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Proceeding Of The Board O Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceeding Of The Board O Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceeding Of The Board O Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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Ann Arbor, Oct. 21. 1847. Present all the Supervisors. The journal was read and approved The following nreamble and ï'esoluiion ■as introduced befure the board by E ' W Morgnn Esq. It having been represenled to tlie boa d of Supervisors of !he county of Wa.shlennw, by lliè heirs or fffíiíhá W Rumsry, the original proprietor of the soutii part of the irillage of Ann Arbor, ihat thpy are owners as tennnts in common wilh snidfïountr, of ceriaiti lands in said vil lage, usuallv called the 'old jail square,' and that all persons interesled in said lands are now of age, and ready rnd ' nnxious to make some disposition thereof, and they having requested this board to takc tho necessary steps to eflect a sale of the interest of the cotinty in said lands, 01 ;i parfitton lliereof, as might be deem'.-d most for the interest of the county, and it appearing' reasonable i this boaul ihat sucli requcst should be complied witli therefore- Resolved, Tliat [liratn Boeker of Ann Arboi-, Ezra VV Whitmore, of Pittsfield, nnd Nathan Salyer, of Nortlifield, nnd they are he:eby oppointed a commitlee anJagenfs, for and in behnlfof the board of Suoervisois of ihe Couiitv cf Walitp. nnw, to examine inlo the title and interesls of said county in and (o he old jail square,' in the v.llage of Ann Arbor, and asee.-tain how the samo can be sold or divided, and that said cqmmitteo or ngents, or a rnajority of them, be and they are hereby expressly authorized and empowered as agents in behalf af said county, with tho advice and assent of the prosecuting attorney of said countv, to bargain, sel!, release, convey, or óiherwise dispose or all the right, title, interesl,esta!o Orclaiin of the county of Washtenaw, or of the Supervisors ' ty, in and to that part of block riumber thrce soutli, in rnnge in said village Ufually knuwn and dèscribed as Ihe 'jail ! square,' or 'old jail square,' lo such person or persons, in such rnanner and on such terms as tliey shall deor.i e.vpedient, or lo make lartiiion of sucii lands, in ( such manncr an-u on suclr terms, as to ! such commitlee or ngent, ortvvo oftheni shall seem proper and expedient; and tlmt upon such sale or partitiun the said frltrwa Becker, Ezra U' Whilmore, and Nathan Salyer, or any two cfthem-, be and the are hereby exprely aüd fu] y authoiized and emowêred as ngents for and on behalf of fhe board of Supervisors af the couniy 0 Washtenaw, fo rnake, ign, seal, execute, acknowlodge and deivcr any, cvery and all such deed--, relenses, convpvances, or ut her nstrumei.ts in writing as to them slu.Il scom proper, ir expedient for the sale, convoyarle, lartitiun, división, or other disposition of aid lands, or any pan thereof, or of tlic nierrst ol said eouniy in such lands :- And that su.-h commitlco or ngcnts, or any hvo of tliem Le also nuthorized ancf empowcrod to unitc, if thoy shall sec fit, with nny other proprietors of said lundi iamaking and acknowlsdginp, nnd curing to (e record'-d ony map or ploi ofsaidlnnds which would in llit-ir opinión fncilituto the sale, or simplifv the descn'piion of the different parta of said land. On motion of Mr. Jones, the sbove resolutinn was adoptud na a fuSsiitute fov the one adpted OU the lSlh, tist., on llio same subject. On motion of Mr. GUM, it wn Resolved, Tlint the sum of one tliousand four hundred and fifty two dollars nnd eleven cents be raised and opproprinted for the pui-pose of paving iho liabilities of the eouDty Poor Establishment, on claims nudiled and allowed by the Superintpndents for :he currant year. On motion of Mr Jones, it was Resolved, That the surn of five hundred and sixty dollars be raised and ap. propriated for the purpose of paying the interest on the loan lo this county (Voin the univcrsity, or School fund, fur the current year. On tnotion of Mr McLanr, t was Resolved, That n committee of thr e membera be nppointed to apportion the i nmount of taxes to be raised in this counly, the present year. Messrs. Van