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No very important moves seem to have yet been made in Congress. We give such items of the doings as have corne to hand. Dec. 5th. - Senate. Among ihe new Senators sworn in, was Alpheus Felch, of Michigan. The dai'y liour for the meeiing of the Senate was fixed at 12 meridian, when the Senate adjourned. House. - Mr.Winthrop, on teking the Speaker's Chair, made a very neat and appropriate speech. The oath of office was administered to liim by the venerable John Q. Adams. Quite a discussion spning up between Mr. Truman Smith of Conn. and C. J. Ingersoll on a n.otion for a committee to revise the rules of the House, nnd to adopt the rules of last session. The rules of last session were temporarly adopted with the excepiion of tlje 33d one. Afier some further business the House adjourned to Tuesday, 12 M. Dfx. 8. Tlie Senate met at the usual bour, and resolved to set apart Monday next f.jr the election of the Standing Committees. A petition was presénted from sundry citizens ofthe City of New Yoik, praying Congress to clnnge the present law in relation to postage, which was laid on the tnble. A resoluíion was pnssed, autliorising iie printing of 10,000 copies of thh Mesnge. In the House, the whole day was ocupied in selecting seats by lot, in acprdancc wiiS ihc r-le adopled al the last etsion. Dec. 9. Mr. N.los annmaced in n short and very ftffecting speech the decease of the [Ion. Jabez VV. Iluntingion, a member of the Seríale from the State of Conn.,and presented to the Senate and moved the adoption ot the cuslomary resolutions, which wereagreed to unanimously ; and the Sennte, without transacting anv further business, adjourned. In tlie House llie annual Report of the Sccretary of the Treasury was received, and ten thousand extra copies were ordered printed. Mr.Vinton moved for tlie appointment of a comniittee on House Commerce, wliicli, afler considerable debate, was nol ngreed to. The House artjourred over un'.il Monday, when t is presumed the Speaker wil! announce the standing cominittees for the session. Washington, Dea 14. Senate - Met 12 o'cluck. The Vice President laid before the Sen ate the annunl report of the Secretay of the Treasury, and on molion of Mr. Bréese, 20,000 copies were ordered lo be prin'ed for the use of the Senate. On mol ion it was resol ved, that the commitlee on Military and Naval affairs, be , increased to seven each. M On motion of Mr. Sevier, ihe SerJle proceeded to the election of officers.when ihe old officers were re-electedalmosl unanimously, The joiut resolution of the House, providing for the electinn of two Choplnins, was agreed to, and Mr. Slicer was elected, on the part of the Senate. On molion of Mr. Mangum the following appointments, as Chairman of standing commiltees, wero made without balloting: Manufactures, Mr. Dickinson; Military, Mr. Bréese; Militia, Mr. Buck ; Public Lands, Mr. Bréese; Private Land Claims, Mr. Yulee ; Indian Affairs, Mr. Atchinson; Revolutionarv Claimik.Mr. Bright; Pension?, Mr. Johnson, oNja; Patents, &c, Mr. VVesjott; Retrench-" ment, Mr. Turney ; Territories, Mr. Douglas; Public Buildings, Mr. Hunier ; Contingent Expense?, Mr. Felch ; Printing, Mr. Biadbury, Engrossed Bills, Mr. Downs ; Enrolled Bills, Mr. Rusk; Joint Committce on Library, Mr. I'eaice. Cameron, District Columbia, Chairman; of Comrnittees of the Hoie, Vin'.on on Ways and Meane; J. R. Irgersoll, Judiciary; Audrew Stewaj-t. Manufactures; Truman Smitb, Foreign Affairs ; Butts, Military Affairs. m Mr. Rockwfill delivered aeulogyon the deaih of Senator flur.tington. It is mored that Mr. Colquelt will resign liis seat in the Senatesoon. On motion of Mr. Mangum, the election of the remaining members of the Committeea was postponed until lo-morrow. Adjourned. The following are some of the principa] Standing Committees of the House of Representativos. Ways and Means - Vhiton, Toombs, McKny, Hudson, Gen. S. Houson, Morehead, Polock, Hubbard, Nicholas. Foreign Affairs - Truman Smith, Hilliard, C. J. Ingersoll, Marsh Pendleton, Duer, McClelland, Daniel Duncan. Military Affairs- Botts, Bart, VVilson, Haralson, Dicke,Boyd, Marvin, Harskell, Fisher. Naval Affairs - Tlios. Butler King. Isaac T. Holmes, Schenck, White, Dayly, Levin, Stanton,Tuck. Judiciary - Joseph R. Ingersoll, Ashmun, Pettit, Nathan K. Hal!, Lumpkin, Dixon, French, Taylor, Mead. Post Office and Post Roads - Gogging, Root, Charles Brown, John Phelps, Embree, George VV. Jones, Lincoln, Kaufftnrin. Commerce- Ilunt, Grinneü, Simpson, Hampton,Tliibodeaux,Wentworth, Gregory,Atkins, Iüngham. Public Lands- Collamer, Stephens, (VicClernand,Garent Duncan, Broadhead, Putman, Jamison, Aiexai der Evans, W. R. W. Cobb. Manufactures - Andrew Ste'wart, Abbott, VVoodard,John VV. Houtson,Edsall, Sherrill. Wm. G. Brown, Crisfield, James H. Johnson. The following are the riames öf the Chainnen of Coramitiees not before given: Claims - Juhn A. Rockwell. Revolutionary Claims - D. G. King. Private Land Claims - Gayle. Agricultura - Hugh White. Elections - Richard Thompson. Indian Affairs - Gentrv. Public Expenditures - Clingman. Territories - C. B. Smith. Revolutionary Pensions - Cocke. Invalid Pensions - Nes. Roads and Canals - Schenck Patents - Fordly or Wardly. 05a" VVe have received the first number of the "Bureau Advocate," published in Princeton, Bureau County, Illinois. The paper presenls a fair appearance. The pubüsher has adopted a very ngenious mode of getting his cditorials without any expense. He divides one page inlo three paris, and gives up the control of each port'on respectively 10 a committee of Whigs, Demócrata nftd&iberry men, each of whnm, inserí, in their columns, whatsoever they please. In this way the reader ccn kee[ nlong with the poülics of the three partie?jhaving(he meritsof each presented weekly by ts own advocatos. The plnn bas the charm of novelly, but we apprehend that the oíd fashioned method in the end will be found decidedly the best.


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