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To The Subscribers Of The Signal Or Liberty

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Theodore Foster's article giving notice of the discontinuation of the Signal of Liberty. 

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With the issue of th'l number I sliall discontinue the puhlication of the Signal. Tlie five years for wliich Rev. G. lieckley and myself contracted in February, 1843 for its publication have now fully expired, and a clnnge in my pecuniary affiiirs, occasioned by the failure of a friend, nnd by olher causes, forbid me to en'er :nto nrrangements for its further continuance on my responsibiliiy. I hava elite! and publiihad the Signal from lts roramenccmpnt to the present time, aperiud of 354 weeks, witiiout auy intcrmission, and to sustnin it I have devotet! nlmnst seven of the best years of my üfe. 1 leave it now without regret. Il ha'! nccomplished good fur the cruise of the Slave, and fr the progrcss of Socieiy genpraüy. The question of Slavery, i:i same of is varied forms, is now bfing discussed in everv poütifal newspnper, and in every Süite and Territorial Legislatura from Maine to Oregon : wd in the Na'ional Legi.-l ilure iis ex'ension is the great question which keeps all ihe political elementa in commo'.ion, nnd wliich wijl sooner or Ínter brenk up and sc.itterexisting political organizations. Towards accomplihing ihin great work of bringing the subject of Slavery so promineritly before the public as to make it the paramount politica) question of the nation,the Signal, according to iis rneans, and the mensure of fts ability, has thus far contributed its sbare. Many ant'laverv friends, in different parts of ihe State, f rom tlie commencetnent of the S'gnal to this present day, lave been its steady supporters, and lajorrd eurneslly lo exterid ts circulation and usefulness. To all the.-e gentlemen feel under personal obligations ; ond not ïaving an opportuity to thank tliem peronnlly thfi}' wil! consider this cxression of rny feelings as addressed inlivjdually to thernselves. By the proceedings of the State Society, it wil! be seen that efficiënt mensures were taken fur ihe resumption of lie regular issue of the Signal in thron or four tvefcks under the auspicies of the State Society, or for the establishment of inother paper in its place, as soon as the necessary aira ngements can be períected. fan active and rigorous response be irnnediately given to tlie propositions of ihe State Society at this meeting, a Liberty laper will soon be in operation under circumstancesmore favorable fur efficiency and power than here'.ofore. When his takes place, all persons who have inid in advance will receive in the new ssue, the ful 1 number ofpnpers for whicli hty have paid. Or otheiwise they will je supplied by an antiilavery paper in another State. Persons indebted for tlie Signal will confer a favor on me by forwarding the amounts of my dues by mail to the usual address. An Agent, Mr. George Deli., will immediately commenoe a collecting tour through Iha State, and prosecute it lili all accounts nre settled. To facilítate him iti his lnborious jmrney, every person nwing is respeclfully requested to lay by at home the sum that may be due, thnt in case of his absence from home the Agpnt miy receive it. As my circutnstancfs are such that nn inimediate settlemcnt must be had, al! accounts not paid on presentalion by the Agent wil! be lef; for colloctiot,. TdliODüRE FOSTER. Feb. 5, 1848. The Washington correspondent oftlie N.Y. Journal of Commerce, thus speaks of Mr. Hale, and of the politicul course has marked out for liimself. "Mr. Hale, the ncw Senator from New Hampsbire, 'ia made his debut n the Sennie, nn'i in djnanner ihatattrncts universal aitention. Mr. Hale camelo the Senate as tlie represemative ofaprinciple, and il' nut a new principie, one iliat lew politicians hoi e have the rourage o maintain. The effect of Mr Hale's deinonstralion is Hecided. He will carry votes with hm - iho votc-s of tlmse who, entelaining the same opimons, have timidly waited for a leader. 1 am not sure that the sounding of this counter nole. at this time, will nol produce a good effect, lt will counter: act the ultrnitm of Mr. Cass and Air. Allen, and Mr. Dickinson and others, and wiil. in fart, tnake a seasonable and beneficia! diversión in (avor of the moderate and conservative portion of the Señale. Mr Hale is a young looking man, of florid complexión, and gooH person. (lis voice is fitll and rieh. but ratlier too loud, and wanting B rnodulntion, and his ulteranceis not sufücienlly delibérate. These delects he is young enougli to remeny. It is evident he ititends to give himsell prnctice lle pos.esses in nn eminent degree, the rare quality of courage of opin:on - a quality very esseuüal lo one who putshimself forward as the cliatnpion of important principies, and one i!;a alwavg commrtr.ds ndtnirntion."