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PROSPECTUS OF THE EDINBUUOII Q'-'ARTEllLY PHBEKGLOSiOAL JOURNAL AND MAGAZINE OF MORAL AND NTELLECTUAL SCIENCE. COMMENCING JANUARY, 1348. GÏOKGE COMBE AND ROBEKT COX, 1 DITORS. Volume One of the American Edilion. The many and earnest desiresejpressed by the lovers of 1'htenoUvey on thisside ol ihe Allaniie, nd the hope of fiill funtier advancing ihis great CMUte, his induced us tö puUieh an Aniencan ediii.m ot' this prolound and SCIENTTFÏC QUARTERLY. 1is chirrcior inri merita ncod bul liu'e comm-nr. fnrilier (lian thnt il mMM Ireii e m.e ol ihfi ablcBt ininds in Cnglnnd and Scolland, and baa lieen bcfore ihe puhlc more trmn twemy pnrs. it was the lirst serial puhlicalion ever CtfniBtciwedi dcvoieJ exclusiveiy to this important subject. GT.ORGE COMSfi, The liistingmshed [ihrenological wriier, is ita principn! comribvilor, nnd virtual conductor, li embodies all nrw discuver es, togeiher with oll of' inieresl whtefa apper;aiiiê to i'hrenological Kciente. MAG.VF.TISM II nlso advocüies, showing lts adkptminfl to mcdi cil icience, tn the relief "f human suffring. and tu lts (jtiier various and imporiant npplicatiuns. IUJMAN RIGHTS lt also urgeK. wiih nbüiiy and succes?, showinij the bvarings of this science of imnd 10 legislation. moral and politica! govcrument, as Well ns to individual self-control. The lirst nuniber will be embfllijhed with a beauliful portfail ol Mr Combe, and suhsequent numbtrs by other d)stlltgnlhed Phrenologists - Each nuniber will conlain 9 pages, and will ba issued rjinrteily as soon ns poesfbi afur the reception of the prooi" sheets, lt will be i fac pimiU of the original copy, aud willbe fuintsluc1 ■ i price ONTE THIRD LESS Titan tlie cojt of the foreign edilion; and will lie as follows: TKRMS, !S%ARÍAÜLt IÑ AOVANCE J Sitíale copy, one year, $2(11) Three Copies, " 5 (10 Ftve Copies, " P 0 Ten Copies, ' 15 00 SAMPLE MJMBER3 Will he f(trnitli"il to Agenls 8t coat. All suh ecn'uers will commence and close wilh the volimte. To receive attentiort. letters and order. must, in all cases be post tAtn, and directed to fowlers & Wells, Nn. Kil Nassau Street, N. Y. HOMCEOPATHY, BLACKWOOD fc ELDR1DGE, HOMiEOPATHtC PHYSICIANSj Office on Main si. opposite Crane's Block. TUIS FIRM, in presenting their caid to the public, solicit no mure favor, (han an enlightened community may adjudge iheir menta as p'iysicians to be deserving of. Sir.ce the niroduction of Homccopath)' in this village. it has bein cnnstamly gaihering hrtjrels in llie cure of disease, and winning the conrdcnce of all who have seen and feit iis superior effieacy over all other syíem8 ol medicine in healin the sicli ar.H restoring heahh. The same regard is shown 10 it wherever lis II ght is spread, liut we wiah to lel the community judge of the comparauvemerits of Homreopnthy and Alipathy - New School nnd Old School Medicine. Let Alipathy come with her leech, lancet, blister, eslomel. quinine.and all her ineirumems of torture: TIn n mark the bilis of tnortaliiy over her signature. - Look at the long list of dlseass, Biid by doclojs to be incurable Whnt a fearful per centum of the great varicty of inflatnmations has always proved fatal 1 Wh;it snfety tor the poor suffeiei in the midst of the malignaiit epidemics that gometimes scourge our race! [Jow luiilethe offorts of the Old School in the Chaiera, for in alance; or yelluw fcver. scarlet or typhus feveri congestions of the heail, lunss or abdominal vis cera; black tonfrue 01 erysipelas, Ae. But how different the resull undcr homocopaihictreatment. Her tables show that all these dideases are at once disarmed of their terrors. The great family of Chrontc Diseases, too, are for the most part radically cured by Homceopathy, as thousanís of living witnesses can bear tcgtimony. Many ot whom, like the woman in the Scriptures, had spentall their sulistance upon physicians for many years without relief until lliey had npplied o Homceopathy. And yet there are physiciana who affect to sneer at tvery thing like improvement in medicine, and shut their eyes against the light that would guide (hem in the art oí healing; holding fast to their idolp, they continually cry out, " gteat ij Diana of the Kphcsi'ins." But "by their fruitsye ehall know them." TuesJay of each week as far as possible, shall be set apnrt for the reoeption of pnttents. so that persona coming frotn a diwunce may nol find the office on that diy vncaM. Ann Arhor, ILMh Uec, 147. 348 H 8. BltOU , Altorncy f!{ Counselor at Law, ANN ARÍ5OR, MrCH. CFFICE wkh t. Hmf, Ebí. S9r-jy