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PR. TOWNSEND'S S.'M !l S.iP.S MS ifjfj.1 ! TUK MOST EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. rpiIIS EXTRACT is put p in qart boules; J. i áix ti rïit'd cheaper, pleasanter, tuul warrantcd superior to any sold. li cures d8i without vomiting, purging, sickening, or dehilitatiag the patitnl GBEAT FALL & WINTER MEDICINE. '] lio greít be.mty and Huperiority of ibis Sar snparillii over all olher medicine is, wlule il eradi catAS diseases, it invigoratea 'ne. body. it ie our oi'ilie very besi Full and Winter Medioines evei known; it nol nnly purlfis the whole gysteni and strengthens ihe peisnn, but il creHtes new. pure aml ricli blood; 0 power poed bjl nu otlior medicine. And in ibis lies the grand se cret of iis wonderful succes. It hns pertorined wittrin the past two years more iban :5.0,o cures ofssvern oase of disease; at least. 20,000 of these were cousidered incurable. More thatt 3,0110 cases of Chronic Rheumalis ii ; ,000 cuses of Dyspepsia; 4.0)0 cases of General Debility and Wout of Energy; 7.(1110 cases of the different Femate Compl;unls; 2.00) cases of ScroluUj; 1,500 cases of tlie Livor Complaint: 8,500 cases of Distase of the Ridneys and Dropsy; 8. Olio cases of Consumption; And tbouaanda of cases ot disaasn of the blom!, viz: Ulcere, Erysipelas, Sul; Khcuni, Pimpleon the Face, c, c, togethcr with numerous cases of Siok llead Ache, Pain in the Sioe and Cltest, Spinal Affec:ions, &c. &0. This, we are aware, must appear incredible, but we have letters Irom Physicians and uur Agents from nll paris of the United Stater, in;:r Ufl of extraordinary cures. R. Van JJusKiiiK, Ksq.. ono of the most respect! Ie DruggUts in Newark, N. J., informs us that he can reler to more than 150 case? in that place alone. There are thousands of ca?es in the citv ii f New York, which we will refer to with ple.isnre, and to men of charaoter. Il is the best mecine for the preventivo "f dieeose It idoubtedly saved the lives of mor than 'M) CfflLDREN THE PAST SEASON ! removed the cause of disease, and prepared il for ihe Slimmer seaaun. it hns never known to injure in the least the most delicate chüd. RHEUMATISM. This Sarpiparilla is used with the most perfect gucoms in Rheumaticcomplaints, however severe ur c-hronic. The astonishing cures it has performed are indeed wonderful. . Olher remedies netimee give temporary relief; this eniirely eradicates it from the system, even wlien the limbs and bones are dreadfully swollen03' Hear Mr.'Seth Terry, one e( the oldest am( most reapectable lawyers in Hartford. Conn. The fotiowing is au extract of a letter rectived irom hun: Dr. Tute isml - I have used one bottle ofyour Sarsnparilla, and fmd it is excellent in its eflecis U oa a Chronic Rheumatic pain to which I am subject, from an injury received seieral years ego, in a public smsre. Please send me two bottlesto tlie Oiire ol )r. Seymour. 1 have eonversed wii!i two of our principal physiciaiis and recominenJ yuur Sarsaparilh. SETH TLRRY. Hartford, March 12. 145. CONSUMPTION CURCD. Cleanse and Strengthtn. Consumption can be Cured. Bronchitis, Consumption. LiverComplaint, CoKIs, Catarrh. Coughs, Asthma, i?pi:ting ui Biood, Soreness in tin Chest, Hectic Flash, Night Sweats, Dilliculi or Profuse Expectorntion. Pain in the Side, &c, have been and can be cured. Dr. Tmvnsend- Dear Sir : Nearly twenty yfiiirsago I look a violent cold, wtiieh netled on iny lungí, and affected me severely ; indeed, fiually it iiecame a constant boeking cougb, bui not so severe as to prevent me Irom attending to my business. Within ihe last few years it ncreased oí irle graduaïly. A last [ became Te(aeJ I breathed with dilïlculty, and raised wilh my co'jgli mucb bad matter, and for the nine inonths previons to using ynur Snrsapariüa. had