Cleve, SlieMon and Yo cum were nppoinied said commiitee. On motion of Mr Jones, a committee of three mymbers, was appointed by the chair, to attacli certificatcs to llie assessment rolls, consistingof Messrs. Sheldoiij Junes and McLane. On mntion of Mr Whitmore, it was Res.'lved, That the severnl Supervisors of thiscounty be aulhorized to assess upon iheir respective assessment ro]!s, nlj amounts cerlified lo thern by the tnwnbliip elerks of the difleront toivns for township expenses. The committee appoinlrd !o se'tle with the Treasurer of ihe couiity, bv Il r IWker, one of their numbor, reported, ihat they had performed thnt duty, nnd find remaining in the linndc of (lie Treasurer tlie sum of 8242 75; whicb repon was acccpted, ndopied and the comrriitee disehargrd. The commitlee nppoiuted to fix upon the compensaiion (o be allowcd to Supervisors for tntcking out their la.x rolls made a report, reducing it some from the allowance last year, wkich as occepted. The report was nmended so as to aU !ow to each Supervisor ihe same sum as ast 3'ear, with the exception of Ypsilanti, which was raised !o :hR same amount as ,1301)611 tlie report Vae adopted na follnws: On motion, it was resolved, that l'ie rollovcing claims be allowed by the board: 115 S. Abel,Salary as Treasurcr for cun-ent year, S500 00 116. H. Becker, box candlès, 12 00 j Mr. öranger, from the committee on Roads and Bridges, made a report in j voruf raising the sucn of two hundred ! dollars lo be nppropn'aled to aid the misxioners of Ilighuvivs in ihe towasliij) of Ami Arbor in constructing bridge across Hurón river, ia the summer pf 1345, in.obedience to qu o:der made byt!)O Judgeof 'J'ho Ca'twh Court for said county, on ibe aöth day of Novemher, 1816, The queslion was then taken upon the adoniion of the' rencit of tlm tce, by yeos and nays, wliic!) resulfed as follows : Yfins- Messrs. Breker. Carver, Cri;.pen, Conklin. Grangsr, Ilottrud, Jonen, Salyer, Van Cleve, Yocum- 10. Nays- Messrs. Boynton.GÜlet.Haiglir, Kimbcrly, McLnríc, Pomeroy, Sheldon, Warner, Wliiimore - 9. Absent - Moshier. Mr. Granger prcsenlcd !he peiition of tlio Commfeiioners of liighways of the townsh'ip of Bridgewater, pniyini; tliis board to raise upon the countj', one bundred dollars, lo oid tliem in building and repairing bridges in that lown. The questiou as tlicn laken, on ihe petition, and r.egaiivcd wl:huut a división. On mution it was RcGolxd, Tliat, ii the opinión of thU board, t'ie cause of pcru'ar f ducnlion,and llie weli'ire nnd happiness of the citizens ofihis c'.untv would be groaily promoted bythennnual expendituro of a sum not exceeding two liundrp.ï dullaiv, in oslablishing and fstering of the Teacher's Inslitute, recenily orgnnizcd in ihis cmintv, lor tlio improvernenl of Common School Teachers, ni)d the elevotion nnd improvement of ihe Teachoi-s' profassiün.- And n nccordante vvilh the spirit of tlio thiid article of the Ordinnnce of 1787, Tor the govemment of the Territory of lbo I-iHtod Stklea Norlh West oftheriver Ohio, which declares thnt " Rnligion, moralitv and knowledge, (.eing necessarv to good governrnent and ihe happiressof mankind, schools and the meansofeducationshall f .rever be encomagcd," we heing doeply impressed wilh ihe imporlanccofthe general diffusion of moral and intellectual Hglit, and of the extenMve dissemination of intelügence atnong ll'e eople, respectfully request the Jegislature of this State to pass a law autliorizing ihe board ofSupervitora ofthis county, in their discretion, to raise by tax on the taxoble property of h'u county asum notexceedlng wo bundred dollars annually for the purpose of defraying the expenses of said Teachers' Insliluto nntJ supplying it with a Loard of Intruptora. 