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Liberty Vote

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In Ilillsdale, for Governor, t was 146 : last year, for Congreis, 1(58. In Calhnun cuunty, 116 Liberty men voted for Gurney,whilo Denison, for Congress, received but 63. The balance of 53, we suppose, cast their suflïnges for Gordun, nn unrepenting supporter of thal Slaveholder, Menry Clay. It does trol become ut to sit in judgpment upon tlnsr who did this thing, as we think, unwisely. VVe are for cxtending the largesl liberty of ttmught and action to every real true-headed friend oftliRsIave. - Let hiiti woik for the prosperity of the eommon cause in the manner his own conscience nnd judgment prescribe. - No one, while he does thN, has any righl to condemn him because he does nnt pronounce the Shiobnleth just as others do. But we would reipectfullv inquiie of our friends who have taken ihis crurse, whethcr any thing is likely to be gnined to' our cause by voting for proslavery men, who, to a great exlent, do not even preiend to hold our principies] Shnll we not exert a more eíTective influenCp, if we refuseour support to all whodo not fully come up to the two great mensures of our enterprise - the Repeal of the Slave Laws, and the Exclusión of Slaveholders from Office? - VVe submit it to the suber judgment o( those friends who supported Mr. Gordon, whetherany standard of political action lower than this will not be ultimately highly injurious or fatal to the objects we hope to nccomplish ?


Signal of Liberty
Old News