recular night sweats ; indeed, my I ii nds and mvselfsupposed that I would die with the Consumption; bul I have the happiness to infnrm you that. to my surprise, after using three les of your Sarsaparilla, I find rry heahh reetored. It relieved me graduaïly, and I am now enjoying miich better heakfa than I have before in 2ü years. I had almos! entirely lost my appetite, which is also returned. You are at liberty to publish this with my name, in the papers, if you choose. My liltle girl, who is tliree years oíd, l.nil a very "bad cough ihe v. hole of last winter. We became very much nlarmed on her account. - While using the medicine, I gave her sime of it, and it si"n enttrelv relieved her, as we!l as myeelf. and she is well now. and hearty as ai y child I ever fjw iSlie w;is also full of litile blotches; il took ihem away and her skin is smootli and fair now, and Í am sritistied she recovered liet heahh from using your excvllent medicine. S. W. CONANT, 444 Broadway. GIRLS, READ TUIS. You who have pale complexions. dull eves. blotchcs on the lace, rough skin, and are ':out nf spiriis," use a boltle or two ot Dr. Townsend'e Sarsaparitla. It will cleanse your blood, remove the frecklis and blotches, and give you auimation. sparkling eyes, fine spiriis, and beouuful complexión- al1 of which are of immense value to uninarried ladies. SCROFULA CURED. This Certifícate conclusively provea that tliis Sarsaparilla has perfect con rol over tlie most obstinate diseases of the biood. Three persons cured in onehouse is unprcedented. THREE CHILDUF.X. Dr. Towyisenl - Dear Sir: I have the plcr.sure to inform you thai ih'ee of my childien hav been cured ol the Scrofula by the use ofyour excellent medicine. They were i.ffl cled very se verely wilhJjad sores; have taken only four bottles; it took thein away, er which 1 feel rnj sell under very deep óbligationYour, res;iecilully, ISAAC W. CRAIN. 106 Wooster st. New York, March I, 187. OPINIONS OF PHYSICÍANS. Dr. Townsend is nlmost daily recniving orders from Phvsicians in dillerent paus of ihe Union. Tliis is to certily that we, the iindersigned. Ehysicians of the city of Albany, have in nutue( uses presorihed Dr. Towiiscnd's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to bc une of the most valuable tircpa:ations in ihe market. 11. P. PAULINO, m. d. 3. W1LSON. it. ti. R B. BRIGÚS, m d. P. E. ELMENÜORK, m. d. Aibany, April 1, 1846. Files Piles Pile Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla 13 no less successful in curing this distressing complaint, than for diseases of the Blood, Dyspepsia. Rlieuma tisin, and Nervous Debiluy. Read the lollowing: - Dr. Trwnscnd : Dear Sir - TheefFeets nf yori Sarsaparilla are truly wonJerful Kor the lae six or eighl years past I have been subject to pe vere attacks of ihe liles, during wliich 1 liav Bufferod ai] the tortures of that complaint, anr had despaired of ever finding relief except ii death. I have the pleasure to inform you llia"there is yctabalm in Gilead." I have user two boules of vour S.irsapa'illa, mul feel no renriins ol ir.y old complaint. 1 send you this foi publication. and any person you may refer to me 1 would be happy to inforni ol the benefit I hav received at your hands. Yours, truly. JOHN HALL, 49 Fuhon st. Thomas Smith. Printer, 162 Nassau st., 3 f ory, cured of a long standing and aggravated case of the Piles. lul.. MAYNARDS, 4 General Agenta, Ann Arbor FA1NTS, Oils, Varnih, Spirits Tur(ïentine, Jiiusl ca, filas.1.. Puuy. Gl ohUo. ■'. ■■ A largo stook lor .-■,le low til MAYNARDS. NEXTDOOR TO MICHIGAN STATE BANK. BE1ROIT. [1347-48] DETROIT. THE CHEAPCASH STORE, Nu. 132 Jcjfcrson Atenué, Detroit - Old slund uf M (I ll WHOLESALE jjjrf 11111 B-EECH E R V A B BOT Blil ïïpsfrifw ]f wiiiMiiw]j] iiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiii ij giiiiiHliiHlliim'l! CARPETsil llFEATHERS MICHIGAN FANCY AND STAPLE L S STHLBANK ifmmllT B 'flPlfflllli ÏrDRY'iLlGOTsl 1 rTTUTHER BÈECHER, 1 BEEOHER & ABBOTT, our attenlion is invited to the best slock of DRY GOODS Ever brought to this City. Also, to the largest and cheapest stock of SUPER NEW STYLES Brussels Carpets Warren ted to have been imported within the last 20 days. Also, a splendid assortment of ENGLISH INGRAIN AND LOWELL 2 PLY CARPETS, ALL WOOL, At from 50 cents to SI per yard, and every other variety of Carpe:s at from ls.3d. to 4s. per yard. Also, Oil Cloths, Brussols Rugs, Window Shades, Wall Paper Uangingt,, Fealhers, MalUnga, &c. &c. GOOD GOODS, LOW PR1CES, AND MUST BE SOLD, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 37 LUTH3R BBSCHZ3R, Detroit. IiEATHER STORE. I f C I M '" ■ ; - LA DÜE & ELDRED, (Successors to Eldred ó Co.) N O. 8 4 WOODWARD AVENUE, Directly Opposite t'ic Episcopal Chwrcli, ARE hnpiy to infurm the laie customers of E'dred & Co. and the public generall, that ihey liave now on hand, and are consiamly niaiuf'actunng, a superior artiule of Efieather, And are s r.rchins a Pindings. AMONO THEIR ASSORTMENT MAY BE FOUND Spanish and Slaughler Solé LEATHER, Dee:-, Goat and Lamb Binding, Hemlock and Oak Upper do. Morocco all kinds, Harnessand Bridle do. Shoe Thread, Tacks, Sparables, Skirting and Russet Bridle do. Shoe Knives, Pincera, Ilammers, Belt, Band and Welt do. Boot Coid and Weljbing, Horse and String do. Awls and Brisilo, African and Slaughler KIP SKINS, Last?, Boot Tres and Crimps, Oak and Hemlock CALF do. Lasting and Seal Skins, French Grif Skins, Bank, Sliore and Siraits Oil, &c. &c. White, Russet and Colored Linings, All of whichthey offer on very reasonable torms. MERCHANTS &MANUF ACTÜRERS Will fi ld it to their advantage to cal and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. CASH PAID rOR 2IIDKS AND SKINS. DETKOIT, I8J7. 3ST-fy NAILS.- TfjO kes Eautern Nails lor f CLARK, Attornoy and Counséïïor fr "i!c by - ;ind Jus:i'"8 of tliü i'cac'. Officfl. 'imii I 'ü. I?. & W. R. NOYES .Ir. Ibmsc Ann r ï 8 ';l CASH Will be paid for COUNTY ORDERS DRWVN on imy of the conmies of' lilis State, or money will be Joaned on them hy me ni iiiy Banking Ollice, (irst door towordl ihe Itiver mul opposite tlie cuslom house, Detroit, Mich. SIGHT BRAFTS on New York or llulliilo always on liuml. 344-Hi.i G. F. LEWIS. Land for sale. THE subscribor offers for sale Eiglity Acres of Uil d, I eint; the east half ol norih 3net quarter ofsection lii, of town 4 north. range I I west. siluaie in tho townsliip ol Waylaml, Allegan Cmimy. Tho land is level, well tirobered, and well acoommod.ited by roads. and will be sold low lor cash or exchanged for stock. JAMf.S H MOSHEK. Ann Arbor, Nov. 4, IS47. 34l-3m. Tí) ATTORNEYS AND OTHERS WISHING DEEDS ACKNOWLÊDGED or Depositions taken ;o he used in eithor of the States of New York, Jriio, Pennsylv:inia, Indiana. Missouri, Kenucky, South Carolina, Maine, or Vermunt. The undersigned lias been Huly appointed a Coniniissioncr for each of said S'ates : Also Noary lJu!lic for Wayne County. OFFICE h'rst door towards the river from ihe "ost Oifiee, and opposite the cuslom house, Dkl'ROIT, MlCH. GLEASON F. LEWIS. G. F. L. wiil allend promptly to the taking depositions &c. &c. for persons resi cJinj? at a distanee by aidressing him by mail. i244-3m Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIUM. T. II. ARMSTRONG, HAVLN'G taken the Stand No 5S, Woodard Avenue. 3 doors north of l)oty' Auction toom, recently occupied by J. G. Crane, as a lat Store ; and added the stock of the laiter to lis own, and also engaged in manufacturing very duscription of BATS $ CAPS, He is now prepared 10 offer to the Public everv avtióle in liis line, eiiher of his own or eastern manufacture, twenty-five per cent Iess ban have been offered in tl;is market. In his tock will be found Fine Nutra. Salín Beaver, üeaver, Otter, lir.ish an Sporting Hats, Fine Clotli. Siik. Plueh, Oil Silk and Velvet Cups ; tleo, llich Silk Cravais, Scarfs, ilandkercheifs ; iid, Thread, Silk, amt Buckskin Gloves ; Colars, Busüms, Walking Canes, Umbrellas, &c. T A 1 L O R I N G . The Pubjcriber has also secured the serviers of a fir8t rate Practical C'utter, by whicb he will e enabled to furnish garments of every styleand descriplion, and in the most approved and faahonable menner. He is conRtantly receiving the atest fashions, nnd, employins the best of workmen, he is confident tbat he will yive the best of satisfaction to nll that may favor him with their patronage in ibis branch of his busines. 31ü-tf wltLLmriTRASoÑD, OF THE OLD MANHATTAN STORE, CORNER. OF JEFF'N AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, HAS JHSt received a large and complete asBortment of DRY GOODS Broadcloths, Sheetings, Cassimeres, Drillings, Satinets, Tickings, Full Cloths, Baggings, Tweed's Clotlis, Flannels, Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, And other anieles in the line of Heavy Goods, too numerousto mention. Plain & Fancy d'Laines, Prints, Cash nieren, Ginghams, Plain & Fancy Alpacas, Lyonese Cloths, Oregon Plaids, Orleans Cloths, Indeed his assortment of Dress Goods comprises ll the variety which business demands. SHAWLS. Of every variely. Irom splendid Brochas nnd Cashmeres to heavy, eomfortable blnnket Shawls. LIVE GEES E FEATIIERS, By tlte pound or huhdred weight. Paper Ilangings, Of all qualitie3 and prices. PAPER W1ND0W CURTAINS, Of the newcst patteins, at wholesale or retall. VVith a stock as well calculated for the country as the city tmde. it is confilemly expected that he reputation of 'he "Old Manhattan" for good Groods iiflBp rntes will be fully susiained. As to trURüUR and sixpenny tea, thrit we ïave sold so tnany years, it is har .ly necessary o say a word ; but if th:s should meet the eye of iny one who hos not tried it, he should by all neans make the experiment, and see how great a saving may ba made by the Manlattan Store. Detrait, Sept. 22, 1847. 317-6m THE SUBSCRIBER has received his winter stock, which he offers for Caslf at greatly reduced p."ices. The Public are tnvited to cali, examine, and udgefor themselves. iNow on hand, and daüy idiling. SCFAS of every variety and paltern, and the laiesi fashion, pnces (rom $30 and upwanis.. DiVANtí, OTTOMANS. LOUNGES, BUREAUS, of all kinds, from $1 and up. ■Centre, Card, Tea, Dress, Pier, Daling, and Nest Tablea. Wafeh, Can.dle, nnd Toilet Stands. Bedsteads - Muhogany, Maple, and Wilimt, rom $.2 and up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Doublé and single Mitrcsses ol hair, ehuck palm leaf, or straw. Doublé and single Cot Bedsteads. do do Writtng Desks. CHAIRS. - The best assortment that can b found west of New York and the cheapest ii ihis city. Windsor Chaire, a good artielo, at $2 50 th sett. Mahogany French Chaire, hairseat, a first rat article, and well finished for $3 50, Cash only. Mahoaany RovkingChairs, hairseat and back warranted good, at the low price of $12, for th cash only. Flag and Cane Seat from 6s. and up. Biid Cages, plain and gallery : Bird Classes Hobby-Horses, and Toy Wheelbarrows. for chi dren; Patent Shower and Hip Itatlis ; Hosto Uath Pona, Camp Stools, Umbiella and Hl Stands. Fancy Bellows, Foot Scrnpeis, Can Sent Counter and Boat Stools. Curtnin materia Table covers, Pntent Post-Office Balances, Pie ture Frames. Wil low Wagons, Cradks, Chairs Clocks, and Baskets; Brittannia Table Castors very cheap. J. W. TILLMAN, No. 87. Jeffj" onAvenue. Detroit, January I, 1847. 297Iy Harilware. THE 8iibscrihfis have just receiveií a larpe íh ditton 10 tteir stock of Foreign umi D nrsiic SIhII' Hardware, which makes their as lortment very complete. R. B. &W. II. NOYES Tf July lOih, 1847. 38Í NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS! !!!!! j TUK Subscriber would oüll the attention of tlie public lo WOOI.SOx's NKW HOT MR COOKING STOVK, vhich they cun confidently recummend as being ccidedly superior lo any cooking stove in use. ""or simpliciiy in operation, economy in fue!. and r unequallcd biking and roasting qualilies is unrivaled. The new and imporiant imrovement iniroduced in its const.uction being nch as to insure great advantages over all other hids of cooking stoves. 'hose desirous ot getiing a good cooking stove or tamiiy use. or a public house, would do wel! jr calltng'and examining the above Btove before urchasmg elsewhfn'. B. B. & W.R. NOYES, Jr824 7(5 Woodward Avenue E. G. BURGER, Dentist, IRST BOOM OVKR C. M. & T. W. ROOT's STORE, JRANE & JEWETT's BLOCK, Gl-tf ' ANN ARBOR. GEESE FEATHERS! PAPER HANGINGS! I7IRST RATE YOUNG HYSON TEA AT " ONLY FOUR AND SIXPENCE PER OUND ! ]!y tho w.iy no one buys this tea once but biiys gain, and becomes a cus'omer. None better for ie price can lie had in Detroit. W1LL0W W AG GONS, PravelingBaskets, and b well as lots of other goods besides Dry Goods tnay be had very cheap at the ' Old Mikhattan Store.' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. j ES "O f ft M n . He á H t ora L „ W Sow UI 31 o -o .ï-j Pj lffejïf - DKaynards ARE IIV TOWNAGAIIV! HAVING removed to their new store, where they are receiving anextensiveassortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Groceries, Wilh a smal!, well-selected aasortment of DRY GOOD3, AU of which thev offer to their old friends and new customers at unusual low prices. Anyhingsold at their store is warranted to be of irst quality. They intend her ca fier to keep alnosi every article wanted for faniily use. Ann Ar'bor, June 30, 18-17. 323-tf CLO1H, CLOTHl ! TH F, undnrsigned would inform the public tliat they will continue to manufacture 'uiled Clolh, Cassimiere and Klannel, at their ■'actory, two and a half miles west from Ann Arbor, on liuron River near tli3 Railroad. TERMS The price of mailing cioili will bs for Cassimere, 44 ets. per yard ; for Fulled cloth, 37 J ets. ner yard ; for white Flannel, 20 ets. per yard. - We will also exchange cluih for wool on reasonnble terms. Wool aent by railroad accompanied wilh instruction8 will be p:omptly altended to. We have done an extensive business in inanu'ïcttiring cloth for customers for several years, md bclieve we give as good patisfaetion as any F.stablishment in the State. We therefore invite our old customers to coutinue, and new ones lo coine. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Foster & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Seio, April, 18i7. 313-tf. STEEL GO 0 DS! ])ntse Sdts and ZCfCmmttigs SPLENDID FANS, and any quantity of oihcr gtodjof thi6 eort at the OLD MANHATTAN STORE, 317 Detroit. EIRE ! FIRE ! ! THE subscriber continaes to act as Agent lor the Harilord Fire Insurance Compnny, of Hartford, Conneclicut. This Cotn pany hns been in business for the last TH1RTY S1X YEARS, and promptly paid II losses du ring that time, omounting to many Millions o Dollars. Applications by mail, (post paid) orto the subscriber ai :he Post Olfice. promptly atten dedto. F. J. B CRANE, Agent. Ann Arbor, luly 30, 1847. 331-ly N0T1CE. THE COPARTNERSHIP lieretofore existing between .). H. Lnnd and D. T. Mc Colluni unHer the firn of J. H. Lund & Co., i this day dissolved by mutual consent. All rlcmand-s dtld said liim eilher by noto o book account mnsl be settlod imnipdiately. witl D. T. McColIum who is aiithorized to aet!e thi s; me- and no mistuke. I. H. LUND. D.T. McCÜLLUM. Ann Arbor, Oc. 23, IR 17. Thn businpss hereafier will bo carried on bj J. II. Liuidvfho is now receiving a largo am pplendid aasortnient ot (all and winier goods cun sit int,r ot Drij Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crack cru, Boots and Shoes, Drugs &c. which ho offeri to tlm public clieup for ready pay. Picase cali and exarriiue gnoifc and pricèa J. II. U'Nl). Ann Arbor, Oct. 29, '47. 3-10-tf THRESHING MACHINES, CLOVER MACHINES AND SEPARATORS. , , THE subseriber would inform ihe public that i lie continúes lo mnniilacture the nbove machines at ihe old ol Knapp &.Haviland, al " the Lower Viüugeof Anti Arbor, near the Paper t Mili. Tlie Machines are of approved models, f tiavebeen thoroughly tesïcd in ibis vicitiity and c n-nrked well. 'I'iicy are made of the host mateÍ rials and by experienced workmcn. Thejr wil] i be kept constantly on hand, and also be made to l arder at the shortest norice. They will be sold e on very reasonable terms for Cash, or fat notee I known to beabsolutely good. I The above Mochines can be sed by Cour, six i r eight horses, and are not liable to be ensily t broken or damaged. Thpy are we!l adapted for t ihe use of either Farmers or Jobbers. The Sepi arators can be attached to any geared or strapped machine of any other kind. The subscriber i would reler to the following persons whb have t purchased and used nis Machines : Michael Thompson, Salem, Alexander Doane, " I James Parker, il I Alva Prat, Pittsfidd, t M. A. Cravath, " l Chirles Alexander, " ' Win. Pottü, Mil.'orrl. ! Hinkley &Vinton, Thetford, Martin Doty. Ypsilnnti, ■ M. P. &, A. D. Hadley, Baline, Wm. Srriitb, Cantón. Isaac Burhans, Northlield. Particular nttemion will be paid to RferAiRs. Cash will be paid for Old Castings. Persons desirous of pnrehnsinL' mnehines are requestcd to cali and examine these before purehasing'elsewhere. T. A. HAVTT,AND. May 17, 1847. 317tf .latí lrbor TH tl cjubsenber having purchtfaeü uic init:rest8 of J, M. Rockwell in the Marble iirainexs, would inform !hc inhabiiants of thib nd adjoÍDÍn& couiuies. that he will contintie the lusine.s at the old stand, in the Upper Town, near the Presbyterian Church, and manufacture o order : Monuments, Grave Stones Paint Slone, Tablcts, Sfc. $c. Thnse wishing to obtain any article in hisline fbosineas will lind by calling that lie has anasortment of White aml Variegated M irble trom he Eastern Marble Quariiee, whtcb will be rrougbt in Modern siyle, and sold at eastern pries. adding transporlation only. Cali and get thproof. VV. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbor, Jan. 30. 1847. 272 Iy p1SHMARETT AND TVVJ:DS. A L_7 heautiful article for Gentlemen's slimmer vear, just rëecived and will fi inanufactured in he latest siyle añd best poasible manner, at the ' VVeslern Clothing Emporium." HALLOCK & RATMOND. 3-18-t DüTROlT. Cheap Jewelry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. TIIE subscriber has just returned from New York with a large assortmenl of joldünd Silver VVatches, jewelry, tools, materials, toys, mubical Instruments and fancy goods. which he will sell at rhofaseto or rotail as lowas any estalilishmcnt west of New York. Country VVatch Makers and otliers wanting any of the above Goods will find it to their interest to cali,, as they wil! find the best assortnie:it in the city, and at the lowest prices. GOLD PENS. with silver holder and pencil $2 00. Price Re-luced. Gold Pens. VVatches and Jewelry RFPAIRED H. B. MARSH. 107, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, ? tíign of the Gold Pen. S 324 FURNiTURE & UPHOLSTER1NG WAREROOMS. STEVENS Sc ZU, IN the lower end of the White Block, directly opposite the Michican ExchaniW:, have on hand a large assortment of FURNITURE, of their own manufacture, which they wtll sell very '.ow for Cash They also keep 6xperiened Upholsterers, and are prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering al the shortest notioe. Fnrniture o! all kiners made to order of the best material, and warranted. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit, January, 1, 1847. 297-1 y FOR SALE CI1F.AP for CASH, or every kind of cour. try Produce, Saddles, Brid7es,Ifarness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk ValheSfCarpelBagsc. Also a gooa assortment of Whips & Lashes, which will be sold very low, and no mistake. at COOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 1846. 277-tf New Establishment. cj.ocks, WATCHES, AND dfriüS y TV. sgAit.tti A h+L .-ft. a r r W W 1 '■IB NV W t THE subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Dexter and vicinity that he has opened a shop in the above place, in ihe corner slore, formerly known as "ShcperdV; where he is prepared todo all kinds of repairidg in the line of clocks, watches, jewelry &c, on the shortest notice. Havinghadabouttwelve years experience in some of the best Eastern 8h ip, he flatter8 himself that lie can give entire saíi'fiíclion to all those who inay favor him wilh tholr wotk. J ] e has nnd is constantly receiving, clocks, w.itdies. and jewelry ot uil descriptijns, which he will sell as chcap as the cheapest. W. SV. DEXTER. ALSO GROCERIES of all kinds; such as, Teas, Sugars, Molasses. Raisina, CoflTee, Peppen, Spice, Fish, Candies, Tobacco, CigaTS &Cm Ac. And in fact kvf.iïything usnalty Ueptin such an estab!ihment(L]Q uok F.xctPTKDeonstanlly on hand and for sale cheap. W. W. ÜEXTER & Co. Df.xtkr, March 6, 1847 31 tl" nriOOLS. - Carpentei's, Goopcr's and ï Joincr's Tools for salo by !-Jl B. 13. & W. R. NOYIS Jr. T II R E S H I N G Machines. IMlbZ undorsigned would iniurm the public tliat he manulnctures llorse Powers and rhreshing Machines al Scio, oí a superior kind nvenied by himself. Theae Powers and Machines ore particularly idapted to the use of Farmers who wish to use hem lor threshing iheir own grsin. The pow:r, threBher and fixiures can olí be loaded into a ïoinmon sized wagon box and drawn wilh onO lair of horses. Thcy are designed to be used vith four horsc8, and are abundantly slrong for hat number, and may be safely used with six or ight norses with proper care. They work with essstrength ol horses according to the amount of msiness done thnn any other power, and wil! hresh generally about S00 bushels wheat per lay with four horses. In one instanee 158 mshels wlieat were threshed in three houra vith four horsc'S. This I'ower and Machine contain all the adrantages necessary to make them profitobleto he purchaser. They are strong and durable. - They are easilr moved from one place to anoth:r. The work of the borses is eosy on thtse owers in coiüparison to oitrers, and the price is LOWER thnn any other power and machine, ïave ever been sold in the Stote, according to the ■eal valtie. The terms of payrant will be libcal for notes that are known to be ubaolutely ood. I havn a number of Powers and Machine ïow ready for sale and persons wiahing to buy ire invited to cal! soon. SEPARATORS. I am pre pared to make Separators for thoss who may want them. The utility and advantages of this Power and Machine will nppear evident to all on examining 'he recommendations below. All persons are cautioned against making these Powers and Machines: the undersigned liaving adopted the necessary measures for securing letters patent fur the same wnhin the time required by law. S. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Mich.. June 18, 1346 RECOMMENDATIONS. During the year 1845, eaeh of the undemgned iHirchased and used either individually or jointly with others, one of S. W. Foster's newly invented Horse Powers and threshing machines, and believe they are botter adapted to the use of Farmers who want Powers and Machine; for r.heir own use than any other power and thresher within oufknowledgo. They are calculated co be used with four horses and are of ampie itrengih for that number. Thcy appear to be con8tructed in such a mnnncr as to render them' very durable with linie linbility of getting out of order. They are ejsily moved from one place to anoiher. Thcy can be worked with any numherofhünds from four to tight, and will ibresh fibout 200 bushels wheat prr day. J. A. POLflEMUS, Scio, Washtenaw co. G. BLOOD, " " T. RICHARDSON, " " SAMUEL HEALY, " " S. P. FOSTER, " " N. A. PHELPS, ADAM S.MITIJ, " m J M BOWEN'. Lima, WM. WALKER. Webster, " THOS WARREN, " U. SMALLEY, Locfi. " I threshed last fall vncl wintepw.'th one of 9 W. FostRi's hurse powers, more than fifteen thousand liusliel grain The repairs bestowed npon tlic power amonnted to onfy (5 cents, and it waa in good order when I had done threshin-g. I invariably used sijt horses. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June 6, TSlfi. I purchased one of S. W. Foster's hortw powers last fall and hare used it for jobbing. I liave used ninny difiêmi iinds of puwers and1 believe this is the best running power I hae ever scen. D. S. BENAKT. Hamburg. June, 184C. We purchased onp of S. W. Foster's Horse Powers Inst thl!, and have used itand think it is i first rate Power. JESSE HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HA LI,. Hnmburs:. June. 1846. 2CÍ)-tf TEETH! TEETHf! TEETHHÍ MASTICATION and Articulation, warranted by their being properlv repiaced. S. D. BURISIFT , will continue the practice of DENT1STRY in !1 its various branches, viz : Scaling. Filling, and Insertingon gold phites or pivots. from one to an entire sett. Old plates or misSts remodled, and made eqiial to new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson A Co.'s Shoe Store. Lidies who request it, can be waited on at their dwellings. N. B Cliarces unusually low. a id all kind of PRODUCE laken. Ann Arbor. Dec. 5. 1846. 293 tt Kettirned TAIEiORING. THE Subscriber is desirous of infornnng liis old customers and the public jenerally, tha he has located hiniself on Carnur's Corner, Northsideof tho squere, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fashion can be done ni a respectable and prompt martuer. P. S. CUTTING dons on the shortest notice and warranted to fit if proper I y made up. W. WILK1NSON. Ann Arlor, May 20, 1847. 317tf Öold reus, PRICE REDUCED. IT is adinttted bv all who se them, that Piquette'6 Gold Pens are equal if not superior toany everoffered in this matket. price g.2,50. For sale whulesale. and retail at the manONTCtory. Corner ot Jefferson Avenue & Griswold St., Detroit. 314-iyr Also for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arhor. READYMADE CL0THIÑG AT WUtoUsnU ov iActntl. THE subscribers have now on hand the bestassortment of Rcacly ITIadc Clothing, everoffered in this State. They have received and manulaclured n lrge addition to their Stock wilhin the pust slx weeks, and are fully prepared with 8easonabje and fashionable goods for the fall trade. Their assortment comprises every dcscription of eartnent from fir e OVER CO ATS, CLOAKS, BRESS SUITS, $c. $c. to the more substantinl and económica! garments for the farmer and laboring man. -ALSOA large assortment of Furnishing Goods. SUCH AS Fine &c Coarse Shirts, Uiuler-Garmenls, Hosicry, Collars, Bosoms, Stocks, Suspendere, &c. &c. Having greatly increosod iheir t'acilitics for manul'actuiing, they are beller prepared than heretofore for the WHOLESALE TRADE. I'urchasors at wlmlosale aie invited lo examine their Stoik, Thuir garmontc are uf good materials, wcll made. ol aaleable stzes and styles, and will bo ufl'ered n low ratcs. 'l'lianklui lor past favor, they solicit n conlinusnce of public pat- mnage, HALLOCK & RAYMOND, 3IB-tf Cor. Jcff'nA Wutdward Avenues.