'J hs Coi nty Clark, n obedience to lbo requir.ements of law, made a report to the board: of the decisión of the eireuil court in the cases appealed fiom the board of Supervisors !it year ; by wliich it np. poared thatthe aggregrate amountoftha stvsral sums allowed oier nbove the amcunt allutted by the bonrd. wltli cost3 and cliarges, including tho S20Ö aÜowed to the Higbway commissioners of Ahn Arbor, wns 972 43. On moü'on, it was. Resolved, That the sum of ono Ihousand dollars ba rairtd and appropflaled, for ll;e purpose of redeeming jui-ors' es uut-standing and to pav j'jrois. On motion it was Resolved, That the sum of fixir Í fr drod and six!V dollnrs be rai.sed and oppropriated for Iho pu-posè of paying Oüi' indobt■dBoM to the Siate. On rnction of Mr. Salyèr, n coramittee of two members, cdnsist'ng of Gillet an] Sheldon, was appoinied by the chair, toasceriaia and report to the board tliecompensaiion of eacli Supervisor durtig :he siuing pfthis board, ;,t kfrprewnt se siot:. On n;otioi of .Mr. She'cfjnit was Resolved, 'i'hnt the Superimendenis of the Coiinty To r are l,e; iisiruded to keep an accura'e m-count of the prodiets of i!,è Cuuuty Poor Farm, mrf ,ü leJprttbe sania lp ÜtU bonrd atifsnext annuólsesiun. O: moüoa of Mr. Van Clovo, il was ResolveJ, Ti.ut Jamffï M. Wiloxon and Thomas Mi L.iJd be appoinled a commiUee to examine ilie new Genen.l Index (o iekdi and mortgnges in the iíegi.ler's oíFí-je, in ;he place of the coinmittco appoinied last year, by the board of Sjipèfrvispra for that purpose, wbwfc CJmmiitèe have, by thoir request, been disëbörgd irom further serving oa,said cöiUrtii Ice. Tlie tfoard pasapd upoa and allowsd the claim of Mr.Uoaritfn, for servúe as &c. curiog the sitting of tho board al, Si 1 28. The Clcrk laiJ bsfore tlio board n ootn munication fmtTithe Audiier Geuaral relative to Smte Ta. Mr. McLnne moved a resoluiion íhat (he boaid assess 2} milis on the dollar for-Wa-ordinary State expenses.. the questíon was taken and nagatived. The board nrij.,unied until to-morrow morning at 8 o'dcwk. F.idny, üclo'jer 22, 1947 Boará met purstrant to aHj. irreseat all tho Supervisors. The journal ren'l nml approved. On mol ion of Mr. I'omerov, ii was Resolved, TIkiS the sum of eight fnandred foriv ono dollars and nineteen cmts bo raisod as a contingent fund ÍÓr the current year. The board atfowed tho fulïowing r.lii line The eommilico appointed fo flx and reporl the cuinpensation of Sopenffa e services riuring the sittinj t.f the board, made n reporl as foflows, viz:
The report was acce-pl-ed and adopled, ana the commitles on chiras were discharged. On inotion it was Resheil, Thaithe countv TroaMirer he directfd i cm-c iKc coad llnus Iti bc in iure.l ui n g lod nii'i responsible Insurnpce Coaijnny, f-r Te muto ofthree Ihpjsand iloüors; and ilie Owit.ty Pr (Iou-p, ! f.jr the.suni "f i-wo ili)U9and dwllipx, an.dl aj.oilie baru al itlw Poor House for 1' ilVunlred d.Jllai's: tiio House not le he itiMii-od until ilie Furnace i-" pi icod thewin, uutess it can be done ■on the snnre lortns as though ihc lurnace was in wsc On molion a commitiee of ilire mem:lers. euQsisiing of VVhUmre, Jon"s and Warner, wM appoimcd t examine tlio Books pfthelnia Connty Treasarer, and the transcripts tinde by him, and report i,! 3 o'olock P. U. The comtniilep, appointed to apporlicn the ainount U b assessed uon the tnxa'ile properiy of eacli township, for couniy purnoses, made n repor; whicli vas ac-ce[ited and aJoi'ed, as fullows. And the Supervisor of each of the sevcral towns in il is Conniy is hereby ■uthorhced to raise the amount above specified, on the as-essment roll of his township. Mr Whitmorp, frora the committe nppoinled to examine the Trensurer's books and investigóte the claim of O W' Moore. late Treaurr of ihe County for trar.scribing the Recorda,inade n report, reeommendiiig tl. at he be a'l.iwed the sum of' two huiidre'l and rvinety fivn dol!ars,in nddition to the sum of one hundred dollars, which hehad airead y receiveti, which report was accepled. On mo;ion ol'Mr Jones, it was Revolver!, Tlmt the Clerknl this boarri draw an order ufion i lie contingent funH, in favor -f O VV Moore, for the suin of thirty-six Jnilars and fiíty-si.v balance his 'tliim ngiinst the county, as it ppears on the TrenfHWi books. ( il moiion it was Uislvptl, 'hu' the sumof Iwo Imudred ■nnr fif-y dollars be nllowed lo O W Moore, in Pull fur Ilis simvicps renden-d, and expenses iicurrcd n copying records of the Tieasurpr's office, t Ihi-' d:ile. in addilion to ihe slim of one hundred d-liars nlrtady rec-eived hy tiiin,iobe paid to Kim when lie sliall eertify under oath, thnt suuli enpyia irue nnd correct ae compnred with tlie original records ol tho Treasuier's office. The quc-.tion on ihe pátaage of tliis resolutinn v:is taken, by yeas and nays, as f.illows viz: Yeas - Messrs. Beek er, Carver, Crippei, CoTikiin (' 'íaight, Jone, -f er, .neliJonVanier.VVliii. more - 12. Nays - Mpssrs. lioynton, Gillet, tloward, Kirnherly, McLane, Van Cleye, Yocum - 7. Absent - Mr Moshier - 1. So the rcsolution was adopted. On mot ion, it was Resolved, ihat the chaiimnn ofthis Bpard.Hiram Becker, E-q , be authorized to contract wnli sortie suii; ble pcrson to repair the roof of the Court Houie, Cornice iind IJHxds, and pain! the window falinds, cornice, door?, Hoor and window frame?, ('ou'side,) of ttie Court House, Clerk nnd Regtster'sOflisp. IIecatitulation of the amount lo be rai.-ed inthis Conniy, l!ie current ye;r, for Couiiiy punieses: On motion the board adjourned uniil lu-roo-row morning ot 8 ö'clock. Saturday, Octuber '23, 1847. Board mH pursunnt to adjournmeni. Journal red n nd npprovpd. On motie! of Mr. Junes Resolved, That tliesum offifty dollars he and ihesame is liereby approprialeli tolic pal.! ró S -l:e! Iw.. tl o ptirpnse ofco:n,li-tiigilifi transcript of ibe reco'da of ihe Trcasuie-'s office u) to ihis time, to Le paid to him when lie nliall allacli a certifícalo theiTti, ur.der orah, t'nat tl-.e transcript vnodt ly liitn h truc nnd corrcct,ns compared witli tboor'gioül recods in liis (ílTi'e. On mol ion it was Resolved that tñe Gleik uf llú" B'a.-c' le a:it!iorzcd lo drnw coutiíy oivlers upon tlic contingent fünd for B.n aniount not excepding twsoty doHars, for the purI pos; of furnsiiiiig s'otioüery for thc j cnurts nnH cuunty. On niotiim Ihe coinm'tte rn:seH to examine the b'joki in Ve Trpnsurpr's office, ihuive tn ihe claim of O W Moore, were dischr. rgfd. Mr McLine mnvil a resolutiou to publiah the recpip's and evpendíiures of the county i;i two of the public journal.of ihis vil I 'ge. Mr Pomeroy moved toamend bysfrkkingo'it 'two' and inserting 'one' which atncndirient waa nccejited by i he mover, whon the resolutioü as amended was lost. Mr Jones tb1 moved a resolution to publish in foi.r public Journnlsof tho village, hich was )ost. It wm then moved tliat Ihe same bf published in ihe Micigaa Argos, upon wliich the yens anJ nays were demanded, wllich werc taken as follows: Ykas - Messrs. Carver,Conkln,Granger, Jones, Kimherly 5. NAYs. - Messrs. Becker, Crippen, Haight, HownrJ, McLane, Sheldon.VVarner, Whilmore 9. Absent - Mess.-s. Boynton, Gillet, Moshier, Pomeroy, Van Cleve, Yocura 0. Mr Ha'glit then moved to aulhorize to publi-h in one paper, and upon this queslion the veas and nays were demanded, which were. taken as follows ■ yKAS - Messrs. Cnrver, CotikHn.Grangir, Hniglit, Howard, Jone", Kimberlv, Sheldon, 8. Nays - Messrs. Becker, McLane, Salyer, Wornor, Whilmore, 6. Absent - Messrs. Boynton, Gillet, Moshier, Vaa Cieve, Poineroy, Yocum, 6. A motion was hen made lo reconsider the volé just laken, and the jeas and nays detnanded which were taken as follows: Yeas - Messrs. Becker, Cnrver, Crppen, Eloward, Jones, McLane.Salyer, SheMon, Wanier, Whitmorc 10. Nays. - Mes-sis. Conklin, Granger, Kimberly, 3. Absent - Messrs. Boynlon, Gillet, [ïaighi Moshar, Pomeroy,Van Clave, Yocuin, 7. Mr. Jones then unveJthe following: Resolved, That il ö Lum of S40 be oppmprialed out ofihff cnni;ngenl fund for ilie porposeof publiebingiha pjweedinga ni his boord, in Tour of ihe public Journals of tliis vil!age,so lar as the same may be requiied by law; provided that not more ihan ten dollars be paid to any one jour'nal, and ihe Clerk be auttiorized to drnw orders to the above amount when the work scompleted. The quPbtion was then taken and llie resolulion odopted. On motion t was Koolveel, 1 lint the chai rrnan ot mis board be authorizerl !o balance the unbalnucei pnge "f the Treiury Books,keU liy O W Moore, and sign them officially ty lliis board. Mr McLnne offjrei) the following : Resolved, Thnt in consideration of tlie gre'iter economv and the more speerjy mlministmtion of justice, secured by llie county courtsyslcin, over ;!iat ofllie circuit curi, we wrjuld recommend to the legislntuie tu increase the jurisdiotLon of the county court. Mr VVhitmore said ifhc had the right irhprafiion of theso county courts, they expedito business in a wonderful degree. and were a mnlter ofgreat economv. The question was then tiken and the resolution adopted. On rnotion the board ilieh acijourned


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