Conveniion in replv to Mr. Smiih, and wns followeJ by G. Bradburn on tbe otherside. TIir convention then adjourned to meet in the Theatre, at 21 o'clock, p. m. Thursday aflernoon, 2J o'clock. Mr S tan ton nddressed thn conveniion against tlv Eiibs'itule offered by Mr. Smith. When he had coticlude"), the q nes: ion was taken on lhe aclnption of the sub-titu'e, vica voce. every Liberty man present benig nvilfd lo vote. The chair di'cided tliat tbc subtitute wa lot. Au ap eal wns takn from the decisión of chair. and theque-tion was akn by nye-J and no---s, the delegares onlv voting, whfn it ap.if.'ired there were for 1 1 ie Mibs'itute, 23 vote, ng:iins! it. 1(13 So the ! mendment of Mr. Smith was lost. The original resoluiion (No. 4,) was hen adoptad. The remaining resolutions of the business commiüee. were on motion, read, nnd, without debate, adopted unanimouslv, as follows: 5. Resolved, Tint it is the duty ofnnti-slaverv nién in Congress to propose and vote f r ncts lo repeil the Slave Code of lhe District of CoKimbia ; to ref peal lhe act of 1793. rel iting to fugitive from service; to provide ngainst lhe introduction of Slavery in any territorv of the Uniled Sla'es : a:id sui-h other laws as mny be necesary and evpedieni tri witiidraw the support of Government from Slavery, and to array lhe power of the governmerrt on tht) side of Liberly nnd Free Labor. 6. Risoloci, Tliat the allowane to lhe Slave Stalts of a rereser.tation in Congre6s and in the Electoral College for ibree fiftl's of tbeir slaves, i.s unjüst nnd anti-republic-in, nnd ongli: to bo abrogiied with the lea.t pfncticabie delay. 7. Resolved, Tliat ths división of tl e Stales into Judicial Circuits in stich a ninnner ihat theS'ave Stales have five of the Judges of the Supreme Court of tbe Union, wbile the Free States, with twice the number of free inbabitin!, have hut four, is wholly unju-ilfiatle, and should be superse-led by a fair nnd equitable'iipni. 8. Resolved, That lhe laws of theseveral statssdesigned to oppress nnd degrade particular classes of i.ihabitants, nre indfensible in principie, and ought to be repenled. 9. Resolved, That we fully believe ihat themea=ures wln'ch we propose - the fixclusion of Slavery from National territorios, tho prohibiiion of Sliveholding in ali places nr.der the exclusive jurisdiction of lh? Nalional Government, and the discou ragemert of it in the States by national pxnmpleand recommendation, will resuli, at no distant day, in constitutiona' nnd peacefu! emancipation throughout tbe Union. 10. Resolved, That we hail with pleasure the bginmng of action in the Slave Sintes in fnvor of Emancipation, and regard, wiih arlmration. those noble spirits who liave engnged n the first work of redi'eming their respective Slntes from the curso which has so long re?ted upon them. 11. Resolved, Thnt we sny to the people of the Free States, nnd n'in-slnve. hol.'ers throughout lhe Union, whnt John C. Ca!hoj-i ha siid lo the slavebalders : "We must nol be decoived. Tle time Ims come when thp qncstion must be me'. It can no longcr be evndpd,nor,irt could, is it desirablf. The longcr t is postponeil, tlio more invrferate nnd dangfirou will bfcorne the boslile feelings between the sUveholding and non-t-lavpholdiug state. W'ilh union nmongoursplves, we have nothing to far; hul without it.every ihing. The question is (ar above the pnrtv questïóns ofihe div. Me v-ho s not for iis. is ngainsl us." Mr. Leavitt moved to lakft f rom thn table the resol ut ion oiTere.1 bv him, reiative to the nominaiion, nmended to snit the hour, ns (bilí is : Resolra!, That wei will noic proceed lo the nomination, cf our candidato for President and Vice President of the USt.-ites. TIip motion totakenp iha resolution, prevniled. Mr.Chns, (o'OhioJ renewed liis nmendment, as follows: Rcsohed, Tlmt in tho opininn of tlii.i Convention it is exppdien: that the notninntions of the Liberty Party for President and Vice Pres:dent shoulJ bs postponei). The resolution nnd amendment were discussed bj' Mess. Leivitt, Stanton.IIoit, Bradhurn, Clmse, of Ohio, Hut-hinson, Tappan, Willey, and Chase of N. York, until 5} o'clock, when the rcsolutions pre informally passed by, and the fullowing resolution was unanimously ad'ipied: Rcsohed, That the tlianks of the Nntionnl Liberly Convention b presented to Messrs. Varron & Cnrr, the proprietors ofthe Eagle Sireet Theater, fortheir and generosity in granting the use of the Theiter for the sessions of the Convention this dny. The oonvention then aHjourned to meet ín the Couri House, at 7, r.M. Thursday evening, 7 o'clock. On motion, speakers were limited to fivi; minutes each. On motion of Mr. Dnvis, it was ordered, that the question on the amen:] ment in favor of postponement, offered by Mr. Chae, be taken at 7è o'clock. The resolution in fnvor of immediate nominruion, and the nmendmen in favor of poniponempní were then laken up.nnd Mes=. Stow, Cu'iimings, Finney, SullifT. and Lnvpjoy, of Mass. resppctively gave th'Mr opimons, when the questions was takon on the amendmeiV. of Mr. Chase, bv aves and noes, and it was lost, aves 37. nnys 120. The resolution in favor of mmedinte nomination was then adopted. On motion of Mr. Cha?e,of New York, ihe convpntion then proceeded to an informal ballot for a candidate for President. Mr. Bradley oi'N. York, and Mr. Tbomofr, of Penn. were appointed ! altere, nnd the re-ult of the ballot was declared as folio ws : On motion of M. R. Huil, i was Rcsohrd, That John P. Hale, of New Hampshire, be nominated as the Liberty f-andidnie for President of the United State. It was then ordrecl, that the convenlion proeeed loan inlormal bullot fora '■andidote for Viee President, and the bal lot rcsulted ns follows: Neilher eandidate hnvingn majority of ihe whole number of votes, a second bnllot was ordered to be taken, viva voce, which resulted as follows : - 160 voles - 18 necessary tr a choice: and Lficesler King having a majority of the whole nun)ber, t was unanimously Resolved That Leicesler King, of Oh!o, be nominnted as the Liherly cnndidale fur Vice President of the United Stntes. [As soon as tlie vote on first ballot was nnnnunced, Owen Lovejoy arose and declaied his deiermination not to accept of n tiotnination to the Vice Presidency.] [It is nlso lo be noted here that Mess. Chase, Lewis, and Lemoyne had each dedined a nomination before the balloting began] Mr. Leavi'.t, from tlie business commitiee, submitted the following resolutiun : Resolved, Tnat a Lfberty parly Corrrsponding commiitee be appoint■■d to consist oftwo erson-i fïom each of thfi states of Oliio, Peonsylvania, nnd N. York, and one from each of the statesof Indiana, lllinoi, Wjgconsin, Iowo, New Jersey, Michigan, Coni)eclieut,Vermont, Rhodo Islnnd, Massaciiusetts, Mnine and New [íampshirc, whose dnty it sliall be lo culi a Na'.ionnl Nominating Convention cf ;he Liberty Party ai such time and place as they mny judge expedienl , said Convention lo be eomposed nf delégalos from each stnte rqual in mimlicr to the Presidentinl Electurs of thal Slale, lo be appoinled in such tnanner as each State Convention shall prescribe. The fullnwing named gentlemen were elecled members of the National Liberty CorresDonding Convent ion; Maine - Samuel Fessenden, New Hampshire - Danni Hoit, -Josiab W. Hale, ]T(issachusetls - William J.ickson, Connecticul - Francia Gillett, Rliode Island - Lauriston Hall, New York - Lewis Tappan, and Alvan S te wart, New Jersey - Joirt'ian Parker, Pennsilvania - F. Julius Lemoyne, Willinm Eider, Ohio - Samuel Lewis, Edward Wade, Indiana - Eüzur De ming, Illinnis - Owen Lovejey, Michigan - Martin VV lson, Wisconsin - Charles Durkee, Iowa- V. W. Wood. On niotion, the members of ihis commitlee were autl.orized to fill any vacaney oceurring in theirbody. The Secretaries were appointed a commitlee to prepare and publisb the proceedings of the Convention. A vote of tlmnks was ordered lo be presented to I he Truslee itnd Pastor of Bethel Churcli for granting t lie convention the use of their imuse. The Convention then, afieran addrpss from the Preside nt, arljourned without day. SAMUEL LEWIS, President, TlTL'S HUTCHINSON, 1 William Jacksont, Phii.o Carpenteh, íeorge F. Horton, Charles O. Shf.pard, VicePresidHs. Horace Hallock .ÍOSF.PH COCHRAN, Jr., Raxter Sayre, jon. huddlestone, Austin Willry, ) Slanfey Mathews, A. A. Ackey, E. D. Holton, i Secretaries. S. M. Booth, Russell Errett, O. A. Bowe. )


Signal of Liberty
